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1、宾语从句专项练习课件第1页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三运用宾语从句时注意的问题1.引导词的选择一般疑问句充当宾语从句特殊疑问句充当宾语从句疑问代词或疑问副词2.语序 陈述句语序3.时态陈述句充当宾语从句主句一般现在时一般过去时从句按实际情况用相应时态过去的某种时态4.当主句谓语动词为think,suppose, expect,believe 等时,其后的宾语从句为否定句时,常将否定词not从从句中移到主句中,构成否定转移 5.如果从句说的是客观现象或真理,无论主句是什么时态,从句都用一般现在时。thatif/whether第2页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点

2、50分,星期三1 将下列简单句合成复合句。1).He will come back in a week. (I think) I think that he will come back in a week.2).Who is he looking for ? (Do you know) Do you know who he is looking for ?3).Why is the plane late? (I didnt know) I didnt know why the plane was late4).He has already come back. (He told me) He

3、 told me he had already come back5).How can I get to the zoo? (Could you tell me)Could you tell me how I can get to the zoo?第3页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三6).Why didnt he come yesterday? (Can you tell me) Can you tell me why he didnt come yesterday?7).What are they doing? (He didnt tell me ) He didnt

4、 tell me what they were doing.8).When will we have a test? ( The teacher didnt tell us)The teacher didnt tell us when we would have a test.9).Where will the meeting be? (I asked him) I asked him where the meeting would be.第4页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三10).Whose watch is this ? (Does anybody know) Do

5、es anybody know whose watch this is?11).Do you like English ? (WeiFang asked me ) Wei Fang asked me if I liked English.12).Were you at home at nine yesterday? (The policeman wanted to know) The policeman wanted to know if you were at home at nine yesterday.13).Has he come back from Guangzhou? ( I as

6、ked my teacher) I asked my teacher if he had come back from Guanggou.第5页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三根据需要,人称要作相应的变化。Lucy asked, “Could you do something for me, Tom?”Lucy asked Tom if he could do something for her.He said to me,“ What is your name?”He asked me what my name was.Lucy said,“I am not good

7、at it myself.”Lucy said that she was not good at it herself.直接引语变间接引语的宾语从句第6页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三直接引语变间接引语与宾语从句的关系1.陈述句变为引导的宾语从句e.g. 1. He said, “You are younger than I ”. 2. He says, “Tom is a good student ”. He said that I was younger than him. He says that Tom is a good student. 第7页,共23页,2

8、022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三直接引语变间接引语与宾语从句的关系3.一般疑问句引导的宾语从句e.g. She said, “ Do you often come here to read newspaper? ” “Will they go to visit the Great Wall?” he asked. She asked if (whether) I often came here to read newspaper. He asked if (whether) they would go to visit the Great Wall. 第8页,共23页,2022年,5月

9、20日,1点50分,星期三直接引语变间接引语与宾语从句的关系2.特殊疑问句引导的宾语从句e.g. 1. He asked, “Where do you live?” 2. “How can we get to the post-office?” he asked.He asked where I lived. He asked how they could get to the post-office. 第9页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三将下列句子合并为一句:1. Where do they stop on the way? I asked. 2. What will

10、 you speak at the meeting? Could you tell me?3. Do they like to make friends with us? He asked. I asked where they stopped on the way.Could you tell me what you will speak at the meeting?He asked if they liked to make friends with them. 第10页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三4. “ I am doing my homework.” He

11、 said. 5. “I will come back.” Tom said. 6. “Is he doing his homework?” Jim asked. He said that he was doing his homework. Tom said that he would come back. Jim asked if he was doing his homework. 第11页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三7. “When will he come back?” Tom asked. 8. “How can I get to the station?

12、” Could you tell me?9. “Why is the train late?” Would you tell me?10. “Where is Tom?” They asked. Tom asked when he would come back.Could you tell me how I can get to the station?Would you tell me why the train is late?They asked where Tom was. 第12页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三改错:1).I want to know tha

13、t what it is. I want to know what it is.2).I cant understand that the teacher said. I cant understand what the teacher said.3).I dont know this is whose bike. I dont know whose bike this is.第13页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三4).He asked me where was Mary.5).Do you remember how much did you pay for the b

14、ook? He asked me where Mary was . Do you remember how much you paid for the book?第14页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三6).She said that she will be back soon. She said that she would be back soon.7).The teacher told us that light traveled much faster than sound. The teacher told us that light travels much

15、faster than sound.8).Could you tell me if Miss Gao was in the office now? Could you tell me if Miss Gao is in the office now?9).I think you are not right. I dont think you are right.第15页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三1. I know (that) he _ (join) the League in 1985.2. Could you tell me where he _(mend) h

16、is bike at that time?3. I see that they _ (play) football over there.4. Tell me where he _ (live).5. I want to know how long you _(have) this bike.6. I hear that he _(come) tomorrow.joinedwas mendingare playingliveshave hadwill come根据主句,在宾语从句中填入正确的动词时态:第16页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三7.I knew that he

17、 _(join) the League in 1999.8. I wanted to know how you _ (get) on with your classmates.9. He told me that he_(have) this bike for three years.10. I wondered if he _(come) tomorrow. joinedgot / were gettinghad hadwould come第17页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三11.Our teacher told us that light _(go) faster

18、 than sound.12. We all knew that the moon _(move) round the sun.13. It was true that there _(be) twelve months in a year.goesmovesare第18页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三14.The radio says it _ cloudy tomorrow. (be)15.The headmaster hopes everything _ well. (go)16.Tom says that they _ (play) basketball at

19、six oclock yesterday evening. 17.I hear they _ (return) it already. will be goes were playing have returned第19页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三18.He asked what they _ at eight last night. (do)19.He said that they _ members of the Party since 1948. (be)20.The teacher told his class that light _ faster tha

20、n sound. (travel)21.I think you _ about the relay race now. (talk)22.I didnt know whom the letters _ from. (be) had been were doingtravels are talking were第20页,共23页,2022年,5月20日,1点50分,星期三23. I didnt know what time he _ the letter. (write)24. Miss Wang told me that the earth _(move) round the earth. 25. Could y


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