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1、Lesson 38Everything exceptthe weather第1页英国属海洋性气候,含有冬暖夏凉特点,冬夏没有很大差异,这主要是因为它是一个岛屿国家。(冬天,海洋比陆地温度高,海风将热量带到陆地,造成陆地温度升高,夏天则相反).西风经常吹过英国大陆,致使常年有雨. 第2页 What is the weather like in England? In spring: Mild, dry and sunny. Rainy, cloudy and warm. In summer: Dry, cloudy and cool. Rain and showers. In autumn: D

2、ry, sunny. Fog early and late. In winter: Strong winds, heavy rain. Snow, cold. The best seasons are spring and summer. The nearer the summer, the warmer the sun shines. Its warmer. The nearer the winter, the colder the days are. In winter they have all kinds of weather. Sometimes it rains and somet

3、imes it snows heavily, and they also have fog and frost. The two worst months in England are January and February. They have many cold wet days one after another.第3页As is know to all ,a typical English gentleman usually takes an umbrella with him.Similarly,when people there meet others,they usually

4、begin with the weather .第4页Let us have a testHere are some proverbs,guess the right meaning.Its rianing cats and dogs.下得倾盆大雨A misty morning may have a fine day.早晨有雾露,可能是晴天。A good winter brings a good summer瑞雪兆丰年 第5页Listen to the story and try to answer the question. Why did Harrison sell his house s

5、o quickly?第6页1. except prep. 除了,除了外Except a broken chair, the room has no furniture.除了一把破椅子,这间房子里什么也没有。(chair与furniture性质相同)except for 除之外Except for a broken chair, the room is empty.除了一把破椅子外,这间房子是空。(except for 没有“所指项目类别”限制)except thatI know nothing about his career except that he is a graduate of O

6、xford University. except 表示“除外,(其余都)”指同一类事物总体中除去一部分。第7页but prep. 除之外 ( 与no, nobody, all, anywhere等连用)Nobody knew her name but me. 除了我之外,没人知道她名字。They were all there on time but the chairman. 除了主席外,其余人都按时到了。but 强调未被排除其它事物(人)except 强调所排除之人(事物) 第8页2. complain vt. 埋怨,控诉(常与that从句连用)1)(常做贬义)埋怨,投诉,发怨言compla

7、in to sb about/at sth 对某人埋怨某事埋怨这个恶劣天气 complain about the terrible weather你总是埋怨命运! You are always complaining about your fate!complain of.诉说(病,痛等) complain of a toothache 牙疼2)(正式地)投诉洒吧问噪音人人,我们向警方投诉。 We complained to the police about the noise from the e bar.第9页3. continually adv. 频繁地,一再地,重复地我一再地遗遗失东西

8、。 I am continually losing things 他一再地迟到。 He was continually late for workcontinuously 连续不停地,不间断地他们整整唠叨一小时了。 They chattered continuously for an hour.continual指“一段时间内屡次发生,时断时续,中止时间很短而又接连发生”你需要连续锻炼。 You need continual practicecontinuous指“中间没有间断,但连续某段时间后可能会停下来”这架飞机能连续飞行两大。 The plane is capable of two da

9、y continuous night.第10页bitterly adv. 严寒地,刺骨地,痛苦地他极度失望。 He was bitterly disappointed刺骨严寒 be bitterly cold bitter adj. 1)苦味 a bitter taste 一个苦味道2)痛苦,令人悲伤 a bitter experience 痛苦经历3)严寒 a bitter winter 严寒冬天bitterness n苦味,酸辛,苦难谁和我同甘共苦呢? Who goes through the happiness and bitterness with me?第11页1. My old f

10、riend, Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean for many years before he returned to England. 在14课语法中,介绍了和“过去完成时”连用一些介词,比如:after,as soon as,notuntil,而这课语法重点也是“过去完成时”。在这个句子中,使用了before来和“过去完成时”连用,表示“过去过去”概念。 “he returned to England”已经是“过去”了,那么before这个“过去”话,就是“过去过去”了。第12页2. He had often dreamed of reti

11、ring in England and had planned to settle down in the country.dream of 表示“梦想、幻想、向往”。他一直梦想着成为一名诗人。He has always dreamed of becoming a poem. settle down 表示“定居”、“安置”。 【country & countryside】 a) country用作可数名词时,表示“国家”;country用作不可数名词时,表示“城镇四面土地”,即“乡间、乡下”,经惯用于in the country短语中: China is a large country. He

12、 had planned to settle down in the country .b) 在表示“乡村,乡下”意思时,countryside与country相同,但countryside强调景色;另外,假如没有明确上下文,选取 countryside更稳妥: The countryside around Vienna is very beautiful. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view 第13页3. He had no sooner returned than he bought a house and went to li

13、ve there.no sooner.than. 一就as soon as 一就hardlywhen 几乎未来得及就主 + had no sooner done + than + 普通过去时句子主 + had hardly done + when + 普通过去时句子我刚一到家就下雨了。他一见到她就爱上她了。他一到北京就病倒了。我刚一回来他又让我去出差。我们刚一开始就被告诉停下来。第14页4. Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rai

14、ned continually and it was often bitterly plain about & complain of: complain about 多用于对你不满意事情“埋怨” complain of 多用于“因为生病或是身体某一部分不适、疼痛”埋怨。for在这里为连词,意思是“因为”。它与because不一样,不能用于句首。even though引导是让步状语从句,表示“即使”、“即使”。也能够写为“though”,不过even though语气要强多了。continually表示“重复”、“经常”,中间有短暂间歇,惯用来修饰不好或令人讨厌事情:第15页6.He acte

15、d as if he had never lived in England before. as if “像一样”。惯用来引导表示方式状语从句。 as if也能够用as though代替,意思是一样。 在使用方法上,as if/as though后面句子时态有两种,一个是陈说式。一个是虚拟式(普通是在陈说式基础上将助动词变成过去式形式。) as if/as though后面句子假如是陈说式话,表示从某种迹象看,所表示事情是真实,或是可能发生。比如: It looks as if its going to rain.看上去天好象要下雨。 as if/as though后面句子假如是虚拟式话,所表

16、示事情是不真实或与已知事实相反。比如: She acted as if she were mad.(她并没有真正疯) 第16页比较这么两个句子: He walks as if he is drunk.(表示从他走路姿势来判断,他是醉了。) He walks as if he were drunk.(表示他根本没有喝酒,这里只是一个假设) 所以,课文中“as if he had never lived in England before”用就是虚拟式,所以使用了“have never lived”过去式“had never lived”。表示Harrison其实以前是住在英国。 第17页 它们能

17、够引导倒装,把助动词提到主语前: Hardly had I started my supper when I heard a knock on the door. No sooner Had I started my supper than I heard a knock on the door. as soon as 可与普通现在时连用,而hardlywhen 与 no soonerthan则通常与过去完成连用,几乎不与普通现在时连用: As soon as he had returned, he bought a house. As soon as he returns, hell buy

18、 a house. 第18页past perfect tense过去完成时:表示过去某个时间以前已经完成动作或存在状态。 即:过去过去发生到过去结束。组成方式:必定句: had+过去分词 否定句:普通疑问句:必定回答: Yes, 主语+ had. 否定回答: No, 主语+ hadnt.had not+ 过去分词had+ 主语+ 过去分词第19页过去完成时在时间状语从句中利用: 时间状语从句 主句1)after/ as soon as+过去完成时 普通过去时 After the class had begun, the little boy arrived at the classroom.

19、开始上课以后,这个男孩才到教室。2) before/ until + 普通过去时 过去完成时 He had called me before he came to see me. 他来看我之前给我打过电话。3) no sooner/ hardly +过去完成时 than/ when +普通过去时 I had no sooner gone out than it began to rain. 我刚走到外面就开始下雨了。 第20页一、表示在过去某一时间以前已经完成动作。1. By yesterday evening she had finished reading the book.到昨天晚上,

20、她已读完了那本书。 2. By the end of last year, they had built many new houses.去年年底之前, 他们已建了很多新房子。第21页二、表示在过去某一动作以前已经完成了动作。1. He said that he had seen you.他说他以前见过你。When I came in he had finished his homework.2. 当我进来时, 他已完成了作业。 第22页过去完成时与普通过去时区分时间状语不一样过去完成时在时间上强调“过去过去”,而普通过去时只强调过去某一特定时间。They had arrived at the station by ten yesterday. (说明不到点就在车站了)They arrived at the station at t


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