



1、文档编码 : CI6U9N8O2K3 HA1O5H9J5P3 ZP10K10O5D6N1重庆市万州中学重庆高校版Book 2 unit3 阅读 教案设计孙述明 刘小琴School: Chongqing Wanzhou Senior High School Senior Section: Book 2 Challenging Yourself Knowing About Festivals Teacher: Sun Shuming Class: 8 , Grade: 2022 Size: 62 Time: 40mins Date 2022/3/29 Material: Teacher s Boo

2、k Type of lesson: Reading Objectives:Aids: PPT ,Textbook, Blackboard 1. Instructional objectives 1 Help the students know some words of the names of the festivals 2 Help the students learn some words and phrases used to describe festivals 2. Educational objectives affect, learning strategy and cultu

3、ral awareness 1 Help the students practice the reading skills of skimming and scanning 2 Help the students learn the different ways of celebrating a festival 3. Personal objectives Help the students speak their knowledge of festivals loudly and confidently Difficult points: 1)Names of the festivals

4、2)Skimming and scanning Procedures and Time Allotment Stage 1 Getting students ready for learning 1mins Stage 2 Leading-in: 5mins Activity 1: To brainstorm: 2mins 1 / 3 重庆高校版Book 2 unit3 阅读 教案设计s DayThe Spring Festival The Lover New Years DayChristmas s Dayfestival Easter Day s DayApril FoolThanksgi

5、ving Day Tomb Sweeping Day Halloween Mothers Day 3mins Activity 2: to enjoy and sing a song/ a video Thanksgiving heart Stage 3 Pre-reading: 10mins 1. The backgroundintroduction of Thanksgiving Ex1.P89 3mins Questions: 1 What do you know about Thanksgiving. 2 How about its origin. 3 How do people ce

6、lebrate it. 2. Study the following sentences, especially the colored words and expressions. 7mins Activity 1: Translate the given sentences. Work in pairs Activity 2: To learn the colored words.journal, voyage, crowded, died from, harvest, thankful Activity 3: To make a story about Thanksgiving with

7、 the colored words above, then share their stories in class. Stage 4 While-reading: 14mins 1. Skimming: 6mins Activity 1: To learn the Margin Notes Let the students read the text quickly Activity 2: To find the moral of the text on Page 91 Let the students read the text quickly again 2. Scanning: 9m

8、ins 2 / 3 重庆高校版 Book 2 unit3 阅读 教案设计Activity 1: To correct the order of the story Let the students enjoy a video about the origin of Thanksgiving Activity 2: To discuss the given questions on Page91 Let the students work in groups, and then share in class Stage 5 Post-reading: 7mins To give a speech about Thanksgiving in class


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