



1、两分钟的演讲稿2 篇thinking is an ability owned by human being but not by animals.this is the difference between human being and animals.it is by thinking that man can make tools,it is by thinking that people can have language, it is through thinkingthat people canhave new ideas, opinion. it is with thinking

2、 that we have feelings.thinking is a magic thing.it can make us feel happy or sad.if you feel you are happy , youll be happy although youhave not much money.if you think you can do something well,you wiil surely do it well.thatt why we are told we should believe in oruselves.thinking is also somethi

3、ng that make us fel strange, sometimes the more you think of something, the leyou can think of .but when you stop thinking about it , you can alwaysfind some new idea suddenly, that is the very thing through whichsome scientist invent something new. do you have such kind of thinking?下午好,我是 xx 区 xx 小

4、学 xx 班的 xx-x ,我很荣幸能站在这里进行新民晚报的小记者面试。1首先,我来介绍一下自己 !我呢,是个双重性格。 我文静的时候,就会乖乖的坐在课桌前看书,可我活泼起来的时候,却动个不停。每当一下课,我就会跑到外面走廊上,去跳绳,玩游戏。每当星期六、星期天,我就会央求爸爸陪我打羽毛球,或是到郊外爬爬山,呼吸呼吸新鲜空气。人们说我是一个外向、 大胆的女孩,的确是这样。我呀,就是站在全世界人面前发言,也丝毫不会害怕、胆怯。接下来,就介绍介绍自己关于学习方面的事吧 ! 我现在担任学校大队委,也是语文课代表。 喜爱看课外书的我,时常出现在图书馆门口。记得有一次, 我从图书馆里借了 5 本书,结果

5、在第二天的下午就看完了,当我再次来到了图书馆换书的时候,那儿的管 -理 - 员看了问我:“小妹妹,这些书你那么快就看完了 ! ”我点点头。瞧,这就是我,一个既文静又可爱的我 ;这就是我,一个酷爱看书的我 !但是,这样的我有一个小小的愿望,那就是希望能当上小小记者 !两分钟的英语两分钟的演讲稿(2) |illtellyouanexperienceof myselfhappenedlastweek.lastthursdayourschoolwastacklingsomethingaboutwokingfoustudy. iwanted to have a try even though i kne

6、w the salary was so lowand ihadlittle chance,becausethestudentswhohadthecertificate were always thought to have priority to get the job.fortunately i was called at noon and a teacher said to me thatshe wanted me to work for her and asked if i could change my2mind.atthatmomentiwassoexcitedthatimmedia

7、telyiacceptedheridea.butlateron,shefoundmethatimnotastudent,so i had little chance and suggest me to get one. thenan idea occurred to me that i could call my father and ask himto send me the letter. at the same time i was told that i wasadmitted to the job and dont need the certificate. that time if

8、orgot to remind my father,until the next day he called me thathehadposteditandit wouldarrive in just one day. atthatmoment i was moved, and even moved into tears, because iknewmyfatherwas injurednotlongbefore,theprocessofhelping me with the affairs was not so convenient for him. buthetriedhis bestto

9、 helpme.sometimeswemaycomplainabout unsatisfying things around us,and blame them on ourparents,sometimes theyll be angry with us, and sometimes wecantquite understandwhat they are thinkingabout. butonbalance, almost every parent is selfless to his or her child. theyarereadytooffereverythingtouswhenwe areinbadsituation.weusedtosharingsorrowwiththem,butdonotforget to share our happiness with them, perhaps they will


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