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1、Words & expressionsUnit4Word study Fill in the blanks, then repeat the sentences on your own.bucketdoorwayA boy is standing in the_,carrying a _ in his hands.doorwaybucket astronautstick out伸出stuckstuckThe _ _ _ his thumb to tell us everything was ready.astronautstuckouttailorsew sewed sewed/sewnsew

2、ing machineincome 收入The_is_ with an old _. She works hardall day long, but the _ is low. tailorsewing machineincomesewingThis road leads to a _ village.There is no hospital but a small_ in the village.a clinica remote villageremoteclinic a roaddonate v.People lined up to _ money forthe brave girl. S

3、he is_.We _know how the girl is now.be dying to 极想;渴望donateare dying toin need在困难中in great needcome across偶遇hear from 接到信Yesterday I _ _ my best friend at the station. I told her that I hadnt_ _ my boyfriend for two weeks. cameacrossheardfromLearning tips When we remember the words, wed better put t

4、hem in the sentence.When we remember the words, wed better put them in the sentence.Learning tips1. _ n. 泥; 淤泥; 泥浆 _ adj. 泥泞的; 模糊的; 混乱的2. _ vi.& vt. 调整; (使)适合 _adj. 可调的; 可调节(整)的 _ n. 调节; 调整 Word expansionadjustmentmudmuddyadjustadjustable3. _vi. 参与; 参加 _ n. 参与; 参加 _ n. 参加者; 参与者participantparticipate

5、participation4. _ n. 志愿者 _ adj. 自愿的; 志愿的; 无偿的 _ adv. 自愿地; 自动地voluntarilyvolunteervoluntary5. _ vt. 分配; 分发 _ n. 分配; 分发; 分布状态 _ n. 发行人; 经销商;分销商distributordistributedistribution6. _vt. 保护adj. 安全的 _ n. 安全;保护;保障7. _vi. 工作;运转vt. 操作 _ n. 操作;经营operation securesecurityoperateLearning tipsWhen we remember the

6、 words, we can use word formation, such as compounding, conversion, derivation and so onWhen we remember the words, we can use word formation, such as compounding(合成), conversion(转化), derivation(派生) and so on.Learning tipsKey phrases1_接到的信2_极想,渴望3_不久前的一天4_ 和有关5_ 参与;参加hear from(be) dying tothe other

7、daybe relevant to.participate in6_(使浸水等之物)完全变干7_(指河流、井等)干涸8_在困难中;在危急中9_ 完成;穿过10_伸出11_ 说实在的dry outdry upin needget throughstick outto be honestExercise for phrases 1.定期地给这些花浇水,不要让土壤变干。_2.暴露于黑暗太长时间使他很难适应强光。_3.由于鸡相继死去,我急切地想知道怎么发生的。_4.所有相关证据表明他所做的与这个案件无关。5.志愿者自愿为那些需要的人提供无偿服务。-TranslationReference answer

8、s1.Water the flowers regularly, never letting the soil dry up.2.Being exposed to the darkness for long makes it difficult to adjust to the stronglight.3.With the chickens dying off, I was dying to figure out how it came about.4.All relevant evidence suggested that what he did was irrelevant to the case.5.Volunteers volunteer to provide voluntary service for those who are in need.1. hear from2. (be)dying to3. the other day4. relevant5. adjust6. participate7. dry out8. otherwise9. privilege10. arrangement11. donate12. in need13. purchase14. distribute15. opera


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