




1、第 计算机毕业论文题目论文题目又称文题、标题或篇名,对论文起画龙点睛的作用,需简明、确切、醒目。题目的字数不多,结构一般也不复杂,但如何写好,如何确定,必须遵循一定的原则和技巧。 一、 题目的重要性 1.题目是论文的总纲:如果一篇文章象一张网,则题目就是纲,纲举目张,就是说看了论文题目,就能窥见全篇论文的实质和精华所在,也可以说题目对论文起了画龙点睛的作用。题目是纲,也可以从课题的完成过程中显示出来,就是说要紧紧围绕题目作文章,在引言中提出问题,方法中解决问题,结果中回答问题,讨论中评价问题,始终围绕论文的主题、中心,即总纲进行,这样的论文才能文题一致,主题突出,有较大的参考价值。 2.题目是
2、读者判断是否该阅读该文的依据:当今医学期刊种类繁多,每年公开发表的论文数十万篇。读者一刊在手,往往先看目录中的题目。因题目高度概括论文主要内容,准确反映论文内容,故看了题目就初步知道是否符合科研或临床工作的需要,从而决定是否应该详细阅读它。由此可见,题目是指引读者阅读的航标。 3.题目是文献检索的依据:当前知识爆炸,文献爆炸,要有效地阅读科技文献,首先依赖文献检索,在手工检索工具中,如美国的医学索引(IndexMedicus)、现刊目录(CurrentContents)和我国的中文科技目录.医学卷等都只标明论文的题目,读者只能根据题目判断文章内容,然后决定是否收集和阅读原始文献。此外,题目常是
3、关键词的重要来源,而手工检索和计算机检索中都是根据关键词查找文献的。 二、 确定题目的原则 1.准确反映论文的内容,符合其深度和广度:论文内容包括引言、资料与方法、结果及讨论等部分。而论文题目仅一句话,不可能反映如此多的内容,一般仅反映主要研究对象、方法、目的或结果。例如,“血清CA125测定在卵巢内膜异位囊肿中的诊断价值”,血清CA125测定是研究方法,卵巢内膜异位囊肿是研究对象,诊断价值是研究目的。所谓准确,就是恰如其分地描述,不能夸大或缩小,更不能名不符实。如将上述题目改为“血清CA125测定在内膜异位症中的诊断价值”,虽然并无错误,但范围和深度明显被夸大了,将比较局限的卵巢内膜异位囊肿
4、,扩大为范围较广的子宫内膜异位症。又如,“围产期心肌病”一文的内容实为12例围产期心肌病的回顾性临床分析,而题目被夸大为一本专著的名称。显然,这一题目没有准确反映论文的内容、范围、深度和广度,亦为欠妥的题目。 2.客观、含蓄地描述研究结果:一篇论文中结果是主要的,由结果升华到结论更是可贵的。在题目中,一般不具体提结果和结论,而只作客观地、含蓄地描述。常以价值、意义、影响及观察等词进行描述。例如,“彩色多普勒血流显象对恶性滋养细胞肿瘤诊断的价值”,“妊高征患者尿酶变化的意义”,“克罗米酚对子宫内膜雌、孕激素受体的影响”及“米非司酮用于紧急避孕的临床观察”,至于真实的结果和结论如何,留待读者自己去
5、阅读和评论。 3.简明醒目,引人入胜:确定论文题目,还应该力求简明、醒目,引人入胜。所谓简明,就是文字简炼、易懂。一般中文题目,以不超过20个汉字为宜;而英文题目的词数尚无统一规定,部分杂志规定以1415个词或84个印刷符号,或一般不超过两行为妥。一般不设副标题,但在不可能简短的情况下,为了补充主标题内容或强调某一重点,可考虑加副标题。例如,“几种矫治臀位方法的比较:附168例臀位分析”。所谓醒目,是指引人注目,能吸引读者产生非读不可的兴趣。要达到醒目,必须要靠内容的新颖。例如,“氨甲喋呤单次肌内注射治疗异位妊娠”,题目中单次肌内注射比以往分次肌内注射简单而新颖,能吸引读者阅读,如将题目改为“
6、氨甲喋呤肌内注射治疗异位妊娠27例报告”,虽无错误,但未突出“单次”的新颖性,且例数也不多,就不能达到醒目和引人入胜的效果。此外,论文的样本数大者,也可在题目中突出病例数以吸引读者。例如,“2022例围产儿心电图监测分析”。当然,题目不宜与其他文献雷同,使用大号、异体或黑体字排版,亦为达到醒目和引人注目的手段之一,但吸引读者主要靠创新性。 4.正确用词:论文题目由精心选择的词汇组成,一般仅为一个短语、词组或一个完整的句子。确定题目时应注意用词恰当,使用正确的专业术语,并尽可能流畅易懂,避免使用空泛和华丽的词藻,避免错别字、俚语和已淘汰的术语。如:将囊肿写成“肿”,预防写成“予防”,阑尾炎写成“
8、常省略冠词,除第一个词或专有名词的第一个字母大写外,其他均小写,也可除虚词外,每个词的第一个字母均大写。 三、 确定题目的方法与技巧 1.从论文设计的三大要素中确定题目:科研设计的三大要素为对象、处理和效应,即研究对象、研究方法和研究结果。一般而言,论文题目也由此三部分或其中两部分构成。例如,有人以免疫组化法测定卵巢上皮性癌、交界性肿瘤、良性上皮性肿瘤及正常卵巢组织中癌基因P21及抑癌基因p53的表达率,发现癌组织中的表达率明显高于其他组织,并与癌症病人的生存期有一定关系。该项研究课题的主要研究对象为卵巢上皮性肿瘤,研究方法为免疫组化法测定P21及p53,结果为表达率,故题目可确定为“癌基因P
9、21及抑癌基因p53在卵巢上皮性肿瘤组织中的表达”,如考虑题目太长,超过20个字,也可改为“P21及p53在卵巢上皮性肿瘤组织的表达”。 2.借鉴参考文献确定题目:写论文前,作者都阅读了大量参考文献,每篇文献都有不完全相同的题目,作者可选择与自己研究内容相近的论文,借鉴其题目特点,确定自己不与之雷同的新题目。 3.将重要的关键词组合即成题目:关键词最能直接反映文章的内容,如能恰当组合,往往就是文章的题目。例如,“应用原位杂交法检测宫颈鳞癌中乳头状瘤病毒”,就是将3个关键词组合起来的,其研究对象为宫颈鳞癌,方法为原位杂交,目的是观察组织中乳头状瘤病毒。4.反复推敲:文章写完初稿后,还要对题目进行
10、反复推敲,看是否符合确定题目的原则,是否准确反映了文章的内容,是否简练醒目,引人入胜。最好请同事阅读,提出意见和建议,必要时还需与编辑部、编委商榷,力争做到一篇好文章有一个好题目。 中学计算机排课系统设计 基于Web服务的应用程序设计 某中(小)学学生学籍管理系统 中小学信息技术教育现状 基于Web的学生成绩管理系统 多媒体课件开发研究 中小学信息技术课程标准研究 信息技术在中小学教育中的应用 中小学生上网问题的探讨 某中(小)学校园网的规划与应用 某门课试题库的设计与实现 计算机辅助教学研究 多媒体教学软件的设计与制作 信息技术与课程整合 16 无线局域网的攻击工具的比较与分析 17 主机防
11、火墙软件系统的开发与设计 18 主机内容过滤系统的开发与设计 19 局域网的组建与应用 20 无线局域网的组建与应用 21 虚拟局域网的组建与应用 22 磁盘阵列的安装、设置、技巧 23 Windows 2022SERVER操作系统探讨 24 计算机病毒的正确防御探讨 25 网页的设计与应用 26 基于Word的自动出题系统 27 计算机学院就业信息系统开发 在校大学生贷款管理系统的测试 31 C语言程序设计网上考试系统的设计与实现 32 C语言程序设计网上考试系统的论坛实现 33 嵌入式Internet互联网技术的应用及研究 34 Microsoft Office各组件的相互数据交换 C+语
12、言程序设计课件和教学网站设计与实现 36 在校大学生贷款管理系统(学院级)的设计与实现 37 软件测试技术理论与方法高效率化探讨 38 我国中小学信息技术教育展望 39 网络教学资源的开发在信息技术课程中的应用研究 40 中学新课程对信息技术教师的素质要求研究 41 多媒体教学技术的应用及研究 42 信息技术与课程整合的研究 43 中小学信息教师的地位危机 44 信息技术教师继续教育的问题和对策 45 信息技术环境下的教师素质和能力、角色与地位 46 国内高校计算机专业课程设计与分析 47 几种典型的智能优化方法及其应用领域研究 48 城市智能交通系统仿真方法研究 49 图书馆资料管理系统 5
13、0 高校学生学籍管理系统的设计与实现 51 教学互动网站的设计与实现 52 学生就业管理系统的设计与实现 53 基于Web的图书管理系统 54 基于Web的信息发布系统 55 图像除噪演示系统设计与实现 数字作品的版权保护技术 数字图像加密与实现AUTHJORWARE中数据库技术的应用标准 59 AUTHJORWARE中多种菜单的实现 60 虚拟现实技术在多媒体课件开发中的应用 61 基于FLASH的多媒体课件设计与开发 62 基于AUTHJORWARE的多媒体课件设计与开发 63 基于Web的B/S模式的图书资料系统的设计与实现 基于Web的留言板的设计与实现 基于Web的办公室自动化(OA
14、)系统的设计与实现 基于Jsp的动态网站设计与实现 基于Asp的动态网站设计与实现 69 小学四年级数学课中“图形的变换”多媒体教学课件制作与教学方法探讨 70 中小学生学习特点与计算机语言教学 71 校校通”工程在我市实现的可行性探讨 72 浅谈信息技术普及教学对其他中学课程教育的促进与辨证关系 73 多媒体教学在中小学普及教学中的可行性探讨 and work. Many classes established the duty monitor system, let every students have class member services and for the class th
15、e opportunity to work, this is not a fixed position of the monitor system of rotation, which not only can let the monitor on duty in a day s work for class service work, also can let students know more of the solution in the class, every student can learn. And the class cadre conference held regular
16、ly. Pay attention to class and major incidents in the recent, Concerned about the class need to help students and make the class committee work plan and the new division.A good class of 4.Each class in the formulation of the goal, the class of the Convention at the same time, pay more attention to t
17、he class a good class construction work class. The class construction is the pillar industry of class education work, to perform the correct public opinion guide guide, schools, teachers education intent can be more smoothly issued, strict execution. Discipline, clean environment, learning atmospher
18、e, most students with emotional attachment and collective identity, and consciously safeguard the collective honor and so on. We must first establish a collective concept, the formation of we are the best , and I win glory for the class collective concept, then do the selection of class cadres Appoi
19、ntment work. Finally, we must adhere to the positive guidance, set up the correct example in the class.5 class warm atmosphere to create a warm atmosphereRegularly engage in various small activities in the class, such as class members birthday, so these usually small activities can become the lubric
20、ation class work, the formation of heavy important part of team cohesion.B, material carrier1, classroom environmentOne of the material carrier class culture in the classroom environment, custody arrangement and class a variety of hardware facilities and perfect, the following is the class certifica
21、te, notice.Concise typeThe classroom inside decoration small, quiet harmony learning environment. The usual props: students of their own creation painting and excellent articles and class certificates, inform the knowledge.Warm typeIn the classroom can make the class more decorative ornaments, a war
22、m warm feeling of home. Every member of all will participate in the layout and landscaping of the process to use props: collective action. Photos, photos of various kinds of students, small decorations, potted plants and so on.Festival typeA simple method and warm, usually a simple layout of the cla
23、ssroom clean, but in every festival or major activities will be arranged and re decoration cloth on the classroom. The usual props: Jie Qingqing theme decorations, blackboard, ribbon, Christmas tree, window and so on.2, class slogan, logo, class, class songEach class for their struggle direction and
24、 goal force and put forward the corresponding slogan, emblem, subject to production class and class song creation is one students of various class loading to highlight the personality mode.3, class logIn the class log records every class of what happened, the true sense of the expression of feelings
25、 and thoughts, the exchange of thoughts and feelings. The class log has authenticity, communication flow and rich and colorful, so this to create a healthy, positive class culture and public opinion atmosphere is very important.4, class team, class small band and so on.The students practice accordin
26、g to their own strengths, not only in class, to show a variety of school activities in the skill, but also enhanced the mutual affection and friendship, but also cultivate interest interest and ability, and excellent to enrich students campus life, this is the students independent development, very
27、good way to self management.5, class teachingThe formation of teachers, students, teachers in teacher-student interaction scenarios. Understanding the teacher teaching or spare time, and teachers can become friends. When students listen carefully, assiduously, extracurricular foreign teachers and st
28、udents as a friends sincere exchange flow. Whether it is learning, work is life, have the interaction between teachers and students, enhance the students, friendship, understanding and cooperation.6, class pageThe enthusiasm of the class web fully class students, their photos, photo, articles, etc.
29、according to the information of interest, hobbies, aesthetic beauty and other factors constitute the class of out with style, encourage each class in the school web game, in the game communicate with each other by the exchange of learning, to explore for expertise in web design students, and excelle
30、nt web page links to the school homepage, showing the flow characteristics and style of each class, for all to enjoy.7, publicity column, black blackboard newspaperEach class in the classroom layout, beautification process will be in the publicity column, some innovation and breakthrough in the proc
31、ess of the blackboard. Some classes will be used in the social practice, military training, basketball, sports in the photos posted on the bulletin board or blackboard, some students will learn calligraphy class the works, for exchange and appreciation to the students in the publicity column and bla
32、ckboard. In addition, the class blackboard design also create new styles. There are some things some classes, the class in recent writing on the blackboard, there will be some class class slogan, the objectives of painting in the struggle on the blackboard.C, specific activity1 regular class activit
33、iesMany classes will often organize class class in the holiday party, to be in nervous at ordinary times more than learning can easily more, better communication and communication between each other, in order to increase the understanding and feelings, enhance the class cohesion setting.2 class volu
34、nteersMany organizations volunteer to class activities, every holiday, the class of alternate students will go to some communities, the elderly, some school or kindergarten, primary school to carry out volunteer service. Or to help the community, street cleaning cleaning, filing, board newspaper pub
35、licity and other things. Some of the class is arrange the students to go to kindergarten or small school compulsory counselling, usually with classes, extracurricular knowledge to help more students in lower grades have difficulties or learning difficulties of the students, and the students actively
36、 participate in the city, District, the volunteer activities organized by our school.3 loving actionPart of the class and the poor old man, or that some poor students in poor areas became trapped on the poor peers, as well as students are free on the streets to raise money or sponsored charity in th
37、e campus and other activities to help the people who need help.4 warm classEvery holiday or with the classmate s birthday, the class held a simple ceremony to celebrate the birthday of the students, give blessing and birthday gifts, not only enhance the students understanding between the solution an
38、d feelings, is a good method of class cohesion cohesion and class culture.5 autonomous learningSome classes than pay more attention to the common progress of students academic performance in the class, to help each other in school or holiday period, autonomous learning. Take one to one structure for
39、 learning methods, to achieve common progress with the purpose and effect. And the establishment of students autonomous learning class adviser asked group, a real school self learning and learning mode.6 art activitiesClass art, sports and other activities are also very rich and colorful, the studen
40、ts will arrange spare time to rehearse chorus, recitation, aerobics, gymnastics, the activities in the school to get good grades but also to show their talents and efforts, such as the positive class team in the basketball game. Not only can eliminate the fatigue and tension of learning, can enhance
41、 students, between teachers and students together.The 7 main theme class meetingEach class regularly held open meaningful theme class meeting, through the distinctive theme, rich and colorful activities, the interaction between teachers and students in the ideological education to students ideologic
42、al purpose, and the theme class meeting of written materials, pictures, data file.8 group activitiesRegularly organize students to watch the same movie, visit the museum and so on, so that the students in the rich extracurricular life, an increase of knowledge. There are often organized class activi
43、ties, including condolences to solitary elderly, participate in various activities such as neighborhood living, have played a very good self education effect.Parent committee1, organizationThe parent committee is composed of representatives from each class of students parents, and is the supreme aut
44、hority of the Council. It is set up by the Standing Committee and the grade group.The Standing Committee shall be elected by the members of the parent committee of the year grades, and the director shall be elected one, 22 deputy directors and 10 members.Parent Committee Liaison Office: XX City No.
45、1 middle school moral education office, Tel: 369266872, ,The members of the parents Committee have the right to participate in the activities of the school s parent committee.The members of the Committee of the parents have their views and suggestions on the work of the school, and the right to supe
46、rvise and improve.Under the arrangement of the Senate, the members of the parents Committee have the right to observe the school education and to carry out the work of teaching and learning.A member of the Standing Committee members attended the meeting at the parents long school staff congress righ
47、t3,The members of the board of parents have the obligation to cooperate with the school to carry out education and teaching activities.The members of the board of parents have the obligation to help other parents raise their children s level of education.The parents committee members have the obliga
48、tion to collect other parents opinions and suggestions, and to feed back to the school.The members of the Committee of the parents have the responsibility to coordinate the relationship between parents and school.Arrangement of major activities in schools1, make the activity with specific programs.
49、Implement the activity of specific content, time, responsible person, clear all the offices of the division of labor, make the responsibilities clear, play their respective roles.2, do the activities of the mobilization work. For the school teachers and students of the week Monday activities of the
50、speech under the flag, and a specific solution to each class under various activities, to attract attention to teachers and students, encourage students to actively participate in excitation. At the same time held a class meeting, specifically to do requirements and arrangements for the class activi
51、ties. Use classes will be described for the students, and in the moving process, to guide the students.3, arrange the details of the activities of the activities of the day. The day of the event such as the rules say leadership class admission order, class teacher evaluation, administrative leadersh
52、ip column in attendance, specific activities and activities in a project person in charge of the arrangements.4, with the school general office to do logistics service work, and to defend, the Communist Youth League Committee for safety management.5, do a good job in the activities of the propaganda
53、 work. organization campus reporter, youth volunteers, such as the use of campus radio, publicity, publicity banners, campus network, to conduct a comprehensive campaign to create a good atmosphere.6, do a good summary of the activities report. All teachers and students to complete a summary of this
54、 event by Monday under the flag of the speech , pointed out the advantages and disadvantages, in order to show the model. And at the same time for School Leadership Award, let the students experience to show the pride and joy of success. A happy ending.Campus cultural construction1, keep the school
55、clean and beautiful appearance of the whole campus environment, beautiful landscaping, greening, cleaning, to form a thick green atmosphere for education;2, starting from the establishment of the motto, the actual school school school school spirit, teaching style, study style, making its flag, embl
56、em, flag and class 3, the establishment of a fixed position of education, such as the school honor room, the team activities, the office of mental health counseling room;4, the establishment of a fixed position, such as the national flag under the flag speech, publicity column, the radio room, by th
57、e special management, planning to use these fixed positions to carry out the development of educational activities;5, according to the school education arrangements, combined events, major festivals, anniversaries, combined with the routine education of students, to determine the main content of the
58、 theme class meeting;6, the positive pole of XX local culture and school Liuliushiduo years of school history, finishing, mining, the formation of the school in the history of rescue in the spirit of culture;7, in a series of compilation xx , established the Alumni Association, editor xx reported. s
59、afety education A, student s birthday is often safe1, out of the school gate to consciously get off, to enter the school gate to the required parking.2, out of the classroom, not urgent, not crowded.No, teach in laboratory teaching, chasing and running off the corridor, to avoid slipping and falling
60、., it is forbidden to climb the walls of any one of the schools, doors and windows, fences, trees, and the ball.Are not allowed to carry flammable, explosive, toxic substances and flammable, weapon into school.If the electric fan, lighting and electrical failure, shall not exclude private private ha
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