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1、 他们临终时流露出的对死亡的恐惧、对生命的眷恋和对自身的悔恨,别说让家属撕心裂肺肝肠寸断,就是我们这些施治者也心痛不已! 百草枯中毒Paraquat Poisoning 东南大学附属中大医院急诊科 徐昌盛主要内容认识百草枯1百草枯中毒相关知识2百草枯中毒的治疗3病例分享4百草枯-发展1882年Weidel和Rosso首度合成百草枯;1933年Michaelis和Hill发现其氧化还原特性(指示剂:甲基紫精);1955年除草特性被发现Jealotts Hill International Research ,UK ;1962年英国卜内门公司Syngenta开始生产;现120多个国家使用百草枯。百

2、草枯-化学特性化学名:1,1-二甲基-4,4-联吡啶二氯化物;别名:克芜踪、对草快、甲基紫精;分子式: C12H14N2,分子量: 186.3 ;性状:白色结晶,极易溶于水,在碱性溶液中水解;除草机制:终止植物的光合作用和叶绿素的合成。PQ的降解-紫外线和微生物百草枯-中国1978年黑龙江省农垦系统进口百草枯;先正达公司在南通建立世界级技术中心和原药生产厂,2006年生产2.1万余吨,占中国市场的50以上 ;2004年6月1日实施国家标准,强制性标准:百草枯与三氮唑嘧啶酮(PP796)比40050。主要内容认识百草枯1百草枯中毒相关知识2百草枯中毒的治疗3病例分享4流行病学-中国台湾于1985

3、年首次报道20例;中山医附属三院刘金来于1991年首次报道2例(中华劳动卫生职业病杂志,1991,9:224-226)。到目前为止,中毒和死亡人数?1991-2008 年我国百草枯中毒文献分析有效文献:369篇,总例数8370例,男性3096例 (37),女性5274例(63);痊愈4212例(50.3),死亡4000例(47.8),放 弃治疗158例(1.9)。 南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院毒理学系中国急救医学,2010,30:139-141百草枯中毒的发病趋势中国急救医学,2010,30:139-141中等毒性?口服LD50:大鼠为150mg/kg,小鼠196mg/kg;WHO和联合

4、国粮农组织均标定百草枯为中等毒性(Moderately hazardous) ;人口服致死量为3040mg/kg10ml(20%)。STOP-PARAQUAT !禁止使用:瑞典(1983)、科威特(1985)、芬兰(1986)、 澳大利亚(1993)、丹麦(1995)、斯洛文尼亚(1997)、马来西亚(2002)、英国(2007)、德国(2007)等13国;限制使用:印度尼西亚(1990)、韩国(1991)、匈牙利(1991)、德国(1993)、多哥(1999)、美国(?)百草枯-吸收和分布吸收部位:主要在小肠,载体介导的转运(刷状缘);吸收率:口服吸收率为17.6%,6h内吸收1-5%(人)

5、,食物减少吸收;2-4h达峰浓度,达峰15h后血浆浓度快速下降,分布半衰期5-7h,消除半衰期84h。百草枯-吸收和分布2-4h达峰浓度,达峰15h后血浆浓度快速下降,分布半衰期5-7h,消除半衰期84h;几乎不与血浆蛋白结合,Vd1.21.6L/kg;分布:肺、肾、肝、肌肉(储存库)等。人体毒物代谢动力学分布半衰期5-7h,消除半衰期84hHum Exp Toxicol, 1990,9(1):5-12百草枯-代谢和清除吸收入体内的PQ不代谢;肠道内微生物分解部分PQ;原型从肾脏排出(肾小球滤过和肾小管主动分泌),肾功能显著影响PQ的排泄(PQ可致肾小管坏死);肝胆管上皮细胞分泌,存在肝肠循环

6、。发病机制百草枯为一种电子受体,作用于细胞内的氧化还原反应,在细胞内活化为自由基,可引起肺、肝、肾等脏器细胞膜脂质过氧化,从而造成组织细胞损害; 发病机制-肺Destructive Phase:大量自由基使肺泡上皮、肺毛细血管上皮细胞肿胀、变性、坏死,炎症细胞浸润,导致肺泡炎和肺水肿,肺脏充血、出血、水肿、重量增加,胸膜面、隔面有暗红色淤斑;Proliferative Phase:成纤维细胞分泌大量胶原,破坏肺泡的正常结构,丧失气体交换能力。中毒6天后,肺泡腔内渗出液开始机化,成纤维细胞肥大,分泌胶原纤维。Schematic representation of the mechanism of

7、 paraquat toxicity. A, Cellular diaphorases; SOD, superoxide dismutase;CAT, catalase; GPx, glutathione peroxidase; Gred, glutathione reductase; PQ2+, paraquat; PQ+, Paraquat monocation free radical;HMP, hexose monophosphate pathway; FR, Fenton reaction;HWR,HaberWeiss reaction, PUS; polyamine uptake

8、system. 临床表现局部刺激反应 : 口腔和咽部烧灼感,口腔及食道糜烂、溃疡、出血; 皮肤红斑、水疱或溃疡; 结膜和角膜灼伤。 临床表现 呼吸系统 :大量口服者24h内出现肺水肿、出血,常在3d内因ARDS而死亡;部分病人在10-14d出现迟发性肺纤维化,呈进行性呼吸困难;非大量吸收者开始时肺部症状可不明显,但在1-2周内因发生肺纤维化,逐渐出现肺部症状。临床表现肺脏影像学变化早期(3天1周):肺纹理增多,肺野透亮度减低或呈毛玻璃样改变,也可见点、片状阴影;中期(12周):肺出现实变或大片实变;后期(2周后): 肺纹理粗乱,叶间裂增厚或呈网格状改变,并可出现肺不张。 中华急诊医学杂志,20

9、09,18:200-203临床表现消化系统:恶心、呕吐、腹胀、腹痛、腹泻甚至血便,胃肠功能衰竭。数天后出现肝大、黄疸、肝功能异常;泌尿系统:有膀胱炎症状,可发生肾脏损害甚至ARF。尿常规可见蛋白、细胞及管型等 ;其他:如发热、血压下降、心肌损害;肌肉坏死(CK升高)亦可发生神经精神症状。Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 2008,38:1371 实验室检查外周血细胞计数明显升高;肝、肾脏、心、胰腺损害标志物;肺泡-动脉血氧分压差增大,低氧血症;血浆或尿中可检出百草枯。实验室检查-血和尿毒物的定性定量尿定性检测:取尿5ml ,置于玻塞试管中,加入0.1g碳酸氢钠和0

10、.1g连二亚硫酸钠(强还原剂),将试管倒转2次(不要振摇),百草枯立显蓝色;尿半定量检测:add 10 ml of urine to 2 ml of a freshly prepared 1% sodium dithionite in 1 N sodium hydroxide。53 patients. Almost all patients with urinary PQ concentrations less than 1 g/ml within 24h survived. more than + (navy blue; 10 g/ml) within 24 h have a high pr

11、obability of death. Hum Toxicol. 1987 ,6(1):91-93Quantitative Test: Spectrophotometrythe detection limit was 0.10 g/ml浙江大学医学院附属第一医院肾脏病中心中华急诊医学杂志,2010,19(4):361-364实验室毒物检测方案预后评估Prognostic factorsIntoxication route 、 Suicidal or accidental?the formulation and concentrationthe amount ingested and the t

12、ime since ingestionthe presence or absence of food in the gut spontaneous emesis and the color of the vomitus decontamination measuresThe severity of skin,or mucous lesionsMODS?plasma and urinary PQ concentrationplasma concentration and survival probability (218 cases)Lancet, 1984 , 24,2(8413):1222-

13、1223plasma concentration and survival probability (277 cases)Q J Med 2009; 102:251259预后-中毒程度分级轻度中毒:摄入量40mg/kg,严重的胃肠道症状,口咽部溃疡,多脏器功能衰竭,数小时至数日内死亡。预后-病死率作者单位轻型中重型爆发性总病死率张宝兰1南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院毒理学系49.7%(4158/8370)马增香22009沧州市人民医院急救中心0(0/20)41%(24/59)89%(24/27)45.3%(48/106)HYO-WOOK GIL3 2008Soonchunhyang Che

14、onan Hospital, Korea70.7%(265/375)田英平42006河北医科大学第二医院急诊科46.9%(53/113)JA-LIANG LIN51999Chang Gung Memorial Hospital ED0(0/21)40%(20/50)100%(71/71)64%(91/142)1 中国急救医学,2010,30:139-141;2 中华劳动卫生职业病杂志,2009,27:493-494;3 Clinical Toxicology,2008, 46:515518;4 中国急救医学,2006,26:542-543;5 Am J Respir Crit Care Med

15、,1999:159:357360.主要内容认识百草枯1百草枯中毒相关知识2百草枯中毒的治疗3病例分享4治疗原则 阻止毒物的吸收 促进毒物的排出 抗氧化和抗炎治疗 防止肺纤维化 对症治疗及救援 The window of effective treatment is very narrow! Preventing Paraquat AbsorptionAs quickly as possible!Preventing Paraquat Absorption- gastric lavage推荐:摄入2h内洗胃,加入活性炭或漂白土,谨防食管和胃穿孔Bramley and Hart were unab

16、le to demonstrate an improved prognosis resulting from the use of gastric lavage in a study of 262 cases of PQ poisoning referred to a poison information center in the UK(Hum Toxicol,1983,2: 417) Without administration of an adsorbent, gastric lavage should never be used!Preventing Paraquat Absorpti

17、on- activated charcoal100 g活性碳可吸附810 g PQ;推荐剂量:12y 100g/0.5L水,12y 15%混悬液100-150g,12y 12ml/kg,12y 0.751.15ml/kg ,or magnesium citrate 30g;备选方案:甘露醇、硫酸镁无临床研究Preventing Paraquat Absorption-WBI? Dog, WBI with PEG-ES 50 mL/kg/h was begun 1 hour after paraquat administration and continued for 5 hoursAfter

18、the 5-hour,WBI and control plasma paraquat concentrations were 5.61.8 and 33.010.2 mg/L.this procedure removed 68.9% of the ingested dose .Human Exp Toxicol 1992;11:495504.WBI-dosage WBI fluid is best administered through a nasogastric tube.a recommended dosing schedule : Children 9 months to 6 year

19、s: 500 mL/h Children 612 years: 1000 mL/h Adolescents and adults: 15002000 mL/hWBI should be continued at least until the rectal effluent is clear. American Academy of Clinical Toxicology* European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologist Journal of Toxicology, 2004,42(6):843854.治疗原则

20、 阻止毒物的吸收 促进毒物的排出 抗氧化和抗炎治疗 防止肺纤维化 对症治疗及救援 The window of effective treatment is very narrow! Increasing Paraquat EliminationAs quickly as possible!Increasing Paraquat Elimination- charcoal hemoperfusionEfficacy of charcoal hemoperfusion in paraquat poisoning At a flow rate of 200 ml/min,9399% of PQ in

21、 4 L solution (5, 10, 100 ppm) was removed in 160 min. The elimination t1/2 was 16 min 10s. At a flow rate of 100 ml/min, it was 49 min 30s.病死率:HP组: 10/15(67%) 非HP组:6/8(75%)Artif Organs,1982,6(1):37-42Comparison between kidney and hemoperfusion for paraquat elimination. PQ clearance and the actual a

22、mount of PQ : HP 111 11 ml/min , 251 506 mg Renal 80 56ml/min , 75 74 mg As the creatinine clearance decreased, the PQ elimination by HP was as effective as or more effective than the renal eliminationDepartment of Internal Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital, Cheonan, Korea.J Korean

23、 Med Sci,2009 , 24 Suppl:S156-60.Effect of haemoperfusion on plasma paraquat concentration in vitro and in vivo Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Research Institute, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine,Cheonan, KoreaToxicology and Industrial Health, 2003,19: 17 -23Hemoperfusion-h

24、emodialysis ineffective for paraquat removal in life-threatening poisoning?On admission blood paraquat was 15.8 g/ml. HP-HD started within 3 hours after ingestion and lasted 5 hours, died after 5 days. Blood clearances : HP 116 32 ml/min HD90 54 ml/min , HP-HD 151 37 ml/min Tissue paraquat levels (g

25、/g wet tissue): skeletal muscle 9.4, pancreas 6.0, prostate 5.6, thyroid 4.2, lungs 4.0, bone marrow 4.0, kidney 3.1, spleen 2.9, adrenal 2.9, heart 2.8, liver 2.3, stomach and testis below 1.0. .J Toxicol Clin Toxicol, 1985,23,117-131.HP or HP+CVVH?RCT 1996-1999 80 casesChunchon Sacred Heart Hospit

26、al Koreagastric lavage, activated charcoal or Fullers earth +20% mannitol , charcoal HP 6 hdexamethasone 10 mg q 6 h 3 d, vitamin C 3 g/d 5 -7 dAm J Kidney Dis. 2002 ,39(1):55-59Comparisons Between the HP and HP-CVVH GroupsVariablesHPHP-CVVHPNo. of patients4436Age (y)47 1643 170.25Male sex (%)61.458

27、.30.82Amount of paraquat ingested (mouthful)2.3 0.92.0 0.90.25Urine dithionite test (%)0.70Negative2.32.8Mild to moderate52.361.1Severe45.436.1Time to HP after ingestion (h)6.4 3.45.7 2.90.33Duration of HP (h)7.2 3.55.5 1.70.01Time to death after ingestion (d)2.5 2.15.0 5.080 mmHg . repeated pulse t

28、herapy with MP(1 g/day 3 days) and CP (15 mg/kg/day 1 day), which was repeated if Pao2 was 60mmHg. mortality rate : the control group 85.7% the experimental group 31.3 %Lin JL, et al. Crit Care Med,2006, 34: 368373.CP + MP + DEX effectsMP + DEX is known as a strong anti-inflammatory treatment , supp

29、ressing O.2 production by neutrophils and macrophages. CP exerts immunomodulatory effects that influence all components of the cellular and humoral immune response.CP-induced leukopenia 12 weeks later may contribute to reduce pulmonary inflammatory process of PQ-poisoned patients.推荐方案环磷酰胺注射液说明书【性状与药理】 白色结晶或结晶性粉末,抑制DNA的合成【药代动力学】 静注后血浆t1/2 46h,48h经肾排出50%70%。【适应症】恶性淋巴瘤、淋巴细胞白血病、多发性骨髓瘤等【用法和用量】每次5001000mg/m2,加NS 2030ml静脉,qw2【不良反应】 骨髓抑制:白细胞减少常见,最低值在用药后12w,多在23w后恢复。胃肠道:食欲减退、恶心呕吐,停药13d可消失。泌尿道:可致出血性膀胱炎,其他:脱发、口腔炎、中毒性肝炎、皮肤色素沉着、月经紊乱、无精子或精子减少及肺纤维化等。 【注意事项】多饮水,应水化、利尿,同时给予尿路


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