【公开课】Unit 2 单元课件(词汇阅读写作语法)高一英语人教必修第二册_第1页
【公开课】Unit 2 单元课件(词汇阅读写作语法)高一英语人教必修第二册_第2页
【公开课】Unit 2 单元课件(词汇阅读写作语法)高一英语人教必修第二册_第3页
【公开课】Unit 2 单元课件(词汇阅读写作语法)高一英语人教必修第二册_第4页
【公开课】Unit 2 单元课件(词汇阅读写作语法)高一英语人教必修第二册_第5页
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1、Unit 2 Wildlife Protection 必修2Words and ExpressionsPage 1021.poster n.海报 (pl.)posters make a poster 制作一张海报2.illegal adj. 不合法的;非法的3.illegally adv 不合法地;非法地【注意】以字母l开头的形容词或副词,其反义词加前缀il-4.hunt vt.vi.打猎;搜寻;追捕 hunt for sth 搜寻;寻找 hunting n. 打猎; 搜索;追寻 go hunting 去打猎5.hunter n. 猎人 (pl.) hunters job-hunters 求职

2、者 treasure hunters 寻宝人6.immediately adv. 立刻 immediate adj. 立即的;立刻的an immediate reaction/response 即时的反应 / 回应17.species n.物种 (单复数同形)8.shark n 鲨鱼 (pl.) sharks9.fin n. (鱼的)鳍 (pl.) fins10.on earth (放在疑问词之后表示强调)究竟;到底11.die out灭亡;逐渐消失12.alarming adj. 惊人的;使人惊恐的 alarmed adj.(人感到)惊恐的;害怕的 alarmingly adv. 惊人地;让

3、人担忧地13.alarm vt.使惊恐;使害怕;使担心 n.恐慌;警报;警报器 a burglar/fire/smoke alarm 防盗 / 防火 / 烟火警报器 an alarm clock 一个闹钟 in alarm 惊恐地21. What message do these _ (poster) share? 2. Stop _ (legal) hunting immediately. 3. These large animals are being killed _ (legal) for their body parts that _ (consider) valuable. 4.

4、She is still _ (hunt) _ a new job.5. Pandas are _ endangered _ (物种) . 6. What _ (到底) are we doing to our planet? 7. Our planets wildlife is _(灭绝) _ an alarming rate. 8. The _ (alarm) report _ (正在撰写中) .postersillegalillegallyare consideredhunting foranspecieson earthdying outis being writtenalarminga

5、t14.rate n. 速度;(比)率 vt.划分等级at the rate of 按之比率; 以速度at any rate(强调事情的真实性)无论如何,不管怎样be rated/ranked . 排名a top-rated programme 一级项目15.rating n.等级;级别high / low / poor rating高评/低评/差评16.extinct adj. 已灭绝的an extinct species 已灭绝的物种17.extinctionn. 灭绝 mass extinction大量灭绝befacedwiththethreatofextinction面临消灭的危机34

6、18.massadj. 大量的;广泛的 n.大量;堆;群mass unemployment/production 大批失业/批量生产a mass of= masses of +C/U 许多谓语由mass单复数定the masses pl.群众;平民百姓19.habitat n.(动植物的)生活环境;栖息地 (pl.) habitats20.aware adj. 知道;发觉;有意识的21.aware of. 意识到;知道as far as Im aware , .据我所知be/become aware of 对知道/明白;意识到awareness n. 知道;认识;意识develop an aw

7、areness of 培养一种.的意识22.endanger vt.使.遭受危险;危害.endangered adj. 濒危的;快要绝种的an endangered species 1. I may be away on business next week but _ (无论如何) Ill be back by Friday.2. She _ (排名) number two in the world now.3. Between 150 and 200 species are becoming _ (灭绝) every day.4. In order to save this species

8、 from _ (extinct) , the Chinese government placed it under national protection. 5. Onhisdeskis_(大堆的)booksandpapers.Theplandidntworkbecauseitwas againstthewillof_ (群众) .6. The Tibetan antelope is not an _ (濒危的) species now. amassofthemassesat any rateis ratedextinctextinctionendangered23.average n.平均

9、数;平均水平adj平均的;正常的;普通的averagely adv.平均地,一般地an average rate/cost/price平均费率 / 成本 / 价格24.on average平均25.prince n.王子;王孙;亲王princess n. 公主;王妃26.make progress 取得进步makeprogressinyourEnglish在英语学习上取得进步27.concern vt.涉及.;让担忧 n.担心; 关心(的事)28.concerned adj. 担心的;关切的29.concerned about 对关切的;为担忧的be concerned about对关切的;为

10、担忧的be concerned with 涉及,与相关as far as sb is concerned, 就而言concerning prep涉及,关于5630.livingadj. 居住的;活的;在用的 n.生活;生计living spaces 生存空间 living things 生物the finest living pianist 当代的最杰出的钢琴家living languages (= those still spoken) 现用语言make /earn a living 谋生31.adapt vi. 适应 vt.使.适应;使.适合;改编.32.adapt to 适应adapts

11、b/oneself tosth = adapt to sth 适应adapt his play for television 把他的剧本改编成电视剧adaptation n.改编版; 适应 adaptable adj. 有适应能力的;能适应的beadaptabletotheenvironment 适应环境1. How many elephants are killed _ (平均 ) every day? 2. _ (只有这样 ) canyoumakeprogressinE.3.Dont interfere in what _(与你无关的事) . 4. I_(担心) the African e

12、lephants. 5. _(就我而言), educators should be concerned about the problems .5. He asked several questions _ (concern) the future of the company. 6. Elephants need _(很大的生存空间) .7. Elephants need large living spaces, so its difficult for them to _(适应) the changes. on averageOnlyinthiswaydoesnt concern youa

13、m concerned aboutAs far as I am concernedconcerninglarge living spacesadapt to733.measure n.指施;方法 vt.测量;度量;估量take measures to do sth 采取措施干某事measure the height of the tree 测量这棵树的高度距离(或长度、宽度、数量等)为(不用于进行时)The tree measures 90 metres high. 这棵树90米高。The river measures about two metres across. 这条河约2米宽。34.a

14、uthority n.官方;当权;权威 (pl.) authorities35.pressure n. 压力;要求air/water pressure 空气 / 水的压力 blood pressure血压dontletthepressuregetyoudown 不能让压力打倒under pressure在压力下;承受压力Dontpressureme不要逼我36.under pressure 在压力下;承受压力837.whale n.鲸 (pl.) whales38.antelope n. 羚;羚类动物 (pl.) antelopes39.Tibetan antelope 藏羚羊 (pl.) T

15、ibetan antelopes40.reserve n.(动植物)保护区;储藏(量) vt.预订;预留;保留the National Nature Reserves 国家级自然保护区in reserve 储备;备用 reserve a table for three 预订供三人用餐的桌位reservethemoneyforfutureuse存钱以备将来之需41.plain n.平原 adj.简单明了的;直率的;平凡的on the plain 在平原上 plain food清淡的食物plain yogurt = without sugar or fruit原味酸奶in plain Englis

16、h用平白的言语42.make out 看清;听清;分清43.herd n.牧群;兽群a herd of 一群 = herds ofa herd of cows/deer/elephants一群牛 / 鹿 / 象1. The authorities are _ pressure to build elephant parks and tell people not to buy elephant products.2. Have you ever heard of the Changtang _ (国家级自然保护区)? 3. The money was being kept _ reserve

17、_their retirement.4. On the plain in front of us, we can just make _ _ herd of graceful animals. 5.Thepoemis_ _(complicate) thatIcannotmake_meaning.6. _(herd) of elephants used to live on the plains of Africa and in the forests of Asia.underNational Nature Reserveinfor outasocomplicatedoutitsHerds94

18、4.observe vt. 观察(到】;注视;遵守;庆祝;庆贺observe sb doing sth 看见某人正做某事(被动形式:Sb be observed doing sth)observe sb do sth看见某人做了某事(被动形式:Sb be observed to do sth) observe the law/ rules遵守法律/规则 observation n. C,U 观察;观测under observation all the time24小时观察45.beauty n.美;美人;美好的东西beautiful adj. 美丽的,美好的beautifully adv. 美

19、好地; 很好地beautify vt. 美化,使更美丽1046.remind vt. 提醒;使想起47.remind sb of sb/sth 使某人想起(类似的人或物)remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事 remind sb. that/wh-从句 提醒48.fur n.毛(皮);毛皮衣服a fur coat毛皮大衣 the fur trade 毛皮贸易 stopwearingfur停止穿皮草49.sacred adj. 神圣的;受尊敬的asacredbuilding神圣的建筑物50.shoot vt.vi.(shot,shot

20、)射杀;射伤;发射shoot a gun 开枪 shoot at sb./sth. 瞄准某物射去shoot off 迅速离去 shoot up陡增;猛涨;迅速上升shoot a film 拍摄电影1. This is why were here observe Tibetan antelopes. 2. The police observed a man entered the bank. 3. A man was observed enter the bank.4. I am struck by their beautiful. 5. This is a beautifully decora

21、ting house.6. They worked together to beautify the gardens. 7. I am also reminded the danger they are in. 8. Remind me to phone Alan before I go out.9. It reminds us that the best things in life are freelaughter, friends, family, and the beauty of nature and the countryside. 10. They are being hunti

22、ng, legally, for their valuable fur. 11. To Zhaxi, the land is sacring and protecting the wildlife is a way of life. enter/enteringtoenteringingbeautydecoratedofhuntedillegallysacred 1. This is why were here observe Tibetan antelopes. 2. The police observed a man entered the bank. 3. A man was obser

23、ved enter the bank.4. I am struck by their beautiful. 5. This is a beautifully decorating house.6. They worked together to beautify the gardens. 7. I am also reminded the danger they are in. 8. Remind me to phone Alan before I go out.9. It reminds us that the best things in life are freelaughter, fr

24、iends, family, and the beauty of nature and the countryside. 10. They are being hunting, legally, for their valuable fur. 11. To Zhaxi, the land is sacring and protecting the wildlife is a way of life. fit n.利润;利益 vt. 获益.; 得益于.a rise/an increase/a drop/a fall in profits收益的上升 / 增长 / 跌落 / 下降

25、make a profit = make profits盈利 profit from 从获益profitable adj. 有利润的;赢利的;有益的;有好处的a highly profitable business一家赢利很高的企业52.watch over. 保护.;照管.;监督.watchoverthepublicareas监视公共场所53.day and night 日日夜夜;夜以继日54.attack n. vi.vt.攻击;抨击 an attack against/on 对的攻击/抨击1255.effective adj. 有效的;生效的effectively adv.有效地; 实际

26、上effect n. 影响; 效果力 side effect(药物等的)副作用havea great/good/bad/positive/ negativeeffecton对产生很大的/好的/坏的/积极的/消极的影响come into effect 实施,生效 put sth into effect 实施;实行take effect 见效;生效; (法律或规则)正在实施56.recover vi. 恢复;康复找回;寻回recover from. 从中恢复过来recovery nU,C 恢复;痊愈make a quick/slow recovery恢复很快缓慢make a full recove

27、ry 完全康复1.Agriculturaltechnologycompaniescouldnotmake_ (profit) fromtheirproducts last year.2. Thecompanywas_ (profit) inthefirstyear.3. Zhaxi and other volunteers watched _ the antelopes day and night to keep them safe _ attacks. 4. What part of the city _(attack) now?5. This speech was a powerful a

28、ttack _ the enemy. 6. The measures were _ (effect) . 7. Thismethodworked_ (effect) .8. The economy is showing signs of _ (recover) .profitsprofitable overfromis being attackedagainst/oneffectiveeffectivelyrecovery57.remove vt. 去除;移开;脱去;去除;消除;remove.from.从.移开.;从.拿开.;从.开除.58.intend vi.vt.打算;计划;想要inten

29、d doing/ to do sth.打算做某事 had intended to do sth.= intended to have done sth. 原本打算做某事 intend sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事 be intended for 专为而设计的,专供使用的be intended to do sth 目的是干的intention n. 打算;计划;意图;目的with the intention to do sth/ of doing sth 有干某事的意图131459.threat n. 威胁face a serious threat from hunters面临

30、猎人的严重威胁60.threaten vt. 威胁.;危及threaten animals and plants威胁动植物61.exist vi. 存在;生存exist on. 靠为生existence n. 存在;生存 come into existence开始存在;出现;成立62.harmony n. 和谐;融治in harmony with. 与和谐相处social/racial harmony 社会 / 种族融洽harmonious adj. 友好和睦的;和谐的harmoniously adv. 和谐地1. Three students _(remove) _ the school f

31、or cheating in the exam yesterday .2. We had intended to see the film last night.= We intended _(see) the film last night.3. I looked carefully at the text and realized that it _ (intend) _ women in the countryside. 4. I came to L _ the intention of studying English literature.5. But today, they fac

32、e a serious _(threaten) from hunters. 6. Human activities _(threaten) animals and plants now. 7. However, the attacks on them will continue as long as interest in buying elephant products _(exist) . 8. Howdidtheuniversefirstcome _ _(exist) ?9. Only _ we learn to exist in harmony _ nature can we stop

33、 being a threat _ wildlife and _ our planet. were removedfromto have seenwas intended forwiththreatare threateningexistsintoexistencewithwhentoto1563.goods n. 商品;货物 goods made from endangered animals 用濒危动物制成的商品64.creature n. 生物;动物 (pl.) creaturesstrange creatures from outer space 来自外层空间的怪物create vt.

34、 创造;创作;产生creative adj.创造性的; 创新的 creative thinking创造性思维creatively adv. 有创作力地creativity n. 创造力;创造性65.deer n. 鹿 单复数同形单复数同形的名词:deer, fish, sheep, means, species等66.kangaroo n. 袋鼠 (pl.) kangaroosWho is hunting the kangaroos? 谁在猎杀袋鼠?(P18)1667.reduce vt. 减少reduce sth by 减少了(by表示相差的比率)reduce sth to 减少到(to表示

35、到达的数量)reduce sth from to 从减少到reduction n. 减少;缩小;降低68.due adj. 预期的; 到期的; 适当的; 应有的69.due to.由于.;因为.70.insectn.昆虫 (pl.) insectsdue toinsectpests 由于虫灾 n. =Internet adj.净得的;纯的be caught with nets 被网捕捉the Net = the Internet因特网a net profit of 500 500英镑的纯利润net income/earnings 纯收入1. To achieve harmony between

36、 humans and animals, the world must protect these beautiful _ (creature) . 2. The government plans _ (create) more jobs for U .3. Traditional classroom teaching limits students _ (imagine) and _ (create) . 4. Right now, the deer _ (watch) over by many volunteers. 5. It is reported that living spaces

37、 for wildife _ (reduce) due _ the _ (cut) of trees. 6. The number of employees was reduced _ 40 _ 25. 7. My rent isnt _ (due) till Wednesday. 8. In the wetland of my hometown, there are many different kinds of animals, _ (include) wild birds, fish, snakes, _ (insect) and so on. creaturesto createima

38、ginationcreativityare being watchedare being reducedtocuttingfromto dueincludinginsects1772.neighbourhood n.临近的地方;街区neighbour n. 邻居;邻人;邻国;73.binoculars n.双筒望远镜a pair of binoculars一副双筒望远镜74.bird field guide 乌类图鉴75.search for. 搜索.;查找.search for work /a job找工作search for the truth 寻找真理;寻找真相search for in

39、formation 搜索信息;(用计算机)检索信息76.dolphin n.海豚 (pl.) dolphins77.Yangtze River dolphin 白鳍豚78.koala n. 树袋熊;考拉 (pl.) koalas1879.stir vt. 激发.;搅动.(stirred, stirred, stirring) stirmy imagination激发我的想象力80.stir up.激起.;挑起(争执或事端);搅起. stir up emotions激发情感stiruptroubleoutside在外面惹是生非81.emotion n.感情;情感;情绪emotional adj.

40、 情感的;情绪的;感情冲动的emotional problems/needs情感问题 / 需求emotionally adv. 感情上;情绪上;冲动地82.skin n.皮;皮肤hunt for its skin and fur 猎取其皮毛83.unusual adj.特别的;不寻常的an unusual gift 一份特殊的礼物unusually adv. (置于形容词前) 特别地,极,非常usual adj. 通常的;寻常的;惯常的as usual 照例;照旧;像往常一样than usual 比通常.usually adv. 通常地;正常地;一般地84.Tibetanadj. 西藏的;藏语

41、的;藏族(人)的 n.西藏人;藏族人;藏语85.Tibet n.西藏191. What do you know is being done in your _ (neighbour) to protect animals and plants? 2. Weve had a lot of support from all our friends and _ (neighbour) .3. We looked at the birds _ binoculars. 4. Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside _ (search) _

42、work in the cities. 4. What does each poster use to stir _ emotions? 5. Hervoicetrembled_ emotion.6. Mothers are often the ones who provide _ (emotion) support for the family.7. Doyouappreciatethepeoplewhosupportyou_ (emotion) ?neighbourhoodneighboursthroughto searchforupwithemotionalemotionallyList

43、ening,Speaking & Talking on Page 14Look at the opening page of the unit. Can you describe what you see in the picture? an African elephant:teethtusks长牙ivory 象牙 long nose trunk 象鼻several gemsboks 羚羊:a type of antelope in Southern AfricaLeading-inHow do these animals relate to the title of the unit?Re

44、ad the quote on this page: When the buying stops, the killing can too. Wild AidLead-inLook at the posters below and make predictions.What do these words mean?Before ListeningWhat on Earth Are We Doing to Our Planet?Our planets _ is dying out at an alarming rate. Between 150-200 species are becoming

45、extinct every day. This mass extinction is caused by hunting, habitat _, and pollution. We must make people aware of the problem and help _ the endangered wildlife before its too late!Read the text and try to fill in the blanks before listening. ListeningThen Listen and check your answers. wildlifel

46、ossprotecta large number of; huge; seriousnatural environment where animals live and growA: Have you seen that poster with the clock? Its so good, but a little scary, too.B: I know. So many wild animals are dying out. This poster says that between 150 and 200 species die out every day.A: That s terr

47、ible. We really need to do something. Why are so many species dying?B: Well, some animals are being hunted and killed. And then theres pollution and habitat loss, I guess. Animals need a place to live in, just like us, and they need clean air and water, too.A: It seems like people need to be more aw

48、areB: Absolutely. More people need to know.A: Yes, they should make more of these posters-maybe it will help protect the wildlifeListen to the second part and take notes. Can you answer the following questions with your notes?1. How many elephants are killed on average every day?54.2. What did Princ

49、e William say about China?China can become a global leader in wildlife protection. 3. What is said at the very end? What does it mean to you?“Change begins with you.”If we want things to change, we must change ourselves first and not wait for others to change first. We must be the change we want to

50、see in the world. Someone has to speak up for endangered animals. Some famous people, such as Chinese superstar Yao Ming and Britains Prince William, work hard to help. In October 2015, Prince William gave a moving speech on CCTV: In the 33 years since I was born, weve lost around 70 percent of Afri

51、cas elephant population. Of those that are left, 20,000 are killed every year. That is 54 elephants killed every single day. That means there are elephants which are being killed right now! In his speech, Prince William also praised Chinas efforts to protect wildlife: I am absolutely convinced that

52、China can become a global leader in the protection of wildlife. You dont have to be Prince William or Yao Ming to speak up and do something about endangered animals. You can be the voice of wildlife protection in your area. Remember: Change begins with you.Look at the pictures of 3 different kinds o

53、f animals. Do some research on them based on these questions: 1. What problems do they face? 2. What is being done to help them?A: Im concerned about the African elephants. What do you know about them?B: Well, I know that theyre being hunted and their habitat is getting smaller, so theyre in danger

54、of extinction. Elephants need large living spaces, so its difficult for them to adapt to the changes. A: Thats terrible. What measures are being taken to help them?B: The authorities are under pressure to build elephant parks and tell people not to buy elephant products. an animalproblemsmeasuresRea

55、d the following conversation as an example. SpeakingLook at the pictures of 3 different kinds of animals. Do some research on them based on these questions: 1. What problems do they face? 2. What is being done to help them?With what youve found out, make a short speech about any one of them. You can

56、 organize the information in this way: Im concerned about (an animal)They are (problems)Some measures are being taken to help them. (measures)1. Work in pairs. Read the words aloud to each other, and put them into the correct groups. and stand for stressed syllables ( for primary stress, and for sec

57、ondary stress), and for unstressed syllable.Pronunciationalarming announcement authority architecture civilisation competition contribution electricity investigate literary recommend responsibility vocabulary volunteer refrigeratorEXAMPLE habitat downstairsO _ _ O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _civilisati

58、onresponsibility Pronunciationalarming announcement authority architecture civilisation competition contribution electricity investigate literary recommend responsibility vocabulary volunteer refrigeratoralarmingannouncement recommend volunteerliterary architectureauthorityinvestigatecompetition con

59、tributionvocabularyrefrigeratorelectricitity按音节记单词,提高单词拼写的记忆效率;区分重读和非重读音节,提高读词的准确性和辨识度。3. Listen to the conversation in Activity 5, paying attention to the stress patterns of the polysyllabic(多音节的) words and repeat them.A: Im concerned about the African elephants. What do you know about them?B: Well

60、, I know that theyre being hunted and their habitat is getting smaller, so theyre in danger of extinction. Elephants need large living spaces, so its difficult for them to adapt to the changes. A: Thats terrible. What measures are being taken to help them?B: The authorities are under pressure to bui


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