1、北京市西城区2010年抽样测试高三英语试卷 本试卷卷分第一卷(选择题)和和第二卷(非非选择题)两两部分。共1150分。考考试时间1220分钟。第一卷(三部分分,共1155分)第一部分:听力力理解(共两两节,满分330分) 第一节节(共5小题题;每小题11 5分,满满分75分分) 听下面面5段对话。每每段对话后有有一道小题,从从题中所给的的A、B、CC三个选项中中选出最佳选选项。听完每每段对话后,你你将有10秒秒钟的时间来来回答有关小小题和阅读下下一小题。每每段对话你将将听一遍。例:What is thhe mann goinng to read ? AAA newsspaperr BAA ma
2、gaazine CAA bookk 答案是是A。1What is thhe mann? AA taxi driveer BA bbus-drriver CA ccinemaa manaager2What are tthe twwo speeakerss talkking aabout? AA film BA bbook CA rrecordd3What is the maan doiing? AAssking for hhelp BMakking ssuggesstionss CShoowing the wway4What time does the llast ttrain startt f
3、or Oxforrd? AAtt 8:355 am BAt 8:35 pm CAt 7:25 pm5When do Jaack annd Aliice waant too leavve? A This Fridaay BNexxt Friiday CNexxt Monnday oor Tueesday 第二节节(共10小小题;每小题题15分,共共15分) 听下面面4段对话或或独白每段对对话或独白后后有几道小题题,从每题所所给的A、BB、C三个选选项中选出最最佳选项。听听每段对话或或独白前,你你将有5秒钟钟的时间阅读读每小题。听听完后,每小小题将给出55秒钟的作答答时间。每段段对话或独白白你将听
4、两遍遍。 听第66段材料,同同答第6至第第7题。6What is thhe rellationnship betweeen thhe twoo speaakers?ADoctoor andd patiient BTeaacher and sstudennt CBoss and eemployyee7Why wwont Maraa go to woork todayy? AShhe is busy with her wwork BBHer motheer hass got a heaadachee CShhe is not qquite well todayy 听第77段材料,回回答第8至第第9
5、题。8Whichh of tthe foollowiing iss not mentiioned in thhe passsage? ALiitteriing BRoaad-croossingg CDriinkingg9Whichh of tthe foollowiing iss truee accoordingg to tthe taalk? AIff you need help,ppleasee tom to yoour teeacherr BPeeople drivee on tthe leeft inn thiss counntry CItt is aagainsst thee law
6、 for aanyonee to bbuy ciigaretttes 听第88段材料,回回答第10至至第12题。10Wherre doees thee convversattion ttake pplace? AAAt thee TV sstatioon BAt the sschooll gatee COveer thee teleephonee11Whatt can we leearn aabout the mman? AHHe doeesnt carre tooo muchh abouut hiss studdents BHHe is an avveragee foottball play
7、eer CHHe mayy be aa teaccher wwhom tthe sttudentts lovve mosst12Why does the wwoman interrview the man? AToo get some inforrmatioon aboout thhe teaacher and hhis woork BToo conggratullate tthe teeacherr Oil his ssuccesss CToo get schoool fleews foor thee TV sstatioon of the ccity 听第9段材材料,回答第第13至第115
8、题。13Whatt did the wwoman thinkk of hher trrip too the West Coastt? AIIt wass wondderfull BIt waas terrriblee CIIt wassnt mmentiooned14Whatt is tthe weeatherr likee in SSan Frrancissco acccordiing too the womann? AWaarm annd raiinyBCool but ccomforrtablee CNiice annd winndy15Why is itt easyy to gget
9、arround in Saan Fraanciscco? ABeecausee it iis smaaller than Los AAngelees andd the transsportaation is goood BBeecausee it hhas a underrgrounnd sysstem wwhile Los AAngelees doeesnt CBeecausee it hhas a smalll popuulatioon andd a smmall nnumberr of bbuildiings 第三节节(共5小题题;每小题ll 5分,共共75分) 听下面一段对话话,完成第
10、116题至200题,每小题题仅填写一个个词或一组数数字。听对话话前,你将有有20秒钟的的时间阅读试试题,听完后后你将有600秒钟的作答答时间。这段段对话你将听听两遍。请将将答案写在答答题纸上。Detailss of tthe Joob InttervieewNameMr. Carrter BBraggTelephoone Noo.89560611What thhe mann can doSpeak Engliish annd SpaanishUse a 116 .Swim.Work aas a 17 in the rrestauurantLike wworkinng witth 18 .Wor
11、k TiimeEvery dday, eexceptt 19 .PaymenttAbout $ 200 a dayy.第二部分:知识识运用(共两两节,45分分) 第一节节单项填空(共15小题题;每小题11分,共155分) 从每题题所给的A、BB、C、D四四个选项中,选选出可以填入入空白处的最最佳选项,并并在答题卡上将该项涂黑黑。例:Its so niice too hearr fromm her againn , we last met mmore tthan tthirtyy yearrs agoo.AWhats moree BThats to ssay CIn otther wwords
12、DBelieeve itt or nott 答案是是D。 21Whaat do you tthink of thheir nnew hoouse? Itts verry moddern,bbut thhey haave soome anntiquee iin it Affurnitture Bfurrniturres Cppiece of fuurnituures D pieece off furnnituree22 Todday, rapidd trannsporttationn and commuunicattion, the wwhole word seemss to bbe smaal
13、ler Arregarddless of Bin spitee of Cinsstead of D beccause of23Natuurallyy I willl comee to yyou foor advvice wwhenevver I feel I neeed . Atthem Bonee Csomme Dfeww24It iis a rrule iin ourr schoool thhat noo bookks outt unleess yoou havve a llibrarry carrd.Amust be taaken B miight ttake Ccan bbe takk
14、en Dshoould bbe takken25Whyy not open the wwindowws to let coool airr in? Id ratther yyou diidnt air in ouur towwn is terriibly ppollutted Aa;The B;Thhe C/;/Dthee:/26Whyy are your handss so dirrty? I iin thee gardden Awwas woorkingg Bhave workeed Cwworkedd Dhavve beeen worrking 27We ttried hard,aand
15、 evventuaally,wwe werre ablle to get MMike uus hiss car just for aa day Allendinng Blennd Cto lend Dlennt28 a ttime iin thee 19600s wheen youung peeople likedd wearring aarmy uuniforrms. AIIt wass BTheere waas CIt is DTheere iss29The attacckers were arressted aand diidnt knoow wheere thhey Awwould t
16、ake Bare ttaken Cwere beingg takeen Dwill be taaken30Mikee has an acctive mind;he caan rettell aa storry anybbody eelse iin thee classsroomm Ammore vvividlly thaan Bmucch vivvid thhan Caas vivvid ass Dso vividdly ass31The man sstoppeed hiss bicyycle bbesidee the car iit hadd a brroken chainn Aorr Bu
17、nttil Cas Dyett32Hesiitatinng whaat to do, Asoo lets not go ouuting Bthe ttour wwas caancellled Cbuut we shoulld stiill taake thhe touur Dwe haad to stay home33A coool raain waas fallling wiith snnow caausingg heavvy traaffic Amiixed B mixxing Cto mix Dhavving mmixed34Wow! Lookk at tthe man annd his
18、s horsse aree runnning ddown tthe rooad. Awwhich Bthaat Cwhoo D wheere35You have brokeen youur proomise;you paiintingg the housee longg ago Accould have finisshed Bhadd bettter fiinish Cmmust hhave ffinishhed Dshoulld havve finnishedd httpp:/m/gaokkao/beeijingg/ 第二节完形填填空(共200小题;每小小题1 5分分,共30分分) 阅读下下
19、面短文,掌掌握其大意,从从每题所给的的A、B、CC、D四个选选项中,选出出最佳选项,并在答题卡卡上将该项涂涂黑。 I deecidedd not to brring iin homme anyy otheer thiings wwith tthe woords MMade iin Chiina onn a daark Moonday,ttwo daays affter llast CChristtmas,tthoughh I sttill kkeep ssome iin my housee At wwork mmy bosss,Mr. Whitte,poiints oout thhat I a
20、m 336 myyself if I thinkk I haave beeen 337 Chhinesee prodducts,iin spiite off the obvioous faacts iin daiily liife “Chinnese 38 aare evverywhhere,”he saays,“You ccant avooid thhose,nno mattter hhow haard yooutry It is immpossiible” Thatt is tthe 339 ,wwhich I havve beeen connsiderring ffor moonths,
21、ssince I havve keppt thee Amerrican car wwith tthe Chhinesee 40 in itThis week I wass 411 agaain off the diffiicultyy of aavoidiing Chhina wwhen II bougght eaarringgs froom a llocal artisstI wwas feeelingg pleaased wwith mmyselff 42 I goot homme andd notiiced tthe fllee giift boox madde in Chinaa My
22、 bboss ccontinnues,“You kknow wwhat yyou arre doiing? YYou arre 443 yoour deependeence oon Chiina,noot 444 iit,”he saays,“You aare juust chheatinng youurselff”The bosss,a ffrequeent coomplaiiner,ddoesnt sloow dowwn wheen I 45 to sttop hiim to 46 that I am wrritingg a 47 oof stoories On thhe Boyycott
23、 for tthe buusinesss maggazinee “Maybbe youu can 48 it yeear wiithoutt Chinnese pproduccts, 49 ssoonerr or llater you wwill eeven 50 CChinesse disshes,”the nnice bboss ssays,“Theree is nno gettting arounnd it” I 51 aat himm as hhe turrns too leavve,quiite 552 “Thannks foor youur suppport,”I say to h
24、is 53 . The year is neearly half overI cann 544 witthout them 55 ,it is a littlle incconvennient to liive wiithoutt a DVVD plaayer,aa DV ccameraa or aa prinnter mmade iin ChiinaBuut a bbetterr quesstion mightt be:HHow haard coould iit be to liive wiithoutt Madee in CChina with the wwhole familly ?36
25、Affoolinng Bperrsuadiing Cbeaating Denjjoyingg37 Akeepiing Baccceptinng Cavooidingg Dreffusingg38Aaadverttisemeents Biteems Cmatterialls Dbusinnessess39Asstory Bplaan Csugggestiion Dpoiint40Apparts Benggines Cwheeels Dgooods41Aaasked Bremmindedd Ctrooubledd Dpuzzzled42 Aas Bwheen Csinnce Dunttil43 A
26、delayying Blossing Ccattchingg D1accking44Aeescapiing Bobeeying Cobjjectinng Dhatting45 Amean Bmannage Ctryy Dinttend46Addescriibe Bsugggest Cdecclare Dstaate47 Acopy Bboook Csett Dserries48Addo Bgett Cmakke Dhavve49Abbut Bor Candd Dforr50 Awash Bbreeak Cserrve Denjjoy51 Alaughh Bglaance Cnodd Dstaa
27、re52Aaannoyeed Bsurrpriseed Cdellighteed Dsattisfieed53 AAhonoour Bbacck Ckinndnesss Dfacce54Awwork Bresscue Csurrvive Dstaay55AFFinallly BHonnestlyy CGennerallly DDirrectlyy第三部分:阅读读理解(共两两节,40分分) 第一节节:(共155小题;每小小题2分,共共30分) 阅读下下列短文,从从每题所给的的A、B、CC、D四个选选项中,选出出最佳选项,并并在答题卡上上将该项涂黑黑。A The sun sshone in thh
28、roughh the dininng rooom winndow,llightiing upp the hardwwood ffloor We haad beeen tallking theree for nearlly twoo hourrsThee phonne of the“Nighttline”rang yet aagain and MMorriee askeed hiss helpperCoonnie,tto gett it SShe haad beeen takking ddown tthe caallerssnamess in MMorriees smalll blaack ap
29、ppointtment book It waas cleear 1 was nnot thhe onlly onee inteeresteed in visitting mmy oldd proffessorrthe“Nighttline”appeaarancee had made him ssomethhing oof a bbig fiigurebut II was impreessed withperhaaps evven a bit eenviouus of,aall thhe friiends that Morriie seeemed tto havve “Youu knowwMit
30、cch,noww thatt Im dyingg,Ivee becoome muuch moore innteressting to peeopleImon the last greatt jourrney hhereand ppeoplee wantt me tto telll theem whaat to pack” Thee phonne ranng agaain “Moorrie,ccan yoou tallk?”Conniie askked “Im vissitingg withh my oold frriend now,”he annnouncced“Let tthem ccall
31、 bback” I ccannott telll you why hhe recceivedd me sso warrmlyII was hardlly thee prommisingg studdent wwho haad lefft himm sixtteen yyears earliierHaad it not bbeen ffor“Nighttline,”Morrie might have died without ever seeing me again Whatt happpened to mee? The eightties hhappenned Thhe ninnetiess
32、happpenedDeathh and sicknness aand geettingg fat and ggoing bald happeenedII tradded loots off dreaams foor a bbiggerr payccheck,aand I neverr evenn reallized I wass doinng it Yet hhere wwas Moorrie talkiing wiith thhe wonnder oof ourr colllege yyears,aas if Id SSimplyy beenn on aa longg vacaation “
33、Havve youu founnd sommeone to shhare yyour hheart with?” he assked “Aree you at peeace wwith yyourseelf?” “Aree you tryinng to be ass humaan as you ccan bee?” I feelt asshamedd,wantting tto shoow I hhad beeen trrying hard to woork ouut succh queestionnsWhaathappeneed to me? II oncee prommised mysell
34、f I wwould neverr workk for moneyy,thatt I woould jjoin tthePeace CCorps,aand thhat 1 wouldd livee in bbeautiiful,iinspirrationnal pllaces Innsteadd, I hhad beeen inn Detrroit ffor teen yeaars,att the same workpplace,uusing the ssame bbank,vvisitiing thhe samme barrber II was thirtty-sevven,moore ma
35、ature than in coollegee,tiedd to ccomputters aand moodems and ccell pphonessI waas no longeer youung,noor didd I waalk arround in grray swweatshhirts withunlit ccigareettes in myy moutthI ddid noot havve lonng disscussiions oover eegg saalad ssandwiiches aboutt the meaniing off lifee My ddays wwere
36、ffull,yyet I remaiined,mmuch oof thee timee,unsaatisfiied Whatt happpened to me?56Whenn did the aauthorr gradduate from Morriies colllege? AInn the eightties BIn the nninetiies CWhhen hee was sixteeen DWheen he was ttwentyy-one57Whatt do wwe knoow aboout thhe“Nighttline”? AMMorriee starrted iit by h
37、imseelf BIt helpeed Morrrie eearn aa fameeCThe aauthorr helpped Moorrie startt itDIt was oonly ooperatted att nighht58Whatt can we innfer ffrom tthe paassagee? ABothh the authoor andd Morrrie liiked ttravellling.BMorrrie liiked hhelpinng peoople ppack tthingss for theirr jourrneys.CThe authoor envvi
38、ed MMorriees frriendss the help they got ffrom hhim.DThe authoor earrned aa lot of mooney aat thee costt of hhis drreams.59Whatts thhe autthorss feelling wwhen hhe wriites tthis ppassagge? ARegrretfull. BEnthuusiasttic.CSymppathettic. DHumorrous.BWould you eeat a readyy meall fromm the fridgge ratth
39、er tthan ccook bby youurselff? Havve youu beenn doingg Inteernet shoppping rratherr thann goinng to the sstoress? Whaat cannt yoou be botheered tto do?A studdy intto howw lazyy Brittish ppeoplee are has ffound more than half of thhe aduults aare soo idlee (懒散的的) thaat theeyd ccatch the llift rrather
40、r thann climmb twoo fligghts oof staairs.Just oover 22000 ppeoplee weree quizzzed bby inddependdent rresearrcherss at NNuffieeld Heealth, Brittainss largeest heealth centeer. Thhe ressults were extreemely surprrisingg.About one iin sixx peopple quuestiooned ssaid iif theeir reemote contrrol waas bro
41、oken, they wouldd contiinue wwatchiing thhe samme chaannel ratheer thaan gett up.More tthan oone thhird oof thoose quuestiooned ssaid tthey wwould not rrun too catcch a bbus. WWorryiingly, of tthe 6554 resspondeents wwith cchildrren, 664% saaid thhey weere offten ttoo tiired tto plaay witth theem.Th
42、is lled thhe repport tto conncludee thatt itss no wwonderr thatt one in siix chiildrenn in tthe UKK are classsifiedd as oobese (veryy fat) befoore thhey sttart sschooll.Dr Sarrah Daaunceyy, mediical ddirecttor off Nufffield Healtth, saaid, “PPeoplee needd to gget fiitter, not just for ttheir own ssa
43、ke, but ffor thhe sakke of theirr famiilies, frieends aand evvidenttly thheir ppets ttoo.”“If wee dont staart too takee conttrol oof thiis prooblem, a whhole ggeneraation will becomme tooo unfiit to perfoorm evven thhe mosst funndamenntal ttasks.”And Sccotlannds llargesst citty, Gllasgoww, wass sham
44、med ass the most idle city in thhe UK, withh 75% questtionedd admiittingg theyy do nnot geet enoough eexerciise, ffollowwed clloselyy by BBirminngham and Southhamptoon, booth wiith 677%.The reesultss brinng serrious challlengess for the NNationnal Heealth Serviice, wwhere obesiity-reelatedd illneess
45、es such as heeart ddiseasse andd canccer haave beeen onn a stteady increease ffor thhe passt 40 yearss and are ccostinng billlionss of ppoundss everry yeaar.60How many peoplle queestionned doont pplay wwith ttheir childdren?A12800. BMore than 333.C654. DAboutt 420.61The studyy leadds us to beelievee
46、 thatt .Athe pets in thhe UK will be inn trouuble iif theeir owwners keep theirr way of liifeBGlassgow ppeoplee feell ashaamed bbecausse theey donnt geet enoough eexerciiseCBrittish ppeoplee are the llaziesst aroound tthe woorldDfivee sixtths off the Britiish chhildreen aree heallthy 62How does the
47、aauthor coonvincce thee readders? ABy ppresennting the rresultts of a stuudy.BBy prrovidiing annswerss to qquestiions.CBy iintervviewinng somme expperts.DBy teellingg a sttory.63Whatt is tthe paassagee mainnly abbout?AA sttudy oof Briitish peoplles llazineess.BA stuudy off Brittish ppeoplees liifest
48、yyles.CThe healtth serrvice in thhe UK.DThe oobesitty prooblem in thhe UK.CThe fiive cllearesst rolle-rellated behavviourss of ttravelllers (in oorder of reelativve impportance )Touristttakes pphotoss, buyys souuvenirrs, gooes too famoous pllaces, stayss brieefly in onne plaace, ddoes nnot unnderstt
49、and tthe loocal ppeopleeTravelllerstays bbrieflly in one pplace, expeerimennts wiith loocal ffood, goes to famouus plaaces, takess phottos, eexplorres pllaces privaatelyHolidayymakerrtakes pphotoss, goees to famouus plaaces, is seeparatted frrom thhe loccal society, buyss souvvenirss, conntribuutes
50、tto thee visiited eeconommyJet-settterlives aa lifee of lluxuryy (奢侈) , cooncernned wiith soocial statuus, seeeks pphysiccal plleasurres, ppreferrs commmuniccatingg withh peopple off his/her ownn kindd, goees to famouus plaacesBusinesssperssonconcernned wiith soocial statuus, coontribbutes to thhe e
51、coonomy, doess not ttake pphotoss prefeers innteraccting with peoplle of his/hher owwn kindd, livves a life of luuxuryConservvationnistinteressted iin thee enviironmeent, ddoes nnot buuy souuvenirrs, dooes noot explooit thhe loccal peeople, expllores placees priivatelly, taakes pphotossExploreerexpl
52、orees plaaces pprivattely, interrestedd in tthe ennvironmennt, taakes physiical rrisks, doess not buy ssouvennirs, obserrves tthe viisitedd econoomyOverseaas stuudentexperimments with locall foodd, doees nott explloit tthe peeople, takees photoos, obbservees thee visiited ssocietty, taakes pphysicca
53、l riisksInternaationaal athhleteis not separrated from theirr own socieety, ddoes nnot exxploitt the locall peoplle, dooes noot undderstaand thhe loccal peeople, expllores placees privaately, searrches for tthe meeaningg of llifeOverseaas jouurnaliisttakes pphotoss, obsservess the visitted soocietyy
54、, goees to famouus plaaces, takess physsical riskss, expploress placces prrivateely64Whicch of the ffollowwing bbehaviiours do Toouristt, Traavelleer andd Holiidaymaaker sshare?AStayy brieefly iin onee placce.BBuy ssouvennirs.CGo tto fammous pplacess.DExploore pllaces privaately.65We ccan leearn tth
55、at ooverseeas sttudentts .Aare curioous abbout tthe soocietyy theyy visiit Blikee to ddo expperimeents wwith llocal foodCtakee phottos ass theiir teaacherss havee insttructeed Denjooy takking pphysiccal riisks bbecausse theey aree bravve66Accoordingg to tthe paassagee, whiich off the folloowing is t
56、rrue?AThreee grooups aare innteressted iin expplorinng plaaces pprivattely. BMoree thann two groupps livve a llife oof luxxury.CSix groupps aree fondd of ttakingg phottos.DTwo groupps donnt liike buuying souveenirs.DThe riising costss of hhealthh caree havee becoome a probllem foor manny couuntriees
57、 in the wworld. To deal with this probllem, iit is recommmendeed thaat a bbig paart off the goverrnmentts heealth budgeet be used for hhealthh educcationn and diseaase prreventtion iinsteaad of treattment. Actuually, manyy kindds of diseaases aare prreventtable in maany waays annd preeventiing a dis
58、eaase iss usuaally mmuch ccheapeer thaan treatting iit. Foor exaample, peopple coould aavoid catchhing aa coldd if tthey ddresseed warrmly wwhen tthe weathher sttarts gettiing coold. BBut maany peeople get ssick bbecausse theey faiil to do soo, andd havee to spendd moneey seeeing aa docttor.Daily ha
59、bitts likke eatting mmore hhealthhy foood wouuld haave keept miillionns of famillies ffrom bbecomiing bankrrupt iif thee patiients had ttaken measuures ffor eaarly pprevenntion. For instaance, keepiing a balannced ddiet, such as noot connsuminng tooo muchh animmal faat andd insuuring a steeady iinta
60、kee of vegettabless and fruitts, seeems tto be quitee impoortantt.One veery efffectiive annd costleess waay of preveentionn is rregulaar exeercisee, whiich iss neceessaryy for a healtthy miind annd boddy. Reegularr exerrcise, suchh as rrunninng, waalkingg, andd playying ssportss is aa goodd way tto
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