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1、. () He wouldA. not listen. () He wouldA. not listenC. not listening.Driving less,ratherB. not to listenD. listen not walking more is good for our health.一So Id rather a car.anhour1 s walk to work than considerrather thanon such a rainyrather thanon such a rainyA. take, driveC. take, driving3. What

2、a heavy rain!So it is. I prefer day.take, to driveD. taking, drivingA. to go out; stay at horn B. to stay at home; go outgoing out; stay at home D. staying at home ; go out. The table i s made of wood. In the old days, Dai people usua /1y lived in the traditional bui ! dings. This kind of bui /dings

3、 werebamboo and wood.B . made ofD. made fromA. made inB . made ofD. made from.- 15 m very tired these days because of the senior high schoo I entrance exami nat i on (中考).-Why notmusic? It can make youA. Iisten to; relaxedC. Iisten to; relaxColors can change our energetic or sleep.A. to feelB. to Ii

4、sten to; relaxedD. to Iisten to; to relaxmoods and make us happy or sad,-Why notmusic? It can make youA. Iisten to; relaxedC. Iisten to; relaxColors can change our energetic or sleep.A. to feelB. to Iisten to; relaxedD. to Iisten to; to relaxmoods and make us happy or sad,C. feltThe teacher spoke he

5、r.A. hearC. heardIoudIyB.feelingD. Feel in order to make the studentshearingD. to hearA. Sure, it s up to youC.Sorry, I can t make it8.A. Sure, it s up to youC.Sorry, I can t make it一 .Will seven o c I ock be OK?B.Sure, no problemD. Sorry, I m not ava i I ab I e-Oh, dont be I ieve her. It must be a(

6、n) . We al I know you do well in math.A. accident B. hoax C. panicD. result( )2 4. The dentist didnt unti I it was nine o1clock in the evening.A. show upB. show off C. show around D.show to()25.(莱芜中考)If you read a lot, your life will be ful I pleasure.A. byB. ofC. forD. with()2 6. All the tickets by

7、 the time I got to thecinema.sei I out B. sold outC. have been sold out D. had been sold out()27.(襄阳中考)一Show me your homework, Dave.Sorry, Mrs. Brown. Ive it at home.A. missed B. forgotten C. lostD. left()2 8. You , didnt you?一Yes, I did. When I woke up, it was already 11 o1 clock.A. overslept B. fa

8、iled C. wonD. refused()2 9. Dont him. After all, he is a chi Id.A. I ift B. foolC. knowD. burn( )30. There is a big in the town. We can buy different kinds of things in it.A. market B. teammate C. discovery D. speech9(10.11. it.)Hunger drove A. stealC. to stealThe movie is A. too; toas; asThe camera

9、 / s9(10.11. it.)Hunger drove A. stealC. to stealThe movie is A. too; toas; asThe camera / shim.B stealingD. steals_wonderfu I .B. so; thatso; as expens/veI want to see i t aga i n/ can rt affordC. so, as toD. enough, that.12 f ) Miss Gao asked a question, but it was. that nobody could answer itvery

10、 difficult B. too difficultC. difficult enough D. so difficultExcuse me. Could you please tel I me my car?一 Sure. Park it right here. 19 II help you.how to stopB. where to parkC. where to stop D. when to parkI don t know next. You d better finish your homework fi rst.A. what to doB. how to doC. when

11、 to do15Excuse me . CouId you please telJ me my car?Sure. Park it right here. I II help you.A. how to stop B. where to park C. when to park 16 I wiI I go to Harbin for my summer vacation. What about you? I haven1 t dec i ded where .A. goB. went C. go i ngD. to goA. goB. went C. go i ngD. to gowhat h

12、appened for,chiIdren .wiI I make .what happened for,chiIdren .wiI I make .what happened for,chiIdren .wiI I make .Can you tel I me A. withB.Remember this mistakes youWe know , Mr. Li .The more; the more C. The more; the fewer19 you hit the horse,.him just now?C. toD. atcareful you are ,The fewer; th

13、e moreD. The less; the less it will go.A.hard; fastB. The hard; the fastA.hard; fastB. The hard; the fastC.The harder; the faster20It s smoggy these days. That s terrible!一Yes, I hope to plant pollution.The more; the fewerC. The less; the fewerC.The harder; the faster20It s smoggy these days. That s

14、 terrible!一Yes, I hope to plant pollution.The more; the fewerC. The less; the fewertrees. trees, airthe less; the moreD. The more; the less21- As a student, we shouId study hard.-Yes, we study, results weI I get.The hard; the goodThe harder; the best22 It1 s very friendly him to help me when 11 m in

15、 trouble.A. of B. with C. toD. inWe must protect plants. They are friends of .A. weB. usC. ourD. ours 24 - Look! It1 s raining heavi Iy!take a raincoat with you?We I Iv I I I take one r ight now.Why notB. Why don5 tC. WouId you mind D. WouId you I ike25. You look too tired. Why not a rest ?Sounds go

16、od.A. stop hav i ng B. to stop hav i ng C. stop to have 26 - I hear there1 s a good French restaurant nearby. Why not there for lunch?-Yeah, let s go.A. goB. goingC. to go27. - We can invite our teachers to the farewel I party next Saturday.-Yes, ? 11 II call them at once.A. what for B. what C. why

17、notD. WhyA. Good luck!A. Good luck!C. What to do?29.-What iA. Good luck!C. What to do?29.-What i28. Why don1A. Good luck!C. What to do?29.-What iCongratulations!D. Why not?hometown?the weather Ii ke in yourA. Yes, I like it.hometown?A. Yes, I like it.A. Yes, I like it.B. It s warm in winter.A. Yes,

18、I like it.B. It s warm in winter.Why not?D. Yes, very much.30 -Are you willing to live on Mars one day? It sounds exciting. But it still worries me.A. Of course I am B. Im not sureC. Why not?D. Are you joking?31 () He had been asked to the party and was feeling leftA. behind B. out C offD. over32-Sa

19、lly is ill. Do you know what5 s the matter with her?Poor girl. Her i I I ness i s the of eat i ng unhea I thyfood.A. causeB. reason33. Which drinkA. causeB. reason33. Which drinkwouId you Ii ke,C. result D. end fruit juice or mi Ik?, because I have a stomachache.A. NeitherB. EitherC. BothA. NeitherB

20、. EitherC. Both. I made a cal I to my parents yesterday, but of them answered it.A. e i therB. none C. ne i ther D. nobody. Can you come on Monday or Tuesday, Scott?11 m afraid is possible . 11 II be on business on those two days.A. e i ther B. ne i therC. every D. eachWhich jacket do you prefer, th

21、is one or that one?_ i s OK. I don t care too much.BothB. Either C. Neither D. Al I37 Tim, how do your parents I ike pop music?- my dad my mom I ikes it. They both prefer classical music.A. Either . orB.Neither . norC.Not only .A. Either . orB.Neither . nor38 - Im not going swimming this afternoon.

22、I have to help my mother do some cIeaning.A. So am I.B. So I am.C. Neither am I.D. Neither I am.Would you I ike coffee or tea? Some water, please.A. BothB. Neither C. Either D. All.一I m not going swimming tomorrow afternoon. I have to clean up my bedroom.So am IB.Neither am IC. Neither I am D. So I

23、am.Which of the two magazines wiI I you take?- I I I take though I find of them are veryuseful to me.all; bothB.all; bothB.C. either; neither42. WiI I you go to peter5 I haven t dec i ded yet.either; eitherD. either; boths party this Saturday evening?If you don t go ,.A. so wi I I INeither do INeith

24、er wi I I I43. A. so wi I I INeither do INeither wi I I I43. 一 Which do you Iike In fact, I43. 一 43. 一 Which do you Iike In fact, Ibetter, Han Han or Guo Ji ngmi ng? prefer Jiang Fangzhou.A. EitherB. NeitherC. BothD. All44 I like playing A. So do INeither do I45wi I I yoursoccer , what about you? 一

25、B. So am INeither am IA. EitherB. NeitherC. BothD. All44 I like playing A. So do INeither do I45wi I I yoursoccer , what about you? 一 B. So am INeither am Ifather come back from Be i j i ng?Me , too.A.B.46 I n two How often C. How far can I get theIn about three days,How soonHow oftendays.B. How I o

26、ngD. How soonipad if I place an order today? sir.B. How I ongD. How farUnit 12 Life is fuI I of the unexpected.( )1. I must get up early tomorrow morning. Please wakeme A. outB. offC. downD. up( )2. My aunt drove by and gave me a on the wayA. outB. offC. downD. uphome.A. walkB. liftC. way D. idea( )

27、3. Why were you late for schooI this morning?Because my alarm clock didnt go off and IA. oversleptA. oversleptB. C. changedA. oversleptB. C. changedA. oversleptB. C. changedB. comp I etedD. missed()4. What1s wrong with you?By the time Igot to schooI , I real ized I hadBy the time ID. broughtA. I eft

28、 B. forgotten C. took()5. She said when she got to the cinema, the f i ImD. brought for 5 minutes.has begunB. had begunC. has been on D. had been on( )6. We waited for Mrs. Li for nearly two hours unti I she in the end.A. gave up B. put up C. showed up D. I ooked up()7. Tom found that the train when

29、 heat the station.A. left; had arrived B. left; arrivedhad left; had arrived D. had left; arrived()8. Mom, I am hungry.Here is a for you. Why not help yourselfto it?A. spoon B. pieC. bowl D.lesson9.(山西中考)How I wish I could sleep longer! However,I had to get up as soon as the alarm clock . A. ran off

30、 B. went off B. C. took offD. set off()10. We had finished al I the new lessons last month.A. afterB. by the timeby the end of D. as soon as( )11. I have refused such a good job. I m real ly a(n)A. artistA. artistA. artistB. farmerC. fool D. actorA. artistB. farmerC. fool D. actor)12. Mol Iy didnt w

31、ake up even though her alarm clockran offran offran offwent offran offwent offC .took offD. turned off()13. Cindy invited meto her house for dinnerthis weekend.C .took offD. turned off()13. Cindy invited meto her house for dinnergoto go i ngwentto goD.goto go i ngwentto goD.)14. It was such anjoke t

32、hat everyone felt)14. It was such anjoke that everyone feltreallyA. embarrassing;A. embarrassing;A. embarrassing;embarrassedB. embarrassed;embarrassingA. embarrassing;embarrassedB. embarrassed;embarrassingC. embarrassed; embarrassedembarrassing; embarrassingDid you see Tom at the airport?No. His pIa

33、nebythe time INo. His pIanebythe time Ithere.has taken off ; gottook off ; had gottook off; gothas taken off ; gottook off ; had gottook off; gottook off; gothad taken off;took off; gothad taken off;gotSundaySundaySunday16. WiI I you take partafternoon?inSunday16. WiI I you take partafternoon?inthe footbaI I game onYes, but it has beenYes, but it has beenYes, but it has beenbecause of the rain.A.refusedB. control led C. canceI IedD. servedA.refusedB. control led C. canceI IedD. served)17. Emi Iy1s new books are very popular. They werein an


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