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1、US. TV dramaAbout US. TV drama 如今,美剧已经被大多数人熟知,也有越来越多的人开始关注观看美剧。 Nowadays , Many people have acknowledged US. TV drama , and more and more people began to watch and pay attention on US TV dramas . 美剧大部分都是论季的,每年中的一个固定季度播出,边拍边播,一年只播放一季。” A majority of american play are talking about season , it will be

2、 show at the settled season of every year , when it is shooting and showing also, and only play one season per year . 一部美国电视剧一般25集左右,这是由美国特有的播映方式决定的。美国商业电视以每年9月中旬至第二年4月下旬为一个播出季,新季以美国电视艺术与科学协会主办的“艾美奖”颁奖典礼为序幕。美国电视剧一般一个星期只播一集,因此25集正好够播一季。美国的电视剧是边拍边播的,他们很注重收视率,一部收视率低下的电视剧是无法生存的,只要吸引不了观众的注意力,那么不管该剧的情节进行到

3、何处,电视台都毫不留情地腰斩。 friends老友记 Friends- The story of 6 very different people , growing up together in New York City. Friends is an American sitcom about a group of friends in the Greenwich Village area of Manhattan, New York City. It was originally broadcast from 1994 to 2004. The show has been broadcas

4、t in more than one hundred countries and still continues to attract good ratings for its episodes in syndication. the show had won 7 Emmys, including one for Outstanding Comedy Series. After watching it We can learn the truth about friendship美国情景喜剧老友记是关于一群朋友在格林威治村的曼哈顿地区的故事。它本来是广播剧,播出的时间从1994年到2004年。

5、这档节目已经被播送到一百多个国家,仍然继续吸引着良好的收视率。它已经赢得了7个艾美奖,包括“杰出的喜剧系列”。看过它,我们或许就可以学习到什么是真正的友谊。The Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, both of whom serve as executive producers on the show. It premiered on CBS on September 24, 2007.The show is about two Caltech prodigies in t

6、heir 20s, one an experimental physicist (Leonard Hofstadter) and the other a theoretical physicist (Sheldon Cooper), who live across the hall from an attractive blonde waitress with show-biz aspirations (Penny). 生活大爆炸是这部电视剧主要描述了加州理工学院两个二十多岁的高智商物理学家,Leonard(实验物理学家)和Sheldon(理论物理学家)与他们的邻居一个想成为演员却在餐馆打工的

7、漂亮女孩Penny之间发生的故事。 该片的喜剧效果是在两个主角的书呆子气和高智商与Penny的社会交往能力和常识之间的对比中达到的。The end这是一个关于亲情、友情、爱情的故事。因为主角是两个吸血鬼和一个人类而显得与众不同。Elena Gilbert是个十七岁的女生,她有两个要好的朋友Bonnie、Caroline。在十七岁的一天里她遇到了Stefan和他的哥哥Damon,最让人惊奇的事他们居然是传说中的吸血鬼。他们经历了一个又一个的惊险,彼此之间的感情变得更加坚固。 Its about a family love, friendship and love story. Because the protagonist is two vampire and a human. Elena Gilbert is a seventeen year old girl, she has two good friends Bonnie, Caroline. In seventeen day she met Stefan and his brother Damon, the most surprising thing they actually


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