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1、 MicroRNAThe regulation of mRNAContent 1 What is mRNA and its function 2 what is microRNA and it how to control mRNA3 The function of microRNA The structure of mRNA Ribose (核糖)碱 基Phosphorus acid(磷酸) A(腺嘌呤)G(鸟嘌呤)C(胞嘧啶)U(尿嘧啶)Basic group(碱基) ribonucleotide (the base of mRNA )The structure of mRNA AUGCR

2、ibose connect each other and form the single chain The difference between mRNA and DNA RNA DNAName Ribonucleic acid Deoxyribonucleic acid Component Phosphoric acid Ribose (核糖)Basic group :A、C、 G、 UPhosphoric acid Ribodesose (脱氧核糖)Basic group :A、C、G、TBase unit Ribonucleotide Deoxyribonucleotide Struc

3、ture Single chain Double chain Transcription(转录) Complementary base pairing (碱基互补配对)-The basic theory of transcriptionThe basic group can connect with the corresponding base by the hydrogen bond (氢键) to transfer genetic information The pairing :DNA-DNA AT CG DNA-RNA AU TA CG RNA-RNA AU CG Transcript

4、ionAG T AC AA A T TCATGTTT ATranscriptionAG T AC AA A T UCAUGUUUAmRNA细胞质基质核孔TranscriptionAG T AC AA A T UCAUGUUUAmRNA细胞质基质Translation Codon (密码子):the codon consist of three bases which can decide the kind of amino acid(氨基酸)Codon UCAUGAUUAmRNACondo Cordon Translation UCAUGAUUAAUG亮氨酸天冬氨酸异亮氨酸Translatio

5、n Types of RNAWhat is miRNA miRNA : a kind of small RNA consist of 1925 ribonucleotideThe progress of miRNA development the gene of miRNA pri-miRNApre-miRNA miRNAThe structure of miRNA /-OHPri-miRNADrosha Cleavage siteMature53FulenGenThe function of miRNA Perfect pairing : this kind of miRNA can cut the mRNA in the special site Incomplete pairing :it can make some position cant translation miRNA can regulate the mRNA The function of miRNA DNA mRNA protein TranscriptionTranslation miRNA Regulation So


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