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1、脚手架使用者安全Scaffold User Safety关键技能:EHSQKey Skill: EHSQ证书号: 50009147Qualification Number: 50009147由学习解决方案服务制作Produced by Learning Solution ServicesRev2 (2.2007)2打印材料Printed Materials请打印下列文件,以在本课程中使用:Please print the following documents for use in this course:脚手架使用者具体地点检查清单Scaffold User Site-Specific Ch

2、ecklist阅读完具体地点的信息/要求后,请关闭文件和共享站点。继续学习本课程。After reviewing the Site Specific information/ requirements, close the document and the Share Site. Continue the course.停止并阅读STOP and ReadRev2 (2.2007)3学习目标Learning Objectives成功完成本课程后,您应当: Upon successful completion of this course, you should: 了解脚手架的检查和标签要求(包

3、括因工作中工作范围变更而对脚手架进行重新评估的程序)。Understand scaffold inspection and tag requirements (including the process for re-evaluation of a scaffold due a mid-work job scope change).了解基本的安全脚手架结构和要求。 Understand basic safe scaffold structure and requirements. 了解合适的个人防护装备和防坠落保护装备。Know the appropriate personal protect

4、ive equipment and fall prevention protection equipment.Rev2 (2.2007)4学习目标Learning Objectives续前 Continuing知道使用脚手架的危险及相关安全工作方法。Know hazards of scaffold use and associated safe work practices.知道在脚手架上如何处理物料。Know about material handling on the scaffold.知道脚手架的最大载荷。Know the scaffold maximum load capacities

5、.本培训仅适用于脚手架“使用者”。脚手架“搭建者”和“检查员”需要接受其他培训。This training is for scaffold users only. Additional training is required for Scaffold Builders and Inspectors.Rev2 (2.2007)5为什么要对脚手架使用者进行培训?Why Train Scaffold Users?政府要求和 Air Products 标准 (01.05.40) Requirement of government and Air Products standards (01.05.4

6、0)脚手架使用者在使用脚手架前必须出具已接受脚手架使用者培训的证明Scaffold users must present proof that they have had scaffold user training before using the scaffold 在脚手架上工作的承包商也必须具有脚手架使用者培训的证明Contractors working on scaffolds must also have proof of Scaffold User training 您能够控制危险! You can control the hazards!Rev2 (2.2007)6为什么要对脚手

7、架使用者进行培训? Why Train Scaffold Users?续前 Continuing9% 的施工死亡事件都与脚手架有关9% of construction fatalities involve scaffolds72% 的脚手架伤害是由于:72% of scaffold injuries are caused by:铺板/支架垮塌, planking/support giving way, 工人滑倒,或worker slipping, or 被掉落的物体击中。being struck by falling object. 您能够控制危险! You can control the h

8、azards!Rev2 (2.2007)7由合格人员负责Competent Person is Responsible由谁来负责?Who is responsible?使用脚手架时,合格人员必须负责安装、检查和拆卸脚手架。When scaffolding is used a competent person must be responsible for erection, inspection and disassembly of scaffolding.Rev2 (2.2007)8由合格人员负责Competent Person is Responsible续前Continuing合格人员是

9、经过脚手架培训公司或内部专家培训认证的人员,他们能够识别出周围环境中存在和潜在的危险,并有权采取及时的纠正措施来消除危险。 A Competent Person is someone whos training has been certified by a scaffold training company or in-house expert, identifies existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures

10、 to eliminate them. Rev2 (2.2007)9脚手架检查Scaffold Inspection在下列情况下,必须由有资质的、合格的、取得认证的脚手架检查员来检查脚手架:Scaffolds must be inspected by a competent, qualified and certified scaffold inspector in the following instances:首次使用前及每次修改后Before initial use and after any modifications工作范围变更If the job scope changesRev2

11、 (2.2007)10脚手架检查Scaffold Inspection续前 Continuing脚手架结构会受到天气影响或设备的撞击If scaffold structure is affected by weather or struck by equipment此外,应根据 Air Products 标准或国家法规事先确定好检查频率Also, at a pre-determined frequency per Air Products standard or according to National LegislationAir Products 脚手架标准是以作业、脚手架类型、地点、天

12、气状况、使用率、设备年龄及所有修改等因素为依据制定的。The Air Products Scaffold standard is based on factors such as activity, the type of scaffold, site, weather conditions, intensity of use, age of the equipment, and any modifications.Rev2 (2.2007)11使用脚手架前请先检查Inspect A Scaffold Before You Use It使用脚手架前必须先检查: Before use a sca

13、ffold, you must inspect for:是否具有当前日期的检查标签A currently dated inspection tag 是否存在明显的安全危险。Any obvious safety hazards.此外,如果在工作中变更了工作范围,可能需要重新评估脚手架。例如,预期载荷增加了或需要另一层工作台。 In addition, the scaffold may need to be re-evaluated if there is a change in the job scope during the work. For example, the intended lo

14、ad is increased or another work level is needed.Rev2 (2.2007)12脚手架标签Scaffold Tags制作好的脚手架上必须具有指示其状态的标签。标签必须署名,并注明完成时间和/或最近一次合格人员检查的时间。标签必须悬挂在脚手架的进入点,悬挂高度是站在梯子底部时与眼睛等高。A completed scaffold must have a tag indicating its status. The tag must be signed and dated with the time of completion and/or most c

15、urrent inspection by a competent person. Tags shall be installed at the access point(s) to the scaffold and at eye level at the base of ladder.Rev2 (2.2007)13脚手架标签Scaffold Tags续前 Continuing未检查标签之前不得使用脚手架。标签应当以您认识的语言书写。如有需要请寻求帮助以获得明确信息。Do not use a scaffold until you check the tag. The tag should be

16、written in a language that you understand. Ask for clarification if needed.此外,标志或标签必须指出脚手架的最大预期载荷和限制。In addition, a sign or the tag must indicate the maximum intended load and restrictions for the scaffold.Rev2 (2.2007)14脚手架标签 检查的证明Scaffold Tags Proof of Inspection填写完毕的标签应当悬挂在脚手架的进入点作为检查的证明。The comp

17、leted tag should be at the point of access to scaffold, and it is the proof of inspection.标签的类型不尽相同。了解您工作地点所用标签的含义十分重要。The type of tags may vary. It is important that you understand the meaning of the tags in use at your location.Rev2 (2.2007)15脚手架标签 检查的证明Scaffold Tags Proof of Inspection美国示例Example

18、 US欧洲示例Example EURev2 (2.2007)16红色标签Red Tag检查员将在“红色”标签上签上日期和姓名,表示不得使用该脚手架,原因是:The inspector would date and sign a red tag indicating the scaffold must not be used because:正在安装、拆卸或修改脚手架。Scaffold is being erected, dismantled, or modified.检查显示有危险,必须立即停用。Inspection reveals hazards that require immediate

19、 shut-down.Rev2 (2.2007)17红色标签Red Tag续前 Continuing在批准投入使用之前,某些工厂可能会使用显示“红色警告信息”的标签夹。A tag holder which shows “red warning information” may also be used at some sites until approved for use.必须通过值班人员或警告标志或路障来防止未经授权进入未完工的脚手架。Unauthorized entry of incomplete scaffolds must be prevented by attendants or

20、by warning signs or barricades.Rev2 (2.2007)18黄色警示标签Yellow Caution Tag检查员将谨慎评估并确定是否可以使用脚手架Inspector will evaluate and make determination for use with CAUTION在某些情况下,检查员将在“黄色”警示标签上签上姓名和日期,并填写所有限制或注意事项。还将注明最大预期载荷。In some cases, the inspector will date and sign the yellow caution tag and fill in any res

21、trictions or cautions. The maximum intended load will be listed.Rev2 (2.2007)19黄色警示标签Yellow Caution Tag续前 Continuing黄色标签表示脚手架是按照规格搭建的且可投入使用,但是在某些情况下使用者必须谨慎,如: A yellow tag means that the scaffold is built to specifications and may be used, but some conditions exist which require caution for the user

22、 such as: 管道、脚手架支柱或钢梁等可能会撞到使用者头部的物体,狭小的小工作区域;或Objects such as a pipe, scaffold pole, or steel beam which users could strike their head, narrow work areas; or为适应指定作业的其他非常规设计。Other unusual designs to accommodate the intended activity.Rev2 (2.2007)20绿色标签Green Tag如果脚手架是按照规格搭建的,检查员将在“绿色”标签上签上姓名和日期,绿色标签表示

23、:When the scaffold is built to specifications, the inspector will date and sign the Green tag, which means it was:没有危险Free of hazards指出最大工作载荷Maximum working load is indicated可以使用OK to useRev2 (2.2007)21绿色标签Green Tag续前Continuing使用前,自己进行目视检查。 Before usage, carry out your own visual inspection.如果感觉到任何让

24、您觉得脚手架可能不安全的情况,请取下绿色或黄色标签,让所有人远离脚手架,并立即通知合格的检查员If a situation arises where you feel the scaffold may be unsafe, remove the green or yellow tag, keep all personnel off the scaffold and contact a qualified inspector immediatelyRev2 (2.2007)22绿色标签,不得修改Green Tag, Make No Modifications请勿修改或改动脚手架DO NOT MO

25、DIFY OR ALTER A SCAFFOLD脚手架使用者在任何情况下都不得改动或修改脚手架。只经批准的脚手架搭建人员才能修改脚手架。 Under no circumstances should a scaffold user make alterations or modifications to a scaffold. Only approved scaffold builders are permitted to modify a scaffold. Rev2 (2.2007)23绿色标签,不得修改Green Tag, Make No Modifications续前 Continuin

26、g例如,脚手架使用者绝对不应为了进入工作区而取下中间隔档。For example, a scaffold user should never remove a midrail to gain access to a work area.如果脚手架看起来不安全If the scaffold appears to be unsafe停止使用,Stop use, 将绿色/黄色标签换成红色标签,并Replace green/yellow tag with red tag, and联系检查员Contact the inspectorRev2 (2.2007)24脚手架基本结构Basic Scaffold

27、 Structure作为脚手架使用者,您需要了解以下基本的安全脚手架结构,以便识别及避免危险情况。As a scaffold user, you need to understand the following basic safe scaffold structure so that you can identify and avoid hazardous situations.脚手架必须始终安装在稳固的表面上并且必须使用底板。横木即木制垫板,通常放在底板之下,以提供平坦的表面并防止陷入地面。不得用圆桶、箱子、散砖或混凝土块之类不稳定的物体支撑脚手架。Scaffolds must be er

28、ected on sound surfaces and base plates must be used at all times. A sill is a wooden pad, often used under a base plate to provide a flat surface and prevent sinking into the ground. Unstable objects, such as barrels, boxes, loose brick or concrete blocks shall not be used to support scaffolds.Rev2

29、 (2.2007)25脚手架基本结构Basic Scaffold Structure续前 Continuing所有脚手架支柱、支架或立柱必须与基座垂直(90 度)并稳固支撑,以防止摆动和移位。All poles, legs, or uprights must be plumb (90 degrees) from the base and be rigidly braced to prevent swaying and displacement.Rev2 (2.2007)26脚手架结构 稳定性Scaffold Structure Stability脚手架稳定性SCAFFOLD STABILITY

30、必须在稳固的表面上搭建脚手架。Scaffolds must be built on a sound surface.必须使用底板。Base plates must be used.横木(木制铺板)可提供平坦的表面。Sills (wood planks) provide flat surface.不使用不稳定的物体。No unstable objects are used.带有底座的螺旋千斤顶Screw jack with base plate底板Base plate横木mud sill铅锤plumb交叉撑条Cross bracingRev2 (2.2007)27脚手架结构 稳定性Scaffol

31、d Structure Stability续前Continuing支柱和立柱应该垂直、呈直角、坚固。Poles and uprights shall be plumb, square and rigid.带有底座的螺旋千斤顶Screw jack with base plate底板Base plate横木mud sill铅锤plumb交叉撑条Cross bracingRev2 (2.2007)28脚手架结构 撑条和悬臂支架Scaffold Structure Bracing and Outriggers撑条和悬臂支架BRACING AND OUTRIGGERS横拉撑、固定装置、交叉撑条、悬臂支架

32、、斜拉撑(类似悬臂的支撑物)可确保脚手架不会倾倒。Ties, anchors, cross bracing, outriggers and raking shores (supports which are similar to outriggers) ensure that the scaffold cannot tip over. 不安全 请勿使用砖块作为基座Unsafe Do NOT use Blocks as a baseRev2 (2.2007)29脚手架 撑条和悬臂支架Scaffold Structure Bracing and Outriggers续前 Continuing此外,

33、在地面之外的任何结构上搭建脚手架时,必须适当地固定在该结构上。In addition, any scaffold that is built on any structure other than the ground, must be properly secured to the structure.使用拉条防止摆动。Braces are used to prevent swaying. 不安全 请勿使用砖块作为基座Unsafe Do NOT use Blocks as a baseRev2 (2.2007)30脚手架结构 高度限制Scaffold Structure Height Res

34、trictions脚手架高度SCAFFOLD HEIGHT注意:如果受到支撑的脚手架高度超过其基座最小长度的四倍,就必须用拉索、绳索或拉条加以限制,以免倾倒。Note: If a supported scaffold is higher than four times its minimum base distance, it must be restrained by guying, tying or bracing to prevent tipping.请注意将脚手架绑在墙上的横拉撑(尚未架设用于进出的梯子)Notice the ties to wall(Access Ladder not

35、 yet installed)基座长度 = 1Base distance = 1高度是否超过基座长度的 4 倍?Is height more than 4x base?Rev2 (2.2007)31脚手架倒塌 固定点太少Scaffold collapse Inadequate Anchorage这是脚手架在大风后倒塌的照片,发生在荷兰 Botlek。原因是固定点太少。This is a picture of a scaffold that came down during high winds at Botlek Netherlands. The anchorage points were n

36、ot sufficient.Rev2 (2.2007)32脚手架倒塌 固定点太少Scaffold collapse Inadequate Anchorage续前Continuing直立高度超过 38 米(125 英尺)或使用所在国家/地区限制的脚手架,必须由注册专业工程师(或适用的当地主管机构)设计。Erected scaffolds exceeding 38 meters (125 feet) in height or the National limits in the country of use, must be designed by a registered professiona

37、l engineer (or local authority where applicable).超过 38 米(125 英尺)的脚手架必须由专业工程师设计Scaffolds over 38 m (125 ft) must be designed by a Professional EngineerRev2 (2.2007)33脚手架基本结构 - 扶手和平台Basic Scaffold Structure -Railings and Platforms作为脚手架使用者,您应当知道脚手架的所有敞开侧和平台边缘必须具有扶手、中间隔档和脚踏板。 As a scaffold user you shou

38、ld know that scaffolds must have guardrails, mid-rails, and toe boards on all open sides and ends of platforms. 有时会在脚踏板与中间隔档之间使用防护网,以防止物料、工具、零件从工作平台上掉落。Netting is used in some cases between toe-board and mid rail to prevent materials, tools and parts from falling off the decking.Rev2 (2.2007)34脚手架基本

39、结构 - 扶手和平台Basic Scaffold Structure -Railings and Platforms续前Continuing工作平台应使用经批准的木制、铝制或钢制脚手架铺板完全铺盖。合格人员/检查员必须确保脚手架结构和工作平台可以支撑预期载荷。Work platforms shall be fully planked with approved planks of wood, aluminum or steel scaffold planks. The Competent Person/Inspector must assure the scaffold structure a

40、nd work platform will support the intended load.必须固定或夹紧铺板,且铺板必须超出支撑物末端 152 mm(6 英寸),但最多不超过 305 mm(12 英寸)。Planks must be secured or clamped and must extend 152 mm (6 inches) to a maximum of 305 mm (12 inches) over ends of supports. Rev2 (2.2007)35脚手架基本结构 - 进出Basic Scaffold Structure -Access 不允许使用者攀爬交

41、叉撑条或脚手架结构进入脚手架。Users are not permitted to climb the cross bracing or scaffold structure for access.进出工作平台最好通过可自行关闭进出门板的梯子。梯子和脚手架应当由同一制造商提供。The preferred method of access and egress to a work platform is from a ladder with an self closing access gate panel. They should be provided by the same manufac

42、turer as the scaffold.仅在无法安全地使用门板时才能使用链条门Chain gates can only be used where gate panels are not safely accessible安全 - 进出门和安全梯Safe - Access gate and secure ladderRev2 (2.2007)36进出用梯具Access Ladders进出用梯具必须经批准,并且需要连接顶部、底部及其他中间点以免移动。梯具顶部必须向上延伸超出工作平台 1 米(3.5 英尺)。除非有中间平台,否则进出用梯具的总长度不得超过 9 米(30 英尺)。 Access

43、ladders must be approved, attached at top, bottom, & other midway point to prevent movement. The top of the ladder must extend above the work platform by 1 meter (3.5 feet). The total length of the access ladder must not be over 9 meter (30 feet) unless a resting platform is provided. Rev2 (2.2007)3

44、7进出用梯具Access Ladders续前 Continuing此外,进出平台或工作平台的垂直间距不得超过 9 米(30 英尺)。如果脚手架的高度超过 9 米(30 英尺),所有附加平台都必须位于脚手架内部。 In addition, access or working platforms must not be more than 9 meters (30 feet) apart vertically. When a scaffold height exceeds 9 meters (30 feet), all additional platforms must be on the ins

45、ide of the scaffolding.如果工作平台的间距超过 6 米(20 英尺),进出用梯具必须配备自收缩式救生索或经批准的救生笼。If working platforms are spaced more than 6 meters (20 feet) apart, the access ladder must have a self-retracting lifeline or approved cage.Rev2 (2.2007)38移动式脚手架Mobile Scaffolds当轻便型移动式脚手架平台用于轻度工作时: When lightweight mobile scaffol

46、d platforms are used for light duty work: 必须由经过培训的人员安装及使用脚手架。 They must be erected and used by trained personnel. 只能在水平、坚固的表面上使用脚手架。They must be used only on level and firm surface.不得使用梯具来增加脚手架的高度。Do not use a ladder to extend the height.必须通过插梢或其他可靠的锁紧装置将脚轮固定在脚手架上。Casters must be secured to scaffold

47、 via pin or other positive locking device.移动式脚手架的脚轮锁Mobile scaffold wheel lock锁定插梢Locking PinRev2 (2.2007)39移动式脚手架的高度Mobile Scaffolds Height带悬臂支架的移动式脚手架Mobile scaffold with outriggers脚手架高度受制造商、国家/地区规定和/或 EHS 脚手架标准的限制。Height is limited by the manufacturer, country restrictions and or EHS scaffold sta

48、ndards.所有拉条和悬臂支架都应该安装就位。All bracing and outriggers are to be in position每次使用前必须将脚轮锁住。Wheels must be locked before each use.平台上有人和/或物料时,绝对不要移动移动式脚手架。 Never move a mobile scaffold with persons and/or material on the platforms.Rev2 (2.2007)40移动式脚手架的高度Mobile Scaffolds Height续前Continuing移动式脚手架的高度不得超过最小基座

49、尺寸(用大于 3:1 的因数计算出的尺寸)。如果没有相关信息,则假定最大比例为 2:1。 The height of the scaffold shall not exceed the smallest base dimension by a factor greater than 3:1. If information is available, assume 2:1 as the maximum ratio. 此外,最小基座尺寸不应小于 1200 mm(4 英尺)。Additionally, the smallest base dimension shall not be less tha

50、n 1200 mm (4 feet).始终从内侧攀爬脚手架!Climb scaffolds always at the inside!带悬臂支架的移动式脚手架Mobile scaffold with outriggersRev2 (2.2007)41安全工作方法 使用 PPE Safe Work Practices Use PPE除了安全的设计和结构,在脚手架上时还必须遵循安全工作方法。包括根据工作类型和工作区选择合适的个人防护装备 (PPE)。In addition to safe design and structure, you must use safe work practices

51、on a scaffold. This includes the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) based on the type of work and the work area. Rev2 (2.2007)42安全工作方法 使用 PPE Safe Work Practices Use PPE续前ContinuingPPE 至少应包括安全帽、安全防护眼镜和具有脚趾保护功能的安全鞋。特殊工作可能需要其他防护装备,如安全工作许可所述之手套和呼吸器。 As a minimum, PPE includes hardhats, saf

52、ety glasses, and safety shoes with protective toe caps. Additional protective equipment may be required for specific tasks, such as gloves and respirators as noted on the safety work permit. Rev2 (2.2007)43坠落保护Fall Protection是否需要坠落保护由合格人员确定,如果需要使用则应进行培训。The need for Fall Protection is to be determin

53、ed by a Competent Person, and if used, training is required.对于悬挂绿色标签的脚手架,在扶手、中间隔档、脚踏板和进出门齐全的狭小平台内部工作时,不需要绑带。On a green tagged scaffold, tie off is not required when working inside the confines of platform with full handrail, mid rail, toe boards and gated access.但是如果您靠在扶手上,就必须系上合适的坠落保护装备。However if

54、you lean over railings, you must tie off with proper fall protection gear.Rev2 (2.2007)44天气预防措施Weather Precautions天气可能对脚手架使用者造成其他危险。Weather may present additional hazards to scaffold users.有雷雨或强风时请勿使用脚手架。 Do not use scaffolds during electrical storms or high winds. 在脚手架周围围上遮布会增大风力载荷。只有在脚手架结构和横拉撑和/或斜

55、拉撑可以承受额外的风力载荷时,才能使用遮布。 Sheeting, an enclosure around a scaffold, increases the wind load. It should only be used where the scaffold structure and ties and/or raking shores will accommodate the additional wind load. Rev2 (2.2007)45天气预防措施Weather Precautions续前Continuing遮布还可能会形成狭小空间,并可能在使用焊接气体或通风口被遮住时形成

56、窒息环境。 Sheeting may also create a confined space and possible asphyxiating atmosphere when welding gases are in use or vent outlets are sheeted in. 脚手架表面不得覆盖冰雪,这样可能会使脚手架结构超载或造成滑倒危险。将雪铲除,并使用防滑材料。 Scaffold must not be covered with ice or snow, it may overload the scaffold structure or cause a slipping

57、hazard. Remove snow and use anti-skid materialRev2 (2.2007)46区域中的电气危害Electrical Hazards in the area在通电电线附近工作时,必须采取特别的预防措施。Special precautions must be taken when working near energized power lines.与通电电线至少保持 5 米(15 英尺)的距离Keep at least 3 meters (10 feet) from live power lines与高压线保持 5 米(15 英尺)以上的距离More

58、than 3 meters (10 ft) required for High Voltage如果这些电线带电,脚手架可能也会带电。If live, these power lines could energize the scaffold.Rev2 (2.2007)47区域中的电气危害Electrical Hazards in the area续前 Continuing脚手架的搭建者和检查员必须评估危险,并判定电线和脚手架之间的距离是否足够。The Scaffold Builder and Inspector must evaluate the hazards and determine i

59、f the distance between the power line and the scaffold is adequate.距离包括与导电物料(支柱、工具等)之间的距离Distances include conductive material (poles, tools, etc.)在某些地区和国家,脚手架可能需要接地。Grounding of scaffold may be required in some regions, and countries.如果这些电线带电,脚手架可能也会带电。If live, these power lines could energize the

60、scaffold.Rev2 (2.2007)48电气危险,断电Electrical Hazards, De-Energized在某些情况下无法保证与通电电线之间的最小距离,则应该将电线断电,并确认断电后才能在脚手架上开始工作。 In some cases where the minimum distance to energized power lines can not be maintained, the power lines shall be de-energized and verified to be de-energized before work commences on th


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