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1、 PAGE 页码 6 / NUMPAGES 总页数 6五年级科教版人教PEP版英语上学期单词拼写重点知识练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图补全句子。1.Your_isreallynice!2.There_abig_.3.There_anice_.4.Thereisa_onthe_.2. 按图意,根据开头的字母提示写出单词或短语。3. 按要求写单词。(1)foot(复数形式)_ (2)play(现在分词)_ (3)they(宾格)_ (4)wrong(反义词)_ (5)watch(现在分词)_ (6)play(现在分词)_ (7)boy(复数形式)_ (8)teacher(复数形式)_ (9)g

2、irl(复数形式)_ (10)that(复数形式)_ 4. 写出下列序数词的缩写形式。1first_ 2fourth_3twelfth_ 4twentieth_5. 根据句意及首字母填写单词。1.Thereareonlynineteenc.2.Ffaceswecansee.3.Therearetwentycintheclass.4.IbtheTshirtyesterday.5.EveryonewantstoptheirEnglishonme.6. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Isthatbag_(your)?2.WhoseTshirt_(be)this?3.Itisnthis.Itis_(my

3、).4._(his)areontheline.5.Thatis_(her)mother.7. 看图完成句子。(1)My little sister likes to _ _.(2)Jenny likes to _. (3)My cousin likes to _ _.(4)My mother likes to _ _.(5)My father likes to _ _ _ _.(6)Do you like _ _ _? (7)My family _ _ _ _ every morning.8. 根据所给意思写出相应的单词,开头字母已给出。(1)My computer teacher is ve

4、ry k_(和蔼).(2)B_(牛肉)is my favourite food.(3)What do you have on Wednesdays?We have Chinese, math, English and a_(美术).(4)Oh, the grapes are s_(酸的).(5)We have Chinese on M_(星期一).9. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1Whos your_teacher? Mr Sun. Hes o_.2Is your PE teacher kind? No. He is very s_.3Today is Friday. Tomorrow is_.

5、I often do my_on the weekend.4The girl often_books in the park.5Its_today.10. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Youcan_(jump)high.2.Iwant_(learn)English.3.Myteacheroften_(help)us.4.Doyouwant_(know)aboutmusic?5.She_(sell)seashellsattheseashoreeveryday.11. 选用括号内的单词填空。1.Sheoften_(do/does)herhomeworkontheweekend.2.Ican_(s

6、ing/sings)Englishsongs.3.Johnoften_(play/plays)ping-pongafterschool.4.Hecan_(do/does)somekungfu.12. 请你按要求写单词。1. good(比较级)_ 2. fast(最高级)_3. potato(复数形式)_ 4. young(最高级)_5. do(单三形式)_ 6. class(复数形式)_7. wash(单三形式)_ 8. beautiful(最高级)_9. fat(反义词)_ 10. run(ing形式)_13. 根据句意和首字母,填上适当的单词完成句子。1. The students lik

7、e to r_boats in the park.2. Kitty is going to see a f_with her family.3. This is my p_for the weekend.4. The girl cant find her mother. She is c_.5. It is going to rain this weekend. Were going to s_at home.14. 按要求写单词。1. come (过去式)_ 2. playing (原形) _3. dumpling (复数) _ 4. has (原形) _5. eyes (单数) _ 6.

8、comes (原形) _15. 根据所给的音标词写出下列单词。1.We mustnt start a_kmpfai in the forest. 2.Supergirl can smell the_smk. 3._helkptz are flying above the mountains. 4.The people live in the Stone Age always eat_r meat. 5.We mustnt play with_mtz.16. 按要求写词。1have(第三人称单数)_ 2here(同音词)_3he(宾格)_ 4for(同音词)_5she(形容词性物主代词)_ 6g

9、ood(副词)_7wrong(反义词)_ 8come(对应词)_17. 根据汉语提示,写出正确的英语单词形式。(1)This bag is _. (重的)(2)But its very _ .(美味的)(3)I _ (原以为,认为)it was a joke.(4)The teacher asked us to sit in a _(圈)(5)His shoes are _(破了),he wants new ones.(6)Its a very old _(地方).18. 根据图示,将下列单词丢失的字母补充完整。19. 根据要求写单词。1shopping(原形)_2one(序数词)_3by(同音词)_4we(宾格)_5okay(缩写形式)_6let us(缩写形式)_7come(过去式)_20. 按要求写词。(1)fly(第三人称单数)_ (2)pl


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