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1、How was your vacation ? Ouyang Jinhua No .7 Middle School of Changsha 根据对话情景填入适当的句子补全对话。A: Where did you go on vacation, Sarah?B: .A: Hawaii? That sounds great. ?B: We went there last week.A: ?B: We went there by bus.A: _?B: It was warm.A: ?B: It was great. We had fun on the beach.I went to HawaiiWh

2、en did you go thereHow did you go thereWhat was the weather like there How was your trip1、八人一组,分别介绍自己的假日活动。2、比一比谁的活动最精彩。Whose vacation was the most colorful?Make a survey(问一问)(Useful questions)Where did you go?Were there many people?What did you do?Did you buy /see/watch/play/go/ ?How was the weathe

3、r/your trip/?How were the people/?Useful phrasesvisit ancestors hometown, watch a movie, eat outside, play computer gamesbuy some souvenirs, hang out with friends, fly kites, take photos , see something special, meet a famous actor, Report: In my group, Li Ping went to Guangzhou. He went shopping Zh

4、ang Ming Liu Mei And I We all had a fun day! Useful phrasesvisited ancestors hometown, watched a movie,played computer games , ate outsidebought some souvenirs, hung out with friends, flew kites, took photos , saw something special, met a famous actor, 规则动词过去式的构成一般在动词原形末尾加- ed3. 结尾是“辅音字母+y”的动词,先变“y”

5、为“i”再加-ed 构成规则例词study studiedpractice practicedvisit visited play playedstay stayed2. 结尾是 e 的动词加 - dRemember4.末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,先双写末尾辅音字母,再加-edplan plannedchat chattedWrite down the past form of these words.(1) watch- (2) visit- (3)play-(4) live- (5) move- (6)decide-(7) study- (8)copy- (9)cry-(10)st

6、op- (11)plan- (12)drop-(14)am,is- (15)go- (16)do-(17)put- (18)get- (19) take - (20)tell-edvisitedplay-edlivedmoveddecidedstudied copied criedstopped planneddroppedwas went didput got tookGroup worktold hang buy win see take eathave/hashungbought wonsawtook ate不规则动词过去式的构成动词原形过去式hadRemember meet say s

7、tand fly make chatspendsaidflewmadechattedmetstoodspent用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。1. There _(be) a baseball game on TV yesterday.2. His parents _(buy) a gift for him last night.3. They _(be) both teachers ten years ago.4. Mr. Smith often _(work) late in March.worked wasboughtwerePracticePractice用适当的动词完成下面的一段对话

8、(10分)A: Could you tell me a little about yourself? Where _you born?B: I _ born in Guangzhou.A: _you grow up there? B: No, I _. I _ up in Shenzhen.A: When _ you go to school? B: I _ to school when I was seven.werewasDiddidntgrewdidwentPlease go to your exercise paper上个星期六你们去西山进行了一次野餐, 请参考所给词语, 以日记的格式描述此次活动。go to West Hill, by bike, a short rest, after, at the foot of , sing, dance, climb, see, hear, take some photos, eat, happyWriting Sunda


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