已阅读5页,还剩18页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Where would you like to visit?Period One本溪市第三十中学 徐明Unit 7第1页第1页fascinatingthrillingtiringbeauty-beautifulBenxi Water CaveMount Guan MenPingding mountainBenxi Lake第2页第2页educate education educationaltouristy第3页第3页SingaporeNiagara Falls:尼亚加拉大瀑布Mexico:墨西哥thrillingFlorida:弗罗里达州relaxing第4页第4页积极意义被动意义令人厌烦令

2、人激动令人疲劳令人感兴趣令人放松感到厌烦感到激动感到疲劳感兴趣放松boring excitingtiringinterestingrelaxing boredexcitedtiredinterestedrelaxed第5页第5页1c西湖云南上海桂林千山第6页第6页1bPersonPlace WhySamGinaFloridahas been stressed out. Brazillikes exciting vacations第7页第7页_I love places where the people are really friendly._I hope to see Niagara Fal

3、ls some day._I like places where the weather is always warm._I hope to visit Hawaii one day.34212aListen and number these statements in the order that you hear them.定语从句(未来)有一天wish与hope 使用办法区别.doc第8页第8页Listen again and match each place with a reasonwhy do the people decide not to visit these places?

4、 place Reason not to visit the place_ 1. Hawaii_ 2. Mexico_ 3.Niagaraa. We dont know the language.b. Its too touristy.c. Theres not much to do there.2babc第9页第9页the White HouseA: Where would you like to visit? B: I hope to some day.C: I do, too. I like places where.D:Id love to HawaiiShanghaiBenxi wa

5、ter CaveNiagara FallsMount Guan MenMexico第10页第10页A thousand miles begins with one step!Summary第11页第11页 peaceful fascinatingthrilling touristyeducational tiring在度假 沉着;轻松;不紧张on vacationtake it easy七嘴八舌第12页第12页我想穿越丛林。Id like to_the jungle.他喜欢天气总是很暖和地方。He likes the places_ 那没什么事情可做。There is not much_.希望

6、有朝一日我们还能再会面。I hope we can meet again_.trek throughwhere the weatheris always warm.to do thereone day第13页第13页我希望有一天能去游览夏威夷。I hope to visit Hawaii some day.你愿意去哪里旅游?Where would you like to visit?Id like to go somewhere relaxing.我愿意去放松地方。Id love to visit Shanghai.我愿意去游览上海.你愿意去哪度假?Where would you like t

7、o go on vacation?第14页第14页1. The house _ we live in is very big.2. He talked about the teachers and schools _ he had visited.3. There is nothing in the world _ can frighten him.4. We visited a factory _ makes toys for children.5. Is this the place _ your father once lived?用where;that;which填空that&whic

8、hthatthatthat&whichwhere第15页第15页Some advice on travelPack some medicineTake your sunglass ,umbrellas and hats衣着要宽松,应选棉麻等质地疏松,透气衣服 潜水不碰珊瑚鱼 晕船按内关穴+足三里 调整和适应时差 到欧美国家旅游应当有一点小费意识 安全第一 ,避免走失、溺水或受到意外伤害 第16页第16页Where 作为关系副词引导定语从句We came to the factory where we worked five years ago.We came to the factory th

9、at we could see in our school.He will never forget the place where he had an accident last year.第17页第17页1.Is this the park_ we visited last week?A. where B.which C.why D.when2.This is the factory _ he worked last year.A. where B.when C.that D.why 3.This is the place _my aunt was born in.A.who B.that

10、 C.where D.whose4. Have you been to the new sport center _is just opened in town ?A. where B. who C.when D.that5. I love places _ the people are friendly.A. where B.that C.when D.which BABDA当引导词在定语从句中充当状语时,只能用关系副词where;当引导词在从句中充当宾语或主语时,用关系代词that 或which.第18页第18页 1. hope 意为 “希望”,“愿望”。后面可接动词不定式或宾语从句。 M

11、y uncle hopes to buy a new house next year. 我希望有一天能去游览夏威夷。e.g.2.hope还能够与 so 或 not 连用,作为简略必定或否认回答。 Will he buy you a present? I hope so / not. 他会给你买个礼物吗? 我希望他会 / 不。e. g.第19页第19页Wish也可表示“希望”“愿望”但所表示希望实现也许性不大。其句型是wish to do sth.我渴望去北京参观。- wish sb to do sth She wished me to be an doctor. -wish that 后接从句

12、时多用虚拟语调 we wish that he could come. -wish sb sth祝你新年高兴!I wish to visit Beijing.I wish you a happy new year!第20页第20页Where would you like to visit? 你愿意去哪里旅游?I hope to go to France some day. Grammar FocusId like to go somewhere relaxing.Id love to visit Mexico.would like to : “想做; 愿意做” 这里,d是would 缩略形式;love 使用办法同于like; 还能够用 hope to do 往返答。第21页第21页(2) some day 意为“(未来)有一天,有朝一日”。 这是英式使用办法,美式使用办法写作someday, 两者无区别。假如表示过去“有一天”时,使用one day, the other day等。My dream will come true som


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