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1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1-The prices of vegetables are going up madly. Its really too much for us.-But for

2、the situation where many vegetable producing areas _ constant low temperature, things would not be like this.Ameet withBhave met withCmet withDhad met with2Mum, I dont think I am qualified enough to do thisHoney, be confident! You should know it is _ a man thinks of himself really determines his fat

3、eAthat; that Bhow; that Cwhat; that Dthat; how3Thank God! This school term is coming to an end!Yeah, after all that hard work, we all a holiday.ApreserveBobserveCreserveDdeserve4Wechat intends to radically change the way _ people use mobilephones.A/BwhichCwhyDwho5The statement of One Foundation help

4、s you _ where your money is goingAkeep track ofBput up withCcome up withDfit in with6 I am so glad to find you at home. Can you do me a favor? Sure. _?AWhy notBWhats upCHow comeDHow is it going7You look sleepy today._ not to miss the flight, I didnt dare to close my eyes the whole night.ARemindedBBe

5、ing remindedCRemindingDHaving reminded8Recently, a programmer criticized the “996” work schedule _ employees work from 9 am to 9 pm, 6 days a week, with the prospect of ending up in an intensive care unit.AwhereBwhenCwhichDwhose9The variety of food at the restaurant is limited, but every meal can se

6、rve at least two people and is under 10, so not only is it _ but practical as well.Aadaptable BadjustableCadoptable Daffordable10I can _ Dianas thoughts from the changes in her facial expressions.Aread Bnotice Ccount Dwatch11The difference in thickness and weight from the earlier version makes the i

7、Pad2 more comfortable_.AheldBholdingCbe heldDto hold12US slang is hugely _ thanks to the many different ethnic groups that have settled in the country.AdelicateBdynamicCdiverseDdesperate13 Joe, what about going to Belgium for our coming holiday? Sorry, honey, I _ on the newly discovered dinosaur sit

8、e in ArgentinaThere are remains of what is thought to be the largest creature ever to walk the earth.Awas workingBworkCwill be workingDworked14That student admitted in the math exam, that he would never do that again in the future.Ato have cheated, promisingBcheating, promisedCto cheating, promisedD

9、having cheated, promising15The movie couldnt be more boring.I wish I _ to it.Ahad not beenBhave not beenCdid not goDhave not gone16If the traffic so heavy, I could have been back by 6 oclock.Ahadnt beenBwasntCcouldnt beDhasnt been17I am putting on weight again! Maybe I should start doing yoga.You _

10、that the whole morning!Aare saying Bhave said Chave been saying Dwere saying18The Japanese people keep up cheerful spirits _ the world that they can get over the crisis caused by the terrible tsunami(海啸).Abeing convincedBconvincedCto convinceDhaving convinced19-Can you come on Monday of Tuesday?-Im

11、afraid_ day is possible.AeitherBneitherCsomeDany20If you are feeling so tired, perhaps a little sleep would_AactBhelpCserveDlast第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)The catastrophic minor planet crash that wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago may not have been so destructiv

12、e had it hit almost anywhere else on earth according to a new research by Japanese scientists Kunio Kaiho and Naga Oshima, who published their findings Thursday in the journal Scientific Reports. It means dinosaurs could still rule the earth and humans may never have evolved at all.The roughly six m

13、ile (10km) wide planet created a crater (坑) more than 110 miles (176km) across when it smashed into our planet. The collision released more than 1 billion times as much energy as the atomic bomb explosion which destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the close of World War .More than 75 percent of all l

14、and and sea animals, the most famous of which being dinosaurs, were wiped out as a result. Huge volumes of ash, soot and dust shot into the atmosphere, blocking as much as 80 percent of precious sunlight from reaching the surface of the planet.The pair believe the key ingredient in the extinction wa

15、s the soot, which was produced when the crash lighted rocks loaded with hydrocarbon molecules (碳氢化合物分子) such as oil. However, the amount of hydrocarbon in rocks varies widely depending on their location. With this in mind, the team set about analysing places on Earth where the rocks have a high hydr

16、ocarbon molecule content.They found that only about 13 percent of the planet have such an environment, essentially meaning that the dinosaurs were unlucky when the minor planet hit in such a hydrocarbon rich area.“The catastrophic chain of events could only have occurred if the minor planet had hit

17、the hydrocarbon-rich areas occupying approximately 13 percent of the Earths surface,” the scientists wrote in a university press release.Its a good thing for humanity, however, or else we may never have evolved in the first place.1、According to the text, if the minor planet hit somewhere else on ear

18、th .Ait would wipe out dinosaursBit would wipe out the citizens living on both Hiroshima and NagasakiChuman could rule the earthDdinosaurs could continue to rule the earth2、The atomic bomb explosion at World War II was mentioned to describe .Athe size of the minor planet Bthe weight of the minor pla

19、netCthe power of the minor planet Dthe history of the minor planet3、Which of the following directly caused the extinction of dinosaurs?AThe hydrocarbon molecules contained in the oil.BThe rocks with a low hydrocarbon molecule content.CThe soot produced during the crash.DThe area where the minor plan

20、et crashed.22(8分)Silvia Maier works at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. She and her colleagues invited 51 young men into the lab for 3 hours of tests. They showed each man 180 food items on a computer. Each time, they asked the men to judge how healthy, tasty and appealing the food was.Then th

21、e researchers stressed out 29 of the men. They did this by asking each to put one hand in ice water for three minutes. If the water was too unpleasant, the volunteers could remove their hands, but must continue looking into a video camera. The men were also encouraged to put their hands back into th

22、e cold water. All the while, a researcher watched and videotaped the ordeal (考验). Another 22 men held one hand in warm water. They were not videotaped.Afterward, the researchers showed each man a series of two food items. They did this 210 times. And before making choices, the men were told to choos

23、e the healthier of the two items. When the testing was over, the scientists gave the volunteers a snack. Each man got one of the items he had said that he preferred. Despite being coached to choose healthy foods, the stressed men proved more likely to pick the less healthy.The researchers also perfo

24、rmed brain scans of the volunteers. It showed what part of the brain was active as they made their choices. “Our findings indicate that stress affects the decision making,” Maiers team concluded. And it does this by changing two brain pathways. One affects sensory information, such as taste. The oth

25、er affects a persons ability to make decisions such as eating what is good for us.More studies will be needed to confirm the new findings. But the early signs suggest that stress not only makes junk food more appealing, but also weakens the brains ability to resist eating it.1、How did the scientists

26、 mainly get the result?ABy doing experiments.BBy asking questions.CBy conducting surveys.DBy secret observations.2、The cold water used in the experiment may make men feelApleasantBfrightenedCrelaxedDstressed3、Why did the scientists scan the brains of the volunteers?AThey wanted to find the IQ of the

27、m.BThey wanted to observe the activities of their brains.CThey wanted to discover the potential disease of them.DThey wanted to know the health conditions of them.4、What does the last paragraph imply?AThe new Swiss study is the final conclusion.BStress may increase self-control in eating.CStress mak

28、es junk food more attractive.DIt is easy for stressed people to resist tasty foods.23(8分) Picture an iceberg(冰山).Youll probably imagine something white as snow rising up out of a blue sea. But icebergs can be all sorts of shades. They can be from a frosty blue to an attractive green.Researchers and

29、sailors have observed emerald(翠绿色)icebergs for years. A large piece of ice mast-high and green as emerald even appears in Samuel Taylor Coleridges 1834 poem. But they havent found out exactly why these icebergs look the way they do.A new paper led by Stephen Warren was published. It all has to do wi

30、th what icebergs are made out of. Icebergs break off glaciers(冰川)or ice shelves, which happens mainly around Antarctica and Greenland. They begin their lives as snowfall that accumulates over time. So. icebergs contain air pockets with the form of bubbles that spread light. With some exceptions and

31、rare lines, glacier ice tends to look bluish white.At first,Warren guessed that the green was a product of melt carbon. And it came from rotting plants or sea animals. But samples(样本)didnt prove it. Another idea started to take shape after they had found a high concentration of iron in a sample of s

32、ea ice from the Amery Ice Shelf.When glaciers rub across land, they produce whats known as glacier flour. It is a product of bedrock being ground clown by the moving mass. As glaciers move away, these remains are usually washed out into water. in particles sometimes too small to be noticeable to you

33、r eyes. But on land. soil and rocks contain iron oxides that often have rosy colors. like reds, yellows, and browns-and since the sea ice contained 500 times more iron than the glacier ice, Warren wondered whether the remains were responsible for icebergs taking on a green appearance.He doesnt know

34、for sure. Hes hoping to secure money so that he can return to the area and study the icebergs themselves.1、Why is Samuel Taylor Coleridges poem mentioned in the text?AIt tells why icebergs look the way they do.BIt describes vividly what icebergs are like.CIt says causes of the appearance of icebergs

35、.DIt proves the existence of colorful icebergs.2、What can we know about Stephen Warrens paper?AIt draws on researchers and sailors views.BIt is the record of the movement of icebergs.CIt talks about how icebergs come into being.DIt is a collection of various social phenomena.3、What does the underlin

36、ed word it in paragraph 4 refer to?AA sample of sea ice.BWarrens first guess.CWarrens idea on iron.DA product of melt carbon.4、What is paragraph 5 mainly about?AThe possible reason why icebergs look green.BWhere most of icebergs eventually disappear.CHow icebergs take in the colors from glaciers.DTh

37、e way in which icebergs breaks off glaciers.24(8分)The wonderful experiment I am going to introduce proves that air is just all around and that it presses down upon us. Air pressure is a wonderful force. When you swim underwater, you can feel water push down your body. The air all around you does the

38、 same. However, your body is so used to it that you do not notice this. The pressure is caused by a layer of air called the atmosphere. This layer surrounds the Earth, extending to about five kilometers above the Earths surface.The following experiment is an easy one that you can do at home. But mak

39、e sure that you are supervised, because you will need to use matches. Now for the experiment!What you need:A hard-boiled egg without the shellA bottle with a neck slightly smaller than the eggA piece of paperA matchMethod:1) Check that the paper will sit firmly on the neck of the bottle.2) Tear the

40、paper into strips and put the strips into the bottle.3) Light the paper by dropping a burning match into the bottle.4)Quickly sit the egg on the neck of the bottle.Result:Astonishingly, the egg will be sucked into the bottle. Your friends will be amazed when you show them the experiment. But be care

41、ful when you handle matches.Why it happenedAs the paper burns, it needs oxygen and uses up the oxygen(air)in the bottle. The egg acts as a seal in the neck of the bottle, so no more air can get inside. This reduces the air pressure inside the bottle. The air pressure must equalize, so more air from

42、outside must enter the bottle. The outside air pressure against the egg and then the egg is pushed into the bottle! This proves that air is all around and that it is pressing down on it.1、Why is there the need to take care when you are doing the experiment?AThe bottle could break.BYou need to light

43、the paper with a match.CThe egg needs to be shelled.DThe egg has to be perfectly placed on the neck of the bottle.2、In the experiment, the burning inside the bottle can _.Aequalize the air pressure inside and outsideBmake a seal in the neck of the bottleCfinish up the oxygen inside the bottleDproduc

44、e more oxygen inside the bottle3、How was the egg put into the bottle?AThe oxygen inside the bottle sucked the egg in.BIt became salt without the shell.CThe neck of the bottle was wide enough.DThe outside air pressure forced it into the bottle.25(10分) Supermarket shoppers who buy lots of foods on two

45、 for one deals are far more likely to be obese(肥胖的) ,a major study suggests.Cancer Research UK found that those with highest consumption of discounted foods were at 50 percent greater risk of obesity, compared with those with low take-up of such deals.The study of more than 16,000 households found a

46、lmost one in three food and drink items in UK supermarket baskets were bought on promotion. And the discounts were far more likely to be applied to unhealthy foods, with almost half of all chocolate, crisps, popcorn, and savoury snacks bought on promotion.Shoppers whose baskets contained between 40

47、and 80 percent of goods on special offer were 54 percent more likely to be obese than those with a maximum 20 percent of foods on such deals. Those with highest take-up of the deals bought 30 percent less fruit, and nearly 25 percent fewer vegetables than those shunning the deals.The study follows a

48、 government consultation on proposals to ban buy one, get one free deals on unhealthy foods and supermarket guilt lanes as part of its childhood obesity strategy.One in five children are overweight or obese when they start primary school, rising to around one in three when they leave.Research has fo

49、und that obesity increases the risk of 13 different types of cancer including bowel and breast disease.Alison Cox, director of cancer prevention at Cancer Research UK, said: The government s proposed 9 p. m. ban on junk food ads is a step forward in fighting childhood obesity. Now we want to see res

50、trictions on price promotions for unhealthy food and drink items, as well as those strategically placed at checkouts. This will help families to make healthier choices.There isnt one magic fix for the problem, but getting rid of these encouragements to buy unhealthy food is key to changing it. 1、Who

51、 are far more likely to be obese?AThose who buy food and drink items in UK supermarkets.BPeople who prefer buy one, get one free deals on unhealthy foods.CShoppers whose baskets contained a maximum 20 percent of discounted foods.DHouseholds with low take-up of chocolate, crisps, popcorn, and savoury

52、 snacks.2、What does the underlined word shunning in Paragraph 4 mean?AClosing.BAccepting.CAvoiding.DNegotiating.3、To fight childhood obesity, the government has .Asuggested a ban on unhealthy food ads at a specific period of the dayBrestricted price promotions for unhealthy food and drink itemsCoffi

53、cially prevented junk food from sale after 9 p. m.Dhelped families to make healthier choices4、What might be a solution to the problem?AChanging people s attitudes towards healthy diet.BFinding out the reason why people like junk food.CRemoving what makes people buy unhealthy food.DTeaching consumers

54、 the right way of picking food.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分)Most parents, I suppose, have had the experience of reading a bedtime story to their children. And they must have how difficult it is to write a childrens book. Either the author has ai

55、med too . , so that the children cant follow what is in his (or more often, her) story, the story seems to be talking to the readers. The best childrens books are very difficult nor very simple, and satisfy both the who hears the story and the adult who it. Unfortunately, there are in fact books lik

56、e this, the problem of finding the right bedtime story is not to solve.This may be why many of books regarded as of childrens literature were in fact written for . “Alices Adventure in Wonderland” is perhaps the most of this. Children, left for themselves, often the worst possible interest in litera

57、ture. Just leave a child in bookshop or and he will more willingly choose the booksin an imaginative way, or have a look at most childrens comics (连环画), full of the stories and jokes to which both teachers and right-thinking parents . Perhaps we parents should stop trying to persuade children into o

58、ur taste in literature. After all children and adults are so that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the books. So I suppose well just have to compromise(妥协) over that bedtime story. 1、AhopedBrealizedCtoldDsaid2、AshortBlongCbadDgood3、AeasyBshortChighDdifficult4、AandBbutCorDso5、AbothBn

59、eitherCeitherDvery6、AchildBfatherCmotherDteacher7、AhearsBbuysCunderstandsDreads8、AfewBmanyClittleDmuch9、AbutBhowever Cso Dbecause10、AhardBeasyCenoughDfast11、AarticlesBwork CartsDworks12、AadultsBgirlsCboysDchildren13、AdifficultBhiddenCobviousDeasy14、AareBshowCfindDadd15、AlibraryBschool ChomeDoffice16

60、、AreadBdesignedCprintedDwritten17、Afavor BinterestCobjectDread18、AreceivingBacceptingChavingDrefusing19、AsameBfriendlyCdifferentDcommon20、AcommonBaverageCdifferentDsame第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27(15分)The Great Wall 1(think) highly of by the human race as one of the Seven Won


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