1、Management Communication管理沟通管理沟通的内涵和过程1Skills required for a good manager: 1) technical skills: these skills, however, constantly change and can become quickly outdated. What gets you in the door wont necessarily get you promoted. 2) relating skills: at the heart of what management is about: reading
2、, writing, speaking, listening and thinking at the same time. 3) conceptual skills: to look beyond the details of todays work assignment and see the bigger picture. But if you havent formed the relationships to help you get promoted, you may not be around long enough to have the chance to use your c
3、onceptual skills. 2communicating is the job!One-on-one conversationsTelephone conversationsPresentationsPublic speaking to large audiencesWriting: the ability to put ideas on paper in a clear, unambiguous fashion. (remember: documents take on lives of their own, recipient free to do as he sees fit w
4、ith your writing, even using it against you. So if ill-considered or expressed)3教学手段讲座课堂讨论角色扮演案例分析43A课程目标 意识(Awareness) 态度(Attitude) 行动(Action)5人生即沟通人是社会关系的总和: 父子、夫妻、同事、师生、商业伙伴 等人们之间关系的不平衡是绝对的处理与调整关系的手段 武力、法律、权威、沟通沟通是调整关系最首要的、最普遍的手段 6一则故事:名人交际失误阿尔伯特:“谁?”女王:“我是女王.”阿尔伯特:“谁啊?”女王:“维多利亚.”阿尔伯特:“谁啊?”女王温柔地回
5、答:“你的妻子.”7Chapter 1 Introduction1. A game: Chinese murmur This course is for you if you need to speak in a managerial, business, government, or professional context. 大兔子,大肚子,大肚子的大兔子,要咬大兔子的大肚子。 8沟通不是万能的,但没有沟通却是万万不能的!沟通是管理的灵魂!沟通无处不在,无时不在!9Prisoners Dilemma (game theory)Case: Two prisoners, questioned
6、in isolated rooms, the one who confesses their crimes first will be sentenced to only 1 year in prison, the one who refuses to confess, 3 years, but if both deny their crimes, released right away.-If you were one of the prisoners, what would you do? (remember: you cannot communicate with each other.
7、) 102. Prisoners dilemma 1+1 =2Prisoner 1Prisoner 2AARR1+3 =43+1 =40+0 =011Discussion(1):Background You are a group of astronauts. Your landing vehicle has broken down and landed 200 miles from the mother ship on the moon. Most of the equipment is either damaged or lost and the following things are
8、the only ones left to last you for the 200 miles to the safety. However, among all these things, you can only take 8 with you. Now, you have to reach a consensus among yourselves and put them in a list in order of importance and decide on the things you are going to take with you.你是一位宇航员,与另外几位宇航员驾驶一
9、太空船飞向月球,原计划去与已经降落月球、作为基地的太空母船会合。然而,因机械故障,你们的太空船只能迫降在距离太空母船200英里之外的月球表面。降落时许多设备受到损坏,而为了生存你们必须充分利用未受损坏的装备自行到达太空母船。下面列出了15样未受损坏的物资和装备,请依据其重要性分别标出1-15,以供你们出发时酌其重要性决定取舍(比如,你们的体力只能带13件,就只好放弃另外两件)。 12Discussion(1):Background13Discussion(1):Group CommunicationAfter finishing self-judgement, your group uses
10、informative or persuasive communication so as to get access to the common decision. The turn of 15 things should try to get everyones agreement.Attentions:-No matter informative, or persuasive communication, logic is the fundamental;-Dont change your idea only to avoid the conflict;-Dont make decisi
11、on only to abide by “the minority and the majority” rule14Discussion(1):15What do we learn from the above games?Chinese murmur: Prisoners dilemma:Adventure on the moon:We need communication to avoid misunderstanding.We need communication to survive.We need communication to get things done in a team.
12、16Discussion(2): Self-assessmentWhat key techniques, you think, decide the success of your career? What are your communication barriers in your job?What are the most effective approaches to improve your communication skills? What do you wish to learn much more in this course? 17 Significance of MCCo
13、-ordination requires communication. what is an organization? Firstly, it consists of a number of people.Secondly, it involves interdependence. Communicative capability heavily influences your career development to some extent. 18Harold Koontz (哈罗德孔茨):“管理就是设计和保持一种良好环境,使人在群体里高效率地完成既定目标。”Henri Foyol (亨
14、利法约尔): planning计划, organizing组织, coordinating协调, commanding领导, controlling控制Henry Mintzberg (亨利明兹伯格): “Verbal and written contacts are the managers work.” “Managers must be able to communicate easily and efficiently.”19约翰奈斯比特:“未来竞争将是管理的竞争,竞争的焦点在于每个社会组织内部成员之间及其与外部组织的有效沟通之上。” “Future competition will
15、be the competition of management, the focus of which lies in effective communication between members of the institution or between the members and people from outside the institution.” 松下幸之助:“伟大的事业需要一颗真诚的心与人沟通。”乔丹与皮蓬:“我们两个人在场上的沟通相当重要,我们相互从对方眼神、手势、表情中获取对方的意图,于是我们传、切、突破、得分;但是,如果我们失去彼此间的沟通,那么公牛的末日来临了。”
16、20美国著名学府普林斯顿大学对一万份人事档案进行分析(survey) ,结果发现:“智慧intelligence”、“专业技术expertise”和“经验”只占成功因素的25,其余75决定于良好的人际沟通。 (accounts for only 25 of their success. The rest 75 comes from good interpersonal communication skills.)哈佛大学就业指导小组1995年调查结果显示,在500名被解职的男女中,因人际沟通不良(miscommunication)而导致工作不称职者占82。“三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮” 21S
17、urvey:新快报2005.7.23 -中国职业经理人与世界同行的差距在于 他们的沟通技巧和能力。22 Communicative capability heavily influences your career development to some extent. Conclusion:23沟通是个人事业成功的重要因素只有与人良好的沟通,才能为他人所理解;只有与人良好的沟通,才能得到必要的信息;只有与人良好的沟通,才能获得他人的鼎力相助,正所谓“能此者大道坦然,不能此者孤帆片舟”。 24Why communicate? It leads to greater effectiveness.
18、It keeps people in the picture. It gets people involved with the organization and increases motivation to perform well; increases commitment to the organization. It makes for better relationships and understanding between: boss and subordinate; colleagues; people within the organization and outside
19、it. It helps people to understand the need for change: how they should manage it; how to reduce resistance to change. 25有人认为:“沟通不是太难的事,我们不是每天都在进行沟通吗?”“我告诉他了, 所以我已和他沟通了。”“只有当我想要沟通的时候,才会有沟通。”(默默无语两眼泪;犹抱琵琶半遮面)26管理沟通的内涵和要素 一、管理沟通的概念 Concept of MC机机沟通人机沟通人人沟通 管理沟通是指沟通者为了获取沟通对象的反应和反馈而向对方传递信息的全部过程MC is the
20、 whole process of the communicator sending information in exchange for the audiences reaction and response. (sending information to get things done) 27What is communication?(1)-I sent you an e-mail, your manager asserts. Didnt you get it?-We put out a memo on that subject just last month, a junior V
21、P claims. Why arent the employees complying?- That memo is crucial to the future of this company, your boss thunders. Its about the vision our senior team wants to see throughout the entire organization. Why didnt you read it? Misunderstanding about communication:28 1) Management communication is no
22、t about sending a message, instead, it is about a sending a message in exchange for reaction and feedback from the receiver. 2) Successful communication requires that the message not only be sent but also understood.3) You are not successful unless your message leads to the response of your audience
23、.What is communication?(2)What do we learn?4) Good communication conveys not only what you know about a subject (information), but also how you feel about it (emotion and attitude).293. Remember: *A message sent is not necessarily a message received; *A message received is not necessarily a message
24、understood; *A message understood is not necessarily a message understood in the way you hope it is understood. *A message that is correctly understood may not necessarily be complied with.* Good communication conveys not only what you know about a subject (information), but also how you feel about
25、it (emotion and attitude).30沟通是人与人之间通过语言、文字、符号或其他的表达形式,进行信息传递和交换的行为及过程。沟通是人们在互动过程中通过某种途径或方式将一定的信息从发送者传递给接受者,并获取理解的过程。沟通的定义:31通过语言或非语言的方式传递和理解信息和知识的过程了解他人思想、情感、观点及价值观的双向的途径沟通是一种能力,而不是一种本能沟通是一种途径沟通是双向的沟通是一个过程32沟通是两个循环圈尊重的倾听提出你的观点澄清你的了解确认对方了解你的观点33沟通想说/做的实际说/做的听/看到的理解的反馈的34Communication depends on the
26、nature of the message to be passed, and on the relationship between the sender and the receiver. You are successful only if your message leads to the response of your audience.e.g. “Arthur, I wonder if youd like to look at your account, its a bit overdue.” “Mr. Jones, your account is very overdue an
27、d we are placing the matter in the hands of our solicitors at the end of this week if it is not brought within our normal terms of sale by then” 35 Natures of MC Media: language or letters; Content: Information, Thoughts, Emotion, Aspects, Attitude etc; Philosophy greatly influences the understandin
28、g of motive, behavior and goal; Special barriers: Information disorder, Philosophy elements (preference, background, experiences and value). 36 管理沟通的内涵:1. 沟通首先是意义上的传递。2. 要使沟通成功,意义不仅需要被传递,还需要被理解。3. 在沟通过程中,所有传递于沟通者之间的,只是一些符号,而不是信息本身。4. 良好的沟通常被错误地理解为沟通双方达成协议,而不是准确理解信息的意义。5. 沟通的信息是包罗万象的。37沟通的目的控制成员的行为(遵
29、守公司政策)激励员工改善绩效表达情感分享成败流通信息防止断裂38Case 1:EC公司工资改革方案的出台Discussion:1人事部主任为了保证工资改革的顺利实施,要解决好沟通问题,从该案例看,他应如何考虑沟通的对象,以及针对不同对象的沟通信息策略和内容等问题?2人事部主任为实施工资改革方案,具体的沟通目的是什么?案例中所述的五点建议,能否保证沟通的顺利实现?3在工资改革方案酝酿过程中出现各种不同的意见和说法,这些非正式信息产生的原因是什么,应如何看待这些信息对工资改革方案出台的影响?余平认为应加强工资改革方案出台前的保密工作,你对此如何看?4公司在全面推行新的工资改革方案之前,选择公司技术
30、开发中心作为试点部门。该部门试点的成功是否一定能说明在整个公司推行工资改革方案的成功?你对余平实行的沟通过程作何评价? 39沟通的基本问题心态(Mindest)的问题1、自私关心只在五伦以内君臣;父子;兄弟;夫妇;朋友2、自我别人的问题与我无关3、自大我的想法就是答案40沟通的基本原理关心(Concern)1、注意他人的状况与难处(正在进行时)2、注意他人的需求与不便(将来时)例如:压力缓解策略3、注意他人的痛苦与问题(过去时)41沟通方式 低 参与 咨询 推销 告知 高 低 听众参与的程度 高内容控制程度42沟通的方式1、告知。即指听众的参与程度低、内容控制程度高的方式。如传达法律、政策,做
32、条放在另一条的中间部分试验下面的排法:边说边做,计算时间123447BUT: People often confuse the act of communicating with the process of communication.sentreceivedunderstoodComplied 48沟通过程 噪音物理干扰语义问题文化差异缺少反馈地位的影响想传递的信息(被编码的信息)感知到的意义(被解码的信息)49管理沟通的过程 Process of MC 管理沟通的过程 50沟通过程模型知觉解释选择编码刺激知觉解码解释选择编码甲乙反馈通过某管道传递51影响编码和译码的四个条件1、技巧例如:
33、购买商品的送客细节2、态度:态度是对人、事、物、观念等等的评价,包括认知、情感、行为三部分。例如:到口的肉吃不下去痛苦的很 3、知识:考虑到对方理解与否例如:专有名词;RV;SUV4、社会文化背景例如:酒文化;食文化52送訊者編碼解碼回饋人際溝通的程序噪音訊息媒介接收者訊息53准备沟通的信息编码: 将想法转化为有意义的符号的过程。管道: 信息传递的渠道。管道超载:管道不能处理所传递的信息。信息超载:信息传递过多超出了人们能接收的范围。接收到的信息解码: 接收者对于发送者传递的符号的解释。反馈: 表明接收到信息并将个人对于原始信息的感受告知信息发送者的过程。噪音: 在沟通过程中干扰信息发送者和信
35、知觉偏差选择性知觉根据自己的兴趣、背景、经验和态度,有选择地解释自己所看到的东西。对比效应对某人的评价容易受到自己对其他人评价的影响。投射将自己的特性强加于到别人身上。晕轮效应根据某人的一种特征去推断其具有的其他特征。一好百好,一坏全坏。58知觉在组织中的应用皮格马利翁效应: 当上级对下属产生不正确的期望后,下属果然表现出与上司看法相同的行为。59怎样保证准确的知觉认识到每个人的知觉都会有偏差,完全客观是不可能的。认识到不同的位置会使人对于事实有不同的看法,并对所观察到的东西做不同的推论。当与别人的意见不一致时,尽量返回到双方当初对事物的观察是否有差异。当新的观点对于自己的想法不一样时,要意识到自己的观点而非对自己构成挑战的观点值得重新反思。60事实与推断事实基于个人的观察,很容易被验证。同一文化背景下的所有人都信以为真的东西就是事实。推断人们根据自己的观察而作出的推测。推测不一定正确。不同的人可能作出不同的推测。61沟通中正确处理事实和推断区分哪是事实、哪是推断。当根据从别人那
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