1、宝区 学年二期研试九级语科题 75 分,考为 70 注意事 :1. 答题前,请将学校、班级、姓名、考生号用规定的笔写在答题卡指定的位置上, 将条形码贴好。2. 本试卷共 6 页共 46 小题满分 75 分考试时间为 70 分钟全卷分为两部分, 第一部分为选择题,1-25 小题答案为 A、C、D 四个选项,26-35 小题答案为 A、B、C、D、E、F 六个选项;第二部分为非选择题。3. 考生必须在答题卡上按规定作答;凡在答题卡规定区域以外的地方作答的,其答 案一律无效。答题卡必须保持清洁,不能折叠。4. 本试卷选择题 1-35,每小题选出答案后,用 铅笔在答题卡选择题答题区内将 相应的题目的答
2、案编号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后再选涂其他答案;非选 择题 36-46 小题必须用规定的笔在答题卡非选择题答题区内按相应的序号作答。5. 考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第部 择(50 )完形填空(10 )阅读下面短文从短文后所给在 A、B 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的 最佳选项。并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑 10 个小题,每小题 1 分)Face masks became must have in 2020, and its possible that people rounded world will 1 wearing them for some time. Many
3、companies are making new, high-tech masks. Their masks not only 2 us from getting feet but also help. In other ways.Researchers Harvard and are working 3 on a mask that can test coronavirus. The mask can react(反应)to drops produced during breathing, 4or sneezing. 5 there are viruses in the drops, the
4、 mask change color soon. Japanese company Donut Robotics made a 6 mask. It can translate speechinto nine languages, including Japanese, English, Chinese French. The has a chip that connects the wearers smartphone. It translate what you say into text on 7 .Hazel a transparent(透明的) from US gaming comp
5、any Razer. 8see the wearers face. It also has built-in 9 . When you speak with the mask on, your voice will be heard clearly. There is also a hard case for you to put the mask in. The case has a UV light that kills (细菌)and masks the mask 10 to wear.5.6.A. keepA. letA. hardyA. smilingA. IfA. uglyB. b
6、eginB. provideB. hadB. eatingB. UnlessB. foolish九年级英语C. finishC. protectC. easilyC. laughingC. SinceC. smart第页共6页D. completeD. makeD. difficultlyD. coughingD. SoD. cheerful7. A. mask B. phone C. virus D. chip8. A. allows us to B. helps us with C. asks us to D. encourages to9. A. case B. light C. voi
7、ce D. speaker10. A. safer B. easier C. more popular D. more interesting.完形填空 40 分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的 、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑 15 个小题,每小题 2 分)AA short video a girl wearing a and a red coat recently attracted much attention online.7-year-old Tie Jiaxin, a first student Daping Primary schoo
8、l in Ningxia, had just finished class and was waiting for the bus back home. Ma Rui shot the video because she thought the girls smile special.“Its been habit to record what I see by my phone as well as the recordings with a wider audience,” said Ma. “My students are becoming more and confident than
9、 before.”Passage Since only one tenth of the surveyed college graduates think English is useful to them and the translation software is convenient to use, a member of CPPCC has proposed that English no longer be a compulsory(必修的) for the national college entrance examination China.However, English i
10、s still the most widely language in the world, and will continue to so in the future. It would not be wine to simply stop teaching language. It is difficult toPassage imagine how people would understand China and the worldwithout foreign language education.Jia lings first film Hi, Mom overtook the 2
11、019 hit Ne Zha become the second highest-grossing(最高票房) film in China. The 2017 action-adventure film Wolf Warrior 2 enjoys the top one.The heart-warming Jia, the daughter travels back the 1980s and tries to improve her mothers using the ideas from the future.In the film Jia feels useless not being
12、able to make big money and make her mother proud while Li, the mother, said shePassage only hoped that her daughter would be “healthy and happy”.11. Who shot the video of the smiling A. A parent. B. A teacher. C. A student. D. A cameraman.12. What is the percentage of survived college graduates cons
13、idering English useful?A. 10%. B. 20%. C. 80%. D. 90%.13. What can we learn from the second paragraph of passage 2?九年级英语第页共6页A. China will stop teaching English in the future.B. Chinese students do not need learn English at the schools.C. People can understand world better because the use of English
14、.D. English teachers all over China will lose their jobs in the near future.14. Which is the highest-grossing film in China, according to passage A. Hi, Mom. B. Ne C. Wolf Warrior D. Wolf Warrior 15. What is the mother the greatest hope for her daughter in the film Hi, MomA. To live healthily and ha
15、ppily. B. To leave a rich and healthy life.C. To lead a rich and happy life. D. To lead a poor common life.BWang Zuocheng his wife Xiong Gengxiang had run a restaurant near a cancer hospital in Nanchang, Jiangxi since 1993. They later up a breakfast 摊) after the restaurant was closed.In 2003, a woma
16、n whose child was suffering from bone cancer went to their stall, asking to borrow their stove to cook food. She said her kid wanted to eat food cooked by her. From then on, more and families of patients began coming their stall cook. The “cancer kitchen started in the same year.The coupled allowed
17、people to use their cookingtools for free. With the costs of water, electricity and coal rising, people started paying. , the couple only accepted 0.5 yuan for each cooked, rose to 1 yuan in 2016.The sos of the couple once tried to stop them serving patients, worrying the tiring work would fact thei
18、r health. But the couple think that helping the patients makes them happy.Having seen too many deaths over the years, the couple have found their meaning of life. “For us, without the patients, we would feel lonely, and for the patients, they would face difficulties without us.” Said Wang.The elderl
19、y couple has been honored as “People Who Moved China in 2020” for their kindheartedness. However, they were absent the award ceremony (颁奖典礼)because they wanted to keep providing kitchen services the patients during the Spring Festival holiday. 16. When did the “cancer kitchen” start?A. In 1993. B. I
20、n 2000. C. In 2003. D. In 2016.17. What is probably the meaning of life in the couple eyes?A. To be happy and try not to see deaths.B. To be healthy and try not to feel lonely.C. To be healthy and try to help those in need.D. To be happy and try to deal with difficulties.18. What does the underlined
21、 phrase “were from mean in the last A. didnt attend B. wanted to watch C. were invited to D. worried 19. What is the correct order of the story? eq oac(,1) eq oac(, )The couple set up breakfast stall. eq oac(,2) eq oac(, )The couple ran a restaurant near a cancer hospital.九年级英语第页共6页 eq oac(,3) eq oa
22、c(, )People borrowing the stoves started to pay the couple money. eq oac(,4) eq oac(, )The couple was honored as “People Who Moved China in 2020”.A. eq oac(,1) eq oac(,2) eq oac(,4) eq oac(,3)B. eq oac(,3) eq oac(,2) eq oac(,1) eq oac(,4)C. eq oac(,2) eq oac(,1) eq oac(,3) eq oac(,4)D. eq oac(,4) eq
23、 oac(,2) eq oac(,1) eq oac(,3)20. What is the best title for the passage?A. “Cancer kitchen” warms patients. B. An elderly couple cook for patients.C. And awarded ceremony took place again. D. An elderly couple bring doctors CQingming is only one of Chinas 24 solar terms, but also an occasion for Ch
24、inese people to honor lost family members.Qingming falls early April of spring when the temperature to rise and rain fall increases. is the right time for spring sowing (春播). At the same time, Chinese people will visit tombs of their ancestors(祖先)around Qingming pay respect to the deceased Most of t
25、he time the whole family will go together with something like food paper money, clean up weeds around the tombs and for family prosperity (兴盛)A traditional Chinese painting named Riverside Scene on the Qingming Festival was drawn 900 years ago. It shows the prosperous atmosphere and activities on th
26、at day. People returned from tomb sweeping horses and packages the picture.Qingming became a Chinese public holiday in 2008. During the holiday, there is also a popular and relaxing activityspring out. The spring sunshine brings everything back to life, and s the best time to enjoy the beautiful vie
27、ws outside. The mild temperature and fresh air make spring outing another leisure choice for those lead modern lives.21. In which season does Qingming fall?A. In spring. B. In summer. C. In autumn. D. winter.22. What does the deceased mean in the second A. people who are disabled B. people who are s
28、uccessfulC. people have died D. people who have worked hard23. What is the purpose of the third paragraph?A. To draw a famous painting. B. To show wow to sweep tombs?C. To introduce traditional painting. D. To introduce activities during Qingming.24. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in articl
29、e?A. Spring sowing. B. To honour the lost family.C. A relaxing outing. D. A popular snack Qinging.25. Where can we probably read this text?A. On a movie poster. B. In a newspaper.C. In a fashion magazine. D. On a shopping website.第二节 以下是一篇短文,请阅读全文,从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到 原文中,使原文意思完整、连贯。并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑
30、5 个小题, 每小题 1 分)A. I am glad you like it.B. She is popular with her students.C. Here is the first part of her lecture to her students.D. However, if youre late, you ought to have good reason.E. Something Chinese paper cuttings, tea or silk scarves is fine as well.九年级英语第页共6页F. It is the best to arrive
31、 about ten or fifteen minutes after the stated(确定的)Sally is an American teacher of English. She is teaching English a foreign language in Shenzhen. 26Things youre learning English, I think its necessary for you to know something about Western culture and customs.In the west, youre going to eat at so
32、meones its a polite to take present for the host or hostess. may take flowers, a of wine, a box of sweets. 2728 Arriving too early is not very polite since the host or the hostess still busy preparing things, and arriving on time is not necessary. 29When the host or hostess receiving present, he or
33、she may open it in front of you and “Its so lovely. I like it very much.” In reply to that you can say something like “ 30 ”第三节 信息匹配下面的材料 是近期书城举行的六个不同讲座的简介。请根据以下五位主人公的 需求帮助他们选择合适的讲座。并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑 5 个小题,每 小题 1 分) Plenty of high school students spend too much time playing computer game. Mr. Chen wi
34、ll share his ideas about how to solve this problem.B. Ninth graders experiencing important stage of life (青春期) This lecture is for parents. Liang will teach you how to be good with your children.C. Puberty is an important stage of life when young people leave childhood and lead into adulthood. Mrs.
35、would like to talk how to communicate with peers.D. Are you interested in (阿拉伯语) a language mainly spoken by Arabs? A professor of the Arabic language you will share methods for how to learn it well.E. Is it necessary learn English in Shenzhens primary schools? Come and listen to the expert give a l
36、ecture about why pupils should still learn a foreign language. Ninth graders to fight harder for their dream senior schools. However, some of them cant manage time properly. Mrs. Lin, whose son is a Peking University student, would like to share how to make good use of time.31. Mr. Fan doubts whethe
37、r children should learn English at an early age.32. 15-year-old Lily wants friends she doesnt know how to get along with her classmates. 33. Paul realizes he should focus himself studies instead of online games. doesnt knowhow to deal with the problem.34. Karen always up late doing homework. She can
38、t fix her attention on classes at school because not sleeping well.35. Mrs. Lins daughter is a Grade Nine student. She has quarrelled lot with her child recently. She needs help with the problem.第部 选题 )语法填空(10 )阅读下面短文在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空并将 答案填在答题卡规定的位置上 10 个小题,每小题 1 分)Smartphones have become
39、an important part of our lives. 36 , to protect younger students eyesight and make sure they focus 37 their studies, primary middle will have more specific rules to limit students mobile phone use on campus.九年级英语第页共6页The Ministry of Education (发布 notice January that (限制 primary and middle a good dividends from 38 ( phones to school. Those 39 still require their phones for some reason get 40 (they) approval and hand their phones over during class ti
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