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1、山西省对口升学考试英语 阐明:1.本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,满分100分,考试时间为90分钟。 2.选择题分三部分,第一部分为共答题,所有考生作答;第二部分由文科类职业模块考生作答; 第三部分由工科类职业模块考生作答。 3.考生必须且只能在下列其中一种职业模块栏后的空格内V”,拟定本人作答部分,在拟定 范畴以外作答-律不计分。 4.考试结束后,讲本试卷和答题卡一并交回。工科类职业模块 文科类职业模块选择题注意事项1.选择题答案必须填涂在答题卡上,写在试卷上的一律不计分。2.答题前,考试务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、座位号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。3.考试须按规定规定对的涂卡,否则后果自负。

2、第-部分共答题(所有考生作答,共70分)一、语音(本大题共10小题,每题1分,合计10分)从A、B.C.D四个选项中,选出划线部分发育不同的一项。1.A.gap B.map C.wash D.stand2.A.sweat B.steam C.speak D.meat3.A.danger B.gas C.hungry D.anger4.A.morning B.horse C.short D.doctorA. within B.that C.this D.think6.A.honey B.hot C.love D.another7.A.nation B.action C.mention D.que

3、stion8.A.windy B.rice C.climate D.mild9.A.wanted B.liked C.needed D.noted10.A.heard B.hear C.near D.dear、单选题(本大題共25小題,毎小題1分,共計25分)从A,B,C,D四个迭項中,逃出空白处的最佳选项。11.-Sorry,I made a mistake again. Practicemoreandyou I dobetternexttime.A.Notatall B.NevermindC.Dont mentionit D.Youarewelcome12. Mr Smith, I sho

4、uld tell youthis is the fifth time you_ me for my twin sister. A. have mistaken B. are mistaking C. had mistaken D. are mistaken 13.It is one of the best books . A. which have been written B. that has ever been writtenC. that have ever been written D. which has been writtenItmayrain,butweshouldgo .

5、A.anyway B.though C.certainly D.however 15.Youshould makingpromisesyoucan,tkeep.prevent B.allowC.protect D.avoid16.BilllwasnthappyaboutthedelayofthereportbyJason,and_A.1wasneither B.neitherwasIC.Iwaseither D.eitherwas!17._applefellfromthetreeandhithimon, head.A.An;the B.The;theC.An;/ D.The:/18.Imsur

6、eAndrewwillwinthefirstprizeinthefinal,forhe_foritfor months.A.ispreparing B,waspreparingC.hasbeenpreparing D.hadprepared19.Ifyou_go,atleastwaituntilthestormisover.A.can B.mayC.must D.will20.Onthenextbirthday,Ann_marriedfortwentyyears.A.willbe B.hasbeenC.is D.willhavebeenSarahpretendedtobecerful_noth

7、ingabouttheargument.Asays B.saidC.tosay D.saying22.Theshockingnewsmadetherealize terribleproblemswewouldface.A.what B.howthat D.why23.Thepartywillbeheldinthegarden,weather .A.topermit B.permittingC.permitted D.permit24.Pleaseremain thewinneroftheawardwillberevealedsoon.A.seating B.to beseatedC.seate

8、d D.seat25.Whatapity!Consideringhisabilityandexperience,he_better.A.mighthavedone B.musthavedoneC.neednthavedone D.couldnthavedone26.1often thewords,IdontknowinthedictionaryorontheInternet.A.lookup B.lookatC.lookfor D.lookinto27.Youhavetomoveoutoftheway_,Jthetruckcannotget pastyou.A.so B.orC.and D.b

9、utIfshedoesntwanttogo,nothingyousaywill her. A.persuade B.promise C.invite D.supportIamnotreallymadather,butIcantlthatherremarkshurtme.A.deny B.refuseC.reject D.decline30.1hadhardlygottotheoffice_mywifephonedmetogobackhomeatonce. A.until B.when C.than D.after31.ItsuddenlyoccurredtohimYhehadlefthiske

10、ysintheoffice. A.whether B.when C.which D.that32.-HaveyoupaidWhatsmyshareofthebill? Itwasntmuch. A.Dontworryabout it B.l myshare C.Noneofyoubusiness D.Ituptoyou33.Onethirdofthecounty coveredwithtreesandthemajorityofthecitiesblack A.is,is B.is,are C.are;are D.are;is34.Togetabettergrade,youshould then

11、otesagainbeforethetest. A.takeover B.getover C.turnover D.goover-Wouldyougetmeabarofchocolatefromthekitchen,dear?- one? A.Other B.Every C.Another D.More三、完型填空(本大題共15小題.毎小題1分、共汁15分)从A, B, C、D四个逃項中,逃出空白処的最佳迭項.AsIenteredwomanhood,momtoldmethatnomatterwhathappenedandnomatterwhatIdid,Icouldalwayscomehome

12、.Becauseofwhatthosewordsmeanttome,Isaidthesamethingtomy36.My childhood was flled with 37 -a lot of kisses, lots of hugs, and lots of spoken“Ilove you” .Because of what those meant to me. Igave my sons the same things. My mom came froma 38 family and had a difficult childhood, yet she never 39 about

13、how unlucky she was. 40 my mom, I saw love s ability to forgive. I saw my sweet mom love my Grandpa, 41 he had abandoned her and my Grandma and failed to 42 for their needs; I never saw mom treat Grandpa any way but lovingly,even though he was far from_ 43_ .I learned how love behaves and forgives.

14、I watched my mom 44 my 100-year-old grandma who, in her blindness, deafness and feebleness(虚弱) needed almost total care. When! was in her home, I heard whatl ve heard all my life, Ilove you, mom. They would 45 this to each other at least five times a day when mom got Grandma up, made her comfortable

15、 in bed, or prepared her 46 .And I would hearlove s 47 when Grandma said, AndI love you too. Love forgives and 48 , not focusing on what has happened. Instead, love s focus is on what needs to be done and on doing it the_ 49 we can. My mom taught me to love: she told meto 50 it on to my children, an

16、d she showedforgiveness herself.36. A friends B. children C. settlersr D.neighbors37. A. happiness B. entertainment C confusion D, attraction38. A.famous B.broken C.fortunate D.peaceful39. A regretted B.argued C.complained D.wondered40, A. With B.Like C.In D.BeforeA.if B.because C.rso D.although42.

17、A.offer B.provide C.support D.react43. A.being modest B.beingordinary C.beingkind D.beingsmart44. A.pickup B.bringout C.lookafter D.turnto45. A.whisper B.amuse C.greet D.encourage46. A.gesture B.dormitory C.mess D.meal47. A.question B.response C.solution D.measure48. Awalkson B.fallsbehind C.moveson

18、_ D.runsaway49. A.quickest B.least C.longest D.best50. A.put B.look C.pass. D.write四、阅读理解(本大题共10小题。每题2分,合计20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出符合题目规定的最佳选项。AIn America Mothers Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. On that day we send our mothers a special Mothers Day card, and perhaps some flowers or candy,

19、 to show our love and appreciation for all they have done for us. Although Mothers Day is a relatively new holiday in America, more and more other countries are also setting aside a day to honor their mothers.It all started over a hundred years ago with a woman named Anna May.Anna was born on May 1,

20、1864, just before the end of the Civil War and the assassination of President Lincoln. She was the daughter of a“minister”, which in American English means a church leader. She was a quiet girl who liked to study in school, but she liked everyone and was liked by everyone as well.After she became an

21、 adult, Anna worked for life insurance company in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-a city about halfway between New York City and Washington D.C. Then, in 1906, just two weeks after Annas 42nd birthday, her mother died. It was the second Sunday in May.In the months that followed, Anna began to change. No

22、longer was she so gentle, so relaxed and easy-going. Instead she now had just one goal for her life-to have her mother and all other honored throughout the whole world on the second Sunday of May.After more than a year of careful planning, Anna arranged the first Mothers Daychurch service, on May10,

23、 1908, in Crafton, West Virginia. The next year Anna was able to get the city of Philadelphia, where she lived and worked, to proclaim the second Sunday of May as an official Mothers Day - the first city to do so. After three more years, the state of West Virginia, where Annas mother had lived, made

24、 Mothers Day a statewide observance-for a holiday in the normal sense, but still a day to remember what mothers have done for their children and society.51.Which answer is right about Mothers Day?A. In America, Mothers Day is a new holiday.B. More and more countries are put aside their tradition of

25、celebrating Mothers Day.C. In America, Mothers Day is on the second Sunday in May.D. Throughout the world, Mothers Day is celebrated on the same day.52.Choose the right explanation of the word“observance”in the last paragraph.A. remark made by peopleB. action in accordance with customC. performance

26、of certain traditionD. notice paid widely53.How long in all had Anna spent to establish Mothers Day in West Virginia?A. From May 10, 1908 to May 10, 1911.B. For more than four years.C. For more than three years.D. For about three years.54.Choose the right understanding of this passage.A. Anna was bo

27、rn just before the assassination of President Lincoln which ended the Civil War.B. Anna was a daughter of a minister which in English means a church worker.C. Annas mothers death had done a little damage to her easy life.D. The mothers day celebrated in West Virginia is not a normal holiday, but a d

28、ay with special meaning.55.According to the passage, what most probably happened in the paragraph following it?A. The United States Congress proclaimed the Second Sunday in May as Mothers Day forever in the United States.B. Mothers Day gradually became a commercial celebration.C. Anna retired from h

29、er job with a fortune of over a hundred thousand dollars.D. People stopped buying candy to their mothers.BOne day a few years ago, a very funny thing happened to a neighbor of mine. He is a teacher at one of Londons big medical schools. He had finished his teaching for the summer term and was at the

30、 airport on his way to Russia to give a lecture.He had put a few clothes and his lecture notes in his shoulder bag, and he had put Rupert, the skeleton(人体骨架) to be used in his lecture, in a large brown suitcase. At the airport desk, he suddenly thoughtthat he had forgotten to buy a newspaper. He lef

31、t his suitcase near the desk and went over to the shop.When he got back, he discovered that someone had taken his suitcase by mistake. He often wonderswhat they said when they got home and found Rupert.56.Who wrote the story?Ruperts teacher.B. The neighbors teacher.C. A medical school teacher.D. The

32、 teachers neighbor.57.Why did the teacher put a skeleton in his suitcase?He needed it for the summer term in London.B. He needed it for the lecture he was going to give.C. He wanted to take it to Russia for medical research.D. He wanted to take it home as he had finished his teaching.58.What happene

33、d at the airport?The skeleton went missing.B. The skeleton was stolen.C. The teacher forgot his suitcase.D. The teacher took the wrong suitcase.59.Which of the following best tells the teachers feeling about the incident?He was angry.B. He thinks it very funny.C. He feels helpless without Rupert.D.

34、He feels good without Rupert.60. Which of the following might have happened afterwards?Which of the following might have happened afterwards?The teacher got back the suitcase but not Rupert.B. The teacher got back neither the suitcase nor Rupert.C. The teacher got back Rupert but not the suitcase.D.

35、 The teacher got back both the suitcase and Rupert.第二部分(文科类职业模块考生作答,共15分)五、单选题(本大题共5小题,每题1分,合计5分)从A、B、C.D四个选项中,选出空白处的最佳选项。61.-MyhusbandandIarecelebratingourtenththisweekend.-Oh! .A.Cheerup B.GoaheadC.Congratulation D.Sorrytohearthat62.-_?-1dliketohaveadoublecheeseburgerandacake.A.whatcolourdoyoulike

36、 B.Whatwouldyouliketoorder C.Areyou freetomorrow D.Howwouldyouliketopay63.-WeneedthreesingleroomsforthefirstweekinJune.- .Thehotelsnotbusythen.A.Noproblem B.DontmentionB.Nevermind D.Itdoesntmatter-Wouldyouhelpmecarrysomeofthesebags?- .A.Yes,quiteright B.NevermindC.youarewelcome D.Withpleasure is not

37、 a safety sign .A.DANGER B.CAUTIONC.CASHIER D.WARNING六阅读理解(本大题共5小题,每题2分,合计10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出符合题自规定的最佳选项。Martin Luther King was a black minister, who became a great leader of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. King was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. When he was young,

38、 he was strongly influenced by Thoreau and Indian leader Mahatma Gandhis idea of non-violent resistance. Having received a Ph. D (Doctor of Philosophy) from Boston University, he became a political and religious leader of the non-violent civil relights movement in 1955. On August 28, 1963, he led ov

39、er 250,000 Americans on a march in Washington D.C. to fight for the Civil Rights Law to guarantee equality for all people, and delivered his best known speech I Have a Dream before the Lincoln Memorial. The dream is a dream of brotherly love and equality for the Black and White. Thus, he was awarded

40、 the Nobel Prize for peace in 1964, but he was murdered four years later. Though he died, he was greatly respected and loved by the Americans, both the white and the black. By vote of Congress in 1968, the third Monday of every January is now a federal holiday in Luther Kings honor. He lives in peop

41、les hearts forever.MartinLutherKingwasmurderedwhenhewas_Lyearsold. A.64 B.50 C.39 D.28MartinLutherKingwas a .A.political leader B.black ministerC.religious leader D.allof the above68. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A Martin Luther King waskilledin 1964. B. Marti

42、n Luther Kings Day has been a federal holiday for more than 40 years. C. Martin Luther King urged his people to get equality and freedom through violence.69. The underlined word delivered in the second paragraph could be replaced by A. gave B.threw C.announced D.published70. What s the best title fo

43、r this passage? A.Civil Rights Movement B.How to Award the Nobel Prize C.Martin Luther King D.Civil Rights Law第三部分(工科类职业模块考生作答,共15分) 七、单选题(本大题共5小题,每题1分,合计5分) 从A、B、C. D四个选项中,选出空白处的最佳选项。 71. 1.3t equals . A.1300 kg B.1300g C.1300cm D.1300km各 72. is not a unit of capacity, A.cubic millimeter B.liter C.

44、millimeter D.centimeter73.20Cis as warm as . A 20 B.68 C.88 D.10074In the USA, the emergency number is . A.110 B.120 C.119 D.91175. The teacher asked the students to write an_ composition in English. A eight-hundred-word B.eight-hundreds wordeight-hundred-word D.eight -hundreds -words八.阅读理解(本大題共5小懸,

45、毎小題2分.共汁10分) 从A,B、C,D四个选项中,迭出符合題目规定的最佳选项. The California State Railroad Museum (CSRM)in Old Sacramento totals 100,000 squarefeet. Completedata costof S16.1 million, the museum opened in May 1981 It houses21 old locomotives (火车头) and cars, some dating back to 1862. Here, visitors can learn a lot abou

46、t railroad historyin California and the West in America. Hours& Tickets The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m, daily (except on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year s Day). Tickets are sold until430p.m S12 adults; S6 students; children aged 5 and under are free.Parking A small number of metered parking spaces are available on the streetsof OldSacra


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