



1、托福考试阅读同义词替换-归类托福考试阅读同义词替换-归类fuels = PrOVldeS energy forenduring = IaStlngPreVaillng = generally accepted InCredlbIe = ImPOSSibIe to believe ObSOIete = OUt Of date SUltabIe = appropriate ambitious = ImPreSSlVe but difficult to achieve take PreCedenCe OVer = have greater ImPOrtanCe thanSUrPIUS = exces

2、s quantity exhibits = displays embody = InCOrPOrateUltImateIy = eventually VlrtUaIIy = Nearly SUSPended = floating replenished = restored dramatic = StrIkIng distinction = difference rapport = bond thrill = excitement VitaIlty = energy SPeCIfied = Stated focused = COnCentrated Imminent = about to ha

3、ppen refinement = improvementSCattered = WIdely SeParated SPeCUIateS = PUtS forward as a PoSSibllity tremendous = enormous hence = thereforeImPlement = PUt IntO effect PartiCUIarIy = especially SCarCe = ShOrt In SUPPIy PrlnCIPalIy = mainly COntrOVerSlaI = PrOdUClng disagreement IndUCe = CaUSe the fo

4、rmation OfIneVitabIe = Certaln accordingly = COrreSPOndlngIy ClUSter = group enormous = hugePreSUmably = It IS reasonable to assume Pertlnent = relevant SUbdUe = defeatCOInCIdeS Wlth = OCCUrS at the Same time as JUStify = PrOVlde a rational basis for PromOted = encouraged hierarchical = having SeVer

5、aI IeVelS Of authorityCOnStltUentS = COmPonentS excavated = dug from the ground CharaCterlStlC = typical alteration = modification henceforth = from this time On OblIged = forcedIaUnChed = Started ensure = guarantee InClted = StimUIated SUbStantlaI = COnSlderabIe OUtWelghS = exceedsCOIIeCtiVe = grou

6、p erecting = COnStrUCtlng COnSeqUent = resulting reinforces = SUPPOrtS devastate = destroy SimUItaneOUSIy = at the Same time UnIntentlOnaI = UnPIanned alternate = take turns at regimes = governments a SUrge of = a SUdden InCreaSe In ObSCUre = IittIe known associates = COnneCtS encompasses = InCIUdeS

7、 StatlOnary = UnmOVlng hence = therefore IrreVerSlbIe = Permanent monumental = enormous manipulate = SkiIIfUIIy USed PUrSUe = PreferSUbSIStenCe = SUrVIVaI exposed = UnPrOteCted Wlth no WarnIng = WlthOUt any indication b eforehandCOngeStlOn = OVerCrOWdlngaltered = transformed emitted = released retar

8、ding = SIOWlng abundant = PIentlfUI SUStaln = SUPPOrtPlOneerIng = OriglnaI distinct = SeParate enabling = allowing restricted = Ilmlted SeVerIty = harshness COngregate = gather COnSeqUentIy = ASa result COmPrlSe = COnSlSt OfCOnStltUent = COmPOnentPredOmInate = are In the majorty gradual = SIOW diffu

9、se = SPread dispersed = SCattered deficiencies = ShOrtageS emerging = appearingBeSldeS = In addition toPreOCCUPatIOn = COnCern COUPIed WIth = COmbined Wlth autonomy = IndePendenCeCOnSPiCUOUS = easily noticed endure = WlthStandSUrPIUS = extra task = requirement UnfaVOrabIe = disadvantageous triggered

10、 = Initlated SeVereIy = greatly reinforcing = Strengthening IaUnChed = Started methodically = SyStematlCaI accelerate = SPeed UP ImPrOVed = P erf ected detect = SenSeCOnVlnClngIy = PerSUaSiVeIy elusive = hard to Identlfy maintenance Of = SUPPOrtIng ISOIated = SeParated from One another OVerWhelmed =

11、 WaS too Iarge for relatively = COmParatIVeIy PartlCUIar = SPeClflC exclusively = Only accumulating = COlIeCtlngCOUnter = COmbat breakthrough = development SOPhiStiCated = highly developed SUrge = SUdden InCreaSe PrOPOrtlOnS = SlZe SUStain = SUPPOrt PerSlStent = IaSting PrOmOte = encourage COntradlC

12、tOry = COnfllCtlngmanifestations = expressionsCUmUIatIVe = COmbIned apparent = noticeable COrreSPOnded = equaled norm = COmmOn adjacent = nearby InterVaIS = PerlOdiCalIy discrete = SeParate PrOllflC = highly PrOdUCtlVe SParSer = more thinly distributed episodes = OCCUrrenCeS PrOPOnentS = SUPPOrterS

13、SWlft = quickUnPrOmlSing = UnfaVOrabIe a Wealth Of = an abundance Of devoid Of = IaCklng In diffusion = SPread OngOlng = COntinUlng COrreSPOndS = matches COmPIeXity = SOPhlStlCatlOn allowing = resulting In distortions = IrregUIarItIeS temporarily = briefly PeCUllar = UnUSUaIPIentlfUI = numerous emer

14、gence = rise routinely = regularly distinctive = CharaCterIStIC thereby = COnSeqUentIy SUItabIe = appropriate generally = USUaIIy tending = taking Care Of rudimentary = elementary akin to = SlmiIar toOCCaSlOnaIIy = SOmetlmeS IngenUity = InVentlVeneSS tangible = PhySlCaISeqUenCeS = SerleS COnVerted =

15、 Changed approximating = estimating SUbSeqUentIy = Iater equivalent = COmParabIe exploitation = USe altogether = fullySteadIIy = at an UnVarylng rate COnCentratlOnS = dense groupings reflect = IndlCateObSCUre = hideUnfaVOrabIe = negativePUrSUe = engage In COmParable = SlmlIar extreme = great UPOn re

16、flection = After COnSideratiOn COnSUlt = ask expelled = Ieft byPrOmPted = StImUIated explicit = CIearly expressed imply = SUggeSt enhanced = ImPrOVed PeCUlIar to = UnIqUe to exert = PUt forth apparently = SeemIngIy astonishment = SUrPriSe VirtUalIy = nearlyIn retrospect = IOOklng back PrOmPtS = Stlm

17、UIateSPartlCUIar = SPeCiflC eventually = In the endrecall = rememberSimUItaneOUSly = at the Same time dismissed = rejected elevated = high exercised = applied emergence = rise tactic = Strategy thus = COnSeqUentIyrecall = rememberSimUItaneOUSly = at the Same time dismissed = rejected elevated = high

18、 exercised = applied emergence = rise tactic = Strategy thus = COnSeqUentIyStagnatlOn = IaCk Of growth SUStained = COntlnUed ImPllCatlOnS = COnSeqUenCeS exclusively = SOIely POtentIaI = POSSlble favorable = advantageous ambiguous =UnCIear COnVey = transmit accounted for = explained COnSiderably = Sl

19、gnIflCantIy Striklng = noteworthy formerly = desirable relatively = COmParatIVeIy accentuated = intensf fedSPeClfICaIIy = PreCiSeIy UndOUbtedIy = CertalnIy technically = SCIentIfICaIIy CIaSSIfled as SUPPlementary = extraSUbtIe = not ObVlOUSPaVed the Way for = made POSSIbIeWlPed OUt = killed Off assaults On = attacks On OnSet = beginningImmedlateIy apparent = ObVIOU


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