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1、高三英语复习教案12SB3-units23-24一、单元考点提示1.单词lose the path for ever get away wherever succeed in had bestdo set on fire blow out as long as clear up at oneown expense ontheone hand on the otherhand end upin besuited to/for beworth doing open up personally be used todoing rely on further prevent from remind a

2、lthough however 2.句型I guess/believeIt seemsthatIt looks as if It certainly is. She/He/They must have doneWill you be free All right. See you then. On Monday/tomorrow. Yes, Ill be free then.How about tomorrow morning/afternoon. Yes, thats all right. No, I wont be freell be free atShall we meet at 4:3

3、0 at. Then, but I3.语法复习句子的成分状语复习状语从句二、考点精析与拓展1.fine adj./adv./n./v. 1adj.美好的,天气晴朗的, 身体好的,细的It s fine today. 今日天气很晴朗;What a fine view it is. 多么漂亮的风景!How are you ?你好吗?Fine, thank you. 很好,感谢! 不行用于否认句及疑问句First there was a fine rain but then it rained heavily. 开头是毛毛细雨,接着就下大了2adv.很好Everything went fine. 一

4、切顺当3c 罚金 a traffic violation fine 违反交通规章罚款4v.惩罚金If you make such a mistake again, youll get fined.假如你再犯这样的错误,你就会挨罚;短语: fine and 特别,极强调后面所接的形容词one fine day/morning 有朝一日2.find 1vt.发觉,觉察She found a wallet lying on the ground. 她发觉地上有个钱包;We found her still asleep. 我们发觉她仍在睡觉;He found her left behind. 他发觉她

5、被落在后面;2n.发觉,发觉物尤指珍贵或悦人的I made a great find in a second-hand bookshop yesterday. 昨天在旧书店里我有重大发觉;比照: find 多指偶然发觉,碰见;后可接名词、复合结构或从句;查找出缘由,或发觉隐秘、错误等;一般接名词、代词或从句;多用于好的事物;Have you found the book you have been looking for. 你始终找的书找到了吗?Have you found out why he was late. 你弄清他为什么迟到吗?Columbus discovered America.

6、 哥伦布发觉了美洲;3.age 1n.年龄,时代,时期find out 指通过观看、探究而发觉事实的真相、真情,通过调 discover 指发觉客观事物的存在,发觉已存在而不为人知的事情;The old man died at the age of 80/when he was 80 years of age/when he was 80 years old. 那位老人 80 岁时去世了;He is young for his age. 就他的年龄而论,他是年轻的;What is the age of the church. 这座教堂多少年了?He was the greatest poet

7、of the age. 他是那个时代最宏大的诗人;2vi./vt. 变老 He is aging fast. Worry ages a man. 他老得很快;担忧令人老!I found him greatly aged. 我发觉他老多了;拓展:1 adj. aged 岁的,年老的 a boy aged ten 一个 10 岁的男孩 an aged man老人 2人生的七期 baby infant child youth manhoodmiddle ageold age 婴儿 /0幼儿 7儿童 12青年 28壮年 40中年 65老年 4 e down 下来,流传下来,倒塌,没落,病倒,减价 Th

8、e song comes down to us from the 10th century. 流传下来这首歌是从 10 世纪流传到我们这一代的;The roof of the house came down during the night. 我听说电脑要降价;5.clear up天气放晴,使明白,整理整理,解决,了结 The sky cleared up just after the rain. 雨过天晴;Dont expect me to clear up after you.整理不要的东西别期望我在你后面整理东西;The police havent cleared up the murd

9、er case.警察仍没查清那件谋杀案;His face cleared up as she heard the news.引申义 听到这个消息她脸上露出欢乐之情;比照: clean up 打扫洁净,整理,获利,赚钱 The students cleaned up the classroom after class.打扫洁净下课后同学们打扫教室;6.as long as/so long as只要 1引导条件状语从句 You may borrow the book as / so long as you keep it clean. 只要你不把书弄脏,你就可以借;As long as you s

10、tudy hard, youll make great progress.只要你努力学习,你就会取得很大进步;2和 一样长 This rope is as long as that one.这条绳子和那条一样长;This bridge isnt so/as long as that one. 这座桥和那座不一样长;3长达 表时间The old couple have been living in the small town as long as 50 years. 这对老夫妇已在这个小城镇里住了长达 50 年;7.tear out 撕下,撕掉 He tore some of the pape

11、rs out of the book. 他从书中撕下了几页;比照: tear up 撕碎,撕毁,连根拔起 She tore up the letter. 她把信撕碎了;The trees were torn up by the hurricane. 树木被飓风连根拔起;另: tear down 拆除建筑物等tear sth. in two/half 把 撕成两半 8. get sb. / sth. doing 使某人 /某物开头活跃或使某物开头工作 Let me try now, I will get the car going 现在让我试试,我会把汽车发动起来;拓展: get sb. to

12、do sth. = have sb. do sth.让/使某人做某事 get sth. done = have sth. done 请人做某事 I ll get him to do the job. 我会让他做这项工作;When did you get your hair cut. 你什么时候理的发?9.date back to / date from 追溯到某个时期 ,起始于某个时期 ,从 时候就存在 The tower dates back to 1173. 这座塔起始于 1173 年;The old church dates from the first century A.d. 这座古

13、老的教堂起始于公元 1 世纪;My interest in stamp collecting dates from my schooldays. 从同学时代起,我对集邮就开头感爱好;10.find oneto sp.找到;设法找到去 的路Can you find your way to the post office. 你能找到去邮局的路吗?Rivers find their way to the sea. 条条江河通大海;拓展: make one s way 特别困难地前进ay 摸索着前进 feel one force / fight one 突破 而前进 push one s way 排开

14、 而前进 11.congratulate v. 庆贺,庆贺 常用短语: congratulate sb. on / upon sth. / doing sth. 为某事向某人庆贺 congratulate oneself that 因 而自己庆幸 congratulations 常用于庆贺语,后可接 on,也可单独用;I d like to congratulate you on your success. 对你的胜利我表示庆贺;I d like to offer my congratulations on your success.对你的胜利我表示庆贺;You really should c

15、ongratulate yourself on your appearance. = You really should congratulate that you are so handsome. 你真该为自己的外表而庆幸;比照: celebrate sth.庆贺某事 ll celebrate the New Year with a dance party. We我们将举办跳舞晚会以庆贺新年;拓展: in celebration of 庆祝 hold a celebration 举办庆祝会12.admire= respect / praisevt.仰慕,敬佩,夸奖 admire sb.for

16、 sth.佩服某人某事 Visitors to Beijing greatly admire our Palace Museum. 去北京的游人极其仰慕我们的故宫;I admire him for his wisdom. 我佩服他的聪明;别忘了夸奖孩子;比照: envy = jealousvt.嫉妨,仰慕 envy sb.sth.嫉妒 /仰慕某人某事 We all envy you your good future. 我们都很仰慕你的好运;13.personally 1就我个人来说 = in my personal opinion ,用于表示个人的看法,通常于句首;Personally, I

17、dont see much difference between the two.就我个人来讲,这两者没多大差异;2亲自 The manager went personally to the hospital to see the worker who was seriously ill. 经理亲自去医院探望患重病的工人;拓展: person/ c. /人 personal adj.个人的 personality / c. u. / 个性,品行;人物 14.end up 结果,终止 He started as an employee and ended up as head of the fi

18、rm. 他以职员开头而最终成为公司的主管;The party ended up with a song. 晚会以一首歌曲终止;If you continue to drive so carelessly, youll end up in hospital.假如你连续这样不当心开车,你会进医院的;比照: end 指完结或终止,为意义最单纯的用语;close 指把已开头的事物像关闭似的加以终止;finish 尤指最终的修饰工作,或把已经做的加以完成;complete 指把不完善的各点或有缺陷的部分加以补充完成;Let s end the discussion.s speech.The meetin

19、g was closed by the chairmanTry to finish your homework before 9 oclock.Have you completed your new programme. 15.open up 1开门,绽开,打开 open up = open the door 开门 open up the parcel 打开包裹 2景色等的呈现 A beautiful view opened up before us. 一幅美景呈现在我们面前;3开发,开创,创建 open up a new situation / a bright future / more

20、waste land 开创一个新局面 /美好的前程 /开创更多荒地 4吐露真情 She never opened up to me on the subject. 关于那个问题,她从未对我开诚布公;16.rely on / upon 信任,信任He relied on his parents advice.他信任父母的劝说;I rely on you to tell me all about it. 我要靠你把这件事的来龙去脉告知我;Such people are not to be relied on. 这样的人是靠不住的;比照: rely on / upon 指由过去的体会,使人信任对方必

21、定能完成所交代的事情;depend on 指依靠别人的支持或救济;trustin指深信确定不会发生被出卖或令人扫兴的事情;I rely on his ability. 我信任她的才能;She depends on her friends to make a decision. 她依靠伴侣帮她做打算;He is a man to be trusted. 他是一个可以信任的人;It depends on whether you want to do it or not. 这得看你是否想做;很值得做 17.be worth doing = bewellworthy of being done / t

22、o be done The city is worth visiting. 这个城市值得参观;= The city is worthy of being visited. = The city is worthy to be visited. 18.as we say 正如我们所说 关系代词 as引导非限制性定语从句,表示“ 正如”,代埒后面整个句子;而 which 引导的非限制性定语从句,没有“ 正如” 的含义,也不能置于主句前面;As we know, the earth is round. 我们知道,地球是圆的;Leaves are turning yellow, which means

23、 autumn is coming. 树叶正在变黄,这意味着秋天就要来了;19.as is the case with = as with 就和 的情形一样 As is the case with his mother, he is fond of music. 跟母亲一样,他喜爱音乐;As with human, animals also love their babies. 同人一样,动物也爱它们的幼仔;三、精典名题导解题 1 2022 上海春Unless to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. A. invited B.

24、 inviting C. being invited D. having invited 分析: A ;此句考查非谓语动词在省略句中的用法,完整的表达方式为 题 2 NMET 2022 上海unless you are invited, Though money, his parents managed to send him to university. A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in 分析: C;此题同样考查非谓语动词在省略句中的作用,但此题主语与非谓语动词是一种主动关系,故先排除 A、D;lack 为及物动词,不需用 of

25、;题 3 NMET 2022 北京, 31I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it. A. Even though B. Unless C. As long as D. While 分析:C;as long as 表示“ 只要” ;句意为: 只要我知道钱是安全的,的时候;题 4 NMET 2022 上海, 33How far apart do they live. I know, they live in the same neighborhood. 我就不会担忧; even though 即使 ;unless 假如不; whil

26、e 当 A. As long as B. As far as C. As well as D. As often as 分析: B;as far as 表示程度,范畴,意思是“ 就 ,尽 ,至于 ”, as far as I know 就我所知; as long as 表示时间长度或表示“ 只要”;as well as 和 一样好;as often as和 一样常常;题 5 2022 上海春The famous scientist grew up he was born and in 1980 he came to Shanghai. A. when B. whenever C. where D. wherever 分析: C; where 引导的是地点状语从句;题 6 NMET 2022 北京 30He made a mistake, but then he corrected the


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