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1、2020届中考英语一轮复习:被动语态教学课件-(共51张PPT)2020届中考英语一轮复习:被动语态教学课件-(共51张PP形式 : be done (过去分词) 形式 : be done (过去分词) 一、AAA型(动词原形、过去式、过去分词同形)cost (花费) cost costcut(割) cut cuthit (打) hit hithurt (伤害) hurt hurtlet (让) let letput (放) put putset(设立) set setread(读) read /red/ read 一、AAA型(动词原形、过去式、过去分词同形)cost (花三、ABA型(动词

2、原形与过去分词同形)become(变成) became becomecome came comerun(跑) ran run三、ABA型(动词原形与过去分词同形)四、ABB型(过去式与过去分词同形)dig (挖) dug dugleave( 离开) left lefthang (悬挂) hung hunghold (抓住) held heldshine (照耀) shone shonesit (坐) sat sat win won won 四、ABB型(过去式与过去分词同形)五、ABC型(动词原形、过去式与过去分词三者不同形)begin (开始) began begundrink (喝) dr

3、ank drunkring (铃响) rang rungsing (唱) sang sungswim (游泳) swam swumdraw (画) drew drawnfly(飞) flew flown五、ABC型(动词原形、过去式与过去分词三被动:The flowers主(承受者)every day. are watered by her主动:She waters the flowers every day. 主(执行者) 谓 宾(承受者)主动语态被动语态宾语 谓语 主语 其他 主语be+ P.P(过去分词)by +宾语顺口溜:宾变主,主变宾,by短语后面跟;谓语动 词变被动,be后“过分”

4、来使用。探究 主动变被动的方法:抄下来被动:The flowersevery day. are wHe rides the motorbike to his factory every day.The motorbike is ridden to his factory every day.变为被动语态一The motorbike is ridden to his一般现在时的被动语态: am/is/are+过去分词Exercise: The bottle _ (fill) with hot water. 瓶子里装满了热水。2. Cameras _ (use) for taking photos

5、. 相机是用来照相的.are usedis filled一般现在时的被动语态:am/is/are+过去分词Exerc3.The classroom is very clean and it _ (clean) by us every day.4.The toys in the supermarket _ (make) in China. 5.Beijing is a beautiful city and it _ (visit) by many peopleevery year. is cleanedare madeis visited3.The classroom is very clean

6、 He bought some fruits yesterday. Some fruits were bought yesterday.变为被动语态二 Some fruits were bought yeste一般过去时的被动语态: was/were+过去分词Exercise:1.A new machine _ (invent) last month. 一种新型机器上个月被发明。2.They _ (ask) a question by the teacher yesterday. 昨天他们被老师问了一个问题。 were askedwas invented一般过去时的被动语态:was/were+

7、过去分词Exerci 3.The book _ (write) by him last year.4.Our school has a long history. And it _ (build) in 1958.5.Many students _ (send) to America to study by our school last year. were sentwas builtwas written 3.The book _ (wriThe girl will finish her homework in twenty minutes.Her homework will be fin

8、ished( by the girl) in twenty minutes.变为被动语态三Her homework will be finished(1.The letter _ (post) tomorrow. 这封信明天将被寄走.2.A new film _ (show) next week. 一部新电影下周将被上演.一般将来时的被动语态: will+be+过去分词 is/ am/ are going to +be+过去分词Practice :will be postedwill be shown/ showed1.The letter _ 3.The hard work _ (finis

9、h) tomorrow and then well have a two-day off. 4.A party _ (hold) for grandmas birthday next week.5.She has moved to the new building. Her old house _ (sell) soon. will be finishedwill be heldwill be sold 3.The hard work _He may carry the basket easily.The basket may be carried by him easily.变为被动语态四T

10、he basket may be carried by hOur students mustnt smoke cigarettes.Cigarettes mustnt be smoked by our students.Our students mustnt smoke cig带有情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词+be+过去分词Practice :1.English _(learn) well. 英语必须被学好. 2.The computer _(repair) by us. 电脑可以被我们修好. can be repairedmust be learned 带有情态动词的被动语态:情态动词+b

11、e+过去分词Practi 3. The young trees must _(look) after well. 4. Wild animals should _(protect).5. The raising of the flag can _(see) every morning at Tiananmen Square. be lookedbe protectedbe seen 3. The young trees must _Lets practiceLets practice考点2 专练( ) 1. A report about the invention of tea in the

12、school hall the day after tomorrow. A. is givenB. will give C. will be givenD. was given( ) 2. Learning English well is important because it today. A. is using widelyB. used widely C. was widely usedD. is widely usedCD考点2 专练( ) 1. A report about( ) 3. When iPhone not long ago, people didnt realize i

13、t would be so popular. A. inventsB. is invented C. was inventedD. will be invented( ) 4. The new library building _ in Shipai Park a few months later. A. is completedB. was completed C. will be completedD. has completedCC( ) 3. When iPhone ( ) 5. Jack, stop playing computer games now. Your homework

14、first. A. must be finishedB. will be finished C. must finishD. will finish( ) 6. In order to make every kid have chance to go to school, a new school in this village next year. A. is builtB. was built C. will be builtD. mustnt be builtAC( ) 5. Jack, stop playing c( ) 7. The kind of snake in our coun

15、try. Or you into the prison because of that. A. mustnt catch; may put B. mustnt be caught; may put C. mustnt catch; must be put D. mustnt be caught; may be putD( ) 7. The kind of snake ( ) 8. Because of the support from all over the country, beautiful buildings here and there in Sichuan. A. can seeB

16、. can be seen C. will seeD. will be seen( ) 9. Chinese _by the largest number of people around the world. A. is speakingB. is spoken C. has spokenD. will be spokenBB( ) 8. Because of the suppo( ) 10. After the strong typhoon, many buildings fall down. A lot of brisks to repair or rebuild them. A. ne

17、edB. needed C. are neededD. were neededC( ) 10. After the strong ty考点精讲精练考点3 拓展知识1. 含有“使役”动词的被动语态:“使役”动词常用的有make, see, watch, notice, hear等。含有“使役”动词的句子在主动时常常的搭配是make (see, hear, watch, notice) sb. do sth.,动词do 前面没有to,但在被动中要把to补出来。即sb. be made (seen, heard, watched, noticed) to do sth.。考点精讲精练考点3 拓展知识

18、1. 含有“使役”动词的被动语态考点精讲精练如:He made me do the work. 他使我做这项工作。 (主动,do 前没有to)I was made to do the work. 我被派去做这项工作。 (被动,do 前补出to)类似:Tom saw Lucy water the flowers last night. Lucy was seen to water the flowers last night. They heard him sing songs in the room last night. He was heard to sing songs in the r

19、oom last night.究竟有没有to,其实有个窍门:“使役”动词前有be, 则有to, 没be, 则没to。考点精讲精练如:He made me do the work考点精讲精练2. 双宾句的被动语态:My mother gives Lily a pen. 间 直 Lily is given a pen by my mother. A pen is given to Lily by my mother.考点精讲精练2. 双宾句的被动语态:考点精讲精练3. 感官动词(look, smell, taste, feel, sound等)用主动结 构表示被动。如:The flower sme

20、lls nice. The cake tastes delicious. The watch looks beautiful.考点精讲精练3. 感官动词(look, smell, tas考点精讲精练4. 不及物动词(happen, take place, break out, cost等)没有被动语态。如: Great changes were taken place in China. (错) Great changes took place in China.(对) An accident was happened just now. (错) An accident happened ju

21、st now. (对)考点精讲精练4. 不及物动词(happen, take pl考点精讲精练5. 动词短语变为被动语态时,牢记不能丢掉其中的介词 或副词。如:The patient is well looked after by the nurse. The new word can be looked up in the dictionary.The old and the young should be taken care of by us.考点精讲精练5. 动词短语变为被动语态时,牢记不能丢掉其中的考点3 专练( ) 1. The little boy because he was

22、afraid to see so many people in front of him. A. made to cryB. was made cry C. was made to cryD. made cry ( ) 2. From the video nobody into the room through the windows. A. sees to goB. is seen to go C. sees goD. is seen goCB考点3 专练( ) 1. The little boy( ) 3. A terrible war many years ago. A. was bro

23、ken outB. would break out C. has broken outD. broke out( ) 4. The young man so handsome that many girls like him very much. A. looksB. has looked C. is lookedD. will be lookedDA( ) 3. A terrible war ( ) 5. The old people in the old peoples home. A. are take care B. will be taken care C. are taken ca

24、re of D. take care ofC( ) 5. The old people 综合训练( ) 1. Its a rule in our school that the classroom every day. A. should cleanB. cleans C. should be cleaned D. shouldnt be cleaned ( ) 2. A new international airport in the city next year. A. completes B. is completed C. will complete D. will be comple

25、tedCD综合训练( ) 1. Its a rule in o( ) 3. Today E-mails in both cities and countryside because they are much faster than letters. A. are usedB. are using C. were usedD. were using( ) 4. When you a difficult task, try to continue with it and finish it. A. giveB. are giving C. gaveD. are givenAD( ) 3. Tod

26、ay E-mails ( ) 5. Every day, too much water in our school. We should save it. A. is wastedB. wastesC. was wastedD. wasted( ) 6. The sick boy to the hospital as soon as possible. A. may be takenB. must be taken C. was takenD. cant be takenAB( ) 5. Every day, too much ( ) 7. Dont you know sweaters tha

27、t way? A. cant be washedB. cant wash C. are washedD. wash( ) 8. Many interesting experiments by the students in the new lab. A. will be carried B. will be carried out C. carry out D. will carry outAB( ) 7. Dont you know sweat( ) 9. The game is very wonderful. Who designed it? It by John in 2002. A.

28、is designed B. designs C. was designed D. designed( ) 10. Everybody deeply after they heard the story. A. movesB. moved C. is movedD. was movedCD( ) 9. The game is very wo( ) 11. Its difficult for the village children to cross the river for school. I think a bridge _ over the river. A. build B. was

29、built C. must build D. should be built( ) 12. I _ ten minutes to decide whether I should take part in this activity. A. was given B. gave C. was givingD. giveDA( ) 11. Its difficult for( ) 13. I know she wont come to join us unless she to. A. tells B. has told C. is told D. will be told( ) 14. But w

30、here are the computers? Dont worry. They _ here in no time. A. have sent B. are sending C. will be sentD. are sentCC( ) 13. I know she wont co( ) 15. Over 30000 yuan for a childrens hospital by a British girl several months ago. A. is raised B. was raised C. must be raised D. will be raised( ) 16. T

31、he museum next month to celebrate the Science and Technology Festival. A. is decoratedB. will decorate C. is decoratingD. will be decoratedBD( ) 15. Over 30000 yuan ( ) 17. Lets wait and see whether books by the Internet in the future. A. replaceB. replaced C. will be replacedD. were replaced( ) 18. Last December, a man who stole


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