1、感谢各位同学、同仁的光临!9/25/2022龙春林, KIB-CAS2006.10.31. 昆明民族植物学9/25/2022民族植物学小荷才露尖尖角Ethnobotany民族植物学,人文植物学民族植物学创立于1895年,但它是正在发展的一个跨学科研究领域,研究与探索人和植物之间全面关系的学科,是自然科学和社会科学相互渗透的学科。它在我国还处于发展初期,然而具有巨大的生命力,它的发展将对我国各民族、各地区的经济发展产生重要的影响。9/25/2022相关学科和领域众人拾柴火焰高民族生物学:Ethnobiology民族生态学:Ethnoecology民族药物学:Ethnopharmacology文化
2、人类学:Cultural Anthropology传统知识:Indigenous Knowledge生物多样性:Biological Diversity文化多样性:Cultural Diversity人类生态学:Human Ecology9/25/2022民族植物学的应用与发展任我行民族植物学研究人对植物的食物利用、药物利用、日常生计利用、经济利益、文化利用,以及植物对人和人类社会的影响民族植物学在发掘天然药物、天然美容化妆品和功能保健食品中正发挥越来越重要的作用新技术和手段的应用,推动学科发展和在国民经济及社会经济中的利用:药物化学,分子生物学,植物生物技术,保护生物学,植物遗传资源学9/2
3、5/2022Ottelia acuminata, wild edible aquatic plant occurring on Yunnan Plateau9/25/2022Arisaema erubescence & A. franchetiana, used as medicine and animal fodder9/25/2022芝加哥模式惟有源头活水来A World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Traditional Medicine, at the College of Pharmacy, University of I
4、llinois at Chicago (UIC).With 11 professors of pharmacognosy, UICs College of Pharmacy has the largest pharmacognosy group in the United States. It enjoys an international reputation as a center for the study of biologically active natural products. The groups stature stems in part from its plant ex
5、ploration and collection programs, focused on drug discovery, and its extraordinary success in isolating and identifying compounds from plants with high potential as candidates for drug development. 9/25/2022英国邱园模式挖出庄园“土财主”的“金元宝”The loss of local knowledge - be it about plants or anything else - is
6、one of the side-effects of globalization and rapidly changing societies. While this issue is recognized in the tropics, and is receiving a lot of attention from those concerned with development and the conservation of cultural and biological diversity, it is not the case here at home. The UK has lon
7、g been industrialized and ranks among the most developed of regions. Yet studies have shown that fragments of knowledge passed down through a long oral tradition still exist among older people. Its value increases the more it is lost as time passes.9/25/2022英国邱园模式一枝红杏出墙来African Wild Harvest is a col
8、laboration between the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and the UK Medical Research Council Resource Centre for Human Nutrition Research (HNR). It began in February 2002 and aims to bridge the fields of botany, nutrition, relief and development. Primer funding was provided by the Nestl UK Charitable Trus
9、t. The Sausage Tree(Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth.) Seeds roasted and eaten; Fruit used in beer fermentation; Used in traditional medicine African Cucumber(Momordica balsamina L.) Widespread throughout the dry tropics Wild food in Ethiopia and Sudan; Leaves, fruits and seeds eaten 9/25/2022Dr. Peter
10、 Raven的民族植物学情结外来和尚会念经,况“大佛爷”也?/bicentennial/bios/frontiers/bios_raven.htmlPeter H. Raven, an accomplished botanist, was born in Shanghai. He received a B.A. with highest honors from UC Berkeley (1957) and a Ph.D. from UCLA (1960). He was a National Science fellow in UK. He became the director of the
11、 Missouri Botanical Garden. An authority on plant taxonomy, especially of the fuschia family, he also made major contributions to the ethnobotany of Mayan Mexico, coevolution, and population ecology. He is the author of numerous books and articles including Biology of Plants. 9/25/2022Dr. Peter Rave
12、n荣获2000年度国家科学奖不知是否与我们的国家最高科技成就奖等同?奖金应该很高吧?/ebl/raven.htmPeter Raven Winner of National Medal of Science 2000EBL would like to congratulate Dr. Peter Raven as a winner of the National Medal of Science 2000. Dr. Raven has authored over 550 papers and books in numerous subjects, including ethnobotany.
13、Dr. Raven is the only National Medal Winner this year to have ethnobotany associated with his name in the National Science Foundations press release describing the winners. For more information on the National Medal Winners see: /od/lpa/news/media/2000/9/25/2022身边的故事现身说法11980年代中期,中国科学院云南热带植物研究所、昆明植物
14、研究所与日本山之内制药株式会社签署合作协议,日方提供150万美元,中方提供云南民间使用的药用植物的样品。该项目是两个研究所成立以来最大的国际合作项目。项目的主要实施者由民族植物学家、植物化学家组成。双方从该项目获益匪浅:中方装备更新、人才培养、学科影响;日方合作申报专利9/25/2022身边的故事现身说法2让民族植物学家寻找新资源的人们:韩国LG公司;英国P&G公司;奥地利55pharma New Drug Discovery AG;美国Ball园艺公司;日本植物园协会;国际茶花协会;9/25/2022几种资源植物一般人我不告诉他9/25/2022Ethnic people tradition
15、ally grow lacquer trees interplanted with upland food crops in swidden fields. During a 10-15 year fallow period, farmers can harvest various products from lacquer trees, including resin for selling or trading, leafy shoots for vegetable, pericarps for making wax, roots and leaves for pesticide, dry
16、 resin for medicine, and seeds for vegetable oil extraction. The ethnic people believe the lacquer tree is the most important crop in their community. 9/25/2022Alder (Alnus nepalensis), an important non-legume nitrogen-fixing plant species, widely occurs in the eastern Himalayas. In traditional agro
17、ecosystems of Asia, the alder is commonly used as a fallow tree, or intercropped with crops. There has been a growing concern about ecological and economical values of the alder which has resulted in far more interest in the utilization of this species.Multiple functions for sustainable agriculture
18、9/25/2022Grant supported by the MacArthur Foundation and UNEP地涌金莲9/25/2022圆穗蓼Polygonum macrophyllum当地名:rang qu根,水煎服清热解毒、止泻止痢大王马先蒿 Pedicularis rex当地名:a ra bura茎、叶、花,水煎服清热利尿9/25/2022青稞种质资源研究Genetic resources of Hordeum vulgare var. nudumTwelve landraces could be collected from the same upland barley f
19、ield.Over 40 traditional landraces of upland barley had been investigated from a single Tibetan village.9/25/2022研究进展红头瑶药浴植物研究独特性:药浴是一种传统疗法;有效性:用于滋补、皮肤病和妇科病等;妇女的权利:对于药浴植物的鉴定,采集,利用和销售都主要是妇女参与;多样性和新发现:纪录了110个种,其中6个种属于新纪录。9/25/2022 Red-headed Yao women are selling herbs used in medicinal baths on the m
20、arket day9/25/2022Herbs used in medicinal baths部分浴用草药Murraya tetramera Pratia nummularia Coptis chinensis Stall Senecio scandens9/25/2022研究进展滇中地区彝族药研究有效性:用于跌打损伤、胃肠道疾病和感冒等;多样性和新发现:纪录了115个种,其中25个种属于新纪录;实用性:为进一步的植物化学、药理学及临床研究寻找新药提供新资源9/25/2022民族植物学想说爱你不容易也曾辉煌:1987年,中国第一个民族植物学专门研究机构在昆明植物研究所正式成立;但国内缺乏经费支持我的1990:让我欢喜让我忧!2002年的第一场“雪”:民族植物学研究室被撤消;2006,我不想说:是耶,非耶?9/25/2022民族植物学我拿什么来拯救你野生食用植物资源研究;民族药用植物资源研究;民间观赏植物资源研究;传统植物遗传资源研究;研究方法和手段的创新:参与式方法、定量民族植物学方法、多样性指数分析方法;植物化学、分子
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