



1、珍珠2004灯库制作下面主要修改的地方如上图所示: 位置1最开始有分号(;)的每一行为注释可改可不改 位置2该位为在配接时显视该灯的名字以及通道数 位置3该位为电脑灯占用DMX通道数 位置4该位为灯的类型(1为镜片扫描灯。2为摇头电脑灯)后面二位数为水平与垂直扫描的度数(水平540 水平270);Specify DUX limits ;minimum allowed dmx numberMINDMX=1 HYPERLINK http:/www.drnxD.com www.drnxD.com;maxipHnn-allowed dmx number MAXDM481 ) HYPERLINK htt

2、p:/www.drnxD.com www.drnxD.com;DMX number must be diuisible by this DIUBY=1DMX channel descriptionColumn by column description oF each DUX channelThe channels bank number (1. .12)The upper Faders in the bank (1) or the lower Faders in the bank (61)Channel type (L=LTP, H=HTP, I=Instant LTP, S=16-bit

3、instant LTP, s=16-bit Fadeable LTPDUX oFFset (1.number oF DUX channels)The output leuel is proportionally recdced by this leuel (0.108%)The curue number (applicable only to HTP channels), usually set to 1Inuerted (I) or Normal (N)Attribute type (A=Color Wheell, BCD=Color Mix, E=Pan, F=Tilt,G=Iris ,

4、H=Dimnier, I=Gobo1, J=Gobo2, K=Gobo1_Rotate, L=Focus , M=Gobo2_Rotate, N=Color Wheel2, O=Shutter, P=Prism, Q=Zoom, R=EFFect_Rotate, S=Frost, 0=uncategorised)位置5该位为配接DMX的最大数(512减灯的通道数)位置6如上图A:该位为该通道在几号键盘(1至20)B:该位为定义该功能由A轮或B轮控制(A为1 B为61 )C:该位为通道模式 (H =HTP L =LTP S = 16Bit)D:该位为该通道在灯具的第几通道E: 100代表最大输出

5、1N为正常模式(通常该位都不改)F:该通道的属性(参考6A第八项)G:通常该位都不改H:该通道的名称,将会显示于A B轮上LCD屏I:该位数据用于开白光时该通道的数据;DUX number must be diuisible by this DIUBY=16ADUX channel description6AColumn by column description oF each DMX channelThe channels bank number (1. .12)The upper faders in the bank (1) or the lower faders in the bank

6、 (61)Channel type (L=LTP, H=HTP, I = Instant LTP, S=16-bit instant LTP, s=16-bit Fadeable LTPDMX offset (1.number oF DUX channels)The output leuel is proportionally recdced by this leuel (0.100%)The curue number (applicable only to HTP channels), usually set to 1Inuerted (I) or Normal (N)Attribute t

7、i/pe (A=Color Wheell, BCD=Color Mix, E=Pan, F=Tilt,G=Iris, H=Dimmer, I=Gobo1, J=Gobo2, K=Gobo1_Rotate, L=Focus, M=Gobo2_Rotate, N=Color Wheel2, 0=Shutter, P=Prism, Q=Zoom, R=EfFect Rotate, S=Frost, T=Speed1, U=Speed2, 0=uncategorised)Checksum channel (Always 1)Attribute name, must be enclosed in quotes and upto 12 charcaters allowedThe ON ualue of this channel (B.255)The Highlight leuel oF this channelThe Lolight leuel oF this channel261 I-1100 1N 01 Shutter353535bB11I10 1I42100 1N H 1 DimmeL255 255 255-3100 1N B 1 Cyan0006B位置:该


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