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1、 HYPERLINK /news-243-39492.html 审计英语词汇 HYPERLINK / 大耳朵英语 HYPERLINK / http:/wwww.ebiggear.ccom 22007-112-23 15:055:20 【 HYPERLINK javascript:window.print(); 打印】 审计词汇 审计计法 Auddit Laaw, Auudit AAct审计法法实施条例 the IImplemmentarry Rulles off the Auditt law审审计标准 aaudit criteeria,aaudit standdard审计计准则 auuditi

2、nng staandardd审计原则 auditting pprinciiples审审计手册 aaudit manuaal公认审计计准则 Geenerallly Acccepteed Audditingg Stanndardss审计法律规规范 auddit laaws annd reggulatiions审计计体制 auudit ssystemm审计权限 auditt purvview; auditt juriisdicttion;aaudit mandaate审计职职责 auddit reesponssibiliity审计监监督 auddit suuperviision; supeervis

3、iion thhroughh audiiting审审计管辖权 auditt juriisdicttion审计计执法 immplemeentatiion off audiit lawws andd reguulatioons审计处处理 auddit saanctioon审计处罚罚 audiit pennalty依依法审计 cconducct audditingg in aaccorddance with laws审审计意见 aaudit opiniion审计决决定 auddit deecisioon审计建议议 audiit sugggestiion, aaudit recommmendaatio

4、n复复核意见 cconcluusion of auudit rrevieww审计复议 auditt appeeal审计听听证 auddit heearingg审计复核 auditt reviiew审计战战略 auddit sttrateggy审计计划划 audiit plaan审计方案案 audiiting progrram审计目目标 audditingg objeectivee审计范围 auditt scoppe审计内容容 audiit covveragee审计结论 auditt concclusioon审计任务务 audiit asssignmeents审计计结果 auudit ffind

5、inng审计报告告 audiit repport审计计方法 auudit mmethodd审计过程 auditting pprocesss审计证据据 audiit eviidencee审计测试 auditt testt审计风险 auditt riskk审计抽样 auditt samppling审审计软件 aaudit softwware审计计程序 auuditinng proocedurres审计调调查 auddit innvestiigatioon审计小组组 audiit teaam审计线索索 audiit traail工作底底稿 worrking paperr绕过计算机机审计 auudit

6、inng aroound tthe coomputeer通过计算算机审计 aauditiing thhroughh the compuuter计算算机辅助审计计 compputer-assitted auudit信息息技术审计 IT auudit合法法性审计 ccompliiance auditt, reggulariity auudit合规规性审计 ccompliiance auditt综合审计 comprrehenssive aaudit效效益审计 vvalue for mmoney auditt (VFMM audiit)绩效审审计 perrformaance aaudit财财务审计 f

7、financcial aaudit财财务报表审计计 finaanciall stattementt audiit财务收支支审计 auudit oof finnanciaal revvenuess and expennditurres决算审审计 finnal acccountt audiit经济责任任审计 acccounttabiliity auudit任中中经济责任审审计 midddle tterm aaccounntabillity aaudit离离任经济责任任审计 teerm-ennd acccountaabilitty auddit管理审审计 mannagemeent auudit项目目

8、审计 prrojectt audiit外部审计计 exteernal auditt内部审计 interrnal aaudit政政府审计 ggovernnment auditt联合审计 jointt audiit实地审计计 fielld auddit期末审审计 finnal auudit期中中审计 innterimm audiit定期审计计 periiodic auditt初次审计 initiial auudit初步步审计 prrelimiinary auditt事后审计 post-auditt事前审计 pre-aaudit事事中审计 cconcurrrent auditt专项审计 specii

9、al auudit法定定审计 sttatutoory auudit后续续审计 suuccesssive aaudit跟跟踪审计 ffolloww up aaudit全全过程审计 wholee proccess aauditiing突击审审计 surrprisee audiit审计报告告 audiit repport标准准报告 sttandarrd repport长式式报告 loong-foorm reeport短短式报告 sshort-form reporrt审计工作作报告 auudit wworkinng repport审计计结果公告 Annouuncemeent off Audiit Fi

10、nndingss 审计长 Audittor Geenerall副审计长 Deputty Audditor Generral审计主主任 chiief auuditorr资深审计师师 seniior auuditorr审计师(员员) audditor 注册内部审审计师 ceertifiied innternaal audditor(CCIA)注册册信息系统审审计师 ceertifiied innformaation systeems auuditorr(CISAA)注册公共共会计师 ccertiffied ppublicc accoountannt(CPAA)特许会计计师 chaartereed

11、acccountaant(CAA)审计经费费 audiit funnds审计业业务费 auudit ooperatting eexpensse审计专项项经费 sppeciall fundds forr audiiting无无保留意见:unquaalifieed opiinion保保留意见 qqualiffied oopinioon无法表示示意见: ddisclaaimer of oppinionn否定意见:adverrse oppinionn 招生简章: HYPERLINK /info/zxShow.asp?id=1017403 物流师 | HYPERLINK /info/zxShow.asp

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40、国际际的审计实务务声明(IIAPSs)1766innternaationaalfedderatiionoffaccoountannts(IIFAC)国际会计师师联合会(IIFAC)1777innventoorysyystem盘存制制度1178invenntoryvaluaation存货估估价1179ISA2230doocumenntatioon文文件编制180ISAA240frauddanderrorr国际砂糖协协定2400欺诈和错错误注会审计英语词词汇表作者:-文章来源源:转载点击数数: 8099更更新时间:22008-55-26 Auditing 审计 1.Assurance engage

41、ments and external audit 鉴证业务和外部审计 Materiality, true and fair presentation, reasonable assurance 重要性,真实、公允反映,合理保证 Appointment, removal and resignation of auditors 注册会计师的聘用,解聘和辞职 Types of opinion: unmodified opinion, modified opinion, adverse opinion, disclaimer of opinion 审计意见类型:无保留意见,保留意见,否定意见,无法表示

42、意见 Professional ethics: independence, objectivity, integrity, professional competence, due care, confidentiality, professional behavior 职业道德:独立、客观和公正,专业胜任能力,应有的关注,保密性,职业行为 Engagement letter 审计业务约定书 2.Planning and risk assessment 审计计划和风险评估 General principles 一般原则 Plan and perform audits with an attit

43、ude of professional skepticism 计划和执行审计业务应保持应有的职业怀疑态度 Audit risks = inherent risk control risk detection risk 审计风险=固有风险控制风险检查风险 Risk-based approach 风险导向型审计 Understanding the entity and knowledge of the business 了解被审单位 Assessing the risks of material misstatement and fraud 估计重大错报或舞弊的风险 Materiality (le

44、vel), tolerable error 重要性水平,可容忍误差 Analytical procedures 分析性复核程序 Planning an audit 制定审计计划 Audit documentation: working papers 审计记录:工作底稿 The work of others 利用其他人的工作 Rely on the work of experts 利用专家工作 Rely on the work of internal audit 利用内部审计人员的工作 3.Internal control 内部控制 The evaluation of internal cont

45、rol systems 内部控制系统评价Tests of control 控制测试 Substantive procedures (time, nature, extent) 实质性程序(时间,性质,范围) Transaction cycles: revenue, purchases, inventory, etc. 4.Audit evidence 审计证据 Obtain sufficient, appropriate audit evidence 获取充分、适当的审计证据 Assertions contained in the financial statements: completen

46、ess, occurrence, existence, measurement, presentation and disclosure, rights and obligations 财务报表所包含的认定:完整性,发生,存在,计价,表达和披露,权利和义务 The audit of specific items 具体项目的审计 Receivables: confirmation 应收账款:函证 Inventory: counting, cut-off, confirmation of inventory held by third parties 存货:盘点,截止测试,对第三方持有存货进行函证

47、Payables: supplier statement reconciliation, confirmation 应付账款:供应商对帐,函证 Bank and cash: bank confirmation 货币资金:银行函证 Auditing sampling 审计抽样 5.Review 复核 Subsequent events 期后事项 Going concern 持续经营 Management representations 管理层声明 Audit finalization and the final review: unadjusted differences 终结审计和最后复核:未

48、调整差异 6.Reporting 审计报告Appendix帐目名词一、 资产类 Assets 流动资产 Current assets 货币资金 Cash and cash equivalents 现金 Cash 银行存款 Cash in bank 其他货币资金 Other cash and cash equivalents 外埠存款 Other city Cash in bank 银行本票 Cashiers cheque 银行汇票 Bank draft 信用卡 Credit card 信用证保证金 L/C Guarantee deposits 存出投资款 Refundable deposits

49、 短期投资 Short-term investments 股票 Short-term investments - stock 债券 Short-term investments - corporate bonds 基金 Short-term investments - corporate funds 其他 Short-term investments - other 短期投资跌价准备 Short-term investments falling price reserves 应收款 Account receivable 应收票据 Note receivable 银行承兑汇票 Bank acce

50、ptance 商业承兑汇票 Trade acceptance 应收股利 Dividend receivable 应收利息 Interest receivable 应收账款 Account receivable 其他应收款 Other notes receivable 坏账准备 Bad debt reserves 预付账款 Advance money 应收补贴款 Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable 库存资产 Inventories 物资采购 Supplies purchasing 原材料 Raw materials 包装物 Wrappag

51、e 低值易耗品 Low-value consumption goods 材料成本差异 Materials cost variance 自制半成品 Semi-Finished goods 库存商品 Finished goods 商品进销差价 Differences between purchasing and selling price 委托加工物资 Work in process - outsourced 委托代销商品 Trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis 受托代销商品 Commissioned and sell the goods

52、 on a commission basis 存货跌价准备 Inventory falling price reserves 分期收款发出商品 Collect money and send out the goods by stages 待摊费用 Deferred and prepaid expenses 长期投资 Long-term investment 长期股权投资 Long-term investment on stocks 股票投资 Investment on stocks 其他股权投资 Other investment on stocks 长期债权投资 Long-term inves

53、tment on bonds 债券投资 Investment on bonds 其他债权投资 Other investment on bonds 长期投资减值准备 Long-term investments depreciation reserves 股权投资减值准备 Stock rights investment depreciation reserves 债权投资减值准备 Bcreditors rights investment depreciation reserves 委托贷款 Entrust loans 本金 Principal 利息 Interest 减值准备 Depreciati

54、on reserves 固定资产 Fixed assets 房屋 Building 建筑物 Structure 机器设备 Machinery equipment 运输设备 Transportation facilities 工具器具 Instruments and implement 累计折旧 Accumulated depreciation 固定资产减值准备 Fixed assets depreciation reserves 房屋、建筑物减值准备 Building/structure depreciation reserves 机器设备减值准备 Machinery equipment de

55、preciation reserves 工程物资 Project goods and material 专用材料 Special-purpose material 专用设备 Special-purpose equipment 预付大型设备款 Prepayments for equipment 为生产准备的工具及器具 Preparative instruments and implement for fabricate 在建工程 Construction-in-process 安装工程 Erection works 在安装设备 Erecting equipment-in-process 技术改造

56、工程 Technical innovation project 大修理工程 General overhaul project 在建工程减值准备 Construction-in-process depreciation reserves 固定资产清理 Liquidation of fixed assets 无形资产 Intangible assets 专利权 Patents 非专利技术 Non-Patents 商标权 Trademarks, Trade names 著作权 Copyrights 土地使用权 Tenure 商誉 Goodwill 无形资产减值准备 Intangible Assets

57、 depreciation reserves 专利权减值准备 Patent rights depreciation reserves 商标权减值准备 trademark rights depreciation reserves 未确认融资费用 Unacknowledged financial charges 待处理财产损溢 Wait deal assets loss or income 待处理财产损溢 Wait deal assets loss or income 待处理流动资产损溢 Wait deal intangible assets loss or income 待处理固定资产损溢 Wa

58、it deal fixed assets loss or income 本文来自: 恒星英语学习网(www.H) 详细出处参考: HYPERLINK /word/kuaiji/2007-09-02/13195.html /word/kuaiji/2007-09-02/13195.htmlaccountant genaral 会计主任account balancde 结平的帐户account bill 帐单account books 帐account classification 帐户分类 account current 往来帐account form of balance sheet 帐户式资

59、产负债表account form of profit and loss statement 帐户式损益表account payable 应付帐款account receivable 应收帐款 account of payments 支出表account of receipts 收入表account title 帐户名称,会计科目accounting year 或financial year 会计年度accounts payable ledger 应付款分类帐Accounting period(会计期间)are related to specific time periods ,typicall

60、y one year(通常是一年) 资产负债表:balance sheet 可以不大写b利润表: income statements (or statements of income)利润分配表:retained earnings现金流量表:cash flows二、负债类 Liability 短期负债 Current liability 短期借款 Short-term borrowing 应付票据 Notes payable 银行承兑汇票 Bank acceptance 商业承兑汇票 Trade acceptance 应付账款 Account payable 预收账款 Deposit rece


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