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1、TaoGongGrapheneEngineeringGrapheneisaone-atom-thickplanarsheetofsp2-bondedcarbonare densely packed in b crystal lattice. The name comes graphite + -ene; graphite itself consists of many graphene sheets Thecarbon-carbonbondlengthingrapheneTaoGongGrapheneEngineeringGrapheneisaone-atom-thickplanarsheet

2、ofsp2-bondedcarbonare densely packed in b crystal lattice. The name comes graphite + -ene; graphite itself consists of many graphene sheets Thecarbon-carbonbondlengthingrapheneisabout0.142nm.Grapheneisthe basic structural element of some carbon allotropes including graphite, carbonnanotubesandfuller

3、enes.Itsobeconsideredasanlargearomaticmolecule,thelimitingcaseofthefamilyofflatpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons called graphenes.CarbonCarbon nanotubes (CNTs; also known asbuckytubes) are allotropes of cylindricalnanostructure.Nanotubeshavebeenconstructedwithto-diameterratioofupto132,000,000:1,1whic

4、hissignificantlynanyothermaterial.Thesecylindricalcarbonmoleculeshavenoveltmakethempotentiallyanyapplicationsinelectronics,opticsandotherfieldsofmaterialsscience,aswell as usesinarchitecturalfields.Theyexhibitextraordinaryndelectricalproperties,andareefficientthermalThe nature of the bonding of a na

5、notube is described by appd quantum chemistry, specifically, orbital hybridization. The chemical bonding of nanotubes is comedentirelyofsp2bonds,similartothoseofgraphite.Thisbondingstructure,whichisnthesp3bondsprovidesthemoleculeswiththeiruniquestrength.Nanotubesnaturallyaligno ropes held together b

6、y Van der Waals forThe vel is an t pertains to electrons in a semiconductor. It the chemical potential t appears in the electrons Fermi-Dirac which is the t there is an electron in a particular single-TaoGongGrapheneEngineeringse .TistheabsolutetemperatureandkisBoltzmannsconstant.Consequently,ast at

7、e at the Fervel has a 50% chance of being occupied by an electron.vel is the term used to describe the top of the collection of electron energy levels absolute zero temperature. This concept comes from Fermi-Dirac s istics. Electrons are fermionsTaoGongGrapheneEngineeringse .Tistheabsolutetemperatur

8、eandkisBoltzmannsconstant.Consequently,ast ate at the Fervel has a 50% chance of being occupied by an electron.vel is the term used to describe the top of the collection of electron energy levels absolute zero temperature. This concept comes from Fermi-Dirac s istics. Electrons are fermions and by t

9、he Pau xclu principle cannot exist in identical energy s es. So at absolute zero they pack o the lowest available energy s es and build up a Fermi sea of electron energyses. The Fermi level is the surface t sea at absolute zero where no electrons will enough energy to rise above the surface. The con

10、cept of the Fermi energy is a crullyimportant concept for the understanding of the electrical and thermal properties of solids. Both electrical and thermal ses involve energies of a small fraction of an electron volt. But Fermi energies of metals are on the order of electron volts. This t the vast m

11、ajority the electrons cannot receive energy from those ses because there are no available ses forthem to goto within a fraction of an electron volt oftheir present energy. Limitedto tinydepthofenergy,eractionsarelimitedtoripplesontheFermiAt higher temperatures a certain fraction, characterizedbytheF

12、ermifunction,willexistabovethevel.Thevelplaysanimportanthe band theory of solids. In doped semiconductors,p-typeandn-type,theFervelshiftedbytheimpurities,illustratedbytheir gaps.Thevel isreferredtoastheetals,theFermienergygivesusinformationabout the velocities of the electrons which participate in o

13、rdinary electrical conduction. The amount of energy which canbe given to an electronin suchconductionsesisontheorderofmicro-electronvoltscopper wire exle), so only those electrons very closetotheFermienergycanparticipate.The Fermivelocity of these conduction electrons can be calculated from the Ferm

14、i energy.Thisspeedisapartofthe TaoGongGrapheneEngineeringOhmsLawforelectricalconduction.Forametal,densityofconductionelectronscanbeimp the Fermi energy.d TheFermienergyalsoplaysanimportantroleinunderstandingthemysteryof why electrons do not contribute significantly to the specific heat of solids at

15、ordinary temperatures, while they are dominant contributors to thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity. Since only a tiny fraction of theelectronsinaTaoGongGrapheneEngineeringOhmsLawforelectricalconduction.Forametal,densityofconductionelectronscanbeimp the Fermi energy.d TheFermienergyalsop

16、laysanimportantroleinunderstandingthemysteryof why electrons do not contribute significantly to the specific heat of solids at ordinary temperatures, while they are dominant contributors to thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity. Since only a tiny fraction of theelectronsinametalarehetherm

17、alenergykToftheFermienergy,arefrozenoutoftheheat capacitybythePauliprinciple. Atverytemperatures,theelectronspecifices组成的微观体系而言,每个都处在各自的量子能态上。现在假就一个由把所有的从这些量子态上移开。之后再把这些按照一定的规则(例如占据 最低粗略理解能级。 虽原理等)填充在各个可供的可供占据的量子态。最后一个严格来说,子学领域中 但是在半导体物理和电个术语所代表的含义可以从上下语境中判断1可以是电子、质子、中子(自旋为半整数的粒子对于金属,电子的最高占据能级就是能级能级

18、的物理意义是,该能级上的一个状态被电子占据的几率是1/2能级在半导体物理中是个很重要的物理参数,只要知道了他的数值,在一定温度下,电子在各量子态上的统计分布就完全确定了。它和温度,半导体材料的导电类型,杂质的含 量以及能量零点的选取有关。将半导体中大量电子的集体看成一个热力学系统,可以证明处于热平衡状态下的电子系的solarA solar cell is a tconverts theenergy ofsunlighto by the photovoltaic effect. Sometimes the term solar cell for ended specifically to cap

19、ture energy from sunlight such as panels solar cells, while the term photovoltaic cell is used when the light source unspecified. s of cells are used to make solar panels, solar modules, photovoltaicarrays.Photovoltaicsis thefieldoftechnologyandresearchTaoGongGrapheneEngineeringto the application of

20、 solar cells in producing electricity for practical use. energygeneratedthiswayisanex le ofsolarsiliconsolarcellismadefromptypesiliconsemiconductorwhichissiliconwhichhas been dopedby roducing asmallamount of anelementsuch asTaoGongGrapheneEngineeringto the application of solar cells in producing ele

21、ctricity for practical use. energygeneratedthiswayisanex le ofsolarsiliconsolarcellismadefromptypesiliconsemiconductorwhichissiliconwhichhas been dopedby roducing asmallamount of anelementsuch asB,Al, Inor Gafrom GroupIIIofthePeriodicTable.Then athin layerofabout1micrometre thickness onthe topsurfac

22、e isconverted on typesemiconductorby diffusing in a Group V element (As, P, Sb). Where this layer joins the p type material there isapnjunction,which hasanelectricfield acrossit. Electrodes areformed thetopandbottomofthet on theeingmadet can pass through it. These electrodes are used to connect the

23、cellothesolarP-Npnjunctionisformedbyjoiningp-typeandn-typesemiconductors togetherveryclosecontact.Thetermjunctionreferstotheerfacewheretworegionsofthesemiconductormeet.Iftheywereconstructedoftwothisroduceagrain boundary, sopnjunctions arecreatedinsinglecrystalofsemiconductorby,for y ion ofdopants,or

24、taxy(growingalayerofcrystaldopedwithTaoGongGrapheneEngineeringtypeofdopantontopofalayerofcrystaldopednotherTaoGongGrapheneEngineeringtypeofdopantontopofalayerofcrystaldopednothertype ofmetaloxidesemiconductorfield-effecttransistoradeviceusedlifyingorswitchingelectronicOSFETs,avoltageon the insulated

25、gateelectrodecaninduceaconductingchannelnthetwocontactscalledsource anddrain.Thechannelcan beofn-type orp-type articleonsemiconductor),andisaccordingly calledannMOSFETorpMOSFET(alsocommonlynMOS,pMOS).Itisbyfarthemostcommon inbothdigitalogcircuits, thougholarjunctiontransistorwasonetime oreMOSstructu

26、reisobtainedbygrowingalayerofsilicondioxide(SiO2)ontopasiliconsubstrateanditingalayerofmetalorpolycrystallinesiliconlatter is commonly used). As the silicon dioxide is a dielectric material, its structureisequivalenttoaplanarcapacitor,withoneoftheelectrodesreplaced by a semiconductor.TaoGongGraphene

27、EngineeringWhenavoltage isdacrossaMOSstructure,itmodifiesthe distributionhesemiconductor.Ifweconsider aP-typesemiconductor(with thedensityofacceptors,pthedensityofholes;p=NAinTaoGongGrapheneEngineeringWhenavoltage isdacrossaMOSstructure,itmodifiesthe distributionhesemiconductor.Ifweconsider aP-types

28、emiconductor(with thedensityofacceptors,pthedensityofholes;p=NAinneutralbulk),voltage,VGB,fromgatetobody(seefigure)createsadepletionlayerbyitivelychargedholesawayfromthegate-erface,leavingedacarrier-freeregionofimmobile,negatively(semiconductor).If VGBishighenough,aacceptorions (seeconcentrationofne

29、gativechargecarriersformsinanlayerlocatedinthinlayer nexttoerfacenthesemiconductorandtheUnliketheMOSFET,wherethelayerelectronsdlythesource/drainheMOScapacitortheyareproducedslowlybythermalgenerationthroughcarriergenerationhedepletionregion.Conventionally,thegatevoltageatwhichvolumedensityofhelayer i

30、sthe same asthe densityofhe bodyiscalledthe thresholdThisstructurewithP-typebodyisthebasisoftheN-typeMOSFET,which requires the addition of an N-type source and drain regionsInsolidephysics, abandgap,alsocalledanenergygaporbandgap,isenergyrangein asolid wherenoelectrones canexist. Ingraphs ofelectron

31、icbandstructureofsolids,the bandgapgenerally referstothedifference(inelectronvolts)nthetopofthevalencebandandtheoftheconduction bandininsulatorsandfIyyearinSungKyunKwanuniversity.Mymajoriscarbon nanotubeswhichasangTaoGongGrapheneEngineeringal nanometer material has unique mechanical, physical, elect

32、rical and hemical nature and has various preparation methods. Our laboratory engages generation of carbon nanotubes and TaoGongGrapheneEngineeringal nanometer material has unique mechanical, physical, electrical and hemical nature and has various preparation methods. Our laboratory engages generatio

33、n of carbon nanotubes and the combination n carbon ubes and biology, chemistry and electricity. The topic my research is walledcarbonnanotubesdecoratedwithsilvernanoparticlesto decreasesilver etallic ink. we significantly decreased the concentration of r (Ag) nanoparticles to 3 wt. % by a small addi

34、tion of single-walled carbon anotubes (SWNTs) decorated g nanoparticles (0.003 wt. %) while ning the high conductivity. The nanotubes with large aspect ratios effective electrical pathways n Ag nanoparticles, n avenge size f 30 nm, and the erface was improved by the attached Ag ticles, age size of 3

35、 nm, to the sidewall of nanotubes. The y of nanoparticles dispersed by ethyl cellulose in N-methyl pyrrolidone was good for n ks, and conductive patterns could be llpeusinainkjedeviceOur laboratory is equiped dvanced facilities. Under the instruction of the professor, all the bers the laboratory hav

36、e done their at most efforts and In solid e physics, a band gap, also called an energy gap or bandgap, is energy range in a solid where no electron es can exist. In graphs of TaoGongGrapheneEngineeringelectronic band structure of solids, the band gap generally refers to the TaoGongGrapheneEngineerin

37、gelectronic band structure of solids, the band gap generally refers to the difference (in electron volts) n the top of the bottomoftheconductionbandininsulatorsandJams huaxuetongxin ouzhouhuaxue XRD碱性有阳离子()usually Nanotube: a hollow cylindrical or toroidal made of n,which is a nanometer-scale tube-l

38、ike structure.Nanowire: nanowire is a extremely thin wire wi a few nanometers or less.Top-down approach: an approach to the problem conceptual level and works down to the detail.one diameter the order t begins at the Bottom up approach: an approach to the problem d works up to the highest conceptual

39、 level.t begins with details electron microscopy: a microscopy technique whereby a beam electrons is transmitted through an ultra-thin specimen eracting with spec imen as it passes through. Which can detect the electrons and form a highly magnified image on a screen.Dip pen lithography: It is AFM-ba

40、sed soft lithography technique where the TaoGongGrapheneEngineeringof AFM cantilever acts n, which coated chemical compound r mixture acting the ink and put in contact with the Quantum TaoGongGrapheneEngineeringof AFM cantilever acts n, which coated chemical compound r mixture acting the ink and put

41、 in contact with the Quantum dot: a portion of matter whose excitons are confined in all three atial dimens. which consists of just a few atoms belonging to quasi-zero- al nanomaterials.Flexible electronics: a type of electronic circuit built on a flexible substrate whi ch doesnot need to be flat bo

42、ard or thin film.Self-assembly : is a type of s in which a disordered system of pre-ng components forms anized structure or pattern as a consequence specific, local al direction.eractions among the components themselves without Self-healing a class of the smart ve the incorporated ability to repair

43、damage caused by mechanical usage over Self-healing: describes any device or s the ability to perceive at it is not operating correctly and without ervention make the essary adjustments to restore itself to normal Convergence technology: it is a tendency for different technological systems o evolve t


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