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1、(完整)专四作文辅导-图表作文讲解ppt(完整)专四作文辅导-图表作文讲解ppt主要辅导内容模拟3图表作文讲解(含提纲)图表作文概述(四种类型的图表)图表作文的结构(2类)图表作文的开头图表作文的数据描述图表作文的结尾几个范文主要辅导内容模拟3图表作文讲解(含提纲)模考3作文审题:Introduction: mini research project, bar chartBody: 图表中的趋势Conclusion(也许有未来行动方向?材料的附加信息可以用)模考3作文审题:纵轴:某年龄段参与慈善捐款的人口占本年龄段人口的比例横轴:5个不同年龄组变量:两个年份:1990年和2010年趋势分析年份

2、比较参与慈善捐款的人口占总人口数的比例: 19902010年龄组比较(1)总体:参与慈善捐款的人口比例在不同年龄段有显著差异。(2)两年相比:与20年前相比,中青年人的捐款人口比例显著下降,老年人的捐款人口比例略有上升。纵轴: Second, new roads were built and some narrow streets were widened, which quickened the flow of traffic.这个图表 描述了时间内在地区对象的方面的信息。The main users of the Internet in Taiwan are young adults be

3、tween 16 and 30 years old.情况(数据)在达到顶点,为60%。(3)bar chart柱状图-用来比较两个以上数据的值There was a steady/gradual/slow/slight increase/rise in the number of from1990 to 2000.如果有比例差不多的,或比例相差特别悬殊的情况,可以提一下。题目只要求描述图表类(见P6) Therefore, it is obvious that that the number of car accidents in Walton city declined in 1990.(2

4、)采用正式书面文体 (避免Lets look at, Let me show you, It shows us之类带有口语性质的描述(1)line graph线型图-描述某事物的发展变化In conclusion, all the countries in the graph showed at least a 12 percent increase in employment rates of both men and women over the ten yeares.紧随其后的是占30%的B和占25%的C。(3)结尾:总结图表的主要规律(1-2句)专四作文辅导:图表作文In conclu

5、sion, all the countries in the graph showed at least a 12 percent increase in employment rates of both men and women over the ten yeares.there was a +幅度+名词there was a +幅度+名词提纲Introduction: mini research project, bar chartBody:Compared with 1990, there was a lower percentage of British people donatin

6、g money to charity in 2010. 举例:1990年,捐款比例最小的年龄组17%,其他年龄组都超过30%,最高值42%。 2010年,捐款比例最小的年龄组7%,其他年龄组超过20%, 最高值39%。In general, the percentage of British people giving money to charity vary among different age groups. Compared with 1990, there is a significant decline of the percentage among three age grou

7、ps under 50, and only a slight rise of the percentage among two age groups over 50. 举例:下降组的数据对比,上升组的数据对比Conclusion: 发现:The percentage of British population contributing money to charity is declining and the decline is found most significantly among the young and middle aged people. 建议:People should

8、be encouraged to participate more actively in charity. They could be suggested to donate food, clothes etc. if they have less money in possession. Second, new roads were builtLanguage Expression: 百分比1. X accounts for xx per cent of Y (总数) (也可用take up) X占Y的百分之xxE.g. Male respondents accounts for 48%

9、of the total respondents. Female respondents takes up 52% of the total respondents. 2. The percentage of X among Y is xx%. Y中X的含量是百分之xxE.g. The percentage of the 18-25-year-old group donating money to charity is 15% in 1990.3. The number of X is, accounting for xx per cent of Y. X值为,占Y的百分之xx The num

10、ber of smokers is 10 million, accounting for 6.2% of the entire population. Language Expression: 百分比1. X 比较On the top of the list is , which accounts for 60% of .占比重最高的是,占60%。2. At the bottom is , which accounts for 10% of .占比重最低的是,占10%。3. A is ranked/rated first, accounting for 60% of. It is follow

11、ed by B at 30% and C at 25%.A占最高比重,占的60%。紧随其后的是占30%的B和占25%的C。比较On the top of the list is 变化趋势-上升/增长、下降/减少1. The number of increased/rose+ suddenly/rapidly/dramatically/substantially/considerably/sharply/steeply from 1900 to 2000.在1900到2000间,的数量有了急剧的增长。2. There was a sudden/rapid/dramatic/substantial

12、/considerable/sharp/steep increase/rise in the number of from 1990 to 2000.在1990到2000间,的数量有了急剧的增长。3. The number of increased/rose steadily/gradually/slowly/slightly from 1990 to 2000.在1990到2000间,的数量在持续稳定的增长。4. There was a steady/gradual/slow/slight increase/rise in the number of from1990 to 2000.在19

13、90到2000间,的数量在持续稳定的增长。5. decrease/fall/drop; a decrease/drop/reduction/decline in the number of (可替换上述表明增长的词)变化趋势-上升/增长、下降/减少1. The number 变化趋势-达到顶点1. The situation/figures reached/hit a peak/a high at 60% in .2. The situation/figures peaked at 60% in .情况(数据)在达到顶点,为60%。3. The situation/figures bottom

14、ed out at 20% in .The situation/figures hit a trough at 20% in .情况(数据)在达到最低点,为20%。变化趋势-达到顶点图表作文概况图表作文要求对图表相关的信息进行归纳,对其重点和主要趋势进行汇报。图表主要有四种 (图例见P11-12)(1)line graph线型图-描述某事物的发展变化(2)pie chart饼图-描述一个总体的不同部分的比例(3)bar chart柱状图-用来比较两个以上数据的值(4)table表格-用一行/多行单元格中的文本和数字展示数据的方式。图表作文注意事项:(1)时态一致(根据图表描述的事物的时间确定时

15、态,无特定时间的用一般现在时)(2)采用正式书面文体 (避免Lets look at, Let me show you, It shows us之类带有口语性质的描述(3)客观描述图表,逻辑条理清晰,不增加个人主观猜想图表作文概况图表作文要求对图表相关的信息进行归纳,对其重点和Line GraphPie ChartLine GraphPie ChartBar ChartPie ChartBar ChartPie Chart图表作文结构分成两大类:描述类和描述+分析建议类1. 题目只要求描述图表类(见P6)(1)开头:概述图表的主题思想和总体特点(2句左右)(2)正文:用文字有条理地客观描述图表

16、传递的信息,并找出某种规律。(可以分成两三段)(3)结尾:总结图表的主要规律(1-2句)2. 题目要求描述并分和提建议的 (见P7)(1)开头:概述图表主题思想,描述数据的总体特点并用数据支持,根据题目要求提出个人观点(3-4句)(2)正文:对个人观点进行论述(3)结论:总结、提建议或方案(2句)图表作文结构分成两大类:描述类和描述+分析建议类1. 题目纯描述类图表作文 (此文字数不足,如果是纯描述类作文,图表应该比这个复杂,比如会有两条线,此文只用来展示作文结构) (1) As is indicated in the line graph, the number of car acciden

17、ts in Walton city fluctuated during the year of 1990. (2) The first two months of 1990 showed an increasing trend. The rate rose to 32 in March but fell to 26 in June. From June on, the rate was rising again and reached the peak point 39 in August. After August the rate began to decline remarkably,

18、and eventually dropped to the lowest point 16 at the end of the year. Therefore, it is obvious that the first eight months of 1990 witnessed a fluctuated increase in car accidents in Walton and it was followed by a trend of decline in car accidents in the last four months of the year.主题句/概述表格反映的内容(5

19、)反映交通事故的变化情况(6)小结:总结表格数据反映的总趋势纯描述类图表作文 (此文字数不足,如果是纯描述类作文,图表图表描述+分析建议类作文 (1) According to the line graph, the number of car accidents in Walton city fluctuated during the year of 1990. (2) From January to March of 1990, the car accidents increased from 22 to 32 but fell to 26 in June. From June on, t

20、he rate was rising again and reached the peak point 39 in August. After August the rate began to decline remarkably, and eventually dropped to the lowest point 16 at the end of the year. Therefore, it is obvious that that the number of car accidents in Walton city declined in 1990. There are several

21、 reasons for the decline. First, a new traffic law was made and came into force. It provided August, when humidity and high temperature make drivers impatient and easily lead to car accidents, dropped steadily. Second, new roads were built and some narrow streets were widened, which quickened the fl

22、ow of traffic. Finally, the city administration made great efforts to heighten peoples awareness of observing traffic rules. With all these new measures, Im sure the rate of car accidents in Walton city will go on falling this year.主题句 原因/措施一解释措施一/次要辅助采取措施一后的结果原因/措施二原因/措施三(这部分的原因是根据材料内容结合数据趋势分析出来的)总

23、结:展望未来的情况图表描述+分析建议类作文 (1) According t如何开头:概述图表主题思想和总体特点主题思想:根据图表的标题和题干中的背景信息,改写出这样一句话: 这个图表 描述了时间内在地区对象的方面的信息。例如: (1) The table below shows social and economic indicators of four countries in 1994, according to United Nations statistics. (2) The given table provides an overview of social and economi

24、c conditions from different aspects in four countries, namely, Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire in the year 1994. (3) The given table provides the information of social and economic conditions in four countries in the year 1994. (4) The pie chart describes the distribution of population in Beijing in t

25、he year 2016.这个图表:The table/ pie chart/bar chart/line graph/bar chart/illustration/diagram描述:show, describe, offer an overview, present, compare(对比), indicate信息:宽泛的:information,data,figures;具体的:percentage,distribution,proportion如何开头:概述图表主题思想和总体特点主题思想:根据图表的标题如何开头:概述图表主题思想和总体特点2. 概述图表的总体特点: 动词+幅度 sth.

26、 experience a 名词 there was a +幅度+名词动词:变化,波动:To change, fluctuate (波动)增加,上涨:To increase, climb, rise降低,减少:To decrease, drop, decline平稳,不变:To remain unchanged, stable; to level off幅度:大幅-wildly剧烈, sharply急剧,greatly,大幅 小幅-slightly轻微, slowly缓慢,gradually逐渐,steadily稳步,如何开头:概述图表主题思想和总体特点2. 概述图表的总体特点开头主题思想的常

27、用句型Itcanbeseenfromthetablethat由表格我们可以看出Thetableshowsthechangesinthenumberofovertheperiodfromto该表格展示了从到数据的变化Thetableprovidessomedataof该表格提供了有关的数据Ascanbeseenclearlyfromthetable,从表格中我们可以清楚地看出,Asis indicatedin the graph正如图形所示As is shown in the chart正如图表显示的As is illustrated/presented in the diagram正如图表显示

28、开头主题思想的常用句型Itcanbeseenfrom正文:抓住规律和重点,描述趋势(参见冲击波英语专业4级全新改革题型写作P77-87)折线图(通常横轴是时间):找最低点,最高点,找波动,上升,下降,平稳等趋势饼图:如果分块少于5块,可以按照从大到小的顺序依次说,如果分块大于5块,可以按照大、中,小、其他来介绍。如果有比例差不多的,或比例相差特别悬殊的情况,可以提一下。柱状图:比较相同、差异(1) 如果横轴有明显的时间推移的话,应连接柱子顶点,重在描述柱子的升降起伏,写法类似于线状图。(2)如果无时间推移,则写法和饼状图一样。即按照各比较对象所占比例的高低写,同时要注意各所占比例之间的比较。4

29、. 表格:最多、最少,总体变化趋势等正文:抓住规律和重点,描述趋势(参见冲击波英语专业4级全新描述增减变化常用的句型Comparedwith, isstillincreasedbyThenumberofgrew/rosefromtoAnincreaseisshownin;thencameasharpincreaseofInthenumberremainsthesame/dropstoTherewasaveryslight(small/slow/gradual)rise/increasein1990.Therewasaverysteady(marked/sharp/rapid/sudden/dr

30、amatic)drop(decrease/decline/fall/reduction)in1998/comparedwiththatofyear)描述增减变化常用的句型Comparedwith, 结尾:It is clear thatIt is obvious thatIn shortIn conclusion.结尾:It is clear that备考建议看范文,熟悉各种图表的图例、横轴纵轴的意义,熟悉书面语表达形式学习数据、百分比、比较级、最高级的一些相关表达法中间正文部分一定要注意逻辑顺序和条理雅思的小作文是图表题,可以看看雅思范文。备考建议看范文,熟悉各种图表的图例、横轴纵轴的意义,

31、三根以上柱形且多种趋势:应对这样的柱形图,我们可以先描写最长的那根柱的数据,也可以将最长的2根柱的数据放在一起描写。以下我们就来看一个例子:范文: The main users of the Internet in Taiwan are young adults between 16 and 30 years old. In 1998, they accounted for more than half of all users. In 1999 the number dropped slightly to 45%, but even in 2000 they were the biggest

32、 group. The second biggest group of users is aged between 31 and 50.They made up 41% in 1998, falling slightly to 37% in 2000. When combined with the 16-30 age group, over 94% of users in 1998 were between 16 and 50. However this number is dropping steadily as more children and older users log on. I

33、n 1999, the number of children online quadrupled from 2% to 8%, and it continued to increase in 2000. There were similar increases for older users, rising from 4% in 1998 to 10% in 2000. In summary, while adults between 16 and 50 still represent thegreat majority of Internet users in Taiwan, their s

34、hare is declining as more children and older users join the web.题干:The graph shows Internet Usage in Taiwan by Age Group, 1998-2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.The graph shows changes in the age profile of Internet user

35、s in Taiwan between 1998 and 2000.三根以上柱形且多种趋势:应对这样的柱形图,我们可以先描写最横轴为地点,交通工具等其他专有名词:遇到这样的情况,不管柱形有几根,建议都可以按照长度从长写到短,也可以先以描述总体趋势作为突破口,如以下这个图: The graph above show information of employment rates across 6 countries in 1995 and 2005. Summarize the information by choosing and describe the main idea, and mak

36、e comparisons where appropriate. The graph shows changes in employment rates in six countries between 1995 and 2005, for men and women.Overall more and more people of working age are employed, and there have been significant improvements for women, although they leg behind men in entering the workfo

37、rce. The most obvious trend in the graph is that women have lower employment rates in most of the countries in the graph.For example, in Australia in 1995, 57 percent of men could find work or retain a job, but only 27 percent of women. The difference was even bigger in New Zealand, with 60 percent

38、of women. Even in Switzerland and Iceland, slightly more men than women were in the job market. The second biggest trend in the graph is the improvement in employment between 1995 and 2005.In all countries shown, figures for both men and women improved. The biggest change was in the United Kingdom,

39、from 55 percent of men in 1995 to 73 percent over the ten years period. Furthermore, the increases in employment rates for women were much higher in New Zealand. The percentage of working women jumped from 25 percent to 42 percent, and in the United States from 45 percent to 61 percent over the decade. In conclusion, all the countries in the graph showed at least a 12 percent increase in employment rates of both men and women over the ten yeares. While men had relatively higher employment rate throughout the period, more and more women appear to be entering


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