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1、天津市高中毕业班质量调查测试英 语 试 题说明:本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。考试时间120分钟。第一卷(三部分分,共1155分)第一部分:听力力(共两节,满满分30分)第一节(共5小小题;每小题题15分,满满分75分分)听下面5段对话话。每段对话话后有一个小小题,从题中中所给的A、BB、C三个选选项中选出最最佳选项,并并标在试卷的的相应位置。听听完每段对话话后,你都有有10秒钟的的时间来回答答有关小题和和阅读下一小小题。每段对对话仅读一遍遍。1What does the wwoman suggeest too the man?AHe shhould stud

2、yy the nightt befoore hiis claassBHe shhould go too bed laterrCHe shhould get mmore ssleep the nnight beforre hiss classs2What does the wwoman mean?AIts extreemely hot ooutsiddeBThey shoulld havve egggs forr suppperCThe ffood sshouldd be kkept wwarm3What does the wwoman say aabout the bbook?AShe bbo

3、ughtt it aalreaddyBShe hhas fiinisheed reaading itCShe tthoughht it was iintereestingg4Whats thee mans opiinion on Viictors houuse?AIt iss bothh cheaap andd comffortabbleBIt iss expeensivee but not ccomforrtablee at aallCIt iss goodd but costss too much5Whats thee relaationsship bbetweeen thee two s

4、peakkers?ATeachher annd stuudentBDoctoor andd patiientCBrothher annd sisster第二节(共155小题;每小小题15分分,满分2225分)听下面5段对话话或独白。每每段对话或独独白后有几个个小题,从题题中所给的AA、B、C三三个选项中选选出最佳选项项,并标在试试卷的相应位位置。听每段段对话或独白白前,你将有有时间阅读各各个小题,每每小题5秒钟钟;听完后,各各小题将给出出5秒钟的作作答时间。每每段对话或独独白读两遍。听第6段对话,回回答第677题。6Whichh langguage is thhe womman leearni

5、nng?AChineese BJaapanesse CFFrenchh7What will the mman annd thee womaan do at thhe endd of tthe coonverssationn?AGo too a Jaapanesse lessson ttogethherBPracttise ssome JJapaneese diialoguues toogetheerCGo annd buyy somee Japaanese bookss听第7段对话,回回答第899题。8How ddoes JJudy sspend most of heer timme aftt

6、er scchool?ASwimmmingBPlayiing taable ttennissCPlayiing coomputeer gammes9What will Jack do thhis affternooon?ASwim and pplay ccomputter gaamesBPlay compuuter ggamesCStudyy and do acctivitties听第8段对话,回回答第1012题。10Wherre doees thiis connversaation most probaably ttake pplace?AOn a planee BIn a trainn C

7、CAt tthe aiirportt11Whatts thee womaan?AA sciientisst BAn enginneer CA tteacheer12Who is gooing oon holliday?AThe wwoman BThhe mann CNeiither of thhe twoo听第9段对话,回回答第1316题。13Whatt doess the man tthink of gooing sshoppiing?AIts interrestinngBIts borinngCIts sometthing that he woould llike tto do14Why

8、does the wwoman ask tthe maan to go shhoppinng witth herr?AHe caan hellp herr chooose whhat too buyBShe iis nott usedd to ggoing shoppping aaloneCThey oftenn go sshoppiing toogetheer15Whatt did they buy wwhen tthey wwent sshoppiing laast tiime?ASo maany thhingsBSometthing the wwoman needeedCNothiing

9、16Whatt willl the man ddo at last?AHe wiill sttay att homee watcching TVBHe wiill goo shoppping alongg withh herCHe wiill goo shoppping alonee听第10段独白白,回答第11720题题。17Whenn did the ttraffiic acccidentt takee placce?AAboutt 6 oclockk BBAbouut 7:330 CAboutt 7:00018Who was kkilledd in tthe trrafficc accii

10、dent?AMiltoon Greeen BFrankk Milller CJack Smithh19Wherre didd the fire breakk out?AAt thhe corrner oof No104 HHighwaayBAt thhe corrner oof thee 4th HighwwayCAt thhe corrner oof thee 4th Streeet20Wherre didd peopple leearn tthe neews?AFrom the nnewspaaperBFrom the rradio broaddcastCTold by soomebodd

11、y第二部分:英语语知识运用(共两节,满满分45分)第一节:单项填填空(共155小题;每小小题1分,满满分15分)从A、B、C、DD四个选项中中,选出可以以填入空白处处的最佳选项项。21I hhear tthat aas manny as 150 ppeoplee weree killled inn the earthhquakeeYes,_ newss camee as _ shoock too usAthe;tthe BBthe;a C不不填;不填 D不填;a22Somee of tthe whheat ccame ffrom CCanadaaHow aboutt _?Aanothher B

12、thee otheers Cthee otheer Dthe rrest23Cann Li HHua heelp mee withh my EEnglissh?I regrret too telll you her EEnglissh is _ yooursAas goood ass Bno moore thhanCnot bbetterr thann Das much as24Cann you give me thhe rigght annswer?Sorry,I _Wouldd you repeaat thaat queestionn?Ahadnt lisstenedd Bhavvent

13、lissteneddCdontt listten Dwassnt lissteninng25I prromiseed to get tthere beforre 5 ooclockk,but now tthe raain iss pourring ddownTThey _ forr me iimpatiientlyyAmay wwait Boughtt to wwaitCcouldd waitt DDmustt be wwaitinng26You shoulldnt keeep sillent wwhen _Aspeakking BBspokken too Csppoken Dspeakkin

14、g tto27I woould llove _ to the ccinemaa lastt nighht,butt I haad to look afterr my ssick ssisterr at hhomeAto goo Btoo havee gonee Cgoingg Dhavving ggone28Thiss bookk is ssaid tto be a speecial one,wwhich _ maany evvents not ffound in otther hhistorry boooksAwritees Bcoovers CCprinnts Drreads29Didd

15、you enjoyy the book?Yes,itt was so innteressting that I couuld haardly _ ittAget rrid off Bbrreak aaway ffromCkeep away from Dtearr myseelf awway frrom30You have not yyet annswereed my questtion _ I ccan jooin inn the partyy toniightAwhethher Biff CCwhicch Dthhat31Imm too busy to goo to tthe ciinema

16、 with you,JJohn_ Thee filmm is ssaid tto be a verry goood oneeAThats alll righht BIm so sorryyCWhat a shaame! DItt doessnt mmatterr32It sseemedd onlyy secoonds _ theey camme bacckAwhen Baftter CCbefoore Dttill33I aam sorrry I didnt do a goood jobbNever mind_,yoou havve triied yoour beestAAbovee all

17、BIn alll CAAt alll DAAfter all34The Yelloow Rivver,_ to bbe “the mmotherr riveer”,runss acrooss Chhina llike aa hugee draggonAsayinng Bto saay CCsaidd DDbeinng saiid35Whicch do you eenjoy _ yoour weeekendds,fisshing or waatchinng TV?Aspendding Bto sppend Cbbeing spentt Dspendd第二节:完形填填空(共200小题;每小小题15

18、分分,满分300分)阅读下面短文,掌掌握其大意,然然后从3655各题所所给的四个选选项(A、BB、C和D)中,选出最最佳选项。MrGrayy travvelledd a loot on businnessHHe solld macchiness of vvariouus kinnds too farmmers,wwhich he thhoughtt not reallly a vvery _36_ job,but MMrGraay hadd alwaays beeen innteressted iin _337_,aand hee was quitee satiisfiedd withh hi

19、s lifeHe had a bigg _388_,annd usuually enjoyyed drrivingg it llong ddistannces,bbut hee was also quitee _399_ too go bby traain soometimmes toooespecciallyy whenn the weathher waas _440_HHe wass a liittle frighhtenedd of ddrivinng in the rrain oor snoow,andd it wwas _41_ tirinng to sit ccomforrtabl

20、yy in aa traiin andd lookk out of thhe winndows withoout beeing wworrieed aboout hoow onee was goingg to gget too the next placeeOne of MrGrrays _42_ wass ofteen wheere too stayy whenn he rreacheed somme smaall _43_ in thhe couuntryHe diid nott expeect _44_ and wwonderrful ffood,bbut hee founnd it a

21、nnoyying(恼恼火的)whhen hee was givenn a coool rooom,annd wheen theere waas no hot wwater _45_ goood foood aftter a long and ttiringg dayLate onne winnter eeveninng,MrGray arrivved att a smmall rrailwaay staationThe jjourneey by trainn thatt _466_ haad nott beenn at aall innteressting,and MMrGraay wass

22、coldd and tiredd and _47_He was llookinng forrward to a _48_ butt satiisfyinng meaal by a briightlyy burnning _49_,and tthen aa hot bath and aa comffortabble beedWhile hhe wass walkking tto thee taxii stannd,he said to a locall man who wwas allso _50_ theree,“As thhis iss my _51_ visitt to tthis ppa

23、rt oof thee counntry aand I was iin tooo muchh of aa hurrry to find out aabout hotells beffore II _522_ hoome,I wouldd veryy muchh likee to kknow hhow maany yoou havve herre”The loccal maan anssweredd,“We haave twwo”“And whhich oof thee two wouldd you _53_ me to goo to?”MrGrray assked tthenThe locca

24、l maan scrratcheed(搔)hhis _54_ for aa few momennts annd theen anssweredd,“Well,its likke thiis,_555_ oone yoou go to,yooull bee sorrry youu didnnt go to thhe othher”36Abaad Bhaard Cddisapppointiing DDexciiting37Afaarmingg Bggardenning Ctraveellingg Ddriiving38Ataaxi Bpplane Ccar Dboat39Asaatisfiied

25、Btiredd Cexccited Denncouraaged40Acoold Bhhot Cccool Dbad41Amoore Bleess Cmmuch Dsso42Aprroblemms Bqquestiions Cpurpooses DDjobss43Arooom Breestaurrant Chotell DDplacce44Aplleasurre Bcomfoort Cquiettness Dpeaace45Aorr Baand Cbbut Dnnor46Atiime Bdday Cwweek Dmooment47Acrross Bthirssty CCsleeepy DDhun

26、ggry48Alaarge Bssimplee Crich Dwondeerful49Afiire Bcandlle Coil Dlightt50Asttayingg BBwalkking Cssittinng Dworrking51Alaast BBbestt Cffirst Donlly52Aleeft BBretuurned Cwent DDmisssed53Awaant Badvisse Calllow Dpermiit54Ahaand Barm Cheaad Dbback55Awhhichevver BBwhattever Caany Deach第三部分:阅读读理解HTTSS(共共2

27、0小题;每小题2分分,满分400分)阅读下列短文,从从每题所给的的四个选项(A、B、CC和D)中,选选出最佳选项项。ATake a rapidd lookk at ssomeonne,theen loook awaayDo you rrealizze youu havee madee a sttatemeent?Hoold thhe glaance ffor a seconnd lonnger,aand yoou havve madde a ddifferrent sstatemmentHHold iit forr threee secconds,and tthe meeaningg has

28、changged aggainFFor evvery ssociall situuationn,therre is an alllowedd timee thatt you can hhold aa perssons loook witthout beingg closse,rudde or dangeerousIf yoou aree on aa liftt,whatt starre timme aree you permiitted?To annswer this questtion,cconsidder whhat yoou speeciallly doYou vvery llikely

29、y givee otheer passsengeers a quickk lookk to jjudge of thhem annd to let tthem bbelievve thaat youu meann no hharmSSince beingg closse to anothher peerson suggeests tthe poossibiility of coommuniicatioon,youu needd to ggive aa signnal teellingg otheers yoou wannt to be leeft alloneSSo youu cut off

30、eeye coontactt(接触),what DrErrving Goffmman(19963)caalls “a dimmming of thhe ligghts”You look down at thhe flooor,att the lift door,or annywherre butt intoo anotther ppassenngerss eyessIf yyou brreak tthe ruule aggainstt starring aat a sstrangger onn a liife,yooull maake thhe othher peerson graduuall

31、y uncommfortaable,aand yoou aree likeely too feell a biit strrange yoursselfIf you hold eye ccontacct forr moree thann 3 seecondss,whatt are you ttellinng anoother persoon?Mucch deppends on thhe perrson aand thhe sittuatioonForr insttance,a mann and a womman coommuniicate interrest iin thiis mattter

32、TThey mmay loook att eachh otheer forr abouut 3 ssecondds at a timme,theen droop theeir eyyes doown foor 3 ssecondds,beffore llettinng theeir eyyes meeet aggainBBut iff one man ggives anothher maan a 33-seconnd-plus staree,he ssignalls,“I knoow youu”,“I am interrestedd in yyou,”or “You llook sstrang

33、ge andd I amm curiious aabout you”This type of sttare ooften produuces uunfrieendly feeliings56We ccan leearn ffrom tthe fiirst pparagrraph tthat _Aeveryy glannce haas itss meanningBstariing att a peerson is ann exprressioon of interrestCa glaance llongerr thann 3 seecondss is uunacceeptablleDa glaa

34、nce ccarriees morre meaaning than wordss57If yyou waant too be lleft aalone on a lift,the bbest tthing to doo is _Ato loook innto annotherr perssons eyees honnestlyyBto avvoid eeye coontactt withh otheer passsengeersCto giive a signaal thaat youu are not ddangerrousDto keeep a distaance ffrom oother

35、 passeengerss58By“aa dimmming oof thee lighhts”,DrEErvingg Gofffman mmeans“_”Aclosiing onnes eyees Bturrning off tthe liightsCstoppping sstarinng at otherrs DDreduucing staree timee to tthe leeast59The passaage maainly discuusses _Athe llimiteed timme of eye ccontacctBthe ppassinng of ideass throoug

36、h eeye coontacttCpropeer mannners in diiffereent soocial situaationssDthe rrole oof eyee conttact iin intter-persoonal ccommunnicatiionBRecent reseaarchess showw thatt Hongg Kongg is sstill “the bbest pplace to doo busiiness” and most foreiign innvestoors(投资资者)sayy thatt theyy wantt to iincreaase in

37、nvestmment aand coontinuue bussinesss afteer thee handdover on Juuly 1It is rreportted thhat 933% of the BBritissh commpaniees willl stiill bee operratingg in tthe yeear 20000 annd 70% willl add to thheir bbusineessOnnly 7% saidd theyy are unsurreMosst Briitish compaanies belieeve thhat affter tthe

38、haandoveer thee busiiness will at leeast rremainn unchhangeddBrittain iis so far tthe laargestt inveestor in Hoong Koong wiith ann inveestmennt of $40 bbillioon,folllowedd by JJapan with $1433 billlion aand thhe Uniited SStatess withh $12 billiionThe Briitish Senioor Traade Coommisssionerr in HHong

39、KKong ssaid tthat aafter the hhandovver Hoong Koong woould bbe a pplace full of oppportuunitiees(机会)Likee the Britiish,thhe Ameericann comppaniess alsoo thinnk Honng Konngs retturn tto Chiina iss not an innterruuptionnIt iis saiid thaat theey inccreasee theiir invvestmeent booth inn Hongg Kongg and

40、on thhe maiinlanddAbouut 95% of AAmericcan coompaniies wiill coontinuue theeir innvestmment iin Honng KonngA JJapaneese offficiaal in Hong Kong said that the hhandovver iss a grreat aaffairr eithher too the Asia-Paciffic arrea orr to tthe whhole wworld and tthat JJapan belieeves ffirmlyy in tthe raa

41、pidlyy growwing ttrade betweeen thhemA schoool wass set up eaarlierr thiss yearr for childdren oof thoose Jaapanesse worrking in Hoong Koong ass theiir nummber kkeeps growiingResearcches sshow tthat tthe nuumber of fooreignn comppaniess operratingg in HHong KKong hhas beeen onn a fiirm riiseItts bel

42、lievedd thatt Hongg Kongg has been,and wwill ccontinnue too be,aa winddow foor Chiina(rreportted onn May 20th,1997)60Accoordingg to tthe paassagee,whatts goiing onn withh Hongg Konggs bussinesss?ANo chhangess havee takeen plaace inn Hongg Kongg receentlyBGreatt channges wwill ttake pplace when it is

43、s handded ovver too Chinna sooonCMost businnessmeen aree takiing baack thheir iinvesttmentDEveryythingg goess on wwell wwith tthe buusinesss in Hong Kong61Whatts thee opinnion oof thee Amerrican compaanies?AThe hhandovver wiill keeep Hoong Koongs bussinesss fromm deveelopinngBAboutt 5% oof theem wil

44、ll stiill bee operratinggCHong Kongs retturn tto Chiina wiill noot stoop forreign invesstmentt fromm goinng inDHong Kongs retturn tto Chiina iss agaiinst AAmericcan innteressts62It ccan bee seenn cleaarly tthat HHong KKong _Aplayss a veery immportaant paart inn the worldds traadeBwill get lless iinv

45、esttment from foreiign coompaniiesCwill increease iinvesttment on thhe maiinlanddDhas aan unccertaiin futture63Whatt doess the thirdd paraagraphh mainnly teell uss abouut Jappan?AJapann thinnks thhe hanndoverr is aalso aa greaat eveent too JapaanBJapannese sset upp a scchool for ttheir childdren iin

46、 Honng KonngCMany Japannese aare woorkingg in HHong KKong nnowDJapann is ssure oof Honng Konngs briight ffutureeCQuestioon IteemsNewMiddleSStandiingVeterann1.Showss a seense oof hummor inn classs4256702.Explaains cclearlly3358683.Teachhes inn a reelaxedd(轻松)mannner3046654.Writees neaatly oon thee bl

47、acckboarrd943565.Lets pupills askk quesstionss in cclass1830476.Makess checcks inn noteebookss2230437.Speakks louudly aand cllearlyy4585548.Treatts alll pupiils eqquallyy4358429.Caress abouut puppils opiniions47431710.Spennds tiime wiith puupils betweeen cllassess2510664As ffor Quuestioon Iteems _,p

48、upiils evalluatioons(评价价)can be saaid too risee at aa steaady raate(比率率)as ttheir teachhers expeeriencce inccreaseesA1 andd 4 B33 and 5 C6 aand 8 DD9 annd 1065In ccontraast(对比比)to tthe neew teaacherss,the middlle-standding aand veeterann teacchers seem to haave maade a remarrkablee(显著的)improovemennt

49、 in theirr abillity tto _Abe faair too any pupill BBevalluate pupills proggressCpreseent maateriaals cllearlyy Dundderstaand annd plaay witth puppils66Pupiils seeem too regaard thhe neww and the mmiddlee-standding tteacheers ass beinng morre _ than the vveteraansArelaxxed inn classs Binterrestedd in

50、 ppupilss ideaasCneat in apppearaance Dsskillfful att expllaininng67Accoordingg to tthe taable,wwhich of thhe folllowinng is rightt?AIn thhe neww teacchers classses,ppupilss seemm to aask quuestioons moore frreelyBPupills seeem to be quuite ssatisffied wwith tthe ammount(量)of time theirr teacchers s

51、pendd withh themm betwween cclasseesCThe eevaluaation of thhe midddle-standding tteacheers iss loweer thaan thaat of the vveteraans inn seveen iteemsDThouggh vetteranss do nnot pllay gaames wwith ppupilss duriing brreaks,theirr teacching is raated hhighlyyD(1)Amerrica sstarteed thee Inteernet Revoll

52、utionn,but it iss my bbelieff thatt it ccannott finiish ittInsttead CChina will finissh itAmeriica iss a veery olld couuntry,over 200 yyears old,aand soo it hhas maany prrejudiices(偏偏见)andd habiits thhat deefy loogic(不合逻辑的的习惯)FFor exxamplee,Amerrica iis thee onlyy counntry tthat sstill does not uuse

53、 thhe mettric ssystemm(米制)Becauuse off suchh prejjudicees andd habiits,Ammericaa cannnot fiinish the IInternnet Reevoluttion(2)(3)Todaay,Ameerica is liike thhe Briitain of thhe 19tth cenntury and CChina is liike thhe Ameerica of thhat tiimeThhe symmbol(标标志)of succeess foor toddays Ameriica iss Silii

54、con VValleyy(硅谷)Theree,compputer entreepreneeurs(企企业家)caan beccome bbillioonairees beffore tthey tturn 330Howwever,Ameriican ssocietty doees nott acceept thhese nnewly rich,prefeerringg to ccall tthem “compuuter ggeeks(艺人)”Besiides,AAmericcan coompaniies doo not respeect thheir fforeiggn empployeees

55、Chineese grraduatte stuudentssTheyy thinnk of thesee workkers oonly aas toools(4)Althhough Chineese sttudentts stiill deesire to goo to tthe Unnited Statees,onee day,as thheir hhome ccountrry beccomes richeer,theey willl wannt resspect more than moneyy(5)Chinna is the wworlds youungestt econnomic(经济

56、)poower,ffilledd withh greaat hoppe aboout thhe futture,wwhich meanss thatt it llacks prejuudicess and is abble too adappt to(使适合)nnew teechnollogy qquickllyA CChinesse commpany can instaall thhe lattest ccomputter muuch moore chheaplyy thann an AAmericcan coompanyy(6)Chinnese aalso rrespecct enttre

57、preeneurss and compuuter eengineeers,bbut Ammericaans thhink iit is “uncoool” to kknow hhow too workk the compuuterEEvery Chineese sttudentt lovees thee compputerZhonggguanccun,Chhinas Sillicon Valleey,is quickkly beecominng anoother heartt and centeer of Chineese soocietyy68The titlee of tthis ppas

58、sagge is _AThe PPrejuddices from AmeriicansBThe CChinas FuttureCChinaa Willl Rulee the InterrnetDThe LLife oof Chiinese Graduuate SStudennts inn the USA69The writeer forreseess thatt _AZhonggguanccun iss becooming the hheart and ccenterr of CChinesse soccietyBChinaa willl be tthe woorldss younngest

59、econoomic ccountrryCgoodss madee in CChina will be off highher quualityy thann thosse madde in AmeriicaDas Chhina bbecomees riccher,mmore aand moore grraduatte stuudentss abrooad wiill reeturn to thheir mmotherrland70Whicch of the ffollowwing hhas moost prrobablly beeen disscusseed in the pparagrrap

60、h(22)?AThe UUSA inn the Indusstriall RevoolutioonBThe BBritaiin in the IIndusttrial RevollutionnCPrejuudice of thhe Briitain againnst teechnollogy pprevennting Britaains devvelopmment aand thhe USAA finiishingg the Indusstriall RevoolutioonDThe ddifferrent oopinioons beetweenn the USA aand thhe Brii


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