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1、Unit 2 GrammarThe basic elements of a sentence: Subject+PredicateThe predicate can be as follows: ( 1 ) 系动词+ 表语( 名词, 形容词,副词, 不定式, 分词. 动名词, 介词短语 ) ( 2 ) 及物动词 + ( 宾语 / 双宾语 / 宾语+ 宾补 ) ( 3 ) 不及物动词 + ( 状语 ) ( 4 ) 情态动词 + 动词 ( 5 ) there be 句型Summary 1简单谓语 凡是由一个动词(包括成语动词)构成的谓语,不管是什么时态、语态、语气,都是简单谓语。 V/Vs/-ed

2、/is done is doing/ is being doing will do/ will be done/will be doing have done/have been done should have done 举例(1)Many of these factories have already gone into production 这些工厂好多都已经投产了。2复合谓语 带不定式的复合谓语(由情态动词助动词或某些其他动词加不定式构成)、and连接两个或多个动词一起做谓语。 常用情态动词有:can,could,may,might,shall,should,will,would,ou

3、ght to,must,need,dare等。另外have to,be going to,be to,used to,had better, would rather, ought to等也算在这一类。 can do/ ought to do/ have to do had better do/ would rather do try to do/ 举例(1)You may ask the girl at the office你可以问问办公室里的那位姑娘。(2)He used to read for hours a day他过去常常一天读书好几个小时。(3)We had better call

4、 a doctor in我们最好请个医生来Grammar1Life goes better when we listen to each other2We have made great progress in the past year.3When I studied in the university,I read aloud every morning4He was doing his homework from seven to nine last night5The train had left before we got to the station6He may have wat

5、ched TV the whole night. 7He must have been there beforeDiscuss the following sentences:Which part is predicate. 1Sometimes people need to be moved by art 2The story seems to be like that of Loch Ness.3It is getting warmer4That boys face turned red5Why dont you put off the meeting?6. Yang has wanted

6、 to fly since he was a boy.7. They were frightened and tried to kill it.8. He tries very hard not to go to school.9. Hundreds of tourists and news reporters are now travelling to Jilin Province.They would decide if he had been a good or bad person. If the gods were happy with the person, then he cou

7、ld enter his second life.I would be very worried about being questioned by the gods.In history people thought that medicine made from a mummy would cure disease and many of the mummies were taken away from Egypt by foreign explorers. Fill in the blanks with the proper verb forms:1. An iron and steel

8、 works, with some small factories, _(be) to be built here.2. Every boy and every girl _(wish) to attend the evening party.3The crew _(be) parts of the ship.4One and a half apples _(be) left on the table5The German and the English language _(have) something in common. 6A variety of questions _(be) pu

9、t to the lecturer7Another five weeks _(be) necessary for us to finish the work.8What they have done _(be) useful to the people9In the room _-(be) found a big table and a great many chairs.iswisheswereishavewereisisWere/was Choose the best answers: 1一Tom failed to pass the exam,-Because he didnt stud

10、y as hard as he _. Adoes Bused to Chas Dhad2 -I dont have to work tonight Then _you like to go to the theatre with me? AWill Bwouldnt Cwont Ddo3I thought you_ like something to read Amay Bmight Ccould DmustBCB4一I didnt see her yesterday Oh,but you Amust have Bought to Cshould have Dcannot have5一When

11、 did you first visit New York? 一I think it _in 1978 Amust be Bshould have been Cmay be Dmust have been6一Why arent you swimming this weekend?一Well,I didnt want to go alone,and no one_ with meAwent Bhas goneChad gone Dwould goCDD7My sister never used to oppose me,but my brother occasionally_ Adid Buse

12、d to Cusednt Ddidnt8Oh,Jane,youve broken still another glassYou ought _when you washed itAbe careful Bto care Chave cared Dto have been careful9一Shall we go skating or stay at home?一Which _do yourself?Ado you rather Bwould you ratherCwill you rather Dshould you ratherADB10His advice_ not be takenAwa

13、s neededBneedsCneedD. is neededCChoose the proper form of the verb for each sentence1一When_ again?一When _, III let you knowAhe comes:comesBwill he come:will comeChe comes:will comeDwill he come;comes2She didnt remember _ him before Ahaving met Bhave met Cto meet Dto having met3Where is my pen? I_ it

14、Amight lose Bwould have lost Cshould have lost Dmust have lostDAD4They asked me to have a drink with themI said that it was at least tenyears since I _a good drink Ahad enjoyed Bwas enjoying Chave enjoyed Dhave been enjoying5I should very much like to have gone to that party of theirs,but_AIm not invitedBI have not been invitedCI was not invitedDI will not be invited6People who wont work should be made_Ato work BworkCworking Dto be workinGACA9一Did you have trouble with your car this


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