1、浙江师范大学 2011 入初试试题(A 科目代码科目名英适用专业: 055200 翻译专提示浙江师范大学 2011 入初试试题(A 科目代码科目名英适用专业: 055200 翻译专提示VocabularyandGrammar(30%,1.5po sDirections: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer t best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.
2、These small firms notlongagoinordertomeettheincreasingdemands for more electrical applianB.C.D.Mys decided to spend her hesuburbsofB.C.D.The matter is not to be watchedB.waitedC. taken D.trifled Attheimmortaltouchofthyhandsmylittleheartlosesitslimitsinjoyandgives birth to utterance .C.D.From the of
3、the negotiations, it was cleartitwouldbehardforthetwo sides to reach an agreement.B.C.D.hepast,atthemomentitisafavoritechoiceforweddingUnpopularhasaswhiteB.WhitehasbeenasC.UnpopularhasbeenasD.UnpopularaswhitehasAsthetrainwill notleaveuntil one hourlater, wegrababiteatthesnackmayB. just as C. might a
4、sD.asShe resorted to whenshehad nomoneyto buyfoods forher haveB.C.D.money,sheisquiterich.However,thisdoesnottsheisB.Aserms helightIt is withthecustomernottolettheshopassistantsguesswhatshereally likes and wants until the last moment.inher B.onherC.a ofD.an An institutiontproperlycarriesthenameuniver
5、sityisamorecomprehensive and complex institutionn any other kind of higher educationB.C.D.12. Jack is so tohisthenever hashisclothes A.B.C.D.13. I withtheBrownsduringmystayinNewYorkA.put B.put C. put D.put 12. Jack is so tohisthenever hashisclothes A.B.C.D.13. I withtheBrownsduringmystayinNewYorkA.p
6、ut B.put C. put D.put 14. Outsidemyoffice windowthereis a fireonthe A.B.C.D.15. Our civilization cannot be thought of as inashortperiodofA.to havebeen C.havingbeen B. to beD.beingHebut ve been killed thetimelyarrivaloftheB.exceptC.D.17.Theirhappinesswas A.B.C.D.18. Do you know Johnsons brother? He i
7、s nA.oreB.moreof aD.moreaC. moreof t was not time he us. I think its high time we strongactionsagainstA.betrayedC.hasbetrayedB.had betrayedD.hasbetrayed20. Before Mr. Smith became the head of the factory, our production ata snails pace.A.B.C.D.II. Reading Section1Multiplechoice (2sDirections: In thi
8、s section there are reading passages followed by multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark your answers on your ANSWER Passage There are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece. one most widely accepted today is based on the a ritual. The argument for this view
9、goes as follows.t drama evolved he beginning, human viewed the natural of the world, even the seasonal changes, as and they soughtThere are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece. one most widely accepted today is based on the a ritual. The argument for this view goes as follow
10、s.t drama evolved he beginning, human viewed the natural of the world, even the seasonal changes, as and they sought through various means, to control these unknown and Those measures which appeared to bring the desired results were then retained repeated until they o fixed rituals. Eventually stori
11、es arose explained or veiled the mysteries of the rites. As time passed some rituals were abandoned, but the stories, later called myths, persisted and provided material for art and drama.Those who t drama evolved out of ritual also t those containedtheseedoftheaterbecausemusic,dance,masks,andcostum
12、eswerealmost always used. Furthermore, a suitable site had to be provided for , when the entire community did not participate, a clear was usually n the “acting area” and the “auditorium”. In addition, there were performers, and, since considerable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in ena
13、ctment of rites, religious leaders usually t task. Wearing masks costumes, they often ated eople,animals, orsupernaturalbeings,and t or battle, the coming rain, the revival mimed the desired s the Sunas an actor might. Eventually such dramatic ions were Another theory the theaters origin from the er
14、est ling. According to this view, tales (about t, war, or other feats) gradually elaborated, through the use of ation, action, and by a narrator and then through the . A closely related theory mption of each of the roles by a theater to those t are rhythmicalandgymnastict areions of animal movements
15、 and21. What does the passage mainly discuss? 22. What aspect of drama does the author discuss in 23.WhichofthefollowingisNOTmentionedasacommonelementoftheaterand ritual? According to the passage, what is the main difference n ritual drama? A.Ritual Thepassagesupportswhichofthefollowingements? A. No
16、onePassage According to the passage, what is the main difference n ritual drama? A.Ritual Thepassagesupportswhichofthefollowingements? A. NoonePassage Historical developments of the past half century and the invention of modern munication and ion technologies have created a world Effectively the Ame
17、rican economy has died and been replaced by a world economy. In the future, there is no such thing as being an American manager. Evenho spends an entire management career in Kansas City is management. He or she will compete with foreign firms, buy from foreign firms, to foreign ,oracquirefinancingfr
18、omforeignThe globalization of the worlds capital s hepast10 years will be replicated right across the he next decade. e central to management. Without it managers are operating ignoranceandcannotunderstandwhatishappeningtothemandtheir Partly because of globalization and partly because of demography,
19、 the of the next century are going to be very different from those of the century. Most firms will be employing more foreign nationals. More n you and s will not be of the same nationality. Demography and l mores t white males e a small fraction of the work force women and minorities grow in importa
20、nce. All of these factors will require changes he traditional methods of managing the work force.In addition, the need to produce goods and servi at quality levels previously thought im sible to obtain in mass production and the spreading use of participatory management techniques will require a wor
21、k force with much levels of education and skills. Production workers must be able to do quality control; production workers must be able to do ime Managers are increasingly shifting from a “dont think, do what you are told” to “think,I amnot going lyou whatto do”style of This shift is occurring not
22、because todays managers are more nyesterdays managers but because the evidence is ly t the style of management is more n style of management. But This shift is occurring not because todays managers are more nyesterdays managers but because the evidence is ly t the style of management is more n style
23、 of management. But t problems of training and motivating the work force e centralandrequire differentmodesof In the word of tomorrow managers cannot be technologically regardless of theirfunctional tasks hefirm. Theyveto bescientists engineers inventing new technologies, but they have to be manager
24、s who understand when to bet and when not to bet on new technologies. If they dont understand is going on and technology es a black box, they will fail to the t those who do understand what is going on inside the black make.Theywillbelosers,not Todays CEOs are those who solved the central problems f
25、acing their companies 20 years ago. Tomorrows CEOs will be those who solve central problems facing their companies today. Sloan hopes to produce a generation of managerswhowill besolvingtodays andtomorrows problemsand because theysfulngso they etomorrowscaptainsofThe author suggests tamanger should
26、hold a viewD.lSpeakingoftheproblemsoftrainingandmotivatinglaborers,theauthorimp t laborersshouldkeepupwiththedevelopmentofmodernlaborerspaymoreattention to laborerswanttoadvancethereisaradicalanagements28.WhichofthefollowingementsisNOTA. Globalizationanddemographyleadtothedifferen of the last centur
27、y and those of the next century.ntheworkB. At present, white males make up only a small proportion of work for American firms.henextcentury,womenandminoritiesethe major part of heUnitedD. Theneedtoproducegoods and atqualitylevelspreviouslywillcallaworkforcewithmuchhigherlevelsof educationand 29.Byse
28、ntenceofParagraph7,theauthort A. managersshouldmastermodernB.managersshouldhavestotechnologicalC. managersshouldfocusonfunctionalD.managersshouldcooperatewith30. The opic of this passage is thenewconceptofthegreatshiftofmanagementtheD.managersshouldcooperatewith30. The opic of this passage is thenew
29、conceptofthegreatshiftofmanagementthequalitiesofmanagersforthe21stthetechnique ofmodernmanagementof Section 2 Answering questions Directions: Read the following passage and then answer IN the questions which follow the passage. Use only information the passage you have just read and write your answe
30、r your ANSWER SHEET.he corresponding space Questions 31-It is no surprisetanyonecouldbeinsanewhowouldwishtomurderaConservativePrimeMinister.Neitherwaslaught opularwiththeChurch.ThePuritansinparticularlookeduponit withdisdainandpermitteditonlywhenitservedtoillustrateamorallesson.SigmundFreuddistingui
31、shedbet nmalignandbenignlaughter.Laughterwas pathology. An ex le of benign humor is where amasters unfortunate or unpleasantsituationsbyturningthemaround and making a joke of them.the sparkling wit of Oscar Wilde to the crudity of the drinking-club blue joke.opinion the ethnic joke is fairly low on
32、the totem pole. The object of these jokes is to highlight suped negative characteristicsgroup, e.g.is always stu. Of course this does not meanquicksuc WHALE, OIL, BEEF, HOOKED.ttpsychological factoropingpsychologicalfactor chasasenseofhumor,whichwilllessenanddeflatestress andten ,mus vea itiveeffecton Althoughitremainstobeunambiguouslydemonstrated thumorisgoodforyour health,thereisnodoubt titenhan thequalityoflife.Therearefewmoreopinionofmymusingsonthi bjectismorefavorable nDr.SamuelJohnsonsreplyto anauthorwhohadsenthimhismanuscriptforreviewYourmanuscriptisbothgood and original;
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