1、海船船员考试船长单选题练习1、中版海图某灯塔射程21M,灯高60m,已知某船眼高16m,则能见度良好时该灯塔灯光的最大可见距离为:A.20.0 n mileB.20.9 n mileC.24.5 n mileD.25.8 n mile2、 A contract of affreightment is a _.A.Bill of LadingB.Bottomry BondC.manifestD.Portage Bill3、_ is not a job of the radar antennaA.To receive the high-frequency pulses from the trans
2、mitterB.To focus the pulses into a beam,and send them into spaceC.To pick up reflected pulses coming from objects that have been struck by the beamD.To reflect microwaves4、Since lubricating oils and jet fuels are acutely water critical,it is necessary to effect full line draining and mopping up of a
3、ny water in tanks before loading _A.purging with hydrocarbon gasB.gas-freeing operationsC.maintaining an inert conditionD.full line draining and mopping up of any water5、High concentrations of H2S gas are most dangerous to personnel because they can _.A.cause involuntary muscle contractionsB.paralyz
4、e your breathing systemC.cause eye inflammationD.cause dizziness6、装配活塞环时,各气环的开口位置要错开()。A.60B.100C.120D.1807、In ILO Convention,Hours Of Work means _A.any time on board the shipB.short breaksC.time outside hours of workD.time during which seafarers are required to do work on account of the ship8、利用平行方
5、位线转向,自转向物标所作的方位线应_。A.与原计划航线垂直B.与新计划航线垂直C.与原计划航线平行D.与新计划航线平行9、三方位定位时,位置线交角最佳值为:A.30B.60C.90D.12010、狭水道航行,航道较窄,为确保航行安全,在用雷达核实船位时,宜用:A.船首方向远距物标方位核实B.船首方向远距物标距离核实C.正横方向近距物标距离核实D.正横方向远距物标方位核实11、Cargo securing for Ro-Ro is based on the concept of _A.Solid packingB.Rapid loading and dischargeC.Vessel loade
6、d full and down to her marksD.Palletized cargo12、The“horse latitudes” regions of _A.Brisk prevailing windsB.Light airs and calmsC.Abundant blue sea grass vegetationD.None of the above13、 On a voyage charter,when a vessel is ready to load cargo,the Master should render to the charterer a _.A.Notice o
7、f ReadinessB.Master Certificate of ServiceC.Shipmasters DeclarationD.Vessel Utilization and Performance Report14、材料:The shipper shall be deemed to have guaranteed to the carrier the accuracy at the time of shipment of the marks,number,quantity and weight,as furnished by him,and the shipper shall ind
8、emnify the carrier against all loss,damages and expenses arising or resulting from inaccuracies in such particularsThe right of the carrier to such indemnity shall in no way limit his responsibility and liability under the contract of carriage to any person other than the shipper Unless notice of lo
9、ss or damage and the general nature of such loss or damage be given before or at the time of the removal of the GOODs into the custody of the person entitled to delivery thereof under the contract of carriage,or,if the loss or damage be not apparent,within three days,such removal shall be prima faci
10、e evidence of the delivery by the carrier of the GOODs as described in the bill of lading The notice in writing need not be given if the state of the GOODs has,at the time of their receipt,been the subject of joint survey or inspection In any event the carrier and the ship shall be discharged from a
11、ll liability in respect of loss or damage unless suit is brought within one year after delivery of the GOODs or the date when the GOODs should have been delivered. In the case of any actual or apprehended loss or damage the carrier and the receiver shall give all reasonable facilities to each other
12、for inspecting and tallying the GOODs 问题:It can be concluded that the purpose of this clause is to protect the interest of _A.ship ownersB.shippersC.charterersD.the merchant15、某船TC357,测灯塔A的TB330.5 , 半小时后又测得A的TB312,若船速为16kt,则该船与A的正横距离为A.8B.7C.5.6D.616、The information on _ is not likely found in The M
13、ariners Handbook(NP100)A.IALA Buoyage systemB.hydrography,topography,navigational aids and their servicesC.basic meteorology and navigation in ice and hazards and restrictions to navigationD.information on tides,currents and characteristics of the sea17、同一航道的标志号码可遵循_,也可按左双右单编排。A.逆浮标习惯走向顺序编号B.沿浮标习惯走向
14、顺序编号C.逆浮标习惯走向或者浮标习惯走向都可以D.逆浮标习惯走向和浮标习惯走向都不可以18、右侧标光色为_。A.红光B.绿光C.黄光D.白光19、You are on a tanker designed to carry molten sulfurWhich statement is TRUE _A.There must be two portable toxic vapor detectors on boardB.The cargo tank ventilation system must maintain the H2S vapor concentration at 1.85% or m
15、ore by volumeC.Cargo temperature may be taken by portable thermometersD.The pressure in the heating coils in the tanks must be less than that of the cargo exerted on them20、当能见度小于2海里时,负责航行的值班驾驶员应_。 A.加强了望,注意守听雾号B.通知船长上驾驶台亲自指挥C.按避碰规则的要求鸣放雾号D.以上均应做到21、All fines and expenses from insufficiency and inad
16、equacy of packing or marks shall be borne by _.A.the carrierB.the consigneeC.the merchantD.the owner22、When commencing cargo operations on a container ship,one cell at a hatch is generally discharged completely (to the bottom of the ship) before removing any containers from the adjoining cells to _.
17、A.remove an existing list that would slow down cargo operationsB.initiate loading in conjunction with unloading at the hatchC.improve stability during cargo operationsD.allow longshoremen easy access to the hatch23、 The Master or person in charge of a ship is required to log _.A.the names of all per
18、sons on boardB.only the names of the crew members on boardC.only the names of passengers on boardD.information on emergency training drills24、The agency which assigns loadlines and issues Loadline Certificates in US is the _.A.American Bureau of ShippingB.Secretary of CommerceC.US CustomsD.USCG25、Wh
19、ich statement concerning locating signals in the GMDSS is FALSE _A.Locating signals are transmitted by survival craft VHF transceiversB.Locating signals are transmitted by SARTsC.Locating signals are intended to facilitate the finding of a distressed vessel or its survivorsD.Locating signals are not
20、 transmitted by autoalarm generators26、孤立危险标的特征是:A.标身为黑红黑竖纹B.标身为红黑红竖纹C.标身为红黑红横纹D.标身为黑红黑横纹27、紧追权在被追逐船舶进入何地时立即终止?A.公海B.追逐国的毗连区C.追逐国的另一港口D.被追逐船舶的船旗国或第三国领海28、 International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk shall be carried on board by _A.chemical tankers constructed
21、 on or after 1 July 1986B.chemical tankers constructed before 1 July 1986C.All chemical tankersD.oil tankers of 150 gross tonnage and above29、Permanent magnetism is found in _.A.hard ironB.soft ironC.vertical iron onlyD.horizontal iron only30、多普勒计程仪采用双波速是为了 。A.能够测定船舶前进和后退速度B.消除由于声速变化所引起的测速误差C.消除船舶摇摆
22、或颠簸而引起的测速误差D.A+B+C31、In the case of new crude oil tankers,the additional ballast permitted shall be carried in cargo tanks only if such tanks have been _ before departure from an oil unloading port or terminal.A.inertedB.crude oil washedC.dilutedD.cleaned32、Stevedores and tallymen to be arranged by
23、the Charterers in loading and discharging,who shall be considered as the _ servants and subject to the orders and directions of the MasterA.CharterersB.OwnersC.Neither Charterers nor OwnersD.Either Charterers or Owners33、VESSELS EXPERIENCE FACTOR is likely used in _ cargo survey reportA.generalB.liq
24、uidC.containerD.heavy34、All expenses of Cargo-handling are _A.To be accounted for the CharterersB.To be paid for the CharterersC.To be handled for the CharterersD.To be paid by the Charterers35、夜间在海上,你船看到他船的号灯为品字形三盏绿灯,且在中间这盏绿灯下方还有一盏白灯,则来船为_。A.从事清除水雷作业的船舶对水移动B.从事清除水雷作业的船舶不对水移动C.在锚泊中从事清除水雷的船舶D.以上均可能是3
25、6、Fueling results in the collection of waste oil in drip pans and containers. Which is an approved method of disposing of the waste oil?A.Draining it overboard when the vessel gets underwayB.Placing it in proper disposal facilitiesC.Adding sinking agents and discharging it into the waterD.Mixing it
26、with dispersants before draining it overboard37、硫是钢材中的有害成分,它会:A.产生冷脆现象B.产生热脆现象C.A,B都对D.A,B都不对38、狭水道航行,计划采用导标方位导航法,此时最好选择位于_的单一物标作为导标来引导船舶安全航行。A.计划航线正前方B.计划航线正后方C.计划航线正横附近D.船首向附近39、根据国际载重线公约的规定,当船舶从内河港口驶出时,_.A.不允许超载B.允许超载,但是超载重量应等于从出发港到入海口所需消耗的油水的重量C.是否允许超载要根据船舶的大小而定D.以上都不对40、0800至0900间的平均流向和流速。A.336
27、,3.6节B.156,3.6节C.154,2.5节D.334,2.5节41、If you are unable to stop a diesel engine by any other means,you should _A.Discharge a CO2 extinguisher in the air inletB.Pull off the distributor capC.Secure the jacket waterD.Secure the starting air supply valve42、_ is not a type of tideA.SEMIDIURNALB.DIURNALC
28、.MIXEDD.OSCILLATING43、Before welding in a tank that has carried petroleum products,the tank must be certified by _.A.the Coast GuardB.the ABSC.the shipyard fire departmentD.a certified marine chemist44、远洋船锚链链环的直径比原来直径减少( )时,需要换新后再使用。A.12%B.15%C.85%D.80%45、Which general weather conditions should you
29、expect to find in a low pressure system _A.Fair weatherB.Precipitation and cloudinessC.Scattered clouds at high elevationsD.Gradual clearing and cooler temperatures46、 The consignees refusal to take delivery,or failure to do so within a reasonable time,also puts an end to _ liability as a carrierA.t
30、he ShipownersB.the CharterersC.the ShipownersD.the cargo owners47、In order to withstand fluid head pressure on a ship,stiffeners are often attached to the bulkhead _.A.penetrationsB.platingC.framingD.brackets48、_ is not a proper procedure for a lashing of the timber deck cargoA.to be efficiently att
31、ached to the deck stringer plate or other strengthened pointsB.to pass over the timber deck cargoC.to be shackled to eye platesD.to be applied not contacting with the timber deck cargo49、The Immigration and Naturalization Service is concerned with which document on a vessel making preliminary entry
32、into a USport from a foreign port _A.Cargo ManifestB.Certified Crew ListC.Curio ListD.Shipping Articles50、按照现行的73/78防污公约议定书的要求,船舶在下列情况下应进行报告:为在海上救助人命而进行的油类超标的可能排放 为船舶安全而进行的油类超标的可能排放 船舶营运期间排放油类超过允许的排放量或瞬间排放率 船长15米及以上船舶发生影响船舶安全的损坏。A.B.C.D.、51、孤立危险标的特征是:A.标身为黑红黑竖纹B.标身为红黑红竖纹C.标身为红黑红横纹D.标身为黑红黑横纹52、A fire
33、 is discovered in the bow of your vessel while making way. The wind is from ahead at 35 knots. You should _.A.remain on course and hold speedB.remain on course but slack the speedC.change course to put the wind on either beam and increase speedD.change course and put the stern to the wind53、The airb
34、orne concentrations of substances(such as H2S)under which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed without adverse effects are called _A.Exposure limitsB.Concentration limitsC.Threshold limit valuesD.Substance limit values54、集装箱货物在整箱接,整箱交下的交接方式有:A.门到门 IB.门到场 IIC.场到门 IV场到场D.IIIE.IIIIIF.IIIIVG.IIV
35、55、西太平洋副热带高压的季节性变化经常表现为。A.北进常伴随着西伸,南退常伴随着东退B.北进常伴随着东退,南退常伴随着西伸C.北进和南退都常伴随着西伸D.北进和南退都常伴随着东退56、两天体定位,用_描述船位随机误差最好。A.船位误差带B.船位误差四边形C.船位误差椭圆D.船位误差圆57、If you had started loading earlier,you _ loading nowA.would finishB.will have finishedC.would have finishedD.will be finished58、由随机误差引起的天文船位误差三角形,其最概率船位在三
36、角形的:A.三边垂线的交点上B.三条中线的交点上C.三条角平分线的交点上D.三条反中线的交点上59、Except as provided for otherwise,an oil tanker might discharge certain amount at certain rate of oil or oily mixtures into sea when _.A.the tanker is within 50 nautical miles from the nearest landB.the tanker is no more than 50 nautical miles from th
37、e nearest landC.the tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest landD.the tanker is not more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land60、The S.S. Hollowpoint has a charter party in which the charterer assumes no responsibility for the operation of the vessel but pays stevedoring expens
38、es. What is the name of the charter party? _.A.BareboatB.DispatchC.VoyageD.Demise61、What is NOT a grade E product _A.Dioctyl-phthalateB.GasolineC.Formic acidD.Creosote coal tar62、Cargo handlers should take the following precautions with the exception of _ to avoid damage from shiftingA.Keep the load
39、s as close to the rail or deck as possibleB.If cargo is likely to settle,make provisions to secure it after it has settledC.Thoroughly secure and shore all cargo so that it cannot moveD.hen stowing cargo,avoid leaving empty paces63、船舶发生中拱变形时_。A.中部浮力小于重力,首尾部重力大于浮力B.中部浮力大于重力,首尾部重力大于浮力C.中部浮力小于重力,首尾部重力小
40、于浮力D.B或C64、为使系统误差和随机误差的误差的总影响小一些,在两天体定位时,应尽可能选择它们之间的方位差小于90而又大于30,以_最有利。A.15以内为好B.3050为好C.5070为好D.7090为好65、孤立危险标的特征是:A.标身为黑红黑竖纹B.标身为红黑红竖纹C.标身为红黑红横纹D.标身为黑红黑横纹66、船体构件的焊接形式有:(1)焊接和铆接;(2)对接和角接;(3)搭接和塞焊。A.1,2对B.2,3对C.1,3对D.1,2,3对67、While off-loading from an offshore supply vessel with the crane,the wind
41、increases in strength and changes direction significantly,you should _A.Expedite off-loadingB.Stop off-loading,but keep the offshore supply vessel in the present locationC.Continue off-loading with no changesD.Move the offshore supply vessel to the downwind side68、新三角形和原误差三角形相比较,新三角形倒置了,说明_,且变动数值大于原
42、系统误差。A.缩小了方位系统误差B.增加了方位系统误差C.正好消除了方位系统误差D.罗经差的变动与原有的系统误差反向69、If the vessel does not arrive by the canceling date,and the Charterer _ expenses,these expenses can be claimed by him from the Shipowner where they are in the reasonable contemplation of the partiesA.occursB.incursC.discusD.recurs70、进港航行,利
43、用船首的方位叠标导航,如发现前标偏在后标的右面,表明船舶偏在叠标线的 (测者自海上观测叠标时的左右),应及时 调整航向。A.左面,向左B.左面,向右C.右面,向右D.右面,向左71、根据海上交通安全法的规定,船舶发现下列哪些情况,应迅速报告主管机关? 、灯浮移位 、不明漂流物 、有碍航行的异常情况 、他船遇险A.B.、C.、D.72、The Master of a vessel berthed,moored or anchored within the area of jurisdiction and who wishes to move his vessel to another berth
44、,mooring or anchorage within that area _ fromBahrain Port Controlprior to movingA.shall not request permissionB.shall request permissionC.shall,if in convenience,request permissionD.shall send his permission to the Harbour Master73、雷暴天气主要包括 。A.雷阵雨、阵性大风B.冰雹、龙卷风C.AB都对D.AB都错74、What effect is achieved f
45、rom soaking an anchor _A.It allows the bottom soil to consolidateB.It gives the palms time to trip the anchorC.It stabilizes the mooring systemD.It lubricates the anchor for better tripping75、太阳真高度为 是测星定位的有利时机。A.06B.39C.612D.01276、三天体定位,如果三天体分布范围大于180,并且船位误差三角形是由系统误差引起的,则消除了系统误差之后的观测船位应在:A.误差三角形内切圆的
46、圆心上B.误差三角形外切圆的圆心上C.误差三角形旁切圆的圆心上D.误差三角形内任意一点77、选择自然叠标时,要求前后标志尽可能 ,且两标志间的距离以 些为好。A.粗大,远B.粗大,近C.细长,远D.细长,近78、冷藏货物在舱内进行水平冷却通风时,货堆表面距货舱顶端的空当应为_cm。A.2.5B.5C.7.5D.1079、根据规定,下列有关对船舶进行安全检查的叙述哪些正确?.船长应如实报告船舶的安全情况 .一般禁止对在航船舶进行检查 .经检查的船舶,一般8个月内不再检查 .对中国籍船检查后应签发船舶安全检查通知书A.B.C.、D.、80、Measures taken by the Assured
47、 or the Underwriters with the object of saving,protecting or recovering the subject-matter insured shall be considered as _A.a waiverB.acceptance of abandonmentC.prejudice the rights of either partyD.in no way prejudice the rights of either party81、You are on an ice-reinforced vessel about to enter
48、packiceYou should _A.enter the pack on the windward side where there is a well defined ice edgeB.trim to an even keel or slightly down by the bow to take maximum benefit of the ice reinforcementC.take maximum advantage of coastal leads caused by offshore windsD.look for areas of rotten ice and enter
49、 perpendicular to the ice edge82、A situation has occurred where it becomes necessary for you to be towea.What action should be taken to prevent your vessel from yawing? _.A.Shift weight to the bowB.Shift weight to the center of the boatC.Shift weight to the sternD.Throw excess weight overboard83、Wha
50、t may NOT be used when securing heavy vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels _A.Chain leverB.TurnbuckleC.WebbingD.Chain84、Frapping lines _A.secure the lifeboat in the davits when in the stowed positionB.bring the lifeboat close alongside the rail in the embarkation positionC.give the occupants a safety line
51、when the boat is being lowered from the embarkation levelD.reduce the swinging of the lifeboat at the embarkation level85、若测得某地气温直减率为0.2/100m,则可断定该地大气层结。A.绝对稳定B.绝对不稳定C.条件性不稳定D.ABC都错86、根据水路货物运输规则规定,货物交付时发生的货运事故,应向_提出A.到达地的收货人提出B.到达地的承运人提出C.起运地的承运人提出D.向托运人提出87、Anchor shackles should have a breaking st
52、rength that is _A.equal to the chains they are connectingB.25% more than the chains they are connectingC.50% more than the chains they are connectingD.100% more than the chains they are connecting88、Which frequencies and modes are allocated for distress alerting in GMDSS _A.406 MHz via EPIRBB.1626.5
53、-1645.5 via INMARSATC.Channel 70 DSC plus six(6)MF/HF DSC frequenciesD.All of the above89、The laydays according to the Charter Party commence at 1800 hrs on 13th June,and will expire at 1600 hrs on 19th June,after that the vessel will be on demurrageA.This kind of wording usually appears in _.B.a sh
54、ips certificateC.a Note of Sea ProtestD.a Notice of Readiness90、When loading bulk liquid cargo,what is the first action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?A.Call the owner,operator,or terminal supervisor.B.Unplug the deck scuppers.C.Order the dock man to shut down.D.Run out the vessels or
55、terminals fire hose.91、下列正确的说法是: 。A.风海流随着深度的增加方向逐渐偏转,流速变小B.当流向与表层海流相反, 流速仅为表层海流的4.3%时,这一深度称为摩擦深度C.AB都对D.AB都错92、材料:When a clean bill of lading has been issued,estoppel arises or,in other words,the carrier is prevented from proving,as against a third party relying on the clean bill of lading,that ther
56、e was any thing wrongIn the case of inherent vice,however,which is a natural defect in the thing shipped,the carrier is not estopped by his clean bill of lading,because a clean bill of lading,in stating that a certain cargo is on board,gives sufficient notice that this cargo,in the natural course of
57、 events,may have certain qualities or defects which all similar cargo normally hasFor example,a cargo of flour will shrink slightly,and this fact does not have to be noted on the face of the bill of lading Similarly,where cargo is unfit to withstand the ordinary incidents of the contractual voyage c
58、ontemplated by the parties,owing to some inherent vice or hidden defect presented within it,the carrier is not estopped by the clean bill of lading from asserting the inherent defect exception,provided that the damage has not been aggravated by any conduct of the carrier or those for whom he is resp
59、onsible The carrier issuing a clean bill of lading is only bound by his statements as to the outward condition of the cargo and is therefore not estopped from proving inherent vice or hidden defect when that vice or defect was not apparent at the time of shipmentIn other words,a clean bill of lading
60、 does not necessarily fulfill the shippers burden of proof in respect to inherent vice or hidden defect 问题:The slight shrinkage of flour is _A.an inherent defect of the cargoB.a damage which is always aggravated by the conduct of carrierC.a vice or defect which should be noted on face of B/L due to
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