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1、PAGE 13 -温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。模块素养提升(二)(Module 2). 单句语法填空1. Going to bed early is considered (consider) to be a good habit. 2. With my problem settled (settle), I felt happy. 3. Many people went in for writing, music, dramas and similar activities(activity).

2、4. This girl is competitive (compete)and aggressive so she often thinks of others as her rivals. 5. Sarah pretended to be cheerful(cheer), saying nothing about the argument. 6. Niagara Falls is a great tourist attraction(attract), drawing millions of visitors from all over the world every year. 7. T

3、o his joy, he finally found a suitable(suit) job. 8. With the rapid development(develop) of transportation, the world seems to be getting more and more smaller. 【补偿训练】With the development (develop)of industry, air pollution is getting more and more serious. 9. The ability (able) to express myself cl

4、early and correctly is a standard by which others measure my level of education. 10. Reading and reciting. 用下面短语的适当形式填空look back at, work as, have fun, in my view, be considered as, be likely to, play an important part in, in the end, to my great disappointment, in other words1. In my view, we shoul

5、d take our life seriously. 2. Brian is gifted in writing music; he is likely to be a Beethoven. 3. An old peasant, bringing his own food, volunteered to work as a guide for us. 4. Water park is a good place for children to have fun because they like playing with water. 5. Friends play an important p

6、art in our lives. 6. Albert Einstein is considered as one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century. 7. The two birds resemble each other in shape and color. In other words, they are similar to each other in shape and color. 8. To my great disappointment, when I got home, no one was at home. 9.

7、 Dont worry. Everything will work out well in the end. 10. This astronaut wrote a book, in which he looked back at life on the Space Station over the past years. . 完成句子1. Its a great pity that you should give up the chance of studying abroad. 很可惜你放弃了这次出国学习的机会。2. That is how the disease spreads. 那就是这

8、种疾病传播的方式。3. It was not until the doctor came back that the nurse left. 直到医生回来, 那名护士才离开。4. He seems keen on classical music, and so does his brother. 他好像喜欢古典音乐。他的哥哥也是这样。5. What upset the child was that his not being allowed to visit his mother in hospital. 使这个孩子心烦意乱的是不允许他去看望住院的妈妈。. 完形填空When I was thr

9、ee years old, my parents discovered I was totally deaf. After discussing with doctors, they made a decision to send me to a 1school. I experienced great 2 throughout elementary school because I struggled with most of my schoolwork in order that I could 3 up. Because of my 4 I had to constantly ask e

10、veryone, “What did he/she say? ” Classmates are warm-hearted. 5, I worried that everyone would soon 6 repeating everything back to me. Often I was afraid my classmates would make fun of me so I 7 answered any teachers question. Mrs Jordan, my 5th-grade teacher, changed my 8 with a simple three-word

11、phrase. One morning, she asked the class a question. I read her lips and immediately raised my hand. Yet I darent 9 itthis time I knew the answer. When she called on me, I was nervous. Despite my 10, I felt confident because I was 11 that I had the right answer. I took a deep breath and 12 answered

12、Mrs Jordans question. I will never 13 what happened next. Her 14 surprised all of us. Mrs Jordan enthusiastically hit the floor with her right foot and ran her right finger in a full circle until it pointed directly at me. With sparkling (闪闪发光的) eyes and a wide smile she 15, “THATS RIGHT, STEPHEN! ”

13、For the first time in my young life, I was an instant star. My pride 16 in my heart. My 17 rose like never before. A simple three-word phrase delivered with 18 enthusiasm had totally changed my young life. From that day, my grades 19 dramatically. My popularity among my peers 20 and my outlook on li

14、fe did a complete turnabout. 【文章大意】因为听力有问题, 作者很少能回答老师的问题。有一天他却对老师的提问做出了正确回答, 对此老师给出了积极的鼓励, 就是这样简单的三个词的鼓励改变了作者的情况。1. A. boarding B. normal C. special D. medical【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。由下文作者经常问别人老师说了什么可知, 作者虽然耳朵失聪, 但去了一所正常的(normal)学校。2. A. gratitudeB. description C. anxietyD. anger【解析】选C。背景常识题。作者身患残疾, 无法顺利地跟上同学的

15、学习进度, 自然会感到焦虑(anxiety)。3. A. keepB. comeC. stand D. pick【解析】选A。固定搭配题。为了赶上去, 作者努力学习学校的功课。keep up赶上去; come up走上前, (指植物)长出地面, (太阳)升起, 被提出; stand up站起来; pick up收听, 拾起, 用车接, 好转。4. A. curiosityB. braveryC. courageD. disability【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。根据第一段的I was totally deaf可知我听力有残疾, 这里是指因为我的残疾(disability), 我经常问某个人“他

16、/她说了什么”。5. A. ThereforeB. BesidesC. HoweverD. Otherwise【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。同学们都很热心, 可是我却担心此处前后表示转折关系, 用however。6. A. get tired ofB. get shy ofC. get ashamed of D. get skilful at【解析】选A。短语辨析题。由前文提到的worried和空后的I was afraid可推断, 作者是担心同学们会对他不停地提问感到厌烦。get tired of对感到厌烦; get shy of对有顾忌的; get ashamed of对感到羞愧; get s

17、kilful at擅长。7. A. brieflyB. eagerlyC. narrowly D. rarely【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。我担心同学们取笑我, 所以我很少(rarely)去回答老师的问题。8. A. belief B. situationC. environmentD. decision【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。根据下文可知, Mrs Jordan用“THATS RIGHT, STEPHEN! ”三个词改变了作者的情况(situation)。9. A. decline B. bearC. judgeD. believe【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。作者经常向同学问老师说了什么, 学

18、习也不是很得心应手, 这次也不敢相信(believe)自己竟然知道这个问题的答案。10. A. fears B. amazementC. disadvantageD. embarrassment【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。由上文“I was nervous”可知老师叫我时, 我感到紧张, 由此可推断出这里表示我有些害怕(fears)。11. A. astonished B. pleasedC. convinced D. excited【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。作者读懂了老师的唇语并立即举手, 深信(convinced)自己的答案是正确的。12. A. nervouslyB. gladlyC. s

19、imply D. respectfully【解析】选A。词汇复现题。根据前文的I was nervous可知。13. A. faceB. forgetC. expectD. doubt【解析】选B。背景常识题。作者写这篇文章, 这说明接下来发生的事情令作者难忘。14. A. responseB. answerC. responsibilityD. expression【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。根据下文描述的老师的动作可知, 对于一个很平常的课堂上的正确回答, 老师却做出了超乎寻常的反应(response)。15. A. admitted B. noddedC. cried D. explain

20、ed【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。一个一般不会回答问题的残疾学生举手回答问题, 并给出了正确答案, 此时的老师很激动, 高兴地大声喊了(cried)出来。16. A. disappearedB. continuedC. ended D. burst【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。作者回答问题正确并受到老师的表扬, 心中迸发出(burst)骄傲。17. A. honesty B. satisfactionC. sympathy D. confidence【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。作者给出了正确答案, 老师表扬了作者, 作者的自信(confidence)在增加。18. A. innocentB. littl

21、eC. incredible D. natural【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。老师很欣喜作者能给出正确答案, 喊着说出了对作者的表扬, 这简直难以置信(incredible), 但就是这简单的三个词的表扬改变了作者的生活。19. A. improvedB. droppedC. influenced D. solved【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。老师的鼓励让我信心倍增, 我的成绩也在迅速提高(improved)。20. A. strengthenedB. increasedC. broke D. disappeared【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。因为我是残疾人, 我的成绩大幅度提高, 所以我的受欢迎度

22、也在同龄人之间增加(increased)。. 语法填空阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。There are many reasons 1. college and university students often fail 2. (get) full nights of sleep. Many American students are away from their parents for the first time when they attend college. They might not be used to having total 3. (f

23、ree) in how they plan their days and nights. Parties, late night study meetings, or just time spent relaxing with friendsthese are all things that cut into college students sleep habits. A few years ago, Michael Scullin began teaching 4. science of sleep to psychology students at Baylor University i

24、n Waco, Texas. Scullin is an assistant professor at Baylor and the director of its Sleep Neuroscience and Cognition Laboratory. He says his students seemed to enjoy the class and were interested in the material he was teaching. The class 5. (center) round why the body needs to sleep and the physical

25、 and mental health problems 6. (cause) by a lack of sleep. This includes difficulty focusing on studies or 7. (control) ones emotions, and increased risk of many diseases. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that adults need at least seven hours of sleep a night to st

26、ay 8. (health). Scullin found students who slept more performed 9. (well) in two different classes, 10. he published his findings in two academic publications last November. 【文章大意】短文介绍了导致大学生经常无法获得充足的睡眠的原因以及缺少睡眠给大学生带来的危害。1. 【解析】why。考查关系副词。句意: 有很多原因可以解释为什么大学生经常无法获得充足的睡眠。分析句子可知, reasons为先行词, 在后面的定语从句中作

27、原因状语, 所以关系副词为why。2. 【解析】to get。考查动词不定式。句意: 有很多原因可以解释为什么大学生经常无法获得充足的睡眠。fail to do sth. “未能做某事”为固定短语。3. 【解析】freedom。考查名词。句意: 他们可能不习惯完全自由地计划他们的白天和夜晚。total为形容词, 修饰名词freedom。4. 【解析】the。考查冠词。句意: 几年前, 迈克尔斯卡林开始在得克萨斯州韦科的贝勒大学向心理学学生教授睡眠科学。the表示特指, 此处特指睡眠科学。5. 【解析】centered。考查时态。句意: 这门课围绕着为什么身体需要睡眠以及睡眠不足所导致的身体和心

28、理健康问题展开。根据前面出现的时间状语A few years ago可知, 此处讲述的是过去的事情, 所以本句为一般过去时。6. 【解析】caused。考查非谓语动词。句意: 这门课围绕着为什么身体需要睡眠以及睡眠不足所导致的身体和心理健康问题展开。caused by a lack of sleep是过去分词短语作定语, 修饰problems。分析句子可知, problems与cause在逻辑上是被动关系, 所以用过去分词作后置定语。7. 【解析】controlling。考查非谓语动词。句意: 这包括难以专注于学业或控制自己的情绪, 并且会增加患病的风险。由or可知, focusing 与co

29、ntrolling为选择关系。 8. 【解析】healthy。考查词性转化。句意: 美国疾病控制和预防中心表示, 成年人每晚至少需要7小时的睡眠才能保持健康。stay为半系动词, 后接形容词作表语。9. 【解析】better。考查副词比较级。由more可知, 这实际上是将睡眠较为充足的学生与睡眠不足的学生在课程中的表现进行对比, 所以用well的比较级better。10. 【解析】and。考查连词。句意: 斯卡林发现, 睡眠较为充足的学生在两门不同的课程中表现得更好, 并且在去年11月, 他在两份学术刊物上发表了自己的研究结果。分析句意可知, 前后为并列关系, 所以用and来连接。故填and。. 微写作中学生英文报正


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