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1、氮气安全培训第1页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四Outline概述Product产品介绍Properties参数Hazards危险性Package包装Cylinders高压气瓶Tank储罐customer station客户站Safety安全storage and handling储运personal protective equipment个人保护品first aid急救Usage使用第2页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) 材料安全数据表第3页,共27页,2022年,5月2

2、0日,8点42分,星期四What is Nitrogen ? 氮气是什么? A gas which is:氮气是:Colorless无色Odorless无嗅Tasteless无味Non-irritating无刺激性Inert惰性气体第4页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四Properties 参数 Molecular Formula 分子式 N2Molecular Weight 分子量 28.01Boiling Point沸 点 -320.5 (-196)Specific Gravity比 重 0.967 (air = 1)Specific Volume比 容 13.81

3、scf / lb (0.86m3/kg)Expansion Ratio膨胀比 1L LIN yields 697L GASLiquid Density 液体密度 6.746 lb / gal (0.808kg/l)第5页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四Applications应用Food Freezing食物冷冻Grinding and Deflashing打磨,修边Purging and Blanketing吹除,覆盖Heat Treating Atmospheres 热处理Molten Steel Stirring熔化钢铁搅拌Process cooling工艺冷却En

4、tertainment娱乐第6页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四The Hazards of Nitrogen 氮气危险性Pressure压力Oxygen Deficiency / Asphyxiation缺氧/窒息Additional hazards associated with cryogenic liquid与深冷液体有关的危险Temperature 温度Expansion Ratio 膨胀比第7页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四Pressure压力Nitrogen equipment is under pressure 氮气受压设备stor

5、age vessels储氮容器Pipelines管线Systems系统Large expansion ratio can cause over pressurization高膨胀比能导致超压Systems must have adequate pressure relief to protect from over pressurization系统必须有足够的卸压设施以防止系统超压protection must be provided any place liquid can be trapped (i.e. between two valves)液体淤积的地方必须加以保护(如两阀门之间)第8

6、页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四Overpressurization “Trapped Liquid”ValvesPressure Relief Valve第9页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四Pressure压力第10页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四Temperature温度Cryogenic burns 低温灼伤can come from liquid or vapors液体或气体Skin对皮肤Eyes眼睛造成冻伤uninsulated lines未保冷管线Embrittle materials能脆化材料Rubber橡胶

7、Plastics塑料carbon steel碳钢Freeze out contaminants冻结污染物第11页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四Reassembly of Shattered Pipe 碳钢管道碎片复原第12页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四Physiological Effects生理反映No warning properties无预兆特性Exposure can cause暴露在氮气中可能导致asphyxiation - lack of oxygen由于缺氧而窒息can lead to death甚至死亡cryogenic bur

8、ns低温冻伤Symptoms症状dizziness, drowsiness头昏眼花,有睡意nausea, vomiting恶心呕吐loss of mental alertness失去精神警觉性loss of consciousness失去知觉Exposure to cryogen can cause burns暴露在低温中可能导致冻伤第13页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四Oxygen Deficiency 缺氧Displacement of oxygen with another gas: 由于其他气体取代氧气19.5%legal minimum concentrati

9、on for humans (OSHA)规定人体所需最低氧浓度1519.5%decreased ability to do work, induce early symptoms in persons with coronary, pulmonary or circulation problems工作能力下降,出现冠状动脉阻早期症状,肺部或循环系统出现问题1214%increased pulse rate and respiration, impaired perception and judgment呼吸,脉搏频率增加,感觉及判断力削弱第14页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,

10、星期四Oxygen Deficiency 缺氧10-12% further increase in pulse and respiration, giddiness, poor judgment, blue lips 呼吸,脉搏频率加快,眼花,判断力弱,嘴唇发蓝等情 况进一 步加重。8-10% mental failure, nausea, fainting, vomiting, unconsciousness 精神恍惚,恶心,呕吐,不省人事,意识不清。6-8% 8 min 100% Fatal, 6 min 50% fatal, 4-5 min recovery 8分钟后死亡,6分钟后50%

11、致命,45分钟内可苏醒。4% coma in 40 sec, convulsions, breathing stops, Death 40秒可导致昏迷,抽搐,休克,甚至死亡。第15页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四Expansion Ratios膨胀率1 volume of liquid yields 697 volumes of gas 1 : 697的体积膨胀率Small liquid leaks can result in O2 deficient atmospheres 少量的液体泄露可导致局部缺氧Rapid overpressurization of equip

12、ment 快速的增压Fog clouds云雾frozen water vapor冷凝的水蒸汽do not define the gas cloud不要误认为是氮气的云雾create visibility hazards 能见度较差第16页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四Personal Protection EquipmentGeneral Handling (with no exposure to liquid) 常规处理(不能在没有保护的情况下暴露在液体环境中)safety glasses护边眼镜leather gloves皮手套General Use (with p

13、ossibility of liquid exposure) 常规使用(可能有液体泄露)add faceshield面具long sleeves长袖Emergency Handling紧急处理exposure to atmosphere气体环境下Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) 自助呼吸器exposure to liquid or cold vapor液体或冷蒸汽环境下insulated gloves棉手套body protection身体保护第17页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四Inhalation吸入remove p

14、erson to fresh air将患者转移到新鲜的空气中if breathing, administer oxygen 如果可呼吸,给予氧气if not breathing, begin artificial respiration 如果不可以呼吸,要做人工呼吸Cryogenic Burn 低温灼伤flush affected area with tepid water 温水冲洗患处loosen any clothing that may restrict circulation 松开限制血液循环的衣服cover area with a sterile, protective bandag

15、e 用医用绷带保护患处Provide prompt medical attention. 提供更近一步的医疗NEVER enter an O2 deficient atmosphere without SCBAFirst Aid 急救DO NOT apply heat!第18页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四FICTION: (谎话)“I can hold my breath long enough to run in and save my buddy.” (我可以摒住呼吸跑去救同伴)FACT: You CANT !(事实是那不可能)Over 50% of the wo

16、rkers who die in confined spaces are attempting to rescue other workers. (超过50%的死于封闭空间的工人都是试图去救助他人)Never enter an oxygen-deficient atmosphere without self-contained breathing apparatus. (没有自给式呼吸器不要进入氧缺乏区域)Rescue in Oxygen Deficient Atmospheres 缺氧环境中施救第19页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四General Precaution

17、s总预防措施Be aware of confined spaces!要有密闭空间的概念Monitor oxygen levels! This is a must in a confined space. 在密闭空间内,一定要检测氧气含量Have adequate ventilation.有足够的通风Be aware of hissing sounds of piping, fittings, controls, etc. 要注意管道,管件,控制系统等发出的嘶嘶声Fog and dripping are indications of a liquid leak. 伴有液体滴落的雾团表明有液体泄露

18、Interlock Nitrogen flow with ventilation and power (for confined use).Relief valves can create an uncontrolled release of gas and should be vented to a safe location 释放阀可自由排放,但应该排放到安全的地方第20页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四General Precautions - Pressurized Equipment总预防 压力容器NEVER 一定不要做:exceed design pressu

19、res 超过设计压力tamper with relief valves 损坏的安全阀work on pressurized systems 在受压系统上工作ALWAYS 始终保持:secure high pressure lines 安全可靠的高压管线wear proper personal protective equipment 穿戴合适的PPEsecure portable cylinders 安全可靠的便携式钢瓶use recommended handling procedures for portable cylinders采用推荐的操作程序来操作便携式钢瓶provide relie

20、f where cryogenic liquid can be trapped在有可能有液体淤积的低温管道(段)加装安全泄放装置第21页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四General Ventilation 通风Install process using nitrogen in a well ventilated area 要在一个较好的通风区域APCI recommends 6 air changes per hour in inert gas use areasAPCI推荐通风次数为6次/小时This recommendation may have to be adj

21、usted taking into consideration many parameters including but not limited to:考虑以下参数(不仅限于此),通风次数推荐会有调整:room size 房间大小quantity of gas 气体数量monitoring being used 监测应用area design and layout 设计区域和布置图Highly recommend monitoring 推荐监测Vent relief devices to safe locations 排放设施要朝向安全位置第22页,共27页,2022年,5月20日,8点42分,星期四Beware of Confined Spaces 要有限空间意识Tanks and Equipment 储罐和设备Furnaces 炉子Test Chambers 试验室Rooms, especially basements 房间,特别是地下室Ditches, Pits, Trenches (pipe trenches) 沟、


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