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1、913Simon 的Class913Simon 的ClassOnce-in-a-lifetime-experience 一生只有一次的机会; discovernewcountriesandOnce-in-a-lifetime-experience 一生只有一次的机会; discovernewcountriesand探burnout 遇到瓶颈,丧失目Stepoutsideyourcomfortzone 走出安乐窝; returnrefreshedandre-focusedonwhatyou wanna do 满血归来, 更加专注; add unique experience to your CV

2、/ enrich your experience/outlook/CV; 丰满你的简历 pave your way for future path/career;GetabettersenseofwhoIamrson 更加了解自己Betterunderstanding更好的理解 lifeContributetomycareeroracademicmajor 为职业和学业做贡献Survival skill, independence, problem-solving, communication, teamwork spirit, hands-on Burnoutfromcompetitiver

3、e 压力带来的瓶颈;Moremature,moreself-reliantandindependentRenewmotivation 重拾目标Addtotheiremployability 增强就业价值 besntdoneWhat/when/whatto1finish/goonmygapyearinAustraliaworking holiday visa, If everything goes well, I wish t my dream can come true within sntdoneWhat/when/whatto1finish/goonmygapyearinAustralia

4、working holiday visa, If everything goes well, I wish t my dream can come true within 2 当我在那的时候,做什么事情,例如说,andlocaldelicacies 美食While I am there, I will do a range of things, like visiting landmarks, enjoying view, theirdelicacies,makingfriends,practicingmyEnglishandItismygoalforsomengapart-time3, 例A

5、mongthem,theprimarygoalistoenjoythisonce-in-a-lifetimeopportunityandaladventure,likediscoveringnewcultures,orhavingbetterunderstandingaboutlifestyle,theirlifevalueor 除此之外,t I plan to study there soon, it is better for me to have a taste in advance, t canfitin/blendinhe5 最后,Lastbutnotleast,itisthetIc

6、anhaveabettersenseofwhoIamrson,e it paves the way for my futures mature,self-reliantandtswhyitisworthfightingnd employability; I ve I AnEnglishclassyouWell, the eresting class is named how to go on a gap year, which was y k,and it was givenby a raduate/travelguruwhospentayearinAustraliaworkandlivewi

7、thworkingholidayWell,thefutureholidayIdliketogoaheadis素材D: 想做还没做的事情 DescribesomethingyouBasically, this speech (book) and comprehensive; since he gave us an overall roduction about going for a gap overseas. Including visa application, trip preparation and planning, how t for jobs local and tips moda

8、tionBasically, this speech (book) and comprehensive; since he gave us an overall roduction about going for a gap overseas. Including visa application, trip preparation and planning, how t for jobs local and tips modation and ion and heads-up 注意事项.Besides, he also mentioned about his fun experience o

9、f living a life and his own aboutmeaningsnggap t I plan to study he future, gap year allows me to have a taste of cultureandlifestyleinadvance,soIcanfitinandblendinsmoothlywhenIget和的,Additionally,hesharedhisupsandtyearinafunnyway,his struggles, frustration and embarrassment, which was really lifelik

10、e and presentingrangeofpicturesclips,itxperiencedhislifehim ; so I have a better understanding about a gap year. I t one day dreamcanberealizedWell, the important letter Id like to share with you actually is a grant letter of my holidayvisa,whichwasedbyAustralianimmigration.Igotitlasthis letter,I wa

11、s t Iwould haveone year totravelaround Australia, and IopportunitiesoffindingjobsinvariousThemomentIgotthisletter,Iwastotallyexcited,sinceIwassoclosetomylong-time, 例如Amongthem,theprimarygoalistoenjoythisonce-in-a-lifetimeopportunityandaladventure,likediscoveringnewcultures,orhavingbetterunderstandin

12、gaboutlifestyle,theirlifevalueort I plan to study there soon, it is better for me to have a taste in advance, t canfitin/blendinheLastbutnotleast,itistheit pavesLastbutnotleast,itistheit paves the way for my futures tIcanhaveabettersenseofwhoIamrson,e and employability; I ve I mature,self-reliantand

13、WhatisWheredidyouseeit What can it be used Why do you like itof素材E: 一件有牡丹和凤凰图案的红木屏风 Describe a Well, a piece of furniture Id like to talk about is a screen friend as my housewarming gift.y home, which was given byBasically, it is a mahogany t can be used for home decorationWell, a piece of furniture

14、 Id like to talk about is a screen friend as my housewarming gift.y home, which was given byBasically, it is a mahogany t can be used for home decoration and layout; and Iloveitforsomely,itistotallydelicateandartistic,whichisthewaytoexhibitmytasteofart;Itbringsvibe to my home; I feel cheerful and jo

15、yful when I see them.另外非常实用,符合 要求Besides,itisquitepracticalanduseful,sinceitisaChi isbetterforfengshuianditseparatesmylivingroomvingascreenatodifferent.Above all, as the national flower of China, peony roduce good luck wealth/prosperitytoourlife,sinceitusedtobethesymbolofroyalsinancientsohavingthema

16、thomecanbeauspicious 吉祥的;tswhyitisAkindofvegetableorWhat/where/whatdoesitlookBasically,theycanbeany,likeinsquare,park,gardenorevenPeonyisrettywithdifferentkindsofcolors,likered,yelloworIt rfect gift to eople up, since they are very eous and lovely, actually, pattern or symbol can be found everywhere

17、 (we use the pattern of peony everywhere),likeclothing,curtain,plateorrandhomelwe ve this flower can lwe ve this flower can bring us good luck; since it used to be symbolic/the symbol shewascrazyabouttswhysincethenpeonyisthemostfamousDescribesomethingyoutaughtWell, the experience Id like to share wi

18、th you roughly happened teachingmycousontolearnhowtodrawak, while I Actually,backthen,duringmyvisittomysplace,Itriedtodo,IdecidedtoteachhimwiththeskillIacquiredwhenIwaslittleerest/at the beginning, I told him to make middle circles, and then to add some petals morepetalsbehind those;t,it was time to

19、 make a nice long stem, and the last wastoaddleavesandaddcolors,finally,aniceingwasAftertwohourstrying,wefinallygotafulfilling,wespentsuchanicetime,whichwasquitesatisfyingWhatisWhentapp d thisruleformanyWhatdoestheruletalkWhyyoulikeordislikeWell, the school rule I would like to describe actually is

20、wearing prettycommonwhileweareinhighWell, the school rule I would like to describe actually is wearing prettycommonwhileweareinhighiforms, which Basically speaking, kdays from Monday to Friday, students are required to uniforms to go to school to attend classes or sportsIamafanofthisschoolruleforsom

21、el events like flag-raising ceremony place, wearing uniform allows students to avoid re, more students wont compare with one another in terms of wearing name-brand accordingly,theirmainconcernwillbeonstudyingormakingMoreover, wearing iform can be time-saving and labor-saving, lly hastymornings;there

22、isnostruggletothinkabouthow tomixandmatch,sincewehaveoptionbuttoweariformasThe other merit it can roduce t money can be saved on wearing otherwise, more time will have to be spent on ; instead, we can wear erchangeablyforclassesandoutdoorThosearethereasonswhyIsharethisparticularschoolrulewith eceofW

23、hat/howoften/howWell, my favorite clothing I want to talk about is sportswear/casual clothing, which is the commonest clothing in our life, including tees, sporty pants/shorts, sneakers, hoodie, jersey.Speaking of frequency,I will wear it on adaily basiswhenever I gotoschool or do sports or hang out

24、 with friends.ly,Idurable;fy/cozywhenIweartheseclothing,sinceitisratherflexiblellywhenIdosports,itisworry-free.Dirt-Additionally,itisrathereconomical,comparedwithbuyingsuits,sincebuyingcasualclothing wont cost me a leg and an arm/cost me a fortune; it is cheap; also I can catch up with/keep up with

25、the trend easily;By wearing casual clothing, I can look energetic with morning,IcanmixandmatchasIal edge/style; during WhatisWhendidyoustartwatchingit What does it talk aboutWhydoyoulikewatchingWell, thetvseriesWhatisWhendidyoustartwatchingit What does it talk aboutWhydoyoulikewatchingWell, thetvser

26、iesId liketo share/describe is namedThreeKingdoms,whichisallegedlymostfamousandpopulartvseriesaboutyIhavebeenabigfaneversinceIwaslittle,sincethisshowwouldbeonandonduringBasically, the story roughly happened warsagainsteachotherforn 1000 years ago, while three kingdoms Afterwards,theyexperiencedbattl

27、esofallwerely,therewere somanyhisshow/series,includingwarriorsandwisemen;exhibited courage, wisdom, loyalty and strategies tohe war, which is rather andstimulating.IlearntmanylessonsfromthisshowtobebraveandwiseasBesides, this show has been the record/witness of my childhood, which inspired me to ere

28、stedinliteratureandhistory;actually,ItraveledtomanyhistoricaltodiscovermorefactsandAWell, the I want to share with you is named Zhugeliang, who is one of mostAWell, the I want to share with you is named Zhugeliang, who is one of mostfamousandwisepeopleinChinasHe served as a mastermind of country Shu

29、, which was one of the three kingdoms back to thousand years ago; under wisdomandHeattractsmyattentionand d and planning, he won many classic battles erests ever since I was little, since he is elligent Forle,duringonebattle,whenfacingshortageofarrowstohewar,heanattackwiththousandsofstrawboatsduring

30、amistynight,andhisenemiesgotscaredfiredcountlessarrowstowardsthoseemptyboatswithoutkillingTheothercaseenemies betbyplayinginstrumentcasuallyonthetopofanemptycity,hemadethiscitywasfull oftrapsand ambushwhiletherewereonlyfew 36From those fascinating stories, he exhibited the art of war ts why he regar

31、dedastheinourWhendidyouwatchWhere did youwatchit Whatkindsofsportitis Why do you like itMy favorite sport t I wanna share is skiing, which is one of the most exciting fascinatingtIhaveeverMostly speaking, I often watch this sport on TV, likeTournamentsorerOlympiclly during world-renowned Basically,

32、skiing is a kind of extreme sports, since players need to exhibit their skills courageonsnowfieldorslopes,theywillcomeies/challengesof allafter watching this sport, it occurred to t I would like t as well; since it calls balanceandWhileIenjoytheirperformance,thesurroundingbeautyalsoleavesmealastingi

33、mpres which can be pleasant to watch and enjoy.,balanceandWhileIenjoytheirperformance,thesurroundingbeautyalsoleavesmealastingimpres which can be pleasant to watch and enjoy.,Itcomesbeautytwecanapplydifferenteffectsinreal-timeandthento l networks. 这个Thecameraallowsustoremoveblemishes/wrinkles/poresa

34、ndsmoothenourskin. 这个相机孔Therearemanyfiltersavailabletoincreasecontrast/sharpnessalongwiththeoptiontocropandeditlly irls,wecanapplylipcolor,eyeshadowsorother素材 I: 买了一个小米MI 5X Describe 推进了科技进步;record 创下新 充满了创新突破; 旗 推进了科技进步;record 创下新 充满了创新突破; 旗sor 处理器;ultra-brightdisplay 超量的屏显;it is insanely fast and

35、Quickcharge 快速充电;dualSIM 双卡;3Dglassbody 玻璃机身具体描述Well, the advertisement I would like to describe is a billboard about a brand new named5X,whichcanbeseenycityLoosely/basicallyspeaking,thisadispresentedbyKrisWu,oneofmyfavoritestarsisquiteattractiveandhisad,heisholdingtheMi5Xphonetohisgoodfaceslogansay

36、ing 拍人更美,literallymeaningitgivesyouaprettierselfie.Besides,alsocomes withthepriceat thebottom,whichis only1499 yuan.Ifaceslogansaying 拍人更美,literallymeaningitgivesyouaprettierselfie.Besides,alsocomes withthepriceat thebottom,whichis only1499 yuan.I havetosay this advertratheralluringandeffective,sinc

37、eIboughtonefromtheirwebsiterightIamsoexcitedaboutthisly,duetoaser,thephonehas abreakneckspeed,sinceitispackedkinds of innovative breakthroughs. comessolifelikeandwider screen and ultra-bright display, Additionally, just as the slogan says, its camera is amazing; since it allows us to remove blemishe

38、sandwrinkles,tourskinlookssondbright.Ialwaysusethisphone to take photos with different effects in real-time and then upload to likeWechatmoment,whileeveryonegivesmecreditsandlikes. ts why it is awesome.l 延伸素材:anyouwerehappytoWell,theexperienceId liketosharewithyouroughlyhappened ksago,whileI goingfo

39、ricwithmybestBack then, we went to a stunning forest park with picturesque view and pretty lawn, where njoyed natural beauty and savored tasty food.During such a cozy , we couldnt help taking photos newly bought namedXiaomi6S,whichhasgotanexcellentfunctionofbeautificationFor le, it allows us to remove our blemishes and wrinkles, ndt we skin looks takeselfiesSo we used this perfect phone to take photos with different effects in real-time and then uploaded to sol networks like Wechat moment, while everyone gave us credits a


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