



1、四川省广元市大东英才中学2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. They wanted someone with _ for this job, so as a freshman I had _ that day.A. experiences; unpleasant experience B. an experience; an unpleasant experienceC. experiences; an unpleasant experience D. experience; an unpleasant experience参考答案:D2. Did you te

2、ll Julia about the result?-Oh, no, I forget, I _ her now.A. will be calling B. will call C. call D. am to call参考答案:B3. At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was _. A. out of sight B. out of reach C. out of order D. out of place参考答案:A4. It was some time _ I

3、realized the truth.A. that B. when C. before . D. since参考答案:C5. Come and see me whenever _.A. you are convenient B.you will be convenient C.it is convenient to you D.it will be convenient to you 参考答案:C6. He didnt show us the strengths of the new technology._, he stressed the weaknesses and even thre

4、at to human beings.A. In additionB. In other wordsC. On the contraryD. All in all参考答案:C【详解】考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:他没有向我们展示新技术的优点。相反,他强调了其弱点,甚至是对人类的威胁。A. In addition此外;B. In other words换句话说;C. On the contrary相反;D. All in all总的说来。故选C。7. Tourism may not _ the buildings of cities but its _ on wildlife is obvious

5、.A. affect; affect B. affect; effectC. effect; affect D. effect; effect参考答案:B第一空为动词affect作谓语,第二空为名词effect作主语。8. Drive _until you come to the small town,which lies about 100 kilometers _ London.Anorth; to the east Bnorth; east of Cto north; east of Dto the north; in the east参考答案:B9. I am looking forw

6、ard to _ your answer as soon as possible.A.receivingB.being receivedC.receiveD.be received参考答案:A考查动名词作宾语。句意为:我迫切希望尽可能快地收到你的答复。look forward to中的to是介词,需要接动名词作宾语,I 和receive之间是主动关系,故A项正确。10. 参考答案:D考查固定搭配。句意:“在你看来,谁是世界上最好的篮球运动员?”“姚明,我认为他在篮球上很有天赋。”have a gift for.“对有天赋”。11. Which of the following sentence

7、s is wrong?AThere is no doubt that his success has given him a sense of achievement. BIt is no doubt that he will attend the meeting. CI am doubtful whether he will accept our suggestion.DWithout doubt, he will reach his goal in the end.参考答案:B35. -Do you need a hand?-Thank you,but .AI am an experien

8、ced driver B. it doesnt matter Cyou dont worry DI can manage by myself参考答案:D略13. The boy was sitting _ his mother, _his back _the door.A. next to; with; to B. nearly; of; against C. close to; with ;on D. near; in; towards参考答案:A14. The population of our city is _ than that of Qingdao.A. large B. more

9、 larger C. largest D. larger参考答案:D15. To our great surprise, he came to the wedding party without _.A. inviting B. being invited C. having invited D. invited参考答案:B二、 填空16. It takes _ one day for us to complete the project.参考答案:more than句意:我们花了一天多的时间才完成这个项目。more than意为“超过”。三、 阅读理解17. Little Women is

10、the best-known work of author Louisa May Alcott. Published after the end of the Civil War, the book is about the lives of the author and her sisters. Although it was her most successful work, it was not her first.Alcott began writing at the age of 20, when she published her poem “Sunlight”. Througho

11、ut her early career, she wrote many poems and short stories for magazines. At the age of 22, she began to write fairy tales, romantic thrillers, and other novels, mostly to earn money. At a time when few opportunities were open to women, Alcott supported womens right to work. With her small income,

12、she had long provided for her family.When the Civil War broke out, Alcott, at the age of 30, joined the war effort to fight against slavery. She had originally wished to serve as a soldier. However, women were not allowed in battle at that time. As a result, she became a Civil War nurse. Alcotts wor

13、k as a nurse served as a milestone (里程碑) in her writing career.In December of 1862, she left New England to work in the Union Hotel Hospital in Washington, DC. There were few supplies, and doctors performed operations without painkillers. The conditions for patients and doctors were terrible. Within

14、 a few weeks, Alcott herself became so ill that she nearly died. She returned home and recovered slowly over a period of months.As soon as her health improved, Alcott started a new project. The letters she had sent home became the basis of a newspaper series about her experience as a Civil War nurse

15、. She wrote about her tasks, the wounded soldiers she looked after, and the difficulties they faced. The series, Hospital Sketches, was a success, which received praise from readers and critics (批评) at the same time. Although her best-known work was yet to come, the success of Hospital Sketches mark

16、ed the achievement of her dream to become a popular author.21. In her early 20s, Alcott wrote mostly to _.A. make money to support her familyB. fight against slaveryC. remember her experiences in the warD. set up a milestone in her career22. Why was Alcotts experience as a nurse important to her wri

17、ting?A. Because she saved many wounded soldiers.B. Because she almost lost her life in the hospital.C. Because she won the right to fight against slavery.D. Because she got many materials for her later book.23. What can we know about Alcott from the last two paragraphs?A. Her hospital was well equip

18、ped.B. She didnt return to the hospital after recovery.C. She wrote letters for a newspaper.D. No one thought badly of her Hospital Sketches.参考答案:21. A 22. D 23. B这是一篇人物传记。短文介绍了作家路易莎梅奥尔科特的个人经历,这些经历为她在写作事业上的成功奠定了基础。【21题详解】细节理解题。由第二段“At the age of 22, she began to write fairy tales, romantic thrillers

19、, and other novels, mostly to earn money”可知,22岁时,她开始写童话、浪漫惊悚小说和其他小说,主要是为了赚钱。所以在她20岁出头的时候,奥尔科特写作的目的主要是为了养家糊口。故A选项正确。【22题详解】细节理解题。由最后一段“She wrote about her tasks, the wounded soldiers she looked after, and the difficulties they faced. The series, Hospital Sketches, was a success, which received praise from readers and critics(批评) at the same time. Although her best-known work was yet to come, the success of Hospital Sketches marked the achievement of her dream to become a popular author.”可知,她写下了她的任务,她照顾的受伤士兵,以及他们面临的困难。医院速写获得了成功,同时得到了读者的好评也受到了批评。尽管她最著名的作品还没有问世,但医院


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