



1、财大模拟卷完成时间:60 egratedReadingSection1edClozehissection,theresagewithtens.Youarerequiredtoordforfromalistofgiveninawordfollowingthe财大模拟卷完成时间:60 egratedReadingSection1edClozehissection,theresagewithtens.Youarerequiredtoordforfromalistofgiveninawordfollowingthepassage.Readthepassagethroughbeforemakingyou

2、r.Youmaynotuseanyofthehenonce.GiveyouranswersthequestionsonyourANSWERAttention: Youneedtochangetheformsofthehewordwhere(注意:请写在答题卷上,处理Anamelyousomethingrsonsbackground.Namescan1) of class and race. Data show African Americans are far more likelyn 2) groups to give their childrenmon names. White peopl

3、e tend to 3) morefamiliartwereformerlypopularwithmoreaffluentwhiteThe new study purports to show a link n name e of life: The more your name, the more likely you are to land in juvenile hall.tsbecausewetboys background, mon names are more likely to come from a socio-economically 5) t they also are m

4、ore likely to get involved with crime. Even researchersreadilytitsnotanamet achildse,but rathercircumstanceunderlyingtheThe assigned a popularity score to boys names, based on how often showed up in birth records in an undisclosed e from 1987 to 1991. Michael, the No. 1 name, had a Popular Name Inde

5、x score of 100; ch as Malcolm and Preston had scores of 1.The researchers thenassessed names ofyoung men born t time who landed the juvenile the popularity of ystem. They t only half had a rating n 11. By eral population, half of the names scored n 20. A10% increase name is ted 3.7% 8) he number of

6、delinquentswhot Still, the study t teenagers named Malcolm might also 9) becausetheirpeerstreatthemdifferentlyortheyjustdontliketheirnames.Andsincethestudysreleasek, the name-crime 10) hasbeenwrittenortalkedaboutajormedia 第 1 页 共 6 Directions:Readthefollowingpassagecarefullyandputthefollowingoapprop

7、riatettwo Many people go through lifes usual phases of ups and Directions:Readthefollowingpassagecarefullyandputthefollowingoappropriatettwo Many people go through lifes usual phases of ups and downs which are common and stages in life, but when your self-esteem is low, you may need to know how to b

8、oost self-esteem,sinceitcanleadtoproblemsyoumayvethought Self-esteem is the measurement or the value of rson knows his nd its are life-changing and dramatic, since it makes rsons attitude and outlook towards .But when self-esteem is low you can either sulk and be sad or be afraid to try out newthing

9、sortakerisksandwithyourlovelife,career,relationshipsandself-.Our normalresponsestotheseand situationserned by wevalueourselvesandhowoursareedbythese Faced with tough s inlife,the more self-esteemonehas, thebetter. Itis tto make sound s, he face of re or stress at work and at home. Let us to o some o

10、f the common and best which have been tried and tested to help self-Always compliment yourself daily, lly by trying to look for ks you did t day and congratulate yourself for it. . List down all things you are good ngandachieving,beittalent,skill,sportorbuildingupYou can add more focus to these good

11、 s and fuel our to do better and make not only understand yourself more, but also give you the true meaning and measurement of ndthisishowyouseeyourselfasSometimes when you tend to see things in a different light from others, focustoomuchonmakingtwhat you think will cause thingsto change. Donotletne

12、gativefeedbackaffectyou.Ofcourse,onecannothelpbutfeelbadaboutcomments or reactions, but you have to t these are tests against your character 第 2 页 共 6 deprivationact outality. .So try to look at yourself and see, and if you feel less important or how boostyourself-esteem.nkyourselfforASelf-esteempla

13、ysakeyhematurityrson,llywhentryingtogetfromaality. .So try to look at yourself and see, and if you feel less important or how boostyourself-esteem.nkyourselfforASelf-esteemplaysakeyhematurityrson,llywhentryingtogetfromadangeroussituation,goingthroughaseriestrialsinBSimplyput,self-esteemisthetmakesyo

14、ufeel importantorlovedby CMoreoftentimesitwillnot,butdonttcloudyourperceptionabout twevecoveredthoseaspectsofself-esteem,letsturntosomeoftheothertneed tobe EIt will give you a regular motivation to work harder and better to improve yourself developyoursenseofmaturity.FWhenyourself-esteemishigh,youar

15、elesslikelytobeaffectedbytheseDirections:Readthefollowingpassagecarefullyandchoosethebestanswerfromthegiventofillin.Manyofusspendthe 16 ofourday 17 atcomputerscreens.Reading articlemeanstheresagood 18 yourelookingatonerightButdoes omputerscreen 20 youreyes?Brisbane 21 nEfrondoesnot 22 computer scree

16、ns 23 toourButhe 24 if youuse 25 a lot,youincreaseyour 26 ingmoreshort-sighted 27 youreyesfocuswellonlyoncloseobjectswhilemore objectsappearblurred.Thisis 29 thecaseforchildrenandyoungadults,whosearestill.heshorterterm, 30 viewingofacomputerscreencanmakeanyslightdefectsmorenoticeable.Itsogiveyouwhat

17、issometimesknownas 31 eyestrain,headaches,grittyeyesandblurry.Butthisistemporaryandcan be 32 33 thescreendisplaysothe 34 ishighandthebrightnessfeels2)Havingtdoesnotproduceglareonthe第 3 页 共 6 3)Givingyoureyes 35 restsfromlookingatthescreen(TheOptometristsofmendsyoudo3)Givingyoureyes 35 restsfromlooki

18、ngatthescreen(TheOptometristsofmendsyoudothisforfivetotenminuteseveryonetotwohourscomputeruse.Itsagoodtimetomakephonecallsordoother16、1718、19、Abeinglooked 28、 35、Apart-tDirections:Translatethefollowingo Directions:Writeanessaybout150wordsaccordingtothefollowing第 4 页 共 6 财大模拟卷egratedSection1ed1signifiers l race3favor 4unpopular ;deprived affects财大模拟卷egratedSection1ed1signifiers l race3favor 4unpopular ;deprived affects comparison ;8)decrease 9)actout 10)connection PART2F butE下一中,bytheseconditions这些tests


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