



1、英文总分值作文:怎样增加年轻人对本国历史人物的兴趣作文题目:Many young people today know more about international pop and movie stars than about famous people in the history in their country.Why is this?What can be done to increase young people s interest in famous people in the history of their country?今天许多年轻人对国际流行音乐和电影明星的了解比他们

2、国家历史上的名人还 要多。这是为什么呢?怎样做才能提高年轻人对本国历史上名人的兴趣?大作文范文An ever increasing number of the young these days are die-hard fans of international celebrities, such as pop and movie stars but unfortunately pay little attention to prominent historical figures in their own home country, an unhealthy but universal ph

3、enomenon that will take a heavy toll on those young people themselves as well as the society as a whole. The mass media is the principal contributor to this phenomenon.现在越来越多的年轻人这些天是铁杆粉丝的国际名人,如流行音乐和电影明星但 不幸的小注意著名历史人物在自己的祖国,不健康的,但普遍现象,将会造成严重 的那些年轻人本身以及社会作为一个整体。群众传媒是造成这一现象的主要原因。That media excessively

4、expose popular shows that are exclusively about these pop stars on TV, the Internet, and instant information on phones and employ them advertise are mainly responsible for this. Bombarded with different information, especially the gossip, about famous stars anytime and anywhere, young people have th

5、us become gradually familiar with almost everything with those stars, and even become fanatical fans implicitly. It is the effects of fans that empower entertainment companies to invite those stars to endorse their products, and this win-win strategy not just enhances the recognition of internationa

6、l pop stars but also helps these companies advertise their products. But few media or advertisers will introduce the well-known people in the history in headlines Jet alone invites them to advertise their products, so that the younger generation then overlook them even though they have made way more

7、 significant contributions to society than those pop stars.媒体过度曝光电视、网络、手机上关于这些明星的流行节目,并利用这些节目做 广告,是造成这一现象的主要原因。在各种各样的信息轰炸下,尤其是关于明星 的八卦,在任何时间、任何地点,年轻人已经逐渐熟悉了明星们的几乎一切,甚 至含蓄地成为了狂热的粉丝。正是粉丝的作用使得娱乐公司能够邀请这些明星代 言他们的产品,这种双赢的策略不仅提高了国际流行明星的认知度,也帮助这些 公司宣传他们的产品。但很少有媒体或广告商会在头条上介绍历史上的名人,更 不用说邀请他们为自己的产品做广告了,这样,年轻一代

8、就会忽视他们,即使他 们对社会做出了比那些流行歌星更重要的贡献。In reversing this negative trend, the mass media itself is the most effective and efficient shortcut. In other words, the mass media need to assume the responsibility for bringing historical celebrities into the very focus of young people and for increasing their medi

9、a exposure. The entertainment industry should commit itself to filming the story of their life or inviting them as its brand spokesman. In this way, the young will realize that it is those celebrities who are the core of the society and that without them the society would not progress so fast.在扭转这种消极趋势的过程中,群众传媒本身就是最有效和最有效的捷径。换句 话说,群众媒体需要承当起责任,把历史名人带入年轻人的视野,增加他们的媒 体曝光率。娱乐产业应该致力于拍摄他们的生活故事,或者邀请他们作为自己的 品牌代言人。这样,年轻人就会意识到,社会的核心是那些名人,没有他们,社 会就不会进步得那么快。In conclusion, the mass media are the chi


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