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1、1. Danielismanagingthedevelopmentofanecommercewebsiteforhis anization. Daniel enjoys ers and has assigned , 1. Danielismanagingthedevelopmentofanecommercewebsiteforhis anization. Daniel enjoys ers and has assigned , project team member, to e theteam meetings. During any meeting, Daniel 管理着一个电子商务在会议上

2、, Influence team members to support the project managers SupporttheteammemberstochallengetheprojectmanagersNegotiatewith team members to achieve the project ssD. Remain neutral and De the econsensustoward projectobjectives二字的含义。可见,作为协调者,Ju2.TheCreateWBSsidentifiesthedeliverablesatthehe Work Breakdow

3、n Structure deliverables project osmaller,moremanageable 3. What is the primary risk with including reserves or in your cost A. Cancelling your B. ing the cost C. ing the cost D. Tracking the 4. With the establishment of a PMO in an management jargon is beingadoptedbytheemployees.However,fewpeople t

4、he project managementterminologies.OneofA. Cancelling your B. ing the cost C. ing the cost D. Tracking the 4. With the establishment of a PMO in an management jargon is beingadoptedbytheemployees.However,fewpeople the project managementterminologies.Oneofthemostcommonanization, the arestillstrugglin

5、gisthedifferencenaprojectstakeholderandakeystakeholderWhoarethekeystakeholders?公司建立了 PMO 之后,大多数员工都开始渐渐熟悉了项目管理的属于。不过,一些A. Individuals,groupsanizationsinaB. Individuals,groupsivelyheC. Individuals, groups anizations affected by the D. Individuals,groupsanizationscarryingouttheproject:A。PMBOK注意,此处中文翻译的

6、同样不好,应该看原文“Keystakeholdersareeasytoidentify.Theyincludeanyoneina-makingorrole who is impacted by the e, such as the sponsor, project manager, and the primary 5.Afterbrainstormingpotentialprojectrisks,whatisfor these risks and their mitigation RACI 图Control Fishbone D. Probability and impact 6. The m

7、ost detailed level of the WBS is called the WBS 的最低一层叫做:WBS 元素Work Project D. Probability and impact 6. The most detailed level of the WBS is called the WBS 的最低一层叫做:WBS 元素Work Project :BWhichofthefollowingisahierarchicalrepresen RiskRisk Risk Risk Breakdown ion of :D。PMBOK3238.Alargenetworkhardwareu

8、pgradeprojectwasscheduledtotakeover kend. During the course of the ion, previously unidentified dependencies for additional discovered.Theprojectmanager theimplemen ionprocurewith dollars worth of additionalgave approval for the tech staff corporate credit cards several equipment required to complet

9、eion.Howevertheseadditionalexpensescausedtheprojectto exceed its budget. How should the project manager handle this?Askthe IT Director to cover those expenses from his ITAskthe IT Director to cover those expenses from his ITthe cost is relatively small, it can be categorized as miscellaneoustare not

10、 ted with the C.Notify theprojectstakeholdersyoftheadditionaland follow project and or company procedures for .D. Do ts what reserves are Whichoftheseprecedencerelationshipsisleastcommonlyusedin Precedence Diagramming Method?Start to Finish to Finish to Start to 10. Your company has temporarily assi

11、gned you to serve as a project manager location outside your home country. While meeting wi day on the job, youvendor arepresentedgift.Thecorporate policyattheheadquartersyour home country prohibits employees from accepting these types of However,asyouarenewtothis location,youvebutarenottthe local p

12、olicy, as well as local custom may differ. How should you ,A.ProvideagiftofsimilarvaluetothevendoratyournextB. Accept the gift but do l A.ProvideagiftofsimilarvaluetothevendoratyournextB. Accept the gift but do l C.Respectfully lthevendoryouarenotsureofcorporatepolicy,and willneedtoaskyourmanagement

13、beforeyoucanacceptgiftsofany D.Acceptthegiftthistime,butaskyourmanageraboutthelocalpolicy 。11. If are writing a al for additional funding, communication style should you formal and formal and informal and informal and :(在项目内)和外部(客户、供应商、其他项目、组织、公众正式(通讯、年报)(私下的沟通和口头,以及口头语言(音调变化)和非口头语言(身体语言。 。 。12.Ifyo

14、uwantagroupofexpertstoidentifyprojectrisks,butalso want unbiased data, what is an appropriate technique to use?B. Delphi C. D. :B13.IfyouaremeasuringthequalityofitemsinaC. D. :B13.Ifyouaremeasuringthequalityofitemsinalebasis, what t A. Attribute B. Biased C. Variable D. Stratified 预防(保证过程中不出现错误)与检查(

15、保证错误不落到客户手中表明合格的程度差的边界14.TheRequirementsTraceabilityMatrixhelps racing allof project project testproject 15. Which term best describes the Identify Risks :C17.15. Which term best describes the Identify Risks :C17.Which of the following defines the total scope of the project represents the work he cu

16、rrent approved project sWorkBreakdownStructure BillofMaterial Project RequirementsBreakdownStructure 18.Youaretheprojectmanagerinyour anization.Youhaveverylittle authorityovertheprojects you manage, andyouaremainly engaged in project coordination activities. You are currently struggling with obtaini

17、ngtherequiredhumanresour foryourprojectduringtheAcquireProject s. Who you need to negotiate with to ?The functional The project TheYour line 19. A good quality audit should structured and informal and informal 的D. structured 19. A good quality audit should structured and informal and informal 的D. st

18、ructured project charter?A. The project A project sponsor or ernalto the The user of the Aproject sponsor or initiator external to the 或21. In an ongoing project, project sponsor and a manager of anization s. What would be your comment on this A. The project manager needs to n and handle the ions. s

19、takeholdersmay havedifferentobjectivesheB. The project manager needs to n and handle the ions.Allstakeholdersareedtohavethesameerests in a 利erests in a 利he is providing thefunds for the 。D.Theprojectmanagershouldresolveinfavorofthemanagerofthe sincetheyareexecutingtheprojectandneedtobekeptingood:A。B

20、22. Project risks should be identified A.Thoseinvitedtotheriskidentification sKey The All stakeholders manager 23.Acontrolchartshould alwaysUpperandlowerwarning The moving C. Upper and lower D. Upper and lower specification (e.g. design to manufacturing) is typically marked by:Kill Monte D. :A果必要)的一

21、个当然时点。这个时点可称为阶段关口、里程碑、阶段 、阶段Kill Monte D. :A果必要)的一个当然时点。这个时点可称为阶段关口、里程碑、阶段 、阶段only a s Planning Closing Controlling Execution :B26. Which of the following is an rise environmental ?Configuration management knowledge Change control Historical D. 业l 基础设施(如现有的设施和固定资产;、与;27. Fill he : means in steps by

22、;、与;27. Fill he : means in steps by Progressive Iterative Waterfall Progressive :D28. Randy is managing a project and t there are heproject.Heisthemightendupwi n In yourview, howmany unmanageablenumberofcommunicationchannels. communication channels does Randy have to 64channels 36channels 8 channels

23、28 :D。注意,题目中“Randy“当前项目共有 8 个干系人” 。29.iscurrentlypopulatingthe names and details thepeopleidentifiedduringtheIdentifyStakeholderss.Somethese people are not supporting the project but they can influence the project. Ju stakeholderregisterbecause?is addingthese people are not supporting the project bu

24、t they can influence the project. Ju stakeholderregisterbecause?is adding these people to These people are negativestakeholders and they have tobe closely Althoughthesepeoplearenotstakeholders,theyhaveinfluenceover the ject Although these are not stakeholders, their names were during the Identify 30

25、. In general, Perform not often complete and 100% in-nd quick and cost-ive ysis 31. As a project manager, you are performing various project performance measurementstoassessthemagnitudeofvariation.Youthenattemptto determine the cause and decide whether corrective action is required. This would be kn

26、own as:A. B. C. Performance D. Configuration 项目绩效测量结果评估偏离范围基准的程度。确定偏离范围基准的原因和程度,并决定是否需要采取纠正或预防措施,是项目范围控制的重要工作。 ”32. Sarah has just started the Identify Stakeholders prosforher project. She is currentlyB. C. Performance D. Configuration 项目绩效测量结果评估偏离范围基准的程度。确定偏离范围基准的原因和程度,并决定是否需要采取纠正或预防措施,是项目范围控制的重要工作

27、。 ”32. Sarah has just started the Identify Stakeholders prosforher project. She is currently looking for a template for the registertshevetoreinventthewheel.Wherecanfind stakeholder register anizational s Project Project management rise environmental If you want to compress a project schedule, what

28、are two of mendedto Fast Tracking and Schedule Crashing and Fast Resource Leveling and What-If D. Crashing and Schedule 34.WhichofthesetoolsisNOTapartoftheSevenBasicToolsofA. Control B. istical C. D. Scatter :B35.DuringaprojectupdatemeetingB. istical C. D. Scatter :B35.Duringaprojectupdatemeetingfor

29、thekeystakeholders,theschedule ofsomeprojectactivitieswaschallenged.TheVPOperationstsomeofthecriticalctivities beexecutedasscheduled The VP has requested carried out during as they will disturb critical rescheduling of these tasks t they non-working times of the business. Whatshould the project mana

30、ger ?yze the impact of B. Record the ehe e将此C. Send the change request to D. do 36.Whyisitimportanttohaveastaffreleaseplanforpeoplewithin the project team?It helps people manage their The project protects itself from It is not D.Theprojectsavesmoneybyreleasingpeoplefromtheprojec right time and moral

31、e is also improved. 险。 ”37.At ofaproject,whatwillyourschedulevariancebeEqual to the total 险。 ”37.At ofaproject,whatwillyourschedulevariancebeEqual to the total Equal to the total :A38.Youhavebeenogiveanexecutive ionontheof your project. Just before you walkothemeeting,youareinformed tacriticalresour

32、cefortheprojectisnolongeravailable,andresultinasubstantialdelaytotheproject.However,youvelmayternativetcouldbeused.Whatdoexecutive A. WaituntilyouhaveallfactsbeforeyouadvisetheexecutiveB.Askyourdeputyprojectmanagertoaddthistotheriskdatabase,but do not mention it to theexecutive B.Advisetheexecutivet

33、eamofthesituationexactlyasyouknowitbe t 在enough reserve to support a 2 month delay.tyou:C39.Susansabouttoreviewh make some neadjustments. She has got h log and the workperformancedata.Whichofthe rojectstakeholdermanagementplanrojectmanagementplan,the39.Susansabouttoreviewh make some neadjustments. S

34、he has got h log and the workperformancedata.Whichofthe rojectstakeholdermanagementplanrojectmanagementplan,therecentefollowinginputsisstillmissingfor刚刚拿到项目管理计划、问题日志以及项目的绩效数据。那么,对于该过程而Project Stakeholder management C. sD. Communication management :C40.sadvisestyourfinalprojectscheduleandbudgetbe rea

35、dy to present theexecutivesteeringcommitteeatameetinglaterk.Aschedule has been completed based on estimates provided by your However,theyhavenotdachancetoreviewthescheduletobetheirestimatesareappropriaterealistic. Timing constrasmake beforethemeeting.Whatistheitsibletocompletethis会草稿进行详细的审阅,以确保所有的估算

36、都是合理的、准确的。在 会议开始A.Presenttheestimatetoyour sand he basis B.Declare the faulty estimate to the executive steering estimate wiaccuracy range of plus/minus C.Denytherequesttopresenttheestimatetotheexecutivesteering 会41. Where would you find a detailed list and description of sumptions ted with the A. P

37、roject B. Project scope 会41. Where would you find a detailed list and description of sumptions ted with the A. Project B. Project scope C. Project D. Change management 42.Thedatethroughwhichtheproject plishments is called:Data Date Due Date Project Date Reporting Date has actual us :A。“图6-21 是一个正在执行

38、的示例项目的进度计划,其实际工作已经进展到数据日期项目状况的时间点,有时也叫截止日期或状态日期。43. A project team member findstthecolorschemeofthew is designing appearsgetoogaudyanddecidestochange ittoamelloweddowncolorscheme.The independent testingteamflagsthisasadefectandthereisaheateddiscus team member and thetesting team. What is your nA.The

39、testingteamisincorrectinflaggingthis an exle of expert judgment,Where in historical expertise is being asadefect.Thisothe B.Thetestingteamiscorrect.Eventhoughthenewcolorschemeisn the old one, the appropriate change management pro not been followed and the work product is not as per design.s C.B.Thet

40、estingteamiscorrect.Eventhoughthenewcolorschemeisn the old one, the appropriate change management pro not been followed and the work product is not as per design.s C.Thetestingteamisnotrightinflaggingthisdown.Thecolorscheme is a simple matter and thenew colors are y more nthe old D.Thetestingteamisc

41、orrectinflaggingthisdown.Theteammember should have sent a notealongwiththeworkproductindicating been made.tthecolorschemechange:B44.Asanexternalvendor,youaremanagingacomplexsoftwareproject s been contracted on Time &Material(T&M). One of your team-members reportsabreak-throughinautomatingsomeofthete

42、stingactivities.will potentially result in cost savings to the wellasproject getting completed ahead of schedu following actions would you take?y a month. Which of T&MA. Thisinformationwithin yourprojectteamandnot be shared with the customer. The savings will be additional profits on the project.的B.

43、 Communicate the current sus and inform the customerbe incorporating someadditionalfeaturestouseupthesavingsincostandtimesincei been budgeted for.sC. Communicate the current sustothecustomerandindicatethe potential changes to cost and schedule.D.Communicatethesavingsincostandtimetothecustomer.of the

44、 project, notify yourbillingdepartment the cost being saved.ttheyneedtopreparefor50%45.Yourmanagerhasaskedof the project, notify yourbillingdepartment the cost being saved.ttheyneedtopreparefor50%45.YourmanagerhasaskedyoutoincludetheHumanResourceManagement PlanandtheScheduleManagementPlaninyourProje

45、ctManagementPlan. Is this the appropriate place fortheseitems? 你的A. No, these are stand sB.Yes, you should unquestioningly include anything your manager 是的C. No, s should not be created until D.Yes:成本基准(见 节。范围管理计划(过程改进计划(人力资源管理计划(沟通管理计划(风险管理计划(采购管理计划(46.Onyourprojecttoconstructanewrunway foryourCity

46、syou are hesofselectingvendorsforvariouspartsofYou have conducted your make-or-ysis and have for als. You ve it is important to examine performanceof potential vendors. This means you are 为A. al evaluation B. Multi-disciplinary review ytical performanceof potential vendors. This means you are 为A. al

47、 evaluation B. Multi-disciplinary review ytical D. Independent 不难选择出C。A 不是正,A 是制。47. While working as the project manager on a new project to overall ease of developmentofarailroadswitchingion,youhavedecidedtoaddsubjectmatterexpertwhodecidedtoobservetheexistingapproach asyouandyourteamworkto define

48、requirements for the new system. This method is also called到C. Job D. :C需求的过程,先排除 AB。PMBOK118如序,来体验该流程或程序是如何实施的,以便挖掘隐藏的需求。 ”48. As you WBSmayhavemanage the railroad switching ion project, you ttheystwhowasresponsiblefor48. As you WBSmayhavemanage the railroad switching ion project, you ttheystwhowas

49、responsibleforpreparingoverlookedsomepartsoftheproject.InordertoseeifWBS requires enhancements you decide Perform a cause-and-effect Meet with your Use an affinity D. Review :C。panyingWBSDictionarywi WBS 字典member of the 251WBS这样的:“Theaffinitydiagramissimilartomind-techniquesttheyareusedtogenerateide

50、as tcanbe linkedtoform anized patterns of thought about a problem. In project management, the creation toitionofscopeWBSWBS49.You are a project charter and want to t t may occur after the project begins will be rigorously.Youhaveconsultedyourcompanysconfigurationknowledge base, and it contains s and

51、 baselines of all following l s Strategic :B50.Althoughtherearevarioustoolsandtechniquestoconsiderasyou collect requirements onyour project, one t supports the concept of Idea/mind Affinity D. ApplicationDesigns51.your project, one t supports the concept of Idea/mind Affinity D. ApplicationDesigns51

52、.Althoughyourcompanysprojectlifecycledoesnotmandatewhena project review shouldbe conducted,youveitisimportanttoreviewperformanceatThe each of such a review is A.Determinehow accordingtothe manyresour are required to complete the Adjustthe schedule and cost baselines based on past Obtain customer acc

53、eptance of project Determine whether the project should continue to the next 定该项目是继续、推迟还是中止。 ”52.Whilemanagingalargeprojectinanization,youtyourprojectteamrequirestrainingincontractadministrationyouwillbeawardingseveralmajorsubcontracts.Afteryzeprojectrequirementsandassesstheexpertiseofyourteammember

54、s,t your team will need eek class in administration. This training A. Commence as scheduled and projectrequirementsandassesstheexpertiseofyourteammembers,t your team will need eek class in administration. This training A. Commence as scheduled and he staffing management C. Be scheduled if neand afte

55、r each teammemberhashadanopportunitytohecontractadministratorD. Commence as scheduled and he team development 53. Your company has been awarded a contract for project consulting for overnmentagency.YouwereamemberofthealwritingPMP you are the project manager. You are now working to prepare project management plan, techniques to helpdevelop your plan. While a number sible,youselectedB. C. SWOT SWOTD. 54.Yourprojectisconsideredveryrisky.Youplantoperformnumerous what-if scenarios on yourschedule using simulation software activity and calculate a rang


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