1、当代物流学第一讲第1页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三Lesson one logistics and the supply chainKey words Channel intermediaries Cost trade-offs Economic utilityFIFOFOB originFOB destinationPricing systemsForm utilityFreight absorptionLanded costs 第2页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三LIFOMarketing channelPhantom freightPla
2、ce utilityReverse logisticsSupply chainStock-keeping unitsStockoutsSystems approachTime cost approach第3页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三Part one : economic impacts of logisticsOne : while absolute and relative in logistics costs in relation to GDP vary from country to country, logistics is most definitel
3、y an important part in a countrys economy Two : logistics can also play an important role in a nations growth and development, particularly improvements in transportation efficiency 第4页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三 Three: the economic imparts of logistics can affects individual consumers such as you,
4、these imparts can be illustrated through the concept of economic utility which is the value or usefulness of a product in fulfilling customer needs or wants 第5页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三Part two: logistics : what it is One : some of the terms used to refer to business logistics have included the fo
5、llowingBusiness logisticsDistributionIndustrial distributionLogistics Logistics managementMaterials managementPhysical distributionSupply chain management第6页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三Two : the meaning of logistics Clm : logistics is that point of the supply chain process that plans, implement, and
6、controls the efficient ,effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers requirement 第7页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三Part three: the increased important of logistics One : a re
7、duction in economic regulationTwo: recognition by prominent now-logisticsThree: technological advancesFour: the growing power of retailers Five : globalization of trade第8页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三Part four : the system and total cost approach to logistics One : the system approach indication that
8、a company is objectives can be realized by recognizing the mutual interdependence of the major functional areas of the firm, such as marketing, production, finance, and logistics第9页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三One implication of the systems approach is that the goals and objectives of the major functi
9、onal areas should be compatible with the companys goals and objectives. This means that one logistics system does not fit all companies since goals and objectives vary from one firm to another A select implication is that decisions made by one functional area should consider the potential implicatio
10、n upon other functional areas.第10页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三Part five : logistics relationship within the firm Finance : The logistics development regularly interfaces with the finance area, in part because logistical decisions are only as good as the quality of cost data with which they are workin
11、g.第11页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三Marketing Contemporary marketing places heavy emphasis on customer satisfaction, and logistics strategies can facilitate customer satisfaction through reducing the cost of products, which can translate into lower prices as well as bringing a broader variety of choice
12、s closer to where the customer wishes to buy or use the products Logistics strategies offer a unique way for a company to differentiate itself among conpetiters, and logistics now offers an important route for many firms to create marketing supervionty第12页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三 4p: place decisi
13、on price decision product decision promotion decision第13页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三Production Perhaps the most common interface between production and logistics involves the length of production runs Increasing utilization of the postponement concept also influence the interface between production
14、and logistics 第14页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三Marketing channels Marketing channel can be views as sets of interdependent organization involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption第15页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三 The most significant contribution that the logi
15、stics channel makes to the overall channel process is the sorting function, this function involves rearranging the assortment of products as they flow through the channels through the customer, taking large blocks of single products and rearranging them into quantities, assortments, and varieties th
16、at consumer prefer.第16页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三The sorting function has four steps, and these are important to understanding the concept of goods flowing through the logistics channel.Sorting out is sorting a heterogeneous supply of products into stocks that are homogeneous Accumulating is bringi
17、ng together similar stocks from different sourcesAllocating is breaking a homogeneous supply into smaller lotsAsserting is building up assortments of goods for resale, usually to retail customers第17页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三Other channelsNegotiation channels promotion channel financing channel第18页
18、,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三Part six activities in the logistical channel Customer serviceDemand forecasting Inventory managementMaterials handlingOrder managementParts and service supportProduction schedulingProcurementReturned products第19页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三Salvage and scrap disposeTransportation managementWarehousing management第20页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,9点55分,星期三Part seven logistics career 由于与物流重要性的日益提高,它已经取得了真正的
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