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1、 被动语态定义 语态是英语动词的一种形式,用来说明主语和谓语动词之间的关系。英语有两种语态:被动语态和主动语态。 被动语态定义我昨天骑马了。I rode horse yesterday. 马昨天被我骑了。Horse was ridden by me yesterday.我昨天骑马了。二.被动语态的谓语结构形式: ask cook make give -be askedbe cookedbe madebe givenbe + done二.被动语态的谓语结构形式: ask be askedbbring up 教育;抚养 call off 取消 give up 放弃 leave out 省略 loo

2、k into 调查 make up 编造 put off 推迟 turn down 拒绝 be brought upbe called offbe given upbe left outbe looked intobe made upbe put offbe turned downbring up 教育;抚养 call off 取三.主动语态和被动语态的相互变化关系(1) My aunt invited me to her dinner party. I (by my aunt ) to her dinner party. was invited三.主动语态和被动语态的相互变化关系(1) My

3、 auntExercise:Labor created man.劳动创造人类。Man by labor.2. His speech moved us deeply.We by his speech.3. They make shoes in that factory. Shoes by them in that factory.was createdwere deeply moved are madeExercise:2. His speech moved u各种时态的被动语态各种时态的被动语态This song _( sing ) by us on Mondays .is sung结构: a

4、m/is are donesing sang sung 唱This song _( sing )The famous poem _(write) by Xu Zhimo .was written结构: was/were donewrite wrote written 写The famous poem _(send to right nowThey _ (send ) to hospital right now .will be sent 结构:will be donesend sent sent 送send to right nowTheya lecturegive soon A lectur

5、e _(give) soon .will be given结构:will be donegive gave given 给a lectureA lecture _They are going to hold an evening party tomorrow.An evening party _tomorrow.be going to + be + 过去分词is going to be heldThey are going to hold an evenHe said the workers would build a new school in two weeks.He said a new

6、 school would be built in two weeks.过去将来时的被动构成: would + be + 过去分词He said the workers would buildig 掘(土)earth 土The earth _(dig) now.is being dug结构:am/is/are being donedig dug dug 掘(土)dig 掘(土)earth 土The earth _A party _(hold) now.is being held结构:am/is/are being donehold held held 举行A party _(hold) now

7、.Miss Hu told me that the cat _(wash) when I called her .was being washed结构:was/were being doneMiss Hu told me that was beingMost of the apple _(eat)up by the mouse .has been eaten结构: has/have been doneeat ate eaten 吃Most of the apple _Many trees _(cut) down by Guangtouqiang recently.have been cut结构

8、: have/has been donecut cut cutMany trees _(cutI found that the shop _ (破门而入)had been broken into .结构: had been doneI found that the shop _The Birds Nest _(build) before the 29th Olympics.the workers _(build) the Birds Nest.Before the 29th Olympic Games,had builthad been builtThe Birds Nest _The bab

9、y must _(take) good care of .be taken 结构: must be done take- took- taken The baby must _(He can sing beautiful songs .Beautiful songs can _ (sing)by him .be sungcan be doneHe can sing beautiful songs .B情态动词的被动语态:1.I can write a letter.2. We must finish the homework on time . can mustmayShould等+ be+

10、doneA letter can be written by me.The homework must be finished on time.情态动词的被动语态:can mustmayShould等+ 一、用括号单词的正确形式填空1.The bridge _(build) last year.2.The Olympic Games _ (hold) every four years. 3.The 2016 Olympics _ (hold) in Brazil .was builtare heldwere held一、用括号单词的正确形式填空was builtare hel4.The pro

11、blem _ (discuss) at the meeting now .5.His new book _ (publish) next month .6. A lot of new highways _(build) in the past 5 years .have been builtis being discussedwill be published4.The problem _- What is that noise? - Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine_. A. was tested B. will be tested C. i

12、s being tested D. has been tested- What is that noise?2. I got caught in the rain and my suit_. A. has ruined B. has been ruined C. had ruined D. had been ruined 各种时态的被动语态课件 3. No decision_ about any future appointment until all the employees have been interviewed. A. will be made B. is made C. is b

13、eing made D. has been made 3. No decision_ about any4. I like these English songs and they _ many times on the radio. A. taught B. have taught C. are taught D. have been taught 4. I like these English songs 5. -Do you have any problems if you_ this job? - Well, Im thinking about the salary. A. offer

14、 B. will offer C. are offered D. will be offered 5. -Do you have any problem- Have you handed in your schoolwork yet? - Yes, I have. I guess it_ now.A. has graded B. is gradedC. is grading D. is being graded - Have you handed in your s7. A coat can for keeping warm.is used B. be used C. been used D.

15、 used 7. A coat can forThe water_ cold at this time of year. A. feel B. feels C. is felt D. felt The water_ cold at this time2. As a result of the serious flood, two thirds of the buildings in the area_ A. need repairing B. needs to repair C. needs repairing D. need to repair各种时态的被动语态课件 3. The car_ on such a cold day. A. doesnt start B. wont start C.


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