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1、计算机专业英语东莞理工学院 计算机学院赵维佺(博士、副教授)Email:zhaowqTel短号:784069)/ Computer Professional English 10/10/1计算机专业英语教程第1页课程介绍(一)学习应用点: 阅读文件,科技论文写作,汇报,发邮件课程性质:考查课理论课时:32与普通英语区分:专业性,科技性表现形式: 词汇组成,时态与语态,符号表示方法,翻译方法 10/10/2计算机专业英语教程第2页课程介绍(二)课程学习:课前预习+课堂讲授+课后练习+ 学生自己做汇报练习内容:以组为单位,阅读一篇专业文 献,以汇报形式讲解展示;考试形式:

2、闭卷成绩百分比:平时出勤、作业(20%) 小组课堂汇报(20%) 卷面考试(60%)10/10/3计算机专业英语教程第3页教 材 内 容 简 介本书包含了大量与计算机专业基础、专业技术及专业前沿知识相关英文资料,并依据知识点分成28课。分别讲述了计算机硬件基础、计算机系统结构、计算机软件思想、编程语言、计算机网络结构、电子商务应用、计算机图像与动画以及计算机领域新技术等内容。每课内容相对独立,如数据结构、操作系统、无线网络、远程教育、人工智能、电子支付等。每课后均附有重点词汇、课文难点注释、练习、两篇与课文内容相关阅读材料以及计算机专业英语中相关语法知识讲述或专业术语介绍。书末附有练习答案,同

3、时提供课文及第一篇阅读材料参考译文。 10/10/4计算机专业英语教程第4页目 录 Unit 1 Introduction of Computers Unit 2 CPU and Memory Unit 3 Input and Output Systems Unit 4 C+ Language Unit 5 Operating System Unit 6 Data Structure Unit 7 Database Principle 10/10/5计算机专业英语教程第5页目 录Unit 8 Principles of Compiler Unit 9 Software Engineering

4、Unit 10 MultimediaUnit 11 Distance EducationUnit 12 Computer Graphics and ImagesUnit 13 AnimationUnit 14 Grid Computing10/10/6计算机专业英语教程第6页目 录Unit 15 Distributed SystemsUnit 16 Computer Network BasicsUnit 17 InternetUnit 18 Wireless NetworkUnit 19 Computer VirusUnit 20 Office AutomationUnit 21 Virtua

5、l Reality10/10/7计算机专业英语教程第7页目 录Unit 22 Artificial IntelligentUnit 23 Neural NetworkUnit 24 Introduction of Electronic CommerceUnit 25 Electronic Payment SystemUnit 26 Logistics and Supply-chain managementUnit 27 Electronic MarketingUnit 28 Computer Security10/10/8计算机专业英语教程第8页Unit 1 Introduction of C

6、omputers1.1 TextA computer is a digital electronic data processing system. Digital computer uses the binary number system, which has two digits: 0 and 1. A binary is called a bit. Information represented in digital computers is in groups of bits. 10/10/9计算机专业英语教程第9页Notes 1 By using various coding te

7、chniques, group of bits can be made to represent not only binary number but also other discrete symbols, such as decimal digits or letter of alphabet.译文:经过应用各种编码技术,字位组合不但能够用来表示二进制数,还能够表示其它离散符号,比如十进制数字和字母表上字母等。说明:本句“By using various coding techniques”作状语,主句采取被动语态。10/10/10计算机专业英语教程第10页Computer Develop

8、ment The First Generation of Computers (1946 through 1959). Through 1950, several other notable computers were built, each contributing significant advancements, such as binary arithmetic, random access, and the concept of stored programs. 到1950年,又制造了几台著名计算机,而且每台都取得了很大进展,如二进制运算,随机存取和存放程序概念。 10/10/11

9、计算机专业英语教程第11页Computer DevelopmentThe Second Generation of Computers (1959 through 1964) 2 The transistor meant more powerful, more reliable, and less expensive computers that would occupy less space and give off less heat than did vacuum-tube-powered computers.译文:使用晶体管可做成功效更强、更可靠、更价廉计算 机,它与真空管计算机相比占

10、地面积小,功耗小。说明:本句“that”引导定语从句,修饰宾语“computers”。10/10/12计算机专业英语教程第12页Computer DevelopmentThe Third Generation of Computers (1964 through 1971) In time, the conversion of information systems from second-generation to third-generation hardware was written off as the price of progress. 这时(很快),信息系统从第二代向第三代硬件

11、转换完成了。 written off:注销;很快完成 as the price of progress:因为价格进步 10/10/13计算机专业英语教程第13页Computer DevelopmentThe Fourth Generation of Computers (1971 through now) First there was Large Scale Integration (LSI), with hundreds and thousands of transistors per chip, then came Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI),

12、 with tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of transistors. 首先,出现了一个芯片上含有数百和数千个晶体管大规模集成电路(LSI),接着出现了一个芯片上含有数万和数十万个晶体管超大规模集成电路(VLSI)。10/10/14计算机专业英语教程第14页Some people prefer to pinpoint the start of the fourth generation as 1971, with introduction of large-scale integration (more circuits per un

13、it space) of electronic circuitry. 有些人主张把推出大规模集成电路(单位空间上有更多电路)1971年作为第四代计算机开始。However, other computer designers argue that if we accept this premise, then there would probably have been a fifth, a sixth, and maybe a seventh generation since 1971. 然而其它计算机设计者争辩说假如接收这个观点,则可能在1971年后已经有了第五代、第六代、甚至第七代计算机。

14、10/10/15计算机专业英语教程第15页Computer types Microcomputer is generally a synonym for the more common term, personal computer, or PC, which is a small single-user computer based on a microprocessor. 微型机通常是更惯用术语“个人计算机”或“PC”同义词。个人计算机是基于微型机基础上小型单用户计算机。3 In addition to the microprocessor, a personal computer has

15、 a keyboard for entering data, a monitor for displaying information, and a storage device for saving data. 译文:除了微型处理器,个人计算机还有输入数据键盘、显示信息显示器和存放数据存放装置。 说明:本句中“In addition to the microprocessor”是状语,宾语是“keyboard”、“monitor”和“storage device”,宾语后“for”结构是宾语补足语。10/10/16计算机专业英语教程第16页Computer typesWorkstation

16、is a powerful single-user computer. 工作站是功效强大单用户计算机。Mainframe or mainframe computer is a powerful multi-user computer. 大型机或大型计算机是一个功效强大多用户计算机。Minicomputer is a multi-user computer of a size between a microcomputer and a mainframe. 小型机是一个多用户计算机,尺寸介于微型机和大型机之间。Supercomputer is an extremely fast computer

17、 that can perform hundreds of millions of instructions per second.巨型机是一个速度极快计算机,每秒能执行上亿条指令。10/10/17计算机专业英语教程第17页Desktop ComputersDesktop computers are the natural choice when a computer remains in the same place for all of its working life. 译文:当一台计算机在它整个工作期间一直都被放在同一个地方时,台式计算机是一个理所当然选择。说明:本句由“when”引导

18、时间状语从句。 In addition, the common parts specifications allow a repair shop to maintain a smaller inventory because they can use the same parts in many different desktop computer makes and models.译文:另外,普通配件说明书中都允许维修车间维持较少库存量,这是因为他们能够在不一样品牌和模型台式计算机上使用相同配件。说明:本句由“because”引导原因状语从句,“to maintain a smaller i

19、nventory”作宾语补足语。10/10/18计算机专业英语教程第18页Desktop ComputersDesktop computers are modular systems that make it easy to add or replace individual parts to meet each users particular requirements. 台式计算机采取模块化设计,使得在满足每位用户特殊需求时能够轻易添加和替换单个部件。10/10/19计算机专业英语教程第19页A computer intended for an illustrator or a compu

20、ter-aided designer might have a higher-quality graphics controller and video display, where a purchasing agent may not use anything more demanding than a word processor and a spreadsheet.假如一台计算机要求能够画图或者带有计算机辅助设计系统,则要配置更高质量显卡及显示设备,而一个采购人要求使用字处理软件和报表系统也并不是什么过分事情。Graphics 图形 video 视频10/10/20计算机专业英语教程第2

21、0页Modular design also means that you can transfer some old parts to your new computer when your old faithful machine that has finally become obsolescent.模块化设计也意味着当要扔掉已经废弃计算机时,能够将一些旧配件放在新计算机上。Faithful 可信,忠诚Obsolescent 荒废,废弃10/10/21计算机专业英语教程第21页You can not use a brand-new memory module or the latest d

22、isk drives with a 10-year-old motherboard because the designs have changed to accommodate newer and better processors and other devices. 不能使用一个新品牌内存或者近期生产硬盘去匹配十年前生产主板,因为设计要求它们匹配更新更加好处理器和其它设备。module 模块Accommodate适应,供给,匹配10/10/22计算机专业英语教程第22页Of course, there is a point of diminishing returns where it

23、is better and less costly to buy a new system, but just about every desktop computer has room for economical improvement.当然,有一个收益递减观点,就是购置一个新系统会更加好且成本会更低,但几乎全部桌面计算机都含有经济方面改进空间。10/10/23计算机专业英语教程第23页Desktop Computers The CPU chip in a desktop systemthe central processing unit that controls everything

24、elseis also relatively easy to remove and replace with a faster CPU with similar architecture, and that fits in the same socket. CPU是台式计算机系统中央处理器,用来控制系统中个每件事情,移走它或用一个相同结构、能够匹配一样插槽快速CPU来替换,相对来讲也是轻易。10/10/24计算机专业英语教程第24页Keywords accommodate 供给,适应,调整alphabet 字母表arrangements 安排,整理,约定compatibility 兼容性,一致

25、性configure 配置conversion 改变,转换discrete 离散,分立eliminate 消去,淘汰emergence 出现,发生expansion 扩展,扩大evolutionary 发展,进化illustrator 说明者instruction 指令latch 取得,抓住,封闭mainframe 大型机10/10/25计算机专业英语教程第25页Keywords manufacturer 制造商notable 显著,著名obsolescent 废弃,淘汰occupy 占据,占用portable 便携式prominent 突出,主要proprietary 专有,独占reliab

26、le 可靠,确实represent 描述,表示revolutionary 革命性silicon 硅socket 插座,插槽transistor 三极管vacuum 真空10/10/26计算机专业英语教程第26页1.2 Reading Material 1:MotherboardMotherboard is generally rectangular circuit board.Motherboard is usually composed of a CPU slot, an AGP slot, a CNR slot, five PCI slots, three DIMM slots, two

27、IDE interfaces, a floppy drive interface, two serial ports, one parallel port, a PS/2 keyboard interface, a PS/2 mouse interface, two USB interfaces, erasable BIOS, control chip sets and other components. 10/10/27计算机专业英语教程第27页Sound Card and Graphics Sound card is audio sound card. Its basic function

28、 is to produce and handle voice signals, and then transfer the signals to the speakers. Graphics works more as a coprocessor. It is right for accelerating graphics processing operation, and the CPU can handle other more important tasks. 10/10/28计算机专业英语教程第28页Keywordsaccelerate 加速,促进attention 注意,留心cha

29、ssissi 机箱lever 杠杆merely 只,纯粹needle 针,磁针orifice 口,孔popularity 普及,流行rectangular 矩形strictly 精密地,严格地10/10/29计算机专业英语教程第29页1.3 Reading Material 2:Notebook ComputerHigher performance of CPUs, multimedia technology, as well as bigger memory and large-capacity silicon chips allow manufacturers to put in fanc

30、ier things into notebook computers. The trend of notebook computers is as follows:Faster speed. Processors used are now usually fast CPUs.Large storage capacity.Multimedia capabilities. To support microphones, headphones, video-performance, and CD-ROM.Easier input methods. Pen, voice, and speech rec

31、ognition in future.Built-in data communication support. Networking, built-in modern, even wireless support.10/10/30计算机专业英语教程第30页Keywords affordable 负担得起compromise 折衷方案,调和fancier 行家,空想家headphone 头戴受话器,耳机innovation 创新,革新interview 协商,会谈intuitive 直觉,直观返回10/10/31计算机专业英语教程第31页Unit 2 CPU and Memory10/10/32

32、计算机专业英语教程第32页Unit2 CPU and Memory Keywordsconstraint 约束,强制力contribute 贡献distinguish 区分,区分emit 发射,发行independently 独立地,任意地kilobyte 千字节megahertz 兆赫mainstream 主流manipulate mnipjuleit 处理,控制performance 性能10/10/33计算机专业英语教程第33页Keywordspermanent 永久,不变Quadrillion kwdriljn 千五次幂,千万亿register 存放器respective 分别,各自s

33、erially 连续地,顺次server 服务器Simultaneously saimlteinisli 同时发生specification 规范,规格,说明tendency 倾向,趋势10/10/34计算机专业英语教程第34页CPU and Memory2.1 TextThe CPU means the Central Processing Unit. It is the heart of a computer system. Cpu是指中央处理单元。它是计算机系统心脏(关键)。10/10/35计算机专业英语教程第35页NOTESA processor is a functional uni

34、t that interprets and carries out instructions.处理器是解释并执行指令功效部件。10/10/36计算机专业英语教程第36页Notes Every processor comes with a unique set of operations such as ADD, STORE, or LOAD that represent the processors instruction set.译文:每个处理器都有一个独特诸如ADD、STORE或LOAD这么操作集,这个操作集就是该处理器指令系统。说明:本句宾语是“operations such as AD

35、D, STORE, or LOAD”,“that represent the processors instruction set”作定语,修饰宾语。10/10/37计算机专业英语教程第37页NOTESComputer designers are fond of calling their computer machines, so the instruction set is something referred to as machine instructions and the binary language in which they are written is called mac

36、hine language. 计算机系统设计者习惯将计算机称为机器, 所以该指令系统有时也称做机器指令系统,而 书写它们二进制语言叫做机器语言。10/10/38计算机专业英语教程第38页NOTESA processor is composed of two functional units: a control unit and an arithmetic/logic unit, and a set of special workspaces called registers. 处理器有两个功效部件(控制部件和算术逻辑部件)和一组称做存放器特殊工作单元组成。10/10/39计算机专业英语教程第

37、39页NotesInstead,the system clock sets the speed of “frequency” for data transport and instruction execution. 系统时钟与保留天天时间“实际时钟”不 同(The system is not the same as a “real-time clock” that keep track of the time of day )。系统时钟设置数据传输和指令执行速度和频率。10/10/40计算机专业英语教程第40页Notes The clock rate set by the system cl

38、ock determines the speed at which the computer can execute an instruction and, therefore, limits the number of instructions that a computer can complete within a specific amount of time.译文:系统时钟频率决定了计算机执行指令速度,所以限制了计算机在一定时间内所能执行指令数。说明:这是一个并列句,主语只有一个,“set by the system clock”作定语,修饰主语“The clock rate”,谓语

39、有两个“determines”和“limits”,“at which the computer can execute an instruction”作定语,修饰宾语“speed”,而“that a computer can complete within a specific amount of time”也是定语,修饰“instructions”。10/10/41计算机专业英语教程第41页NotesFor example, a CPU with an 8-bit word size is referred to as an 8-bit processor ,it has 8-bit reg

40、isters and manipulates 8-bit at a time. 比如,字长为8位CPU被称为8位处理器,它存放器是8位宽,能够同时处理 8位数据。10/10/42计算机专业英语教程第42页NotesThere has also been a tendency toward special instructions that make certain operations particularly efficient, and the addition of hardware virtual memory support and L1 caching on the process

41、or chip. 还有一个趋势是用特殊指令使某个运算尤其有效,以及在处理器芯片上增加硬件虚拟内存支持和L1缓存。10/10/43计算机专业英语教程第43页NotesAnd even home machines will start bumping up against the 2GB or 4GB limit pretty soon if current trends continue. 按当前趋势发展下去,就连家用计算机也很快会遇上2GB和4GB极限。 Pretty 相当,颇10/10/44计算机专业英语教程第44页NotesA 64-bit chip has none of these c

42、onstraints because a 64-bit RAM address space is essentially infinite for the foreseeable future264 bytes of RAM is something on the order of quadrillion gigabytes of RAM。 64位芯片没有这种限制,因为64位RAM地址空间在能够预见未来实际上是无限,因为264字节内存是千万亿GB内存数量级。10/10/45计算机专业英语教程第45页Notes With a 64-bit address bus and wide, high-s

43、peed data buses on the motherboard, 64-bit machines also offer faster I/O speeds to things like hard disk drives and video cards.译文:利用主板上64位地址总线与宽高速数据总线,64位机器还提供了硬盘驱动器、显示卡等高速I/O速度。说明:本句“With a 64-bit address bus and wide, high-speed data buses on the motherboard”作状语,“to things like hard disk drives

44、and video cards”是宾语补足语。10/10/46计算机专业英语教程第46页Notes People doing video editing and people doing photographic editing on very large images can benefit from this kind of computing power.译文:这类计算功效对进行视频编码和进行超大图像照片编辑人有好处。说明:本句主语是并列两个“people”,“doing video editing”修饰第一个“people”,“doing photographic editing on

45、 very large images”修饰第二个“people”。10/10/47计算机专业英语教程第47页NotesAn SIMD architecture also has a single instruction cycle, but multiple sets of operands may be fetched to multiple processing units and may be operated upon simultaneously within a single instruction cycle. 单指令流多数据流结构也是只有单一指令周期。不过,其多个处理器能够取多

46、个操作数,且能够在单一指令周期内同时执行。 Fetch 取得10/10/48计算机专业英语教程第48页NotesIn an MIMD architecture, several instruction cycles may be active at any given time, each independently fetching instructions and operands into multiple processing units and operating on them in a concurrent fashion. 在多指令流多数据流结构中,在任何给定时间内能够有多个指

47、令周期,且每个指令周期均独立地取指令和操作数,送到多个处理器中,且以并行方式执行。10/10/49计算机专业英语教程第49页NOTES The memory unit is an essential component in any digit computer since it is needed for storing the programs that are executed by the CPU.译文:任何一台数字计算机都需要存放CPU所执行程序,所以,存放器是计算机最主要部件之一。说明:本句由“since”引导原因状语从句。10/10/50计算机专业英语教程第50页NOTESA v

48、ery fast CPU can execute an instruction so quickly that it often must wait for data to be delivered from RAM, which slow processing. 高速CPU处理指令速度非常快,以至于大部分时间不得不等候从处理速度很慢RAM传送数据,这影响了处理速度。10/10/51计算机专业英语教程第51页2.4 专业英语词汇组成特点专业英语构词有以下两个显著特点:大部分专业词汇来自希腊语和拉丁语;前缀和后缀出现效率非常高。希腊语和拉丁语是当代专业英语词汇基础。各行各业都有一些自己领域专业词

49、汇,有是伴随本专业发展应运而生,有是借用公共英语中词汇,有是借用外来语言词汇,有则是人为结构词汇。52第52页 计算机专业英语中常见词汇类型有以下几个。 1.技术词汇和次技术词汇 技术词汇意义狭窄、单一,普通只使用在各自专业范围内,因而专业性很强。这类词普通较长而且越长词义越狭窄,出现频率也不高。 比如: Superconductivity(超导性),amplifier(放大器),flip-flop(触发器)等。 次技术词汇是指不受上下文限制各专业中出现频率都很高词。这类词往往在不一样专业中含有不一样含义。 比如:register在计算机系统中表示存放器,在电学中表示计数器、统计器,在乐器中表

50、示音区,而在日常生活中则表示登记簿、名册、挂号信等。53第53页 2.合成词 合成词是专业英语中另一大类词汇,其组成面广,多数以短划线“-”连接单词组成,或者采取短语组成。合成方法有名词+名词、形容词+名词、动词+副词、名词+动词、介词+名词、形容词+动词等。不过合成词并非随意能够结构,不然会形成一个非正常英语句子结构,即使可由多个单词组成合成词,但这种合成方式太冗长,应尽可能防止。 下面这些是由短划线“-”连接而成合成词。 file+basedfile-based 基于文件 object+orientedobject-oriented 面向对象 point+to+pointpoint-to-

51、point 点到点 line+by+lineline-by-line 逐行 伴随词汇专用化,合成词中间连接符被省略掉,形成了一个独立单词。如: in+putinput 输入 work+shopworkshop 车间 on+lineonline 在线54第54页 英语中有很多专业术语由两个或更多词组成,叫做复合术语。它们组成成份即使看起来是独立,但实际上合起来组成一个完整概念。 computer language 计算机语言 machine building 机器制造 3.派生词 这种方法也叫缀合,这类词汇非常多,专业英语词汇大部分都是用派生法组成,它是依据已经有词,经过对词根加上各种前缀和后缀

52、组成新词。这些词缀有名词词缀,如:inter-,sub-,in-,tele-,micro-等;形容词词缀,如:im-,un-,-able,-al,-ing,-ed等;动词词缀,如:re-,under-,de-,-en,con-等。 其中,采取前缀组成单词在计算机专业英语中占了很大百分比。 英语前缀是有固定意义,记住其中一些惯用前缀对55第55页于记忆生词和猜测词义很有帮助。加前缀组成新词只改变词义,不改变词性。加后缀组成新词可能改变也可能不改变词义,但普通改变词性。有派生词加后缀时候,语音或拼写可能发生改变。从一个词后缀能够判别它词类,这是它语法意义。它们词汇意义往往并不显著。 下面是一些经典

53、派生词。 1)hyper- 超级 hyperswitch 超级交换机 hypersonic 超音速 2)inter- 相互,在之间 interlace 隔行扫描 interactive 交互 3)micro- 微型 microprocessor 微处理器 microwave 微波 4)multi- 多,多 multiprocessor 多处理器 multicast 多点传送56第56页5)poly- 多,复,聚polycrystal 多晶体 polymorphism 多态性6)re- 再,重新rerun 重新运行 resetup 重新设置7)semi- 半 semiconductor 半导体

54、semidiameter 半径8)super- 超级superclass 超类 superstructure 上层建筑 9)tele- 远程,电Telescope 望远镜 teleconference 远程会议10)ultra- 超出,极端ultraspeed 超高速 ultramicroscope 超显微镜57第57页11)un- 反,不,非unformat 未格式化 undelete 恢复12)-able 可能adjustable 可调整 portable 便携13)-ate 成为,处理eliminate 消除 estimate 预计,估算 14)-ic 有特征,属于elastic 灵活

55、atomic 原子15)-ive 有性质,与相关productive 生产 active 主动16)-ize 化,变成 industrialize 使工业化 optimize 完善58第58页 17)-lity 性能 reliability 可靠性 confidentiality 保密性 18)-ment 行为,状态 development 发展 adjustment 调整 19)-meter 计量仪器 barometer 气压表 telemeter 测距仪 20)-ware 件,部件 hardware 硬件 software 软件 4.借用词 借用词是指借用公共英语及日常生活用语中词汇来表示

56、专业含义。借用词普通来自厂商名、商标名、产品代号名、创造者名、地名等,也可将普通公共英语词汇演变成专业词意而59第59页实现。也有对原来词汇赋予新意义。如: cache 高速缓存 flag 标志 mailbomb 邮件炸弹 semaphore 信号量 英语科技问题有很多词汇并不是专业术语,但在日常口语中用得不是很多,它们多见于书面语中。掌握这类词对阅读科技文件或写科技论文十分主要。如: circumstance 情况 compensation 赔偿 initial 初始 nonetheless 然而 5.经过词类转化组成新词 指一个词不改变词形,而由一个词类转化为另一个或几个词类,有时发生重音

57、或尾音改变。英语中名词、形容词、副词、介词能够转化成名词。但最活跃是名词转化成动词和动词转化成名词。 如:60第60页 but(连词)不过 but(介词)除了 coordinate(动词)协调 coordinate(名词)坐标 island(名词)小岛 island(动词)隔离 名词化是英语科技文体中一个非经常见现象。所谓名词化就是把动词变成有动作含义名词。假如是动词短语或者是句子,则把这个短语句子变成名词短语。 “air moves”能够转化成“the motion of air”,其含义为“空气运动”,air是motion行为主体。 “to apply force”能够转换成“the ap

58、plication of force”,其含义为“应用力”,force是application宾语。 “analytical chemists develop the equipment”能够转换成“the development of the equipment by analytical chemists”,其含义为“由分析化学家开发设备”,“analytical chemists”是“the development”行为主体。61第61页2.2 Reading Material 1:Hard DisksHard disks were invented in the 1950s. They

59、 started as large disks up to 20 inches in diameter holding just a few megabytes. A typical desktop machine will have a hard disk with a capacity of between 10 and 40 gigabytes. Data is stored onto the disk in the form of files. 10/10/62计算机专业英语教程第62页Keywordsaluminum 铝coil 一圈,盘绕detach 分开,脱离equalize 均

60、衡,调整incredibly 惊人。不可思议platter 圆盘seal 密封,隔离tolerance 忍受,耐性underneath 在下面,在底部wedge 楔,楔形10/10/63计算机专业英语教程第63页2.3 Reading Material 2:RISCRISC processors only use simple instructions that can be executed within one clock cycle. These RISC “reduced instructions” require less transistors of hardware space


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