高中英语-Languages around the World教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思_第1页
高中英语-Languages around the World教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思_第2页
高中英语-Languages around the World教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思_第3页
高中英语-Languages around the World教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思_第4页
高中英语-Languages around the World教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思_第5页
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1、okunitReading教学内容课 时 Period 1 教学对象 设计者Grade 1一、教材分析本单元主题围绕语言发展和语言学习展开,内容涉及联合国的工作语言,汉字的发展,英式英语和美式英语的区别,英语学习中遇到的困难和解决这些困难的建议等。要求学生在本单元学习中要具有国际视野,同时还能从国家和自身发展的需要出发,了解语言学习的重要性,即课标里要求的语言意识,了解汉字对我国文化传承和发展的积极意义,以及深度思考英语学习的策略和方法。tersappreciate, factors, carved-symbols, means, global affairs.and the relative

2、 clauses to2 To think critically about the relationship between the writing system and civilization andwork out more factors that influence the development of culture.charactersandourcultureandpredictitsfutureofourChinesecharacters.formationbyusingskimmingandscanningandunderstand三、重点、难点Teaching impo

3、rtant points:andcivilization and strengthen students sense of pride and identity as well as their2 Teaching difficult points:-How to comb the organization of the text and summarize the functions of the writing 四、教法选择与学法指导为有效地推行和巩固语言目标,本节采用任务教学法、小组合作,通过提问、观察、 交流等方式,促进学生的合作、参与、交流、让学生体会获取新知的成就感。五、资源准备录

4、音机 多媒体 课辅等六、教学过程Step I: Free talkp Purpose:lead students to the topic and arouse the existingStep II : PredictionLook at the title and the picture below. Predict what the text will beinformation to predict the content.Step III. Detailed readingPart one read para 1.Why has Chinese civilisation contin

5、ued all the way through intoathappenedateachperiod.Tip: Scanning is looking at the text quickly to find specific information,Purpose: practice students reading skill of scanning and know theIn your opinion , which event is the most important among thesePurpose: To reflect on the vital role Qin Dynas

6、ty ever played inkaboutmorefactorsthatcaninfluencethecivilization.Activity 2: Focusing on the functionfunctions(作用) does the Chinese writing system have? Give thePurpose:To explore the connecting functions of the Chinese writingsecivilizationAdditional questions:Activity 3: Focusing on the importanc

7、eList the sentences showing the importance of the Chinese writingthreetheorganizationofthetextPurpose:To help students form a clear picture in their mind about theknowhowtoexpandanexpositorytextPart four Deeper thinkingWhat is the future of our Chinese characters? Will it become thedominant(主导的) lan

8、guage around the world?Purpose: to train students confidence in our own language andculture and learn our mother tongue well to spread our own culture.According to most Chinese history texts, there are 4 great ancientcivilisation:ndianbasedonIndusValleycivilisationHowever, Egyptian, Mesopotamia and

9、Indian have all disappeared.OnlyChinesecivilisationhassurvivedtillnowWhy is that? Your insight will be greatly appreciated.Purpose: to reflect on why our Chinese civilization could survive till七、板书设计Unit 5 CHINESE WRITING SYSTEM : CONNECINT THE PAST AND THE一、我根据日常教学情况观察,学生个体差异较大,两极分化现 无论单词还是语法只知死记硬背

10、,效果不佳。课前预习不充分,课后 不能带动集体学习,中层同学思路一般,学习缺乏灵活性,自学能力 较差,下游同学人数相对较多,导致不能较好完成教学任务。目前由 的教学经验,个人素质得到很大提高,驾御课堂的能力还可以,但不 必备武器,我们每位任课教师都应不断充实自己、完善自己,用新思 想、新观点武装自己不仅通过学习、自学提高英语能力,还要通过业 务学习使自己成为一名称职的好老师,努力钻研新大纲、新教材,循 二、注重听说读写能力的培养。根据现行课标的要求,采取科学 力,听的能力以及写的能力,以便于三、加强学法指导和差生转化。在学习知识的过程中,提示学生 用科学的学习方法。课前预习,上课认真听讲记好笔

11、记,课后能主动 动差生,互相团结协作,形成良好的学习环境,使每一位学生都能往 谜语、做英 2. 课件制作精美,不仅有观赏性,而且有深度,既有教材内的知识 应该珍惜自己目前拥有的一切,在学习中不在抱怨,不在找借口,是 方法,表面看起来好像效果有的,课堂也很热闹,这种方法使用的时 注意的地方。比如这堂课里,在表演方面,教师设计了小组展示是很 有必要的,需要团队的合作和共享,可在这个环节,教师给的时间却 能为了这堂课而进行,还要综合考虑前后的 关联性,所学知识的复现,教师能教什么,选择教什么,如何教,怎 。 4课堂教学的目的除了达到相关的知识与能力的目标要求,教师更 ing system)为活动主题

12、。要求学生阅读文本,了解我国汉字书写历史的 文本分析:阅读文本是一篇介绍汉字发展的说明性文章 )标题 The 千年的发展历史,这是文本叙述的明线)在这条明线的叙述中,文本 说明汉字书写体系对中华文明传承数千年所起到的四个传用 1 连接 _ wildlife.Theyvespentnearlya_ ( 十亿) dollars on the searchalready field.todo so is the size of your project. against the whites in South Africa. 8. The majority of us feel worried if

13、 we walk through a _ (地铁) 填空Thereisagreatdifferenceinattitudes_ what one eats between the rich and the poor.2The new law didnt refer _ land used for farming. you abroad.4The novel is regarded _ one of the classic works.5This is an old building _ (date) back to the 14th century.6This is why I want to

14、 major_ Chinese culture. your health.8 They joined us in the discussion on how to stop 9Youll be able to choose a room based _ your own personal tastes. parts of China.Idappreciateif you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.12.The scenery was so beautiful that it was almost beyo

15、nd _ (describe)Shedemanded_ (see) the headmaster immediately to settle the problem.Anyonewhetherheisanofficialorabus driver, should be _ (equal) respected. problem. between the two words.17. This is the person _you are looking for.Thereason_ he failed in the exam was that he didnt study hard.Iamlook

16、ingforwardtotheday_ my daughter can eadthisbook of_ are healthy.21. He wrote many childrens books, nearly half of_ were published in the 1990s.22. The school _ he once studied lies in the east of the town.24. He struggled _ (catch) up with his classmates.25. We express our thought by means _ words.a

17、ttitudetotowards.4. base . on/upon .2. refer to 3. ups and downsdatebackto.) 6. major inatedoing sth.do sth.13. demand that . (should) do sth. 14. a variety ofvarieties of 15. relate to. native 2. billion 3. specific 4. Despite 5.6. symbol 7. affairs 8. subway 9. apartments填空7. importance 8.global 9

18、.on 10.varieties 11. it13. to see 14. equally 15. to 16. telling 17.whom/who/thatwhywhen 20. whom_ 21. which 22. where24. to catch 25. of help. on time. earningEnglish “热身”部分的活动从辨认甲骨文开始,让课堂一开始就处于轻松 让学生思维活跃,激烈讨论,使得课堂气氛更加热烈,极大地激发了 。 1.阅读前的热身活动应进一步调动更多的学生 参与到活动中来, 2.教学中应不仅注重阅读内容,更应注重阅读方法的培养,让学 生学会如何了解文章大意,理清文章思路,把握文章思想。另外对于 “以读促写”的方式也值得在今后教学中探索与运用。3.学生有无限的创造力和活跃的思维,因此教师应当尽可能为其 高中英语人教版(新目标)课标分析(一) 教材编写理念与思路 理引进国外语言教育理念,适应我国英语教育实际状况”为宗旨,分 基本编写思路是:以话题为主线,采用任务型语言教学模式,兼顾交 (二) 教材主要特点 、 教学过程、评价等方面都突出以学生为主体,并尊重个体差异。在教 (三)教材的优缺点 Listening and spe


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