1、Chapter 8Construction Planning施工计划第1页第1页8.1 Basic Concepts in the Development of Construction Plans施工计划制定基本概念第2页第2页Paragraph OneSentence1:Construction planning is a fundamental and challenging activity in the management and execution of construction projects.Translation:在施工项目标管理和执行中,施工计划是一项基本而且含有挑战性
2、活动。Sentence2: It involves the choice of technology, the definition of work tasks, the estimation of the required resources and durations for individual tasks, and the identification of any interactions among the different work tasks.Translation:它包括到技术选择,工作任务定义,每一个任务所需资源和连续时间估算,以及明确不同工作任务之间相互作用等工作。第3
3、页第3页Paragraph OneSentence3:A good construction plan is the basis for developing the budget and the schedule for work. Translation:一个好施工计划是拟定预算和制定工作进度基础。Sentence4:Developing the construction plan is a critical task in the management of construction, even if the plan is not written or otherwise formal
4、ly recorded.Translation:制定施工计划是建设管理当中一项主要工作,即使这个施工计划不是书面或其它正式统计形式。第4页第4页Paragraph OneSentence5:In addition to these technical aspects of construction planning, it may also be necessary to make organizational decisions(制定组织决议) about the relationships between project participants and even which organi
5、zations to include in a project. Translation:除了施工计划技术层面问题之外,明确项目参与者之间关系,甚至定义那些组织将参与项目,也很必要。Sentence6:For example, the extent to which sub-contractors will be used on a project is often determined during construction planning. Translation: 比如,分包商在一个项目中所承担范围通常是在施工计划期间决定。第5页第5页Summary:The concepts of c
6、onstruction plan The content of construction planThe importance of construction plan第6页第6页Paragraph TwoSentence1:Forming a construction plan is a highly challenging task. As Sherlock Holmes noted: Translation:形成一个施工计划是一个高挑战工作。正如夏洛克.福尔摩斯所言:第7页第7页InformationGenderMaleOccupationConsulting detectiveFami
7、lyMycroft Holmes (brother)NationalityBritish第8页第8页Sherlock Holmes,又译作夏洛克福尔摩斯,是一个虚构侦探人物,是由19世纪末英国侦探小说家阿瑟柯南道尔所塑造一个才华横溢侦探形象。福尔摩斯自己称自己是一名“征询侦探”,也就是说当其它私人或官方侦探碰到困难时经常向他求救。故事透露福尔摩斯经常能够足不出户就能够处理诸多疑难问题,但是大部分故事都集中讲述一些比较困难、需要福尔摩斯出门调查案子。福尔摩斯善于通过观测与演绎法来处理问题。柯南道尔是从自己见习于爱丁堡皇家医院时一名善于观测老师身上取得灵感,创造了福尔摩斯这一人物。其全名被认为是威
8、廉歇洛克斯科特福尔摩斯(William Sherlock Scott Holmes)第9页第9页Paragraph ThreeSentence1:Most people, if you describe a train of events to them, will tell you what the result would be.(a train of adj. 一列(一串, 一排)Eg:The pop star was followed by a train of admirers. ) Translation:若你向大多数人描绘一系列事情,多半会告诉你最后结局如何。Sentence2:
9、 They can put those events together in their minds, and argue from them that something will come to pass(发展). Translation:他们也许将这些事件都记住,并且争论(猜想)哪些事情将会发生。第10页第10页Paragraph ThreeSentence3: There are few people(几乎没有些人,很少有些人), however, who, if you told them a result, would be able to evolve from(演绎、推断) t
10、heir own inner(内在) consciousness(内心结识) what the steps were which led up to that result(修饰step). Translation:假如你告诉人们某事结局,很少有些人能够从这件事结局去反向推断这件事发生这个结局各个环节。Sentence4: This power is what I mean when I talk of reasoning backward. Translation:这种力量就是我说反向推理。第11页第11页Paragraph FourSentence1: Like a detective,
11、a planner begins with a result (i.e. a facility design) and must synthesize (综合;用综合法处理;人工合成2. 综合;合成) the steps required to yield(产生) this result. Translation:像侦探同样,计划者以结果(建筑设计)开始,必须整合产生这一结果所需环节。Sentence2: Essential aspects of construction planning include the generation(定义) of required activities, a
12、nalysis of the implications(内涵) of these activities, and choice among the various alternative(可选) means of performing activities.Translation:施工计划基本内容包括定义所需要各项活动,分析这些活动之间内在联系和选择适当办法来完毕这些活动。第12页第12页Paragraph FourSentence3: In contrast to a detective discovering a single train of events, however, const
13、ruction planners also face the normative(标准,规范) problem of choosing the best among numerous alternative plans(众多备选方案). Translation:不过和侦探不同之处于于,侦探能够发觉一系列事件(single一个事件中不同阶段不同情况),而建设项目标计划人员碰到是在多个备选方案中怎样选择最好这么一个规范性问题。Sentence4: Moreover, a detective is faced with an observable result, whereas a planner
14、must imagine the final facility(最终产品、最终止果) as described in the plans and specifications. Translation:更深入来说,侦探面临是可视结果,而计划者必须按计划和规划想象建筑结果。第13页第13页逆向工程,有人也叫反求工程。大意是依据已有东西和结果,通过度析来推导出详细实现办法。比如你看到别人写某个exe程序能够做出某种美丽动画效果,你通过反汇编、反编译和动态跟踪等办法,分析出其动画效果实现过程,这种行为就是逆向工程 PS:逆向工程第14页第14页在加拿大首都渥太华附近,有这样一些公司,其专长是分解拆卸
15、市场上各种电子产品。该项业务又称为逆向工程技术,工程技术人员使用电子显微镜对电子 产品微电子结构进行分析解剖,这样分析研究能够进一步到硅原子级别。隐藏在这些微细结构内部,也许就是某位人士专利技术。这些加拿大公司正是利用此 道来寻找隐藏在其中专利技术证据。逆向工程已成世界专利战秘密武器第15页第15页在加拿大,这项新兴逆向工程技术产业发展势头迅猛,许多过去在北方电讯等高技术公司从事计算机芯片设计技术人员正参与其中,为客户对各种新型微处理器进行分解分析。位于渥太华附近UBM技术公司、芯片工场公司以及全球知识战略公司等,构成了加拿大逆向工程产业关键力量。他们在渥太华地域 雇佣了成千上万名员工,向世界
16、各国尤其是来自于美国、欧洲和亚洲客户提供服务。知识产权处理业务已经成为一个巨大行业。人们结识到自己投入大量资金开发出专利技术,能够产生巨大收益。美国法院判赔专利侵权案件经常是天文数字,如加拿大RIM公司被美国法院鉴定补偿受损方6亿多美元。因此许多高技术公司都对其拥有专利潜在价值看护 得极端严密。一项专利也许需要几百万美元开发,还需要每年花上10万美元左右资金来保护专利不被世界上其它公司侵权。第16页第16页Paragraph FiveSentence1: In developing a construction plan, it is common to adopt a primary emp
17、hasis on(重点强调) either cost control or on schedule control as illustrated in Fig. 8-1.Translation:在制定一项施工计划时,通常需要选定是以成本控制或进度控制为重点,如图8-1所表示。Sentence2: Some projects are primarily divided into expense categories with associated costs. Translation:一些项目主要划分为费用类别以及相关成本。第17页第17页Paragraph FiveSentence3: In
18、these cases, construction planning is cost or expense oriented. Translation:在这些情况下,施工计划是成本或费用导向。Sentence4:Within the categories of expenditure, a distinction is made between costs incurred directly in the performance of an activity and indirectly for the accomplishment of the project.Translation:在划分
19、支出类别时,我们将对执行一项活动所发生直接成本和整个项目完毕所需间接成本予以特殊看待。第18页第18页Paragraph FiveSentence5: For example, borrowing expenses for project financing and overhead items are commonly treated as indirect costs. Translation:比如,为项目融资而产生借款费用和日常开支项目(管理费用)通常被认为是间接成本。Sentence6:For other projects, scheduling of work activities
20、over time(按时间) is critical and is emphasized in the planning process. Translation:对其它项目来说,在计划过程中强调按时间制定工作活动,这是很主要。第19页第19页Paragraph FiveSentence7: In this case, the planner insures that the proper precedence(先后顺序、前导顺序) among activities are maintained and that efficient scheduling of the available re
21、sources prevails(奏效、效力). Translation:在这种情况下,施工计划人员确保维持各项工作适当先后顺序关系,确保对各项可用资源效用得到有效安排。Sentence8: Traditional scheduling procedures emphasize the maintenance of task precedence (resulting in critical path scheduling procedures) or efficient use of resources over time (resulting in job shop scheduling
22、procedures). Translation:老式进度排序强调保持任务先后顺序(关键路径法)关系或随时间推移有效利用资源(作业排序法)第20页第20页Paragraph FiveSentence9: Finally, most complex projects require consideration of both cost and scheduling over time, so that planning, monitoring and record keeping must consider both dimensions. Translation:最后,大部分复杂项目要求同时考
23、虑成本和进度,因此计划、监控和统计必须考虑这两个尺度。Sentence10:In these cases, the integration of schedule and budget information is a major concern. Translation:在这些情况下,进度和预算信息综合是一个主要考虑方面。第21页第21页The critical path method (CPM) is an algorithm(算法) for scheduling a set of project activities. It is an important tool for effect
24、ive project management.CPM is commonly used with all forms of projects, including construction, aerospace and defense, software development, research projects, product development, engineering, and plant maintenance, among others. Any project with interdependent activities can apply this method of m
25、athematical analysis. 关键路径法Critical path method第22页第22页Basic techniqueThe essential technique for using CPM is to construct a model of the project that includes the following:A list of all activities required to complete the project (typically categorized within a work breakdown structure工作细分结构),The
26、 time (duration) that each activity will take to completion, and每一活动连续时间The dependencies between the activities.活动间互相依赖关系第23页第23页CPM calculates the longest path(最长路径) of planned activities to the end of the project, and the earliest and latest that each activity can start and finish(最早最晚动工竣工时间) with
27、out making the project longer. This process determines which activities are “critical” (关键)(i.e., on the longest path) and which have “total float”(总时差). 第24页第24页关键路径法(Critical Path Method, CPM)是一个基于数学计算项目计划管理办法,是网络图计划办法一个。关键路径法将项目分解成为多个独立活动并拟定每个活动工期,然后用逻辑关系(结束-开始、结束-结束、开始-开始和开始结束)将活动连接,从而能够计算项目的工期、
28、各个活动时间特点(最早最晚时间、时差)等。在关键路径法活动上加载资源后,还能够对项目的资源需求和分派进行分析。关键路径法是当代项目管理中最主要一个分析工具。关键路径法第25页第25页依据绘制方法不同,关键路径法能够分为两种,即箭线图(ADM)和前导图(PDM)。箭线图(ADM)法又称为双代号网络图法,它是以横线表示活动而以带编号节点连接活动,活动间能够有一个逻辑关系,结束-开始型逻辑关系。前导图(PDM)法又称为单代号网络图法,它是以节点表示活动而以节点间连线表示活动间逻辑关系,活动间能够有四种逻辑关系,结束-开始、结束-结束、开始-开始和开始-结束。第26页第26页Job shop sche
29、duling (or Job-shop problem) is an optimization problem in computer science in which ideal jobs are assigned to resources at particular times. The most basic version is as follows:We are given n jobs J1, J2, ., Jn of varying sizes, which need to be scheduled on m identical machines, while trying to
30、minimize the makespan(竣工期). 作业排序法第27页第27页Paragraph SixSentence1: In this chapter, we shall consider the functional requirements for construction planning such as technology choice, work breakdown, and budgeting. Translation:在本章中,我们将考虑施工计划功效要求,比如技术选择,工作细分和预算。Sentence2:Construction planning is not an
31、activity which is restricted to the period after the award of a contract for construction. Translation:制定施工计划并不是仅限于施工协议达成之后一个阶段性活动。第28页第28页Paragraph SixSentence3:It should be an essential activity during the facility design.Translation:而是一个建筑设计必要活动。Sentence4: Also, if problems arise during construct
32、ion, re-planning is required.Translation:并且,假如施工中发生问题,会要求重新制定计划。第29页第29页8.2 Defining Work Tasks定义工作任务第30页第30页专业术语活动,Activity 活动定义,Activity Definition 活动描述/阐明,AD=Activity Description 活动历时估算,Activity Duration Estimating 箭线网络图(双代号网络图),AOA=Activity-On-Arrow 节点式网络图(单代号网络图),AON=Activity-on-Node 已执行工作实际成本,
33、ACWP=Actual Cost of Work Performed实际完毕日期,AF=Actual Finish Date 实际开始日期,AS=Actual Start Date 箭线,Arrow 箭线图示法,ADM=Arrow Diagramming Method 逆推计算法,Backward Pass 竣工预算,BAC=Budget At Completion并行工程, Concurrent Engineering 赶工,Crashing第31页第31页关键工序,Critical Activity关键路线,Critical Path关键路线法,CPM=Critical Path Meth
34、od 当前完毕日期,Current Finish Date 当前开始日期,Current Start Date 依赖关系,Dependency 虚活动,Dummy Activity延续时间,DU=Duration 延续时间压缩,Duration Compression 最早竣工日期,EF=Early Finish Date最早开始日期,ES=Early Start Date 在完毕时费用估算,EAC=Estimate At Completion 到完毕时估算,ETC=Estimate To Complete 单节点事件图,Event-on-Node 完毕日期,Finish Date 第32页第
35、32页完毕到完毕关系,FF=Finish-to-Finish 完毕到开始关系,FS=Finish-to-Start 时差,机动时间,浮动时间,Float顺推计算法,Forward Pass 自由时差,FF=Free Float 甘特图,Gantt Chart 图解评审技术,GERT=Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique关键事件进度计划,Key Event Schedule 最晚完毕日期,LF=Late Finish Date 最晚开始日期,LS=Late Start Date 提前量,Lead 回路,Loop 主进度计划,Master Schedu
36、le 里程碑,Milestone 里程碑进度计划,Milestone Schedule 次关键工作,Near-Critical Activity 网络,Network网络分析,Network Analysis网络逻辑,Network Logic 第33页第33页网络路线,Network Path 节点,Node组织分解结构,OBS=Organizational Breakdown Structure 线路,Path 线路时差,Path Float 完毕百分比,PC=Percent Complete 计划评审技术,PERT=Program Evaluation and Review Techni
37、que计划评审技术图,PERT Chart计划完毕日期,PF=Planned Finish Date计划开始日期,PS=Planned Start Date 优先图示法,PDM=Precedence Diagramming Method优先关系,Precedence Relationship 紧前工作,Predecessor Activity项目网络图,Project Network Diagram目的完毕日期,TF=Target Finish Date目的开始日期,Ts=Target Start Date 总时差,TF=Total Float工作分解结构,WBS=Work Breakdown
38、 Structure 工作包,Work Package第34页第34页Paragraph OneSentence1: At the same time that the choice of technology and general method are considered, a parallel step in the planning process is to define the various work tasks that must be accomplished. Translation:在考虑技术和办法选择同时,计划过程中同时进行另一项工作是对项目中必须完毕各项工作任务进行定义。或:在考虑技术和办法选择同时,计划过程中并行环节是定义项目中必须完毕各项工作任务。Sentence2:These work tasks represent the necessary framework to permit scheduling of construction activities, along with estimating the
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