



1、2022-2023学年山西省吕梁市第二中学高三英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Besides rockets, students _ robots, model cars and other machines they had made at the Beijing Aviation Museum.A. showed off B. speeded up C. brought in D. gave out 参考答案:A2. Hello, Sally. Hows everything going? _.AThe same to you BI cant agree more CThats rig

2、ht DSurviving参考答案:D3. -How was your dinner date, dear?-Very nice. _ A. Much more than I could have imagined B.I cant wait to have it againC. Could have helped myself to some more D. If they had served better参考答案:A略4. The course about Chinese food attracts over 100 students per year, _ up to half are

3、 from overseas. A in which Bof whom C with which D for whom参考答案:B5. The selfless village doctor treated whoever came to his family without any _. A. cost B. charge C. payment D. price 参考答案:B6. The Chinese expression “No zuo no die” has been so _ used on the Internet that it is included in an America

4、n online dictionary of slang.A. particularlyB. politelyC. clearlyD. commonly参考答案:D7. China is a reliable partner, because we always honor our.A.commitmentB.qualityC.cooperationD.virtue参考答案:A句意:中国是一个可以信赖的伙伴,因为我们一直信守我们的承诺。commitment意为承诺;quality意为品质;cooperation意为合作;virtue意为美德。8. The reign of the next J

5、apanese emperor will be known as “Reiwa” (令和) era, in _ name the character for “harmony” is included.A. whichB. whatC. whoseD. as参考答案:C【详解】考查定语从句。句意:下一个日本皇帝统治时期将被称为“令和时代”,在这个名字里包含着寓意“和谐”的字。先行词为“Reiwa”(令和) era。从句中name前缺少一个形容词,只有选项A和选项C可用做形容词。但是A. which强调“哪一个”,C. whose强调“谁的”。定语从句前没有出现选项范围,故选C。9. Mr. S

6、miths decision to attend _ ceremony tomorrow can be seen as _ gesture of his intention to improve the relationship.A. the; the B. the; a C. a; a D. a; the参考答案:B10. Pop star Taylor Swift on Wednesday made officials described as a generous donation to the Foundation, helping the survivors of domestic

7、violence.A. whatB. itC. howD. that参考答案:A11. Hearing the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games _ _, all the people in the Bird Nest burst into cheers.A. declared to be opened B. declaring to be openedC. declared open D. declaring open参考答案:C12. One cant do extreme sports _ he or she has had some training.Aif Bun

8、less Conce Dsince参考答案:B13. . _, they couldnt make her change her mind.A. Hard as they tried B. Tried hard as they C. As they tried hard D. They tried as hard 参考答案:【知识点】A16特殊句式【答案解析】A。解析:As引导的让步状语从句,使用部分倒装,其倒装结构为: 过去分词/形容词 /名词/副词/动词原形 + as + 主语 + 谓语。故选A。句意:尽管他们努力劝说,还是不能改变她的心意。14. Its wonderful after

9、the rain. The sky is clear and the air is so fresh. _. Lets go for a walk outside on this fine day. A. I mean B. You know C. You bet D. I think参考答案:C 15. Its believed that movies, also_ motion pictures, arrived in China near the end of the 19th century. A. to be called B. to call C. calling D. calle

10、d参考答案:D16. my college years soon coming to an end, I have to decide what I want to do after I graduate. A.During B.With C.For D.Since参考答案:B17. Tomorrow is a public holiday, _our child should get close to natureBut Im afraid she will have to attend a special training course.A. where. B. which. C. as.

11、 D. when 参考答案:Dwhen是关系副词,引导非限定性定语从句。明天是公休日,孩子应该(趁此机会)接近自然。18. _ she come to see you today?Of course,pleaseAnd Id rather she _ me the truth()Awill; informedBCan; informCShall; toldDShould; will tell参考答案:C允许她今天来看你吗?当然好了,我宁愿她告诉我真相考查情态动词本题考查shall用于陈述句中的第二、第三人称,表示说话人的意图、允诺、警告、命令、决心等第二空考查would rather与将来事实

12、相反的虚拟语气,故从句用一般过去时故C正确19. It made Kates parents excited _ Kate entered the final in the tennis match Awhat Bwhether Cthat Dwhen参考答案:C二、 书面表达20. 假定你是李华,正在加拿大访学。你看到杂志上有一篇介绍中国端午节的文章,发现文中配图是赛艇而不是龙舟。请你给编辑部写一封信,内容包括:要点如下:1. 赞赏对方介绍中国文化;2. 指出错误;3. 希望更正;4. 词数100左右。参考词汇:赛艇 rowing boat 龙舟 dragon boat_参考答案:Dear

13、Sir,I am Li Hua, a visiting student from China. Im writing to voice my opinion on your article about the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival.Im much grateful to you for sharing our Chinese culture by introducing Dragon Boat Festival to your people, which will definitely bridge the gap between us two countr

14、ies. However: I found a flaw in die picture that goes with the article. Actually, we dont compete with your familiar rowing boats but dragon boats because dragons are considered as a symbol of our Chinese culture. I sincerely hope you can revise the boat information so that readers will have a bette

15、r understanding of China.Thank you in advance for the efforts you will make.Yours.Li Hua【分析】考查应用文中的书信写作。【详解】题目要求假定你是李华,正在加拿大访学。你看到杂志上有一篇介绍中国端午节的文章,发现文中配图是赛艇而不是龙舟。请你给编辑部写一封信,内容包括:要点如下:1. 赞赏对方介绍中国文化;2. 指出错误;3. 希望更正;4. 词数100左右。分析可知,应该以第一人称为主,一般现在时进行写作。要点已经给出,要求考生根据提纲自己发挥拓展,考生要先想好写哪几点,运用合适的语法规则和词汇把各要点都准

16、确表述出。描述要尽量选择简洁的语言,难点在于选择词汇和句型,可以灵活运用高级词汇和固定短语准确表述。还要用适当的连接词把句子连接起来,这样文章显得更连贯。【点睛】这篇书信类短文的关键在于要点的拓展,同时注意谋篇布局的顺序,运用合适的连接词连接全文,同时选择高级的词汇和语法项目让文章更有文采。Im much grateful to you for sharing our Chinese culture by introducing Dragon Boat Festival to your people, which will definitely bridge the gap between u

17、s two countries.定语从句的运用;I sincerely hope you can revise the boat information so that readers will have a better understanding of China.宾语从句的运用。21. 请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。In recent years, internet voting has become increasingly popular in China. People not only cast on-line votes themselves, bu

18、t also urge others to vote for competitions like the “Most Beautiful Teacher” and the “Cutest Baby”.Li Jiang, a high school student, is invited to vote in the “Best Police Officer” competition, organized by the local government to let the public have a better understanding of police officers daily w

19、ork. Li Jiang visits the website and reads all the stories. He is deeply moved by their glorious deeds. He is already thinking of becoming a policeman himself in the future.Su Hua is invited by his uncle to vote for his cousin in the “Future Singer” competition. He has already received three similar

20、 invitations this week. His uncle tells him that if his cousin wins the competition, the family will win an overseas tour for free. Su Hua likes his cousin very much, but he finds other singers perform even better. To vote, or not to vote? This is a question that troubles him very much.【写作内容】1. 用约30

21、个单词写出上文概要;2. 用约120个单词阐述你对网络投票的看法,并用2 -3个理由或论据支撑你的看法。【写作要求】1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3. 不必写标题。【评分标准】内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。参考答案:On-line voting becomes increasingly popular, and many competitions get people involved in it. It is beneficial to some people, while it puts others into a dilemma

22、over whether to vote or not. In my opinion, on-line voting is an inseparable part of modern life and should be welcomed, since it is no more than a way to participate in public life. It makes no difference from ordinary voting events, in which candidates go around to seek supports. In addition, the

23、Internet makes surveying and voting easy and convenient, regardless of time and space. Furthermore, voting on the Internet makes instant feedback possible. To be honest, voters sometimes feel annoyed, not because they hate voting, but because they are divided between emotion and fairness. Things wil

24、l turn for the better if we can work out some participation rules for people to obey. Therefore, I hold a positive attitude towards on- line voting. (150 words)Possible version two:Internet voting is quite popular nowadays. Many people are somewhat puzzled at the negative side of the voting, althoug

25、h some are quite happy with it, and active in doing it. In my opinion, internet voting has begun to show its negative impacts on people and society. Firstly, people may feel forced when asked to do things that they dont want to. Secondly, voting of this kind does not depend on the strong points of t

26、he competitors, but rather on how many social-networking resources they have. Thirdly, the voters or even the competitors in many cases are possibly taken advantage of by the organizers for commercial purposes.In short, internet voting, to some extent, is unfair, if not immoral, and cannot be truste

27、d. Therefore, rules should be worked out and strictly observed. Everyone in our society should help those in need, but it is more important to be sincere and earnest.(150 words)【名师点睛】本篇范文很好地完成了所有任务。文章结构合理,层次分明。第一段总结归纳短文内容提出网络投票很流行,给人们带来好处同时也有不利之处。第二段提出个人观点并给出理由,两篇范文中正反观点明确,论据有力;第三段中提出合理化建议;时态和人称运用准确

28、无误无误,全文无中国式英语思维,体现出很高的运用语言的能力。从写作技巧来看,文章中使用了较多的复合句,如定语从句. in which candidates go around to seek supports.状语从句.if we can work out some participation rules for people to obey.同时文章中串联词运用较为合理,如in my opinion、in addition、furthermore、to be honest等等。三、 阅读理解22. You are enrolled in a full time school called “

29、life”. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or hate them, but you have designed them as part of your curriculum.Why are you here? What is your purpose? Humans have sought to discover the meaning of life for a very long time. What we and our

30、 ancestors have overlooked, however, is that there is no one answer. The meaning of life is different for every individual. Each person has his or her own purpose and distinct path, unique and separate from anyone elses. As you travel your life path, you will be presented with numerous lessons that

31、you will need to learn in order to fulfill that purpose. The lessons you are presented with are specific to you; learning these lessons is the key to discovering and fulfilling the meaning and connection of your own life. As you travel through your lifetime, you may encounter challenging lessons tha

32、t others dont have to face, while others spend years struggling with challenges that you dont need to deal with. You may never know why you are blessed with a wonderful marriage, while your friends suffer through bitter arguments and painful divorces, just as you cannot be sure why you struggle fina

33、ncially while your peers enjoy abundance. The only thing you can count on for certain is that you will be presented with all the lessons that you specifically need to learn; whether you choose to learn them or not is entirely up to you. The challenge here, therefore, is to align (与保持一致) yourself wit

34、h your own unique path by learning individual lessons. This is one of the most difficult challenges you will be face with in your lifetime, as sometimes your path will be completely different from others. But, remember, dont compare your path to the people around you and focus on the difference betw

35、een their lessons and yours. You need to remember that you will only be faced with lessons that you are capable of learning and are specific to your own growth. Our sense of fairness is the expectation of equality the assumption that all things are equal and justice will always prevail. Life is not,

36、 in fact, fair, and you may indeed have a more difficult life path than others around you, deserved or not. Everyones circumstances are unique, and everyone needs to handle his or her own circumstances differently. If you want to move toward calm, you will be required to move out of the complaining phase


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