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1、学士 Bachelor硕士 Master博士 Doctor第1页考试科目英语:100分政治:100分数学或专业:150分专业:150分共计:500分第2页处理疑问1.考研英语难不难?难!报考260万人录用80万人50%第3页处理疑问2. 难到什么程度?与CET4相比考研英语更难A.目不同,考研是选拔性,四级是等级考试B.词汇量要求远超四级考试,5500!C.题型设计,考研英语主观题40%第4页处理疑问 3.那我们能经过吗? 能!第5页考试形式考试形式为笔试。考试时间为180分钟。满分为100分。试卷包含试题册和答题卡。答题卡分为答题卡1和答题卡2。考生应将145题答案按要求填涂在答题卡1上,将

2、4652题答案写在答题卡2上。第6页 部分节为考生提供信息 测试关键点题型题目数量计分I英语知识利用(10分) 1篇文章(约240-280词)英语知识综合利用能力 完形填空 多项选择(四选一) 2010II阅读了解(50分) A4篇文章(共约1 600词)了解主要信息,掌握文章大意,猜测生词词义并进行推断等 多项选择(四选一) 2040B1篇文章(500-600词) 推理、判断、概括能力 选择搭配 510III英译汉(10分) 一篇文章中5处划线(约150词) 了解和表示准确、完整、通顺 英译汉 510IV写作(30分) A要求情景 面表示 归纳、概括、表述 应用文(约100词) 110B要求

3、情景或提要 书面表示 短文写作(约160-200词) 120总计 45+7100第7页 对考生有什么好处1.没有听力2.作文30分3.分数线制度 ,“过线”,但过线只是最低追求!第8页第9页 二.复习重点第10页考试范围(语言知识和语言技能)一、语言知识1、语法知识:纲领即使没有专门列出对语法知识详细要求,其目标是勉励考生实践代替单纯语法知识学习,以求考生在交际中更准确、自如地利用语法知识。考查重点为长难句!2、词汇:5500左右词汇以及相关词组。考生还应掌握词汇之间词义关系,如同义词、近义词、反义词等;掌握词汇之间搭配关系,如动词与介词、形容词与介词、形容词与名词等;掌握词汇生成基本知识,如

4、词源、词根、词缀等。第11页简单词 cup morning horse Sunday love father beautiful第12页词缀 Think thinking thinker thought thinkable unthinkable thoughtful thoughtless thoughtfulness thoughtfully 。第13页词汇indifferentHe is indifferent to the result of the exam.He doesnt care about it at all.Indifference is the opposite of

5、love, not hatred.第14页The White House agreed with .But the House didnt .Q: the White House 第15页词汇简单词汇 美国 ( USA ) 英国 ( ) 回想词汇 中国 ( )边缘词汇 ( ) NED第16页词汇误区:1. 背单词书2.背单词意味着拿高分 第17页考试范围(语言知识和语言技能)二、语言技能1、阅读 了解主旨要义和详细信息; 了解文中概念性含义,进行相关判断、推理和引申; 依据上下文推测生词词义,了解文章总体结构以及上下文之间关系; 了解作者意图、观点,区分论点和论据。2、 写作考生应能写不一样类

6、型应用文,包含私人和公务信函、备忘录、摘要、汇报等,以及普通描述性、叙述性、说明性或议论性文章。第18页语言能力 This includes poultry for the main course (e.g. chicken, turkey, duck, goose), salads, breads, and vegetables, and features a variety of desserts, for example, pies, puddings, and ice cream.第19页语言技巧 Prior to the 20thcentury, many languages wit

7、h small numbers of speakers survived for centuries. The increasingly interconnected modern world makes it much more difficult for small language communities to live in relative isolation, which is a key factor in language maintenance and preservation.Minority languages can be best preserved in _.Aan

8、 increasingly interconnected worldBmaintaining small numbers of speakersCrelatively isolated language communitiesDfollowing the tradition of the 20th century第20页语言技巧 Prior to the 20thcentury, many languages with small numbers of speakers survived for centuries. The increasingly interconnected modern

9、 world makes it much more difficult for small language communities to live in relative isolation, which is a key factor in language maintenance and preservation.Minority languages can be best preserved in _.Aan increasingly interconnected worldBmaintaining small numbers of speakersCrelatively isolat

10、ed language communitiesDfollowing the tradition of the 20th century本题信息点是“minority languages can be best preserved”,要求考生获取小语种能够得到保护条件信息。该信息出现在文章第一段第二句:The increasingly interconnected modern world makes it much more difficult For small languages communities to live in relative isolation, a key factor

11、 in language maintenances and preservation. 该句表明interconnected modern world 使得小语言群体极难孤立于世界,这是语言保护关键原因。由此可见,保护小语种主要条件是使用这些语言群体要生活在相对隔离环境中。所以选项C 符合文章内容,为本题答案.第21页解题技巧 Prior to the 20thcentury, many languages with small numbers of speakers survived for centuries. The increasingly interconnected modern

12、world makes it much more difficult for small language communities to live in relative isolation, which is a key factor in language maintenance and preservation.Minority languages can be best preserved in _.Aan increasingly interconnected worldBmaintaining small numbers of speakersCrelatively isolate

13、d language communitiesDfollowing the tradition of the 20th centuryABCDQincreasingly interconnected modern world smallnumberrelative isolation Prior to the 20thcentury第22页 设置目标 部分题型题目数量计分全国平均分目标分数I英语知识利用(10分) 完形填空 多项选择(四选一) 2010低于56II阅读了解(50分) 多项选择(四选一) 2040低于2128选择搭配 510低于68III英译汉(10分 )英译汉 510低于47IV写作(30分) 应用文(约100词) 110低于58短文写作(


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