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1、1TESTONTHEMESOPOTAMIANS 两河流域1.WhatdoesMesopotamialiterally“CountryntheWhowasrulerduringtheefforttoconstructtheTowerofWhatisthewritingoftheSumerianscuneiformWhich ancient Babylonian king 1TESTONTHEMESOPOTAMIANS 两河流域1.WhatdoesMesopotamialiterally“CountryntheWhowasrulerduringtheefforttoconstructtheTowe

2、rofWhatisthewritingoftheSumerianscuneiformWhich ancient Babylonian king gave his people a famous set of t discovered on a great stone monument in recent centuries?Hammurabi汉谟拉5WhatwasthecapitaloftheNineveh6.Whichpeoplere-establishedBabylonandmade it theircenturyChaldeans 2TESTONTHEEGYPTIANS 埃及人1Whic

3、hsonof HamsettledinMizraimhe2. In what respects were the Egyptians technologically advanced 先进技术knewaboutirrigation,builttemplesandgreatpyramids,hadasophisticatedandhad 3. What was found on the Rosetta Stone 罗塞塔石碑? Writing in the hieroglyphiclanguageaswellhedemoticandGreekWhatisthenameofthesacredwri

4、tingofthe ancientEgyptians?Whowasthemaingodof theancientEgyptiansOsiris WeretheancientEgyptiansmonotheisticorpolytheistic?What do each of these terms mean: monotheistic 神论的信仰- tthereonlyone(universal)polytheistic-ttherearemanyWhatwasthetermfor anembalmedbodyMummy 木 乃伊WhatwasthetitleforanancientingPh

5、araoh Which desert shepherds from the east invaded Egypt and conquered it for a few centuries? Hyksos 希克索斯人Around900B.C.theAssyriansinvadedandconqueredEgypt.Around525B.C.Persians of Egypt. Which Macedonian leader conquered fromthePersiansAlexandertheGreat What was the name of the Egyptian dynasty Pt

6、olemaic dynasty 托勒密Whichnationconquered Egyptin30B.C.?3. TEST ON THE CANAANITES 迦南人, THE PHOENI HITTITES 赫梯人truled it from NS 腓尼基人, AND WhatistheliteralmeaningofthenameCanaanmerchant ortrader WheredidtheCanaanitessettlePalestine Whatwerethetwogreatwell-fortifiedtownsoftheWhatwasthegreatestcolonialse

7、ttlementofthePhoeni coast? Carge 迦太基ns?Tyreandns on the 5WhatistheoriginoftheEnglishalphabetThenalphabet WherewastheHittiteEmpirebased?AsiaMinor(presentdayWhatmadetheHittitessomilitarilystrong?Theirabilitytowork4TEST ONTHEINDO-EUROPEANS 印欧人1.TheIndo-EuropeansaredescendedfromwhichsonofNoah?Japhet(or2

8、.Cyrus,Darius,andXerxeswerekingsofwhichgreatempire?ThePersian3. Knosos (or s) was an important ancient city on which island in MediterraneanCreteWhich people called themselves enesTheGreeks TESTONTHERISEOFTHEGREEKCIVILIZATION 希腊文明的崛起Whichpeoplederedsand2.Cyrus,Darius,andXerxeswerekingsofwhichgreatem

9、pire?ThePersian3. Knosos (or s) was an important ancient city on which island in MediterraneanCreteWhich people called themselves enesTheGreeks TESTONTHERISEOFTHEGREEKCIVILIZATION 希腊文明的崛起WhichpeoplederedsanddestroyedTroyTheGreeks What was the Greek attitude towards moderation? The Greeks highly valu

10、ed Which famous Macedonian conquered much of the ancient world and brought Greek culture to the lands he conquered? Alexander the Great 亚历山大Whowasthefalse)godofwineinancientGreekreligionDionysos 5. Which institution of Greek culture evolved from (false)godofwine?TheGreektheater s ted with 6TESTONTHE

11、PERSIANWARS 波1. What did the Persian Empire do with conquered territories instead of them?Forcedthemtopayatributetothe2.WhatwaseoftheBattleofMarathon?ThePersianswereWhich Which two der led the Greek at Thermopylae? Leonidas reekcity-es liance with other Greek city-finally to defeat and force out the

12、 Persian invaders? Sparta and Athens 斯巴达和雅7TESTONATHENSvsSPARTA雅典对斯巴达WhatwasthecommonlanguageofATHENSandSparta?How was Sparta different from Athens? Sparta was much more militarized and autocratic, whereas Athens was more democratic and excelled in arts and 3.WhichsidewasthehePeloponnesianWars?4. Wh

13、o was Pericles? He was the leader of the Athenian democracy at the height 8TESTONALEXANDERTHEGREAT 亚历山大大帝Which Macedonian leader made himself the master of all Greece but was murdered before he could start upon this well-prepared expedition for Persia? Phillip 菲利浦HowfareastdidAlexandertheGreatsconqu

14、estsreach?3. Which empire?er to the west of Greece ended up conquering its GE 罗马与迦太基? The Greek word for rich is “ploutos and 9.TESTONROMEAND 1. What is a plutocracy Greekscalledsuchernmentbyena 2.Whichofthesewasbestdescribedasa plutocracy:Romeorge? 3. Which regions were s until its defeat by Rome?

15、As years went by the influence of greater part of the African ge upon her neighbors increased until Spain and certain regions of France s,andpaidtribute,taxesanddividendsto4. Which famous city was on the theLatinlanguage?s of the Tiber River, had seven hills, and 5. Which mountaineers on the Italian

16、 RomansSabines ed a constant threat to 6.Whichopleonthe Italianpeninsula,fromwhomtheRomansacquiredskillandknowledge, edathreattotheRomansEtruscans s,andpaidtribute,taxesanddividendsto4. Which famous city was on the theLatinlanguage?s of the Tiber River, had seven hills, and 5. Which mountaineers on

17、the Italian RomansSabines ed a constant threat to 6.Whichopleonthe Italianpeninsula,fromwhomtheRomansacquiredskillandknowledge, edathreattotheRomansEtruscans 7. Which civil magistrate was elected by the freemen of Rome to protect them against the despotism of the aristocratic judges? tribunes 保民官8.

18、What characteristic of Roman foreign policy made it so sful as a er ? It would treat its s as full-fledged citizens of Rome. return for this privilege they expected their s to fight for Rome, sary. The “outsider局外人 ted this generosity and he showed gratitudebyhisunswervingloyaltyto9. What is the nam

19、e given to the war n Rome and ge? The Punic PunicWar,whatnavalinnovationledtoRomesvictoryoverlly in the battle of Mylae? Roman engineers invented a new craft carried a boarding bridge across which the Roman infantrymen stormed the 11. Which ginian leader with fifty thousand soldiers, nine horsemen a

20、nd thirty-seven fighting elephants, crossed the Alps in conquest theItalianHannibal 汉尼12. When the ginian were eventually defeated on the Italian wasgeabletodefeatRomeinnorthernAfrica?10TESTONTHERISEOFROME 罗马的崛起he year 203 B.C. Scipio had crossed the African Sea and had carried the oAfricaonbehalfof

21、which city-e?2. er was defeatedby the he year 197B.C. at the plainsofCynoscephalor“DogsHeadsincentralMacedonia 3. Which kingdom did Antiochus III t was defeated by the Romans heyear190Syria Magnesia4. Which Roman landowner, military leader and eventually Roman or” in BC was sent by the Roman Senate

22、to defeat Mithridates theBlackSea?Sulla he region 5. Which Roman general led a triumphal through he year 62 s heeastPompey aftermilitary6.WithwhomweresandPompeyonatriumviraterulingRome?Julius WithwhichEgyptianqueendidJuliusCaesarfallinlove?CleopatraWhomurderedJuliusCaesar?ManyyoungRomanaristocrats 许

23、多年轻罗11TESTONTHEROMANEMPIRE 罗1.WhichtwomenviedtobethesorofJuliusCaesar?Antonyand2. Which Roman RomanSenateaddressed Octavian with the title of Augustus? 3. Which was larger: Alexanders Greek empire or Caesar Augustus Roman CaesarAugustusRoman12TESTONTHEFALLOFROME 罗的倾覆1. The date 476 AD is normally te

24、d with which great event in Roman The collapse and conquest of the Roman Empire, lly the western EmpirebasedinRome 罗What were the military bodyCaesarAugustusRoman12TESTONTHEFALLOFROME 罗的倾覆1. The date 476 AD is normally ted with which great event in Roman The collapse and conquest of the Roman Empire

25、, lly the western EmpirebasedinRome 罗What were the military body - guards of the Roman emperor called? PraetoriansWhich Roman emperor moved the capital of the empire to 4. Which Asiatic horsemen invaded northern Europe and forced the Goths otheRoman Empire? thes and5WherewastheeasternRomanEmpirebase

26、dConstantinople 6. What was the primary cohesive centuriesfollowingitscollapse?he formerwestern Roman 13.TESTON1. What is the foremost holy book of Islam, which edly consists of teachingsmmed?Thehe year 622 mmed fled from Mecca to Medina. What is this Flightknownas?The3. How did the Muslim followers

27、 of Medina go about “persuading” the people eMuslim?Byforceofarmsinajihad Mecca4.WhatisMuslimholywarcalled? 14TESTONCHARLEMAGNE 查理曼大帝Which famous battle had saved Europe from the Poitiers 普瓦捷战役Which Germanic tribe occupying north - mmedans? The battle Europe was ruled by Merovingians?Thes3. n took R

28、avenna and several other cities from the Longobards presented them to the Pope. The Pope incorporated these whatpoliticalentitythePapale so4. Which ish king succeeded n in the year 768 AD? Charles, knownasCarolusMagnusorCharlemagne,succeedednheyear5. Which ish king was crowned by Pope Leo III and ha

29、iled by him with the ofAugustusCharlemagneIsthelanguageofFrance ofGermanic orLatinoriginLatin Pope,LeoVIIImadeOttoEmperorofapoliticalentityinreturnforOttosservice onbehalfofthe Papacy. It contained muchofpresent dayGermany, andwas the eastern half of Charlemagnes old kingdom. What is the name of thi

30、s political entity t remained until 1801? the “Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. 德意志民族的“神圣罗马Which French political and military leader destroyed the old Germanic hepreviousquestioninNapoleon 15TESTONTHENORSEMEN 拿破仑1. From which present day nations did the Norsemen originate who ravaged coastso

31、fEuropewith, derandtheft?DenmarkandSwedenand WhatnameliterallymeaningSeaKingsisusedfortheseNorsemenVikingsWhich coastal region in northwest France was given in the tenth century to nderRolloNormandy groupof4.WhichNormandukedefeatedandkilledHarold1. From which present day nations did the Norsemen ori

32、ginate who ravaged coastsofEuropewith, derandtheft?DenmarkandSwedenand WhatnameliterallymeaningSeaKingsisusedfortheseNorsemenVikingsWhich coastal region in northwest France was given in the tenth century to nderRolloNormandy groupof4.WhichNormandukedefeatedandkilledHaroldofWessexatthebattleofandproc

33、laimedhimselfkingofEnglandWilliamtheConqueror 社会16.TESTON1.Which edthegreatestdangertothesouthofEuropearound1000 mmedans2. Which ed the t g long the t rn ts of around1000AD?The Northmen(alsocalledNorsemenor3. Why did the common people of Europe of the eleventh century not object Feudalism practical

34、and ? They supported Feudalism because it was a very sary institution. Their lord and master usually lived in a stone house erected on the top of a steep rock or built n deep moats, withinsightofbjects.Incaseofdangerthesubjectsfoundshelterbehindwalls ofthe baronial sible and it accounts for the arou

35、nd a feudal fortress.t is why they tried to live as near the castle any European cities which began their 制度是什么? A 4. What is l and political t in Medieval Europe. It was marked by small principalities, each one ruled by duke or a count or a baron or a bishop, as the case might be, anized as fightin

36、g unit. These dukes and counts and barons had sworn to be faithful to king who had given them their “feudum (hence our word “feudal,) in return theirloyalandacertainamountof制度的骑士职责What were the duties of a knight under ,the knight of the early middle ages was a al soldier. But also he was civil serv

37、ant t day. He was the judge of his community and he was the . He caught the highwaymen and protected the wandering peddlers were the merchants of the eleventh century. He looked afterthe dikes t countryside should not be flooded. He encouraged the Troubadours wandered from place to ling the stories

38、of the ancient heroes who hegreat wars ofthemigrations. Besides, heprotectedthechurches themonasterieswithinhis6Whatischivalry 骑士精神courtesyandlovingourneighboras 17TESTONPOPEvs.EMPEROR 1. Which two claimed to be the proper sor er of the Empire 罗马当权继任者The EmperoroftheHolyRomanEmpireandthe2. Which too

39、l could the Pope use to er throughout he Ages? But more frequently the Pope was the stronger. Then the Emperor or King together with all his subjects municated. This t churches were t no one could be t no dying man could given absolution - in t half of the functions of came to an end. nt, the people

40、 were absolved from their oath loyaltytotheirsovereignandwereurgedtorebelagainsttheir3. After the year 1059 AD which body was responsible for electing the Pope? The College of Cardinals.红衣主教团4. erful Pope did the Holy Roman E peror Henrycame to an end. nt, the people were absolved from their oath lo

41、yaltytotheirsovereignandwereurgedtorebelagainsttheir3. After the year 1059 AD which body was responsible for electing the Pope? The College of Cardinals.红衣主教团4. erful Pope did the Holy Roman E peror Henry IV co pete with erHildebrand 希尔德布兰德whotookthe nameofGregory5. What was the site where Henry, dr

42、essed nitent pilgrim, waited outside gatesofthecastleforthreelong daystopleaforpardonfromthePope?军东征18.TEST ONTHE1. Which Moslems, early in the eleventh century, became masters of mmedan e in western Asia, ended even limited tolerance, took all Asia Minor away from the eastern Roman Emperors, made a

43、n end to the neast andwest? tribe from the wilds ofAsia, calledtheSeljuksWhich Pope at the council of Clermont in France in the year 1095 describedtheterriblehorrorswhichthe infidelshadinflicteduponthe HolyLand, gave a glowing description of this country which ever since the days of Moses had been o

44、verflowing with milk and honey, and exhorted the knights of and the people of Europe in general to leave wife and child and forChristianity?PopeCrusade conclude 第一次东征结果? a wild mob of sincere How did deluded Christians, defaulting rupts, oblemen and fugitives justice, following theleadof half - craz

45、y Peterthe Hermitand Walter-without- Cent, began n against the Infidels by murdering all the Jews theymetbytheway.Theygotasfargaryandthentheywereall 4. How was the Second Crusade anized 第二次? It was much anized. A year was They were placed under Normandy, Robert, count ofraining and an army of 200,00

46、0 d of Godfrey of Bouillon, Robert, duke Flanders, and a number of other noblemen, heart of5.Froma militaryand ,what resultoftheNo significant change from the situation in place before the Crusades, theCrusadestendedtoweakentheEasternRomanEmpireeven6.Whatwas theculturalimpactoftheCrusades?Thecultura

47、l impactwas significant. The West became more aware of culture outside their time and region. It promoted trade and commerce. It led to classical scholarship.19TESTONTHEMEDIEVALCITY 中世纪的城市What is a serf? farm - hands who were as much a part of the soil upon which theylivedasthecowsandsheepwhosestabl

48、estheyshared,whoworkedtheland owned by their feudal lordsWhatisamonastery 修道院thehomes ofthe 领主? In medieval society this is 3. What is a feudal owned the land which he allowed his vassals to use in return for giving him portionoftheir军? The effort by European Christians to re-take 4. What were the “

49、HolyLand”fromtheMuslims,basedupontheoriginalcallforsuchaneffortby.20TESTONTHEMEDIEVALWORLD 中世纪的世界1. What does sol mobility 社会 mean? Your occupation can be other what your parent wasn2. What doesgeographic mean? Yourregion of residence can ntofyour3军? The effort by European Christians to re-take 4. W

50、hat were the “HolyLand”fromtheMuslims,basedupontheoriginalcallforsuchaneffortby.20TESTONTHEMEDIEVALWORLD 中世纪的世界1. What does sol mobility 社会 mean? Your occupation can be other what your parent wasn2. What doesgeographic mean? Yourregion of residence can ntofyour3Werethemajorityofpeopleliterate heMidd

51、leAges?In the twelfth century, the teachings of which ancient Greek philosopher endowedwithsignanotherauthorityAristotle Who were the Scholastics (or Schoolmen )? With the help of an odd combination of the Bible, the Romish traditions, and Aristotle, many of the mostbrilliant men of the Middle Ages

52、now set to work to explain all things nHeaven and Earth. These brilliant men, the so- called Scholastics or werereallyelligent,buttheystartedfromerroneous6. What is a presupition 臆测? Our underlying befswhich and build our knowledge uponut our faith 7What areguilds 行会Animportant featureoftheMedieval

53、he the merchants and the artisans established trade groups, called guilds, aredevery member ofa e. It did not encourage the ambitious dontheir 21TESTONMEDIEVALTRADE 中世纪的贸易1.InwhichpresentdaynationwereVenice,Genoa,andFlorence?2.OfthecitiesinEurope,why were Italian cities toregainitionof importance du

54、ring the late Middle , roads and more towns he second place, the more rvived there from the Roman lived inItaly and as the head of a vast political machine, ned land and andbuildings and forests and rivers and conducted courts of law, he was in receipt of a great deal of money. The Papal authorities

55、 had to be paid in gold and silveras didthe merchants andship- owners of Venice andGenoa. The cows andeggs andthe horses andall the otheragricultural products of the ndthe must be o actual cash before the debt could be he distant city Rome. This madeItaly wheretherewasacomparativeabundancegoldandsil

56、ver.Finally,duringtheCrusades,theItaliancitiesethe embarkationfortheCrusadersand mostvable3. Which commodity did ell ade it flourish during the Middle 4. How did Venice lly prosper from the Crusades? The town had grown and had begun to build ships, which rade with the Orient. During Crusades, these

57、ships were used tocarry passengers to the Holy Land, and when passengers could not pay for their tickets in cash, they were obliged to help the Venetians who were for ever increasing their colonies in the gean Sea, in Asia Minor and in Egypt.5.erfulfamilycontrolledpoliticalirsinthe6.Howdiderfulfamil

58、ygainitswealth?7. Where was the Republicof Novgorod? the old l center of Russia wasdestroyedbyIvanthehemiddleofthesixteenth8. What was the Hanseatic A protective league during the Middle Ages5.erfulfamilycontrolledpoliticalirsinthe6.Howdiderfulfamilygainitswealth?7. Where was the Republicof Novgorod

59、? the old l center of Russia wasdestroyedbyIvanthehemiddleofthesixteenth8. What was the Hanseatic A protective league during the Middle Ages n dred cities primarily in northern t were engaged commerce and used the league to protect the selves against pirates sivetolls andannoyinglegislation. The tio

60、naineda navy of its whichpatrolledthe22.TEST ONTHE1. What was Ages?ernationallanguageusedbyEuropeanscholarsduringthe2. Who was Abelard? a young priest from Brittany, who he twelfth began to lecture on theology and logic in Paris. Thousands of eager young flockedtothe Frenchcity tohearhim. riests who


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