1、 (100分,100 分钟完成Section ADirections:InSectionA,youwillheartenshortconversationsntwoof each conversation, a question will be asked about what was saidThe conversations and the questionswillbespokenonlyonceAfteryouhearaconversationand (100分,100 分钟完成Section ADirections:InSectionA,youwillheartenshortconv
2、ersationsntwoof each conversation, a question will be asked about what was saidThe conversations and the questionswillbespokenonlyonceAfteryouhearaconversationandthequestionaboutit,the sible answers on your r, and decide which one is the best answer to questionyouhaveA.AtaC.AtaA.A.HehasB.Ata.D.Atade
3、partment B. erestinD.B.HeisnotsatisfiedwiththeD.HelikesthelocationoftheC. He testhe A.SheisabouttosayC.SherememberstheactressA.ShepreferscoffeetoC.SheseldomhasteawithB.ShelthenameatD.ShehasnoidesoftheactressatB.Sheusuallydrinkscoffeewithdessert. D.She usually drinks tea with dessert.A.B. C. D.A.Teac
4、herandC.LibrarianandA.Going toC.BuyinganewA.ShepreferstennistoC.HersecondfavoritesportisB.BookstoremanagerandD.AirhostessandB.FixinghisclockbyD.AskingsomeonetorepairB.TennisisnotherfavoriteD.ShelikestennisbutnotA.B. C. D.TheSectionDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you w
5、ill be asked three questions on eachof the passagesThe passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken sibleanswersonyourranddecide ouldbethebestanswertothequestionyouhaveheard Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passageA.The kingC.Thebare-footed12. A.ItsmeatasasourceofD
6、.Theblack-footedB.ThewideclassificationofD.PenguinslifeinC.The13. A.TheycsfuleextinctB.ThepoisonouschemicalsinfluencethepenguinsC.ThechemicalshavepoisonedmanypenguinstoD.ThepenguinpopulationwilldropQuestions14through16arebasedonthefollowingA.Livesarelostbyfirefromonesown.B.Soldiersarehesitantlthe C.
7、ThenumberofdeathshasD.C.ThechemicalshavepoisonedmanypenguinstoD.ThepenguinpopulationwilldropQuestions14through16arebasedonthefollowingA.Livesarelostbyfirefromonesown.B.Soldiersarehesitantlthe C.ThenumberofdeathshasD.ThefriendlyfireincidentsaregoingA.HowandwheretheyC.WhereandwhentheyFriendlyfirealert
8、systemsarenotfastFriendlyidentificationsystemsareEngagementsystemsaretooB.HowandwhytheytakeD.WhereandwhytheyD.Thesisnot SectionDirections: In SectionC, you will hear two longer conversationsThe conversations will be twiceAfteryouheareachconversation,youarerequiredtohenumberedswithinformationyouhaveh
9、eardWriteyouranswersonyouranswers 17through20arebasedonthefollowingCompletetheform.ORDforeachs21through24arebasedonthefollowingCompletetheform.WriteNONTHREEWORDSforeach来源II.GrammarandSectionDirections:Beneatheachofthefollowing therearefourmarkedA, B, C andChoosetheonetbestcompletesthe25. The most im
10、portant thing about cotton in history is part Industrial Revolution.t it played in A./;26.A.B.the; C.the;D.the;mmersbeingavailable,wecanchoosebasedonourB. C. teverybodythe D.27.Theguardatthe gate ovies,what is called when the lawyers on the opsides fall in love? WhatdomanyAmericanbookstoresofferfor
11、single lprogramsand IsiteasiertomeetsomeoneoverNo.Thereis no 23 WhatisthedialoguemainlyApproachesto Cheating on CThe number of university students who cheated: 17Reasons for cheating:Feeling stressed, prered and 18 he past:From 19Someghostwritersatpresent:From A. 28.AfewminutesA.haveC.couldhaveB.C.w
12、illD.wouldr and wetheB.hadD.weretocatch teacher, I the29. But for the A.wouldnotC.wouldprize in the English B.wouldveD.wouldhave30.LookattheterriblesituationIamin!IfonlyIyourA.B.A. 28.AfewminutesA.haveC.couldhaveB.C.willD.wouldr and wetheB.hadD.weretocatch teacher, I the29. But for the A.wouldnotC.w
13、ouldprize in the English B.wouldveD.wouldhave30.LookattheterriblesituationIamin!IfonlyIyourA.B. would C. had D.have 31.Ididntgototheparty,butIdowishIA.Itismost There is a real beingB. C. had D.t he handswithusinourcommonB. C.willD.bet these animals could be frightened, a sudden B.shouldthereC.thereD
14、.therehavingthe school wasnamedafteraherohespenthistB.where;C.which;t;35.llthemagazinesIneeded,IlefttoA.B. to C. D.tobe36.NearlyamonthhadgonebytheyshowedsomesignsofgivingupthepricefortheyhadheldA.B. C. D.37. It is pretty well understood controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the tB. C. D.38.
15、 It is eresting fact men try to do the same things as nature does, they havetodotheminadifferentt B. ttD.39.ThisyearsOlympicGameswillbethebiggesteversportingA.40.BothB.C. D.nkandbluedressesarepretty,butIliketheA.SectionBB. C. Directions:Completethefollowing passagebyusingthehebox.Eachwordcan onlyuse
16、donce.tthereordnyouIt is sible to imagine Paris without its cafs. The city has some 12,000 cafs varying size, grandeur, and 41 . The cafs are like an startandendthedayto 42 anddebate.of the French living room, a place When did the cafs in tart? The oldest caf in Paris is Le Procope. It was opened A.
17、 politicalB. supportedC. gossipD. setAB. literaryAC.aliveAD. significanceAE. entBC. figures1686 by co Procopio dei li, the man who turned o a coffee-society. Le Procope attracted Pariss political and elite, and in this way played animportantpartamongtheupperclass.ofthe18thcentury,allofPariswith coff
18、ee and the city some 700 cafs. These were like all-male clubs, with1686 by co Procopio dei li, the man who turned o a coffee-society. Le Procope attracted Pariss political and elite, and in this way played animportantpartamongtheupperclass.ofthe18thcentury,allofPariswith coffee and the city some 700
19、 cafs. These were like all-male clubs, with manyfunctioningascentersof lifeand.Bythe1840sthenumberofcafshadto 3,000. The men who hese cafs and the theme of the times includedjournalists, playwrights and writers. Around the turn of the 20th century, the sidewalk cafs became the meeting halls for arti
20、sts and literary 47 .Nowadays in Paris cafs still play the role of picture windows for observing life. artistsgatheredatthecafmaynotbeasgreatasthoseofthepast,but justthesame.LingerabitandyouwillttheParisian stereotypesarestill and Youll see the old men in navy berets; ultra-thin, bronzed women with
21、hair dyed bright and schoolchildren sharing an afternoon chocolate with their mothers. The caf in Paris has always been a place for seeing and being seen.III.ReadingSectionDirections:ForeachhefollowingpassagetherearefourwordsorphrasesmarkedandD.Fillineachwiththewordortbestfitstheanized teering and w
22、ork experience has long been a vital companion to degree courses. Usually it is left to 50 to deduce the potential from a list of adventures on a graduates resume, but now the University of Bristol has launched an award to formalize the achievements of students who 51 time to activities outside thei
23、r courses. Bristol PluS aims to boost students in an increasingly competitive job market by hel them acquire work and life skills as well as 52 qualifications.Ourstudentsareaprettyactivebunch,butwet theydidnt te value of what they did outside the lecture hall,” says Jeff Goodman, director of careers
24、 employability at the university. “Employers are ore n they used to be. used to look for 55and sawit as part oftheir jobtoextract the value ofan applicants skills. Now they want students to be able to explain why those skills are 56to the job.”Students who sign up for the awards will be expected to
25、complete 50 hours of work experience or 57 work, attend four workshops on employability skills, take part in an ensive skills-related activity 58 , crully, write a summary of the skills they have gained. 59efforts will gain an Outstanding Achievement Award. Those who perform best on the sports field
26、 can take the Sporting Plus Award which fosters employer-friendly The experience does ve to be anized, “Were not erested in identifiable skills,” says Goodman. “ 61 , one student took the lead in dealing landlord and so negotiation skills. We try to make the experience relevant to individualGoodman
27、hopesthe willenableactivestudentsto fill in anyheirandencouragetheirA.A.ive totakeupactivitiesoutsidetheiracademicareaofB. B. C. C. D.D.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.B. C. C. D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D. B. B. B. B. B. A.A.A.A.A.A.A.B. C. C. D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. AA.A.ForA.A.A.B. InB. B. B.
28、 C. InC. C. C. D.OfD.D.D.SectionDirections: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions unfinishedements.Foreachofthemthere are fourmarked A, B,CandD.ChoosetfitsbestaccordingtotheinformationhepassageyouhavejustCatherineDestivelleisarockstar.Shelovesrock,butshecant
29、 singorplaytheguitar!Shea rock climber and a big star in France and Italy. She is the most famous woman world because she often climbs without ropes. She any countries but most often the French Alps near Chamonix, where she lives. She started climbing near her home in when she was five. Then, at fou
30、rteen, she joined the French Alpine Club to learn more, y she climbed better and more competitioninItalyinn the older members of the club. She Threeyearsagoshefound anewrouteuptheDruMountainnearChamonix.Theclimbeleven days and for four days the snow was so t she could not move. Last year climberstri
31、edtofollowthe newDestivelle Route, but they failed.They are goingtotry People always ask her about her climbing. She says, “I climb because Im in love mountains.Iliketouchingtherockandreadingthefaceoftherock.Ilikeitalot.Ithesideofamountain.IpreparewellbeforeIgo,soImneverhomeCatherine chooses new mou
32、ntains from bookslike buying from a catalogue! see a nice mountain and I go to climb it!” Her next mountain is in Pakistan. She is going next month. “Its much n the Dru, so its going to take longer to climb. An climber,JeffLowe,iscomingwithmeto65CatherineDestivetleiscalled“astar”becauseA.shewonacomp
34、agepeopleoftenaskherA.WhydoyoulikeB.AreyouinlovenAmericanC.DoyouenjoyreadingbooksonD.WhatdoyoudobeforeyougoBelowisahousingguideforstudentsgoingtomodationMany universitymodation offi have their own list of registered landlords. Others also provide information onmodation agencies and other housing ani
35、zation. The advantage of using your universitymodation is t you can get support if you have a problem. The disadvantage is t they are unlikely to have enough registered landlords to houses all their students.Propertyp rs:LootandLoot is an important source of information about private housing for co-
36、renters. The offers arefrompriva andlords,agenciesandindividualslookingforotherco-renters.Theyalsohavea The advantage of using Loot is t there are some excellent bargains. The disadvantage is t there is no quality control over the offers.Renting is another useful p r. The offers his p r are mainly f
37、romagencies. Their website is at The majority of rentedmodation in London is probably advertised through modation agencies. The advantage of modation agencies is t you will ac s to a large number ofmodations. A good agent will listen to your requirements and can save you time in looking for the righ
38、tmodation. The disadvantage is t they will make a range of charges to potential renters.Around the universities you will find a number of notice boards where offers of modation will beted. These will either be from landlords or from students. Some universities will also have online notics where stud
39、ents can advertise to other students. Advertisements from students can be an excellent way to modation. advertisementsfromlandlordscanbeWordofmouth来源Some ofthebest housing inLondonis never advertised butis passed onfrom onegroup of students to another by word of mouth. It might be tyou can find out
40、about good offers from final year students.However, dont sup e t just because you have found out about 69.WhatistheadvantageofusingA.smoreoffersmodati nnB.Itgivesalinformationaboutotherco-C.TheirwebsiteisdesignedmainlyforD.Thereare69.WhatistheadvantageofusingA.smoreoffersmodati nnB.Itgivesalinformat
41、ionaboutotherco-C.TheirwebsiteisdesignedmainlyforD.Therearesomegood70.AgoodagentcanhelpyouA.knowmoreB.findC.getthe modationD.getfreeinformationabout71.TheinformationpassedonbywordofmouthisimportantA.it isntfoundthroughanyotherithelpsyoufindsomeofthebesthousingneverthefinalyearstudentsalwaysofferbett
42、erthelandlordshavelittlevaluable72. For students going to London for reliabletime, which of the following provides the A.C. modation.B.Lootand D.ses.They have astrong needtomake Somechildrenarenatural-their environment, and lead s, n follow. Stephen Jackson, a Year One student, under the theory of w
43、hats mine ismine and whats yours is mine,” says his mother. “The day I bought Star Wars light sabers. Later, I saw Stephen with the ones hisbrotherwasusingthebeat-up“Examinethe extendedfamily, and youll probably findsygrandparent, aunt,unclecousin in every generation. Its an inheritable trait,” says
44、 l Barkley, a professor at Medical University of South Carolina. Other children who may not be sy gradually gain dominance when they sense their parents are weak, hesitant, or in witheachWhetheritsinbornnatureordevelopedcharacteratwork,toomuchhehandsthe young isnt healthy for children or the family.
45、 “Fear is at the root of a lot sy saysfamily psychologistJohnTaylor.Children, he says inhisbook From Defiance to“havesecretfeelingsofweakness”and“adesiretofeelsafe”.ItstheparentsroletotfromafrienditissarilygoingtobetfoundthroughanyotherFaced with the very high rents charged in London, some students
46、and their parents will consider buying asternative. In some cases this might be a good choice.When a s child” doesnt learn limits at home, the stage is set for a host of outsidethefamily.Theoverlywillfulandunbendingchildmayhavetroubleobeyingor coaches, for noone likesle, or trouble syng friends. It
47、can be pretty lonely as the topWhen a s child” doesnt learn limits at home, the stage is set for a host of outsidethefamily.Theoverlywillfulandunbendingchildmayhavetroubleobeyingor coaches, for noone likesle, or trouble syng friends. It can be pretty lonely as the top dog “I see more and more parent
48、s giving up er,” says Barkley, who has behavior for n 30 years. “They bend too far because they dont want to be as theirownparentswere.Buttheyalsofeellessconfidentabouttheirparentingskills.Theirkids,turn,feelmoresychildrenlikeStephenJacksonA.makegoodsB.showself-D.alwaysthinkaboutC.areveryThe underli
49、ned phrase “inheritable trait”in Paragraph2 means inborndeveloped particular75.Thestudysybehaviort parents shouldgiveertotheirchildrenshouldbestrictwiththeirshouldbendbeforetheirshouldnotsetlimitsfortheir76.WhatisthepassagemainlyA.sybehaviorcanbeB.HowwecangetalongsysyC. eadstoD.Whatsybehaviorbringst
50、arehalf-asleepwithonebrainhemisphere alert andtheotherwhichsideofthebrainremainsawake,accordingtoanewstudyofngEar r studies hemispheres take turns ed half-brain sleep in a wide range of birds. The o the sleep stage characterized by slow brain waves. The controlled by the ng hemisphere keeps shut, wh
51、ile the wakeful hemispheres eye openandalert.BirdsalsocansleepwithbothhemispheresrestingatDecades of studies of bird groups led researchers to predict extra alertness in the end-of-the-row sleepers which tend to be attacked more easily. Sure enough, the end birds tended to watch carefully on the sid
52、e away from their companions. Ducks in the inner spots showed no preference f aze direction.Also, birds of the line depend on single-hemisphere sleep, ntotal relaxation, more n inner ducks did. Turning 16 birds through itions in ernal four-duckrow,theresearchers t compared with 12 percent for birds
53、outerbirdshalf-asleepduringsome32percentof“We ve this is evidence for an animal behaviorally controlling sleep wakefulnessatthesametimeindifferentregionsofthebrain,”theresearcherstsingle-hemisphere sleep evolved as creatures scanned for enemies. The preference for an eye on the lookout side could be
54、 widespread, he predicts. Hes seen it in a pair of he zoo and in a single petsingle-hemisphere sleep evolved as creatures scanned for enemies. The preference for an eye on the lookout side could be widespread, he predicts. Hes seen it in a pair of he zoo and in a single pet bird ng by a mirror. The
55、mirror-side closedasifthereflectionwereacompanionandtheothereyestayedUseful as half-ng might be, its only been found in birds and such water animals dolphins, whales, and seals. Perhaps ng one side of the brain awake allows a animaltosurfaceallytoavoidStudies of birds may offer unique o sleep. Jerom
56、e M. Siegel of the UCLA says wondersifbirdshalf-brainsleep“isjustthetipoftheiceberg.”Hemayturnupwhenwetakeacloserlookatotherspecie77.Accordingtothepassage,birdsoftenhalfsleepbecausetmoreA.theyhavetowatchoutsibleattacktheirbrainhemispherestaketurnstothetwohalvesoftheirbrainaredifferentlytheyhavetocon
58、nowandthentobe sensitivetothe ever-changingtawaybyD.avoidbeingt80.Bysaying“justthetipoftheiceberg”,SiegelA.half-brainsleephassomethingtodowithicyB.themysteryofhalf-brainsclosetobeing Cmostbirdslivingincoldregionstendtobehalfsleepers来源D.half-brainsleepmayexistamongotherSectionDirections: Read the fol
59、lowing text and choose the most suitable heading from A-AC for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.KeepupwiththeprogressoftheBeabletocommunicatethroughAcceptcriticalthinkingaspartofonlineabout sharing experien AB.Bewillingto“speakup”ifproblemsariseOnline students require
60、 unique qualities to be sful. The following list discusses idealqualitiesofsfulonlineMany different people t the online method required them to use their t online learning offers them a place toOnline students require unique qualities to be sful. The following list discusses idealqualitiesofsfulonli
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