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1、关键信息识别与浓缩关键信息识别信息单位:语句根据其信息分布情况分为信息单位,小句(clause)常被看作一个信息单位信息焦点:每一个信息单位中必然有一个负载最重要信息的成分,即 “信息焦点”.它是说话人想要重点强调的信息,主要是新信息.英语单句的焦点常在句子的尾部,即末尾焦点(end-focus)原则.除焦点信息外,还有比较新的信息,称为重要信息关键信息包括焦点信息和重要信息,主要指焦点信息关键信息识别E.g.A. That he has kept talking about the heavy traffic to explain why he was late again is obvio

2、us.B. It is obvious that he has kept talking about the heavy traffic to explain why he was late again. (信息焦点)A句比较累赘,听话人很难准确及时理解信息,而B句遵循了次重要信息(obvious)到重要信息(he was kept talking about the heavy traffic),再到最重要信息(to explain why he was late again)的逐渐深入的原则,相对容易理解.听话人在一定的旧信息基础上理解(半)新信息,最后理解焦点信息,符合人们的认知规律.关

3、键信息识别一般情况下,除强调句和倒装句外,英语单句信息的分布顺序是:从一般到特定、从泛指到特指、从已知到未知、从次重要到重要、从旧信息到(半)新信息,再到信息焦点。关键信息识别英语复句的信息分布情况:(1)递进关系复句的主要信息在后一个分句。 e.g China is not only an engine for Asian economy but also an engine for global economy(2)转折关系复句中,but复句主要信息在后一个分句,though/ although, nevertheless, however等复句,主要信息既可以前置,也可以后置,前置更常见

4、。 e.g. He is young, but he has made so many achievements. she succeeded in the entrance examination though she did not work hard though. vs. Though she did not work hard enough, she succeeded in the entrance examination. 关键信息识别(3)假设、让步、条件以及因果关系复句中,前置和后置都可以,但是前置更常见。 e.g. He resigned as his health was

5、 decaying. vs. As his health was decaying, he resigned. You should have avoided the mistake if you had taken your parents advice. vs. If you had taken your parents advice, you should have avoided the mistake. The president will remain calm and persevered no matter what difficulties he may encounter.

6、 vs. No matter what difficulties he may encounter, the president will remain calm and persevered. The European society is becoming a bit more chaotic as more and more immigrants are flocking in. vs. As more and more immigrants are flocking in, the European society is becoming a bit more chaotic.句子信息

7、分布与句子成分英语单句中,主语、谓语、宾语、补语、定语和状语都承载着不同的信息,其中前四种承载着大部分重要信息。 主语:要么引出主题,要么引出上文并未出现的新主题即新信息,要么重复上文提出过的新信息(此处为半新信息); 宾语或补语对主语处的新信息或半新信息进行进一步说明、阐释、强调、归纳、分析等,从而产生本句内部真正的新信息; 谓语则连接主语和宾语,其信息含量相对较少,且可以通过主语、宾语推理出来因此:四大成分所承载的信息重要程度依次是:宾语或补语,主语、谓语。(符合英语句子末尾焦点原则)一般来说(除主谓句外),句子信息分为:次要信息(定语、谓语、状语)、重要信息(主语、定语、谓语、状语)和焦

8、点信息(宾语、补语)E.g句子信息分布与句子成分Past experience demonstrates that a partnership between China and the United States is beneficial to both nations.The rapid growth of Chinas economy has brought opportunities and benefits to many countries, in particular the United States.Statistics show that among Chinas lar

9、ge and medium-sized industrial enterprises, large enterprises account for nearly 40 percent of the annual revenue.China aims to maintain average annual economic growth rate of 7.5% from 2006 to 2010.句子信息分布与句子成分 To continue efforts to cool investment growth in some overheated sectors, the government

10、has made macro-economic control a top priority.Governor Huang said Guangdong has one of the most dynamic marketplaces in China plus well-developed foreign trade, and is overall an attractive place to invest in.Hong Kong has a sound legal and regulatory system, which undoubtedly attracts a huge volum

11、e of investment from the mainland and overseas.英语话语信息呈现规则英语句子一般遵循末尾焦点原则,而本句的焦点信息即新信息到下文或许就成了半新信息或者重要信息而不再是焦点信息,从而引出更新信息,并以此类推。所以英语话语的信息呈现一般规则:新信息I1 更新信息I2 (I2)或I3 (I3)I4 依此类推 句1 句2 信息转移关键信息浓缩与信息储存简化关键信息是口译记忆非常重要的一个操作,可以极大减轻译员储存负担从而提高口译效率简化关键信息又成为关键信息浓缩,可以通过不同方式来完成. (1)可以用简化了的语言符号、数学符号、标点符号和特殊符号来完成,这

12、些符号可以是大脑中的,也可以是书面的。E.g. Chinas progress has aroused some fear in the world community. Some countries led by the United States are concerned about how China will use its ever-increasing strength.关键信息可以浓缩为:中或C 美或US担或worry关键信息浓缩与信息储存(2)可以借助大脑中的意象进行记忆。E.g The 15-year period following the Cold War has de

13、monstrated that if China and the United States co-operate with each other, they not only find significant common interests on the strategic level but also realize conditions of mutual benefit in respective economic development.本例可以通过形象化来记忆关键信息,即中美合作的情景以及给双方带来的经济战略利益的相关图画;也可以选择符号记忆或记录,如 中美合 经战略练 习练习一:听下列英语句子,在大脑中呈现出每个句子的关键信息。artifact 手工制品 partisan 党派的Fossil fuels 化石燃料 rectify 矫正,调整Eco-friendly vehicles 环保汽车a 26 0C energy-saving campaign 一场倡导26度空调温度的节能运动Maglev line 磁悬浮线路Resumption of uranium enrichment 浓缩铀活动重启练 习


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