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1、 7/7中信银行借款合同 篇一:中信实业银行个人购房借款合同编号:(20 )鄂银房贷字第号个人购房借款合同 (抵押加阶段性保证)借款人(即抵押人,以下简称甲方):身份证件名称及号码:住所:联系电话:邮政编码:共同借款人:身份证件名称及号码:住所:联系电话:邮政编码:贷款人(即抵押权人,以下简称乙方):中信银行行住所:联系电话:邮政编码:法定代表人/负责人:保证人(以下简称丙方):法定代表人:住所:联系电话:邮政编码:甲方、乙方和丙方依据中华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国担保法、中华人民共和国物权法等有关法律、法规,经平等协商一致,订立本合同。第一条借款金额21.1 本合同贷款金额为人民币(大

2、写,(小写) 。21.2 本合同贷款年利率为%,月利率(年利率/12)为%。本合同履行期间,贷款利率的调整采取以下第种方式:(1)浮动利率。本合同利率以合同签订日中国人民银行公布的同期同档次贷款基准利率%为基础,按照人民银行的利率政策,在基准利率的基础上,浮%或bps,即月利率为执行。执行浮动利率期间,贷款利率按照以下第种方式进行调整,调整后的贷款利率为利率调整日所适用的中国人民银行同期同档次的基准利率按照本合同约定方式进行浮动后所确定的利率,利率调整不再另行书面或口头通知甲方。a自借款合同签订日起,首次利率调整日确定为年月日,并从首次利率调整日后每 (1个月/3个月/6个月/12个月)调整一

3、次利率,利率调整日为首次利率调整日在调整当月的对应日, 调整当月没有首次利率调整日对应日的,则调整当月最后一日为利率调整日,调整后的贷款利率为利率调整日所适用的中国人民银行同期同档次的基准利率按照本合同约定方式进行浮动后所确定的利率。 b.自合同签订日起,中国人民银行基准利率调整日为本贷款利率的调整日。 (2)阶段性固定利率。自年月日至年月日期间,本合同贷款利率以中国人民银行公布的同期同档次贷款基准利率为定价依据,即月利率为执行,期间内利率保持不变。执行固定利率期限届满后,如甲方未主动提前提出继续执行固定利率的申请并获得乙方同意,乙方将以期限届满当日中国人民银行公布的同期同档次贷款基准利率为定

4、价依据,并根据届 时人民银行的利率政策及乙方公布的对应产品利率政策,确定该笔贷款的利率水平。执行浮动利率期间,首次利率调整日确定为年月日,并从首次利率调整日后每 (1个月/3个月/6个月/12个月)调整一次利率,利率调整日为首次利率调整日在调整当月的对应日,调整当月没有首次利率调整日对应日的,则调整当月最后一日为利率调整日,调整后的贷款利率为利率调整日所适用的中国人民银行同期同档次的基准利率按照本合同约定方式进行浮动后所确定的利率。 (3)固定利率借款合同履行期间,本合同贷款以中国人民银行公布的同期同档次贷款基准利率为定价依据,即月利率为执行,期间内利率保持不变。第二十一条具体约定前述各款项执

5、行浮动利率期间,如人民银行将来 不再发布贷款的基准利率,本合同相关条款中21.3 本合同贷示期限月,自月日起至年月日止。 21.4 丙方的账户名称和账号为:账户一名称:;账号:;开户行:。账户二名称:;账号:;开户行:。 21.5 甲方选择的还款方式为以下第种:(1)到期一次还本付息法。(2)按月等额本息还款法。还款日为每月日,还款总期数为期,每期还款本息为。 (3)按月等额本金还款法。还款日为每月日,还款总期数为期,每期还款本金为。(4)按单周或双周等额本息还款法。还款日为星期,还款周期为日,还款总期数为期,每期还款本息为。(5) 按单周或双周等额本息还款法。还款日为星期,还款周期为日,还款

6、总期数为期,每期还款本息为。 (6)等比递增还款法,还款日为每月日,还款周期数为期,递进周期为月,递增比例为%。如果进行利率调整或部分提前还款后导致递增比例不满足计算公式条件要求,还款方式将自动改为按月等额本息还款法。(7)等比递减还款法,还款日为每月日,还款周期数为期,递进周期为月,递减比例为%。如果进行利率调整或部分提前还款后导致递减比例不满足计算公式条件要求,还款方式将自动改为按月等额本息还款法。 (8)等额递增还款法,还款日为每月日,还款周期数为期,递进周期为月,递增金额为。如果进行利率调整或部分提前还款后导致递增比例不满足计算公式条件要求,还款方式将自动改为按月等额本息还款法。(9)

7、等额递减还款法,还款日为每月日,还款周期数为期,递进周期为月, 递减金额为。如果进行利率调整或部分提前还款后导致递增比例不满足计算公式条件要求,还款方式将自动改为按月等额本息还款法。(10)宽限期等额本息还款法。还款日为每月日,自贷款发放日至年月日前每月支付利息,自该日期起至贷款到期日止按月支付贷款本息元,还款期数为期。(11)宽限期等额本金还款法。还款日为每月日,自贷款发放日至年月日前每月支付利息,自该日期起至贷款到期日止按月支付贷款本金元及当月利息,还款期数为期。无论甲方选择上述第几种还款方式,利息均按照本合同约定计算。甲方在乙方开立还款账户,账户一名称:,账号:;账户二名称:,账号:。逾

8、期贷款罚息利率为合同利率的%,挪用贷款罚息利率为合同利率的%。 21.6 执行浮动利率提前还款违约金为。执行固定利率期间转换为浮动利率的违约金为。执行固定利率期间内,如果借示人申请提前还款,须支付违约金。已执行阶段性固定利率不满一年的,违约金比例为提前还款金额的 %; 已执行阶段性固定利率一年到三年的,违约金比例为提前还款金额的%;已执行阶段性固定利率三年到五年的,违约金比例为提前还款金额的 %。甲方提前还款应提前天向乙方提出申请,每年提前还款不超过次,每次提前还款时归还本金金额不得小于元,从贷款生效日起月之内不得提前还款。甲方可以选择以下第种方式自助提前还款,并遵守相关规定:(1)网上银行(

9、2)电话银行 (3)其他自助渠道:甲方申请自动提前还款并获乙方 同意的,按以下约定执行:自动提前还款扣款账户名称:,账号:。该账户最小保留余额为元,还款频次为。自动部分提前还款后按种方式重新计算还款计划: (1)到期日不变 (2)每期还款本息或本金不变甲方通过自助设备自助提前还款或约定自动提前还款的,以乙方计算机系统记录作为双方认可的还款依据及还款证据。 21.7 甲方贷款所购买并作为抵押物的房屋具体内容如下: (1)房地产坐落: (2)房屋类别: (3)建筑面积 (4)单价:(5)总价或评估价: (6)购房合同编号: (7)抵押率: 21.8 本人作为前述抵押房产的共有人在此承诺:同意将前述

10、抵押房产用于抵押,并同意接受篇二:中信银行个人借款合同英文翻译code no.: 741 china citic bank personal loan contract (version of 2012) china citic bank corporation china citic bank chengdu branch borrower (hereinafter referred to as “party a”address:_ _ _ lender (hereinafter referred to as “party b” mortgageraddress:_ _ _ accordin

11、g to the relevant laws and regulations of the contract law of the peoples republic of china, guarantee law of the peoples republic of china (guarantee law), and property law of the peoples republic of china (property law), party a, party b and the relevant guarantor sign this contract upon equal con

12、sultation. article 1 amount of loan the amount of loan is referred to article 15.1 under this contract. article 2 purpose of loan and payee (scope) 2.1 purpose of loan for this contract is referred to article 15.2. during the term of loan, party a promises the loan under this contract shall not flow

13、 into stock market, futures market, be spent on equity investment or projects that are forbidden by laws and regulations of other countries to operate, or party a shall take on any loss brought to party b. 2.2 the payee for this contract (scope) is referred to article 15.3. article 3 interest of loa

14、n 3.1 interest of loan is referred to article 15.4. 3.2 during the term of this loan contract, interest may be changed as prescribed by the peoples bank of china, the adjust method of loan interest rate is referred to article 15.4. article 4 term of loan 4.1 the term of loan is referred to article 1

15、5.5. article 5 release and payment of the loan 5.1 except one or more of the following conditions are exempted by party b, otherwise, the preconditions for party b to issue the loan is all the following conditions are met: 5.1.1 party a provides the loan application and certificates required by part

16、y b; 5.1.2 party a fulfills the application procedures of loan and guarantee required by party b; 5.1.3 party a signs required legal documents of loan application, with check and approval of party b; 5.1.4 party a fulfills and signs the other procedures and relevant documents required by loan releas

17、ing of party b, with check and approval of party b. loan fund should be paid in strict accordance with the appointment stipulated in article 5.3 under this contract. party a is not allowed to change the mode and arrangement of payment. 5.3 the loan fund should be paid by the method of entrusted paym

18、ent of party b. if party a applies for self-payment in particular cases, it shall need the verification and approval of party b. the specific appointment of the payment method is as follows: 5.3.1 entrusted payment of party b party a should apply for payment while using the loan, fill the appendix t

19、hree: payment authorization/application (suitable for the condition of bank entrusted payment). party b verifies whether the relevant transaction documents and certificates provided by party a are in conformity with the contract before the payment of loan fund. with the verification and approval of

20、party b, according to the payment entrustment of party a, party b shall deliver the loan fund that party a applies to pay to the account of party as trading object listed by party a in payment authorization/application(suitable for the condition of bank entrusted payment). 5.3.2 self-payment method

21、by party a upon application by party a, party b shall agree to adopt self-payment method is involved in one of the following situations: (1) party a cannot confirm detailed transaction object in advance and the amount is less than rmb three hundred thousand yuan; (2) the transaction object of party

22、b cannot valid use non-cash method for settlement; (3) loan fund used for production and operation and amount is less than rmb five hundred thousand yuan; (4) other situation regulated by law and regulation. if self-payment method is adopted, party a shall fill appendix four: self-payment applicatio

23、n with detailed application reason. upon checked and approved by party b, party a can use self-payment method to pay for loan fund. article 6 repayment of the loan 6.1 party a, based on relevant regulations of party b, shall select ways of loan repayment under article 15.6. 6.2 the party a shall pay

24、 off the principal, interest and other items in full prior to the stipulated due repayment day under this contract (details under article 15.6), by depositing one of any repayment account opened by party b (account name and account no. are given in article 15.7), and irrevocably authorizes party b t

25、o draw the funds receivable directly from the account above on the due repayment day. article 7 repayment in advance 7.1 if party a is able to pay off the loan ahead of time, it shall submit to party b the irrevocable loan repayment application and repayment plan. after checking and confirming that

26、party a has no delay of loan principal and interest and has paid off the current interest, party b will approve the repayment ahead application, then party a can repay the loan in advance. the interest repayable before repayment-in-advance day shall not be adjusted. 7.2 for repayment in advance, par

27、ty b can charge penalty to party a under refer to term 15.9 of this contract for details. 7.3 w ith party bs agreement, party a executes according to the convention of repayment in advance if party a automatically repay in advance. refer to term 15.9 of this contract for details. article 8 guarantee

28、 of loan 8.1 the guarantee type for the loan is specified in article 15.10. 8.2 scope of guarantee 8.2.3 expenses arising from realization of liability and guarantee right(including, but not limited to attorneys fees, assessment fee, auction fee, law suit fee, all-risk fee, travel expense etc.). 8.3

29、 mortgage guarantee 8.3.1 the mortgager voluntarily mortgages the property (guaranty for short in the afterward contents) in guaranty list- the attachment a of this contract, and agrees to be restricted by this contract. 8.3.2 the co-owner of the mortgaged property under this contract agrees to mort

30、gage the property and be restricted by this contract. 8.3.4 party b can exercise the mortgage right in case one of following situations happens: (1) party a fails to repay the due loan payable and/or other items payable based on this contract; (2) party breaches the contract, party b claims to take

31、back the loan in advance, and party b fails to be paid off or not fully paid off; (3) the mortgager breaches the contract by disposing the guaranty, or implements action enough to decrease the value of guaranty, and party b is refused of restoring the guaranty to original value or providing guarante

32、e, party b can exercise the mortgage right in advance. 8.3.5 party b can select any one of the following ways to realize the mortgage right: (1) discount of mortgage in agreement with mortgager; (2) auction of guaranty; (3) sale of mortgage;(4) other ways allowed by law. 8.3.6 the mortgager shall pr

33、ovide to party b the ownership certificate and other valid certification documents and relevant materials, after confirmation of party b, all documentation aforementioned shall be kept by party b. 8.3.7 under condition that party a pays off the total loan principal and interest, and in fulfillment o

34、f all items under this contract, the mortgage relationship shall terminate. 8.3.8 within the period of mortgage, the mortgager shall inform the party b in a written way all situations he knows or should know that have produced or may produce adverse impact on the guaranty 8.3.9 within the period of

35、mortgage, the entire guaranty shall be taken good care of by the mortgager, who as well responsible for repair and maintenance to make sure that the guaranty is all preserved well, and subject himself to the supervision and inspection from party b at any time. 8.3.10 within the period of mortgage, s

36、hould any decreases happen owing to the action of mortgager, party b has the right to request the mortgager to stop the action and restore the value or provide guaranty worth the equal value of the decreases within ten(10) days. 8.3.11 within the period of mortgage, without any written approval from

37、 party b, the mortgager shall have no right to dispose the guaranty (disposing way includes, but not limited to, transferring, renting, selling, donating the guaranty). 8.3.12 within the period of mortgage, any money got by transferring the guaranty based on the approval of party b shall be used for

38、 paying off the loan ahead of schedule or changed to fixed deposit for guarantee. 8.3.13 when party b and party a change the contract (including, but not limited to, amount of loan, term of loan, interest rate, type of interest settlement, type of repayment, period of repayment, repayment amount for

39、 each period), the mortgager is no need to be notified if responsibility of mortgager is not increased accordingly, and the mortgager is still bear the responsibility of guarantee. 8.3.14 within the period of mortgage, if party a and mortgager learn that the mortgaged house is to be displaced, they

40、should inform party b in written form on time. if they fail to do so, they should take the liability for breach of contract; if both parties and mortgager reach the agreement, party b has the right to choose one way of the followings to deal with the displaced house: (i) party a pays off the debts i

41、n advance; or (ii) mortgager should make new mortgage guarantee by the newly possessed house with party b as the mortgagee and sign a new mortgage agreement. before the previous mortgaged house is displaced and the newly set house is mortgage registered, party a should provide a new guaranty acknowl

42、edged by party b. (i) party a pays off debts ahead of schedule; or 编号:( )信银房贷字第号中信银行个人购房借款合同(抵押加阶段性保证) (2012版)中信银行股份有限公司借款人(即抵押人,以下简称甲方):身份证件名称及号码:居民身份证:住所:联系电话:邮政编码:共同借款人:身份证件名称及号码:居民身份证:住所:联系电话:邮政编码:贷款人(即抵押权人,以下简称乙方):住所:联系电话:邮政编码710061:法定代表人/负责人:保证人(以下简称丙方):法定代表人:住所:联系电话:邮政编码:甲方、乙方和丙方依据中华人民共和国合同法、

43、中华人民共和国担保法、中华人民共和国物权法等有关法律、法规,经平等协商一致,订立本合同。第一条借款金额 1.1贷款金额详见本合同第20.1条第二条贷款用途及支付对象2.1本合同项下贷款用于购买本合同第20.9条约定的房屋。在贷款期间,甲方承诺本合同项下贷款不以任何形式流入证券市场、期货市场和用于股本权 益性投资,不用于借贷牟取非法收入,不用于其它国家法律法规规定不得经营的项目,否则,甲方应承担由此给乙方造成的任何损失。2.2本合同项下支付对象为本合同丙方。第三条贷款利率 3.1甲方可在浮动利率或阶段性固定利率方式中选择一种,详见本合同第20.2条。 3.2在贷款期限内,甲方如欲将浮动利率变更不阶段性固定利率,或将阶段性固定利率变更为阶段性固定利率,或将阶段性固定利率变更为浮动利率,需提前向乙方提出书面申请,经乙方同意后执行。 3.3执行阶段性固定利率未满一年的,不得将固定利率变更为浮动利率,执行固定利率满一年后,甲方申请将阶段性固定利率变更为援利率的,应按本合同第208条的约定向乙方支付违约金。第四条贷款期限 4.1 贷款期限详见本合同第20.3条第五条贷款的发放和支付 5.1除非乙方豁免如下一项或几项条件,乙方发放本合同项下贷款的前提是以下条件得到全部满足。


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